As a BUFF skill, True Love is indeed a very powerful skill. After all, it can completely copy the other party’s attributes, which is quite terrible. And this copy is not just a simple copy, but a copy after superposition. In my opinion, it means superimposing the attributes of the husband and wife, and then directly multiplying it by 2 and dividing it equally between the two people. After such processing, the attributes of each person are equal to the sum of the attributes of the previous two persons.

This effect can be said to be ridiculously strong, because if Christina and I are a husband and wife, we will definitely be scared to death when our attributes are superimposed. Of course, we are unlikely to adjust this attribute. To change the marriage relationship. However, even the result of superimposing the attributes of me and Rose is definitely quite scary. The more important point is that after the attributes are superimposed, both people can share the skills of the other, and once the skills are shared between me and Rose, the effect will definitely be scary.

As the strongest resurrection mage in the world, Rose can theoretically rescue anyone on the premise that the magic is not empty, because the resurrection mage is not the same as the priest. The job of the priest is mainly to replenish the player's life value before the player's life value reaches the bottom, and to maintain the player's various auxiliary states to ensure that the player can face the battle in the best state. However, although the resurrection mage is the same as the priest in terms of support, they are completely different from the priest in terms of life healing.

The job of the pastor is similar to that of a doctor, that is, trying to prevent people from dying when they are not dead, and the resurrection mage is like the ghost in Yama Palace who specializes in the work of returning abnormal dead souls. Messenger, their job is to bring you back to life after a person dies.

The difference between these two working methods determines that the priest will never resurrect the mage. Once the priest is not fast enough, the blood replenishment speed will not keep up with the consumption speed, which will cause the death of the player, and the resurrection mage does not worry about this at all. When the player is fighting, they simply don’t care, as long as the player throws a resurrection technique after the death of the battle, it will be over. Although the resurrection technique also has the problem of success rate, this is something that can be improved by training. The situation controlled by the player's own technical prowess is completely different.

It is precisely because the revival mage has this innate advantage in rescuing players, so if I merge with Rose’s attributes and use common skills, I can continuously resurrect my familiars in battle, and one I believe everyone can imagine what the beast trainer is always resurrecting. That's why I said that this attribute is very strong, which is simply outrageous.

However, although this attribute is powerful and scary for people who can use this attribute, it does not make much sense for the entire country. As I said before, there are very few when this skill can really affect people. Normally, this attribute is not used at all during leveling. When it is available in a battle, the father and the father will definitely be arranged separately because of their different professions. Unless a husband and wife squad is set up in the guild, this BUFF can be said to be a complete display. It looks pretty good, but it's useless. Of course, I can at least be sure that I can use it occasionally. But even for players like me, this attribute is not always available, because Rose itself belongs to the guild logistics manager, so I'm impossible to take her everywhere. It's okay to ask her to come out and do a task with me once in a while, but it won't work forever. Rose’s role in logistics and internal affairs is much greater than her role in combat, so even if Rose’s battle strength is raised to the same level as mine, I’m impossible to take her everywhere.

After reading this True Love Invincible, there is only one last attribute left in the BUFF sculpture.

This last attribute is much more reliable than the first two attributes.

The second attribute of BUFF sculpture "Unexpected joy" and the third attribute "True Love Invincible" are both unreliable attributes. One is unstable, and I don’t know what effect it can produce. , The other is a complete look, looking at the cow, it is useless type.

Fortunately, the last attribute is a good attribute.

The fourth attribute of this BUFF sculpture is called: psionic strike.

This attribute is a more reliable one attribute. Its attribute effect is to absorb the Soul Power of the enemy you killed in the battle, and then generate extra lethality when you next attack. This setting can be said to be quite simple, but the effect is tangible and tangible. In fact, I have seen this attribute before, and it worked well after using it for a while.

The characteristic of psionic strike is that the stronger the enemy you killed before, the more terrifying the output of your next attack. Although this BUFF sculpture did not give a specific conversion rate, I have seen this skill before. If the skill attribute on the BUFF sculpture is the same as the one I saw at the beginning, the conversion rate should be almost 10%. Anyway, the attribute I encountered was like this.

This 10% conversion rate is actually to put 10% of the health of the last enemy you killed into your next attack. For example, the player you killed last time had a total of 3,000 health points. This 10% is 300 points. Then when you attack someone next time, the other party must first reduce the damage caused by your normal attack, and then pay To reduce these three hundred points of health.

This effect can be said to be quite good. Although it can only inherit 10% of life each time, it can reduce the opponent's life value by about 10% at one time by transferring to the next enemy. This is absolutely is very useful. On the one hand, 10% of the health value itself is not too small. On the other hand, many players’ large-scale skills require that they be released only when their health value is full. If you can reduce the enemy’s health by a portion each time, this way When the opponent comes up, the chance of giving you a big move will drop drastically, which ensures that you will not be dropped by others. In combat, this is quite critical, especially in the case of large corps combat, at least 20% of the actual battle strength can be increased for oneself.

After reading the four attributes, Christina and them all said that the effect of this BUFF sculpture is not bad, but the intermediate Level 2 level is really uncomfortable. As for the problem of upgrading... at least I have to finish four things before I can start thinking about it.

The first of these four things is that you must first find gold coin, Masaka Matsumoto, and August.

In the previous BUFF mission, Masaka Matsumoto didn’t know what to do, and the four of them disappeared. Before I thought they were stuck in a certain position in the mission and didn’t meet us, but now After the entire mission, the three of them still didn't appear, which is not normal. In any case, these three are the important battle strengths of our guild, especially Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun. Although their battle strengths are not as good as gold coin, Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun are me anyway. After abandoning a lot of energy and supporting it, the effect in Japan is much greater than the high level battle strength of gold coin. So, even if you can't find the gold coin, you have to find Masaka Matsumoto and Akatsuki first.

In addition to this, there is another thing that needs to be completed first to expand the task of BUFF sculpture.

Currently, the BUFF sculpture in our hands is an unexpanded BUFF sculpture, which means that the BUFF attribute of this BUFF sculpture is only for players in the guild, not for players from all over the country, and what we need is a BUFF sculpture that can be effective for players all over the country, so this extended task must be done, and it needs to be completed as soon as possible.

The expansion of this BUFF sculpture is the second thing, and the third thing after that is to investigate the current situation in each country in the world.

Before, because system suddenly released relevant information about the BUFF mission, all the major guilds in various countries hurriedly gave up the foreign war and went back to deal with the internal problems of the country, because everyone knows that once This BUFF mission began to produce practical results. The country that received the BUFF effect first must be able to achieve an overwhelming advantage over other countries, so everyone desperately went back and quickly accelerated the integration of their own country’s power first, and then as soon as possible. A national-level BUFF can be used to level the BUFF attributes of other countries, so that the balance of power in the war can be rebalanced.

Of course, if you don’t develop BUFF missions, you can actually prevent others from doing missions. It’s just that this approach is destined to be passive from the very beginning, because you prevented it. One country cannot stop all countries in the world. As long as one country gets the reward of the BUFF mission first, you are already behind others, and then you have to work hard to chase it. The price you pay is not at first. The price is so simple.

Because everyone is now busy rushing to complete the BUFF mission of the country and the domestic guild, it is necessary for us as the first guild to receive the BUFF mission reward to collect those hostile countries The intelligence to figure out where the progress of others is. This is very important for our future strategic layout, so we can't delay.

Finally, if the first three things are completed, then I still have a personal problem to solve, that is, I have to find some strengthening tasks to improve my personal strength. Christina’s recent strength has improved too quickly, which made her and my battle strength rankings always be for a while. You one after another will meet me, always changing up and down will give me a certain prestige. Because of the influence, it is necessary for me to strengthen my personal strength.

Although the four things are in order, I don’t necessarily have to come personally for each of them, so I still need to study the specific situation before making action arrangements.

"Christina, Zhenhong, have you two contacted gold coin?"

I just asked Zhenhong and said: "I have tried several times. It's useless."

"Would you like to try offline?" Christina asked.

"Is the gold coin missing?" Rose is also an attribute of the BUFF sculpture just now, and came over when I asked about the whereabouts of the gold coin.

I nodded and said: "After entering the map where the temple is located, I completely lost contact, and Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun are also gone!"

"All are gone! Yes? Didn’t come out after the mission?”

Christina said: “Matsumoto Masaka doesn’t know if they have come out after the mission. Maybe they’ve already gone to Japan.”

True Red immediately said: "Then ask. Maybe the gold coin was also sent to Japan. Maybe we entered the mission in Japan. At the time, since Sakurayu Kamika and Chi Fire Dragon Hime were sent back to Japan, it is difficult to guarantee that Matsumoto Masaka and the others will not be sent to Japan with Sakurayu Kamikaze and others?"

< p>"Something makes sense." After I finished speaking, I connected to the Shinto Army directly: "The God of Military, help me ask if I saw Masaga Matsumoto in Japan."

"Wait a minute."

About two seconds later, the military god said directly: "Sakurayu god young has asked for a call, and I have already connected you."

Just after the voice of the military god is over, I heard the Yingyu god young man. Anxiously asked: "Chairman, have you seen Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun? We haven't seen anyone since we came out!"

"What? Not on your side?" I He also asked anxiously: "Have you seen gold coin? She is gone!"

"Maybe Matsumoto Masaga and the others are together!" The voice of Chi Fire Dragon Ji suddenly appeared. The channel said: "The three of them did not appear in the last scene of the mission before, and now the three of them are missing. It is hard to guarantee that they are stuck together!"

"But BUFF The task is an instant task. It should be closed automatically after completion?" Christina said: "We are all out. The task must have been closed. How could there be anyone in it?"

" Isn't it because the mission hasn't been closed?" Ying Yu Shen Chi asked.

"I don't know about this." Christina said: "We are all out too, who knows what's going on inside! But according to general practice, there should be no people getting stuck in the mission. Yes."

"The card is definitely not stuck." I said: ""Zero" uses intelligent management. The main system has artificial intelligence and will not make such low-level errors. There will be no situations where players are stuck somewhere and cannot get out. And if they are really stuck, do you think the three of them will not go offline and tell us?"

Anyway "Zero" is just a game after all. In case, if you really get stuck in the game, based on Matsumoto's experience, of course, they will go offline and use other communication methods to talk to us first, but they are all now If it is not offline, it means that it is not stuck, but the task is going on.

"Then shall we go down and contact them proactively now?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked.

I thought about it for a while and said: "It's okay to ask, so that we don’t have to guess here."

After the decision, we will choose True Red as the representative to go offline and use the phone mode to ask. Let’s take a look at Masaga Matsumoto and Gold Coin. After about ten minutes, it was really red and went online again.

"Are you connected?"

True red nodded and said: "The three of them are all together, now in a completely independent new mission."

"New mission?"

"It is the extended mission of BUFF sculpture."

" Shouldn't we reopen the mission application and complete the extended mission of BUFF sculpture? ?" I asked in surprise.

True Red shook his head and said, "I don’t know what’s going on. Time is too short and I didn’t ask clearly, and Masaka Matsumoto and the others are probably at a loss! Anyway, they know what they are doing is BUFF. The sculptural expansion mission, and it has already reached one third or so."

"Is it pretty fast!"

"The main task is relatively simple." Zhen Hong said: "It is said that the previous task is almost novice level. They almost completed one third in a cutscene."

"How do they know how much they have completed?" Christina asked.

System tasks are usually without detailed prompts, so the player usually does not know how long the task is until the task is completed. If you don’t know the total length of the task, naturally you don’t know yourself. It’s a simple truth. However, according to Zhenhong, Masaga Matsumoto and the others obviously know how much they have completed. This shows that they are very clear about the task flow in the future, but this is not a system task. normal circumstances.

Zhen Hong said: "They said that the extended mission is different from the general mission. After entering, they have a general goal. Their general goal this time is to collect a thing called tears of happiness. Vial, now there is one third."

"That means that one third is collected in the task props, but the total progress of the task is actually unspecified." Christina concluded.

True red nodded and said: "It's almost like death. But they said that the previous tasks are very simple, and there is no trend of increasing difficulty so far. If there are no accidents, there will be three or four. They can do it all in ten minutes."

"Then what shall we do? Wait for them or consider doing something else first?" Christina asked me.

Rose directly said: "If you have something to do first, I am going to deal with the logistics work in the down meeting anyway. I brought people to support you in the guild before. The work here is all Throw it down. If you don’t deal with the goods at the port for a while, you have to pile them outside the warehouse!"

After saying hello, Rose greeted us and left, and I was thinking about the rest. What to do about the matter.

If what Matsumoto Masakah said is normal, it means that not only do we no longer need to complete the task of finding Matsumoto Masaka and gold coin, but also the expansion of the BUFF sculpture. No need to do it. In this way we can save a lot of things.

If the first two things can be ignored, then the rest is only the two things of intelligence gathering and improving my personal strength.

Of course I don’t need to do the intelligence collection work. Just talk to the military god and let the personnel of the peripheral intelligence team do it. In this way, there is only one thing that I really need to do by myself. I thought there were a lot of things, but now it doesn't seem to be that troublesome.

When I was thinking about things that turned out to be not very complicated, didn't expect followed by an accident.

Rose can't walk in two minutes, and Yingyu Shenchu ​​suddenly contacted us.

"What's the matter?" I just cut off the communication and suddenly received a communication from Yingyu Shenyou and the others. It makes me feel very strange.

Sakura Rain God Hina said very quickly: "Chairman, something went wrong on our side. Just one minute ago, a public mission appeared on Japan’s side, the content was to intercept gold. Coin completes the expansion task of the BUFF task. According to the task list, Song this Monarch and August Xun have been counted as the interceptors in the task, and there is a task schedule on it. Now the task progress is indeed completed. one third."


This is not good news. According to the report of Yingyu Shenchu, the expansion task of this BUFF task is actually the same as BUFF The task itself is the same, not only allows the player to complete the task inside, but also allows the outside player to enter and block the task. However, since there is a task interception, there should be task assistance. After all, the person on our side is gold coin alone. If a large group of players from Japan enters the task, gold coin will be even better. It is also impossible to complete the task by one person with the interception of so many people? Therefore, if the system wants to ensure the fairness of the mission, since the blocking mission of Japanese players is opened, then we should open the help mission to us simultaneously.

"True red, you are fast. Go to the mission hall to see if there is an open notice to help gold coin complete the BUFF mission expansion mission."

True red A complied turned around and summon jumped out of the long spear directly, and then flew over at a very low altitude. Originally, Isinger was not allowed to fly in accordance with the regulations, but now he can't manage that much.

The mission hall is a kind of functional building that players often need to visit, so it is usually built in a location with convenient transportation and a lot of people. The mission hall of Isinger is actually in this place where we are. The next block of the square. Zhenhong rode the long spear to the door of the mission hall in just ten seconds, and then retracted the long spear in the air. He almost flew into the hall by inertia.

As soon as I landed in the mission hall, I immediately looked at the big screen and found that there was too much information to find, so I turned my head and rushed to a counter next to me, regardless of the crowds there. He jumped to the back of the counter, and caught the NPC in the surprised eyes of the surrounding crowd while shaking desperately, shouting: "Help me check if there are any tasks related to gold coin."

" You mean the funding task?" The NPC obviously didn't figure out which gold coin this gold coin was.

It was really frustrated for a while before he reacted and said: "I'm talking about our guild player gold coin. Please help me check if there are any tasks related to her, or national-level BUFF tasks. Information is okay. Hurry up, this is the order of the chairman, most urgent."

The people around were really angry when they saw the red jump in the line, but suddenly they calmed down when they heard that it was an urgent task. Someone urged the NPC to check it quickly.

The NPC also knew that this was an important matter, so he quickly opened a crystal port on the table to start querying information. Not to mention, it only took a few seconds for this NPC to find the information.

"It's actually there!" The NPC zoomed in on the information while talking, and then the people around saw the task information appearing on the crystal screen in front of the table.

Zhenhong went up and took a look, and then immediately said: "Okay, tell everyone not to pick up this task randomly, we must arrange it and then act together."

"Okay. Yes, I will block this task first.” When NPCnodded agreed, Zhenhong had already jumped out of the counter and ran out. After ten seconds, she came back to our side.

"Boss, there really is a mission. It was refreshed a few minutes ago!" Zhen Hong started to shout before he even landed.

"Are you sure it is the BUFF mission?" Christina asked.

True red nodded and said: "I have seen the task details, it is the expanded task of the BUFF task, and it shows that the people who need to participate can only be from our guild."

"Limited guild mission?" I frowned and asked, "Is there a limit on the number of people?"

True Red shook his head and said: "No."

"Then That's bad!"

True Red didn't understand why not limiting the number is not good, so he asked: "If we don't limit the number of people, can we get more people in to ensure the safety of the mission? Why do you feel bad? "

Before I spoke, Christina explained to me first: "Because the mission in Japan is open to the whole country, there is no restriction on a certain guild!"

True Hong still didn't react, and asked: "Yes! They don't restrict guilds, but the whole country can enter the mission to block gold coin. Wouldn't it be more difficult for us to complete the mission if we don't get more people?"

Seeing that Zhenhong still didn’t understand, I had no choice but to explain: “Although this mission is carried out simultaneously in Japan and China offshore, it is actually just two opposite mission content of one mission. Many of the settings are interrelated. If we do not limit the number of people here, it means that there is no limit on the number of people on the Japanese side. If we limit the number of people, we will enter a certain number of players, and Japan will also have a certain amount. In this way, the battle strength on both sides can be basically balanced. However, there is no limit on the number of people, which means that all personnel can enter. Although our guild members have tens of thousands, we have so many overseas colonies. People are all evacuated and run to do missions? Therefore, the number of people available on our side is actually very limited. However, players from all over Japan can participate in the mission, so that the other side has a population of 200 million. Even if only 1/4/2021 of them are willing to participate in this mission, there will be 50 million. Do you think there are enough people in our guild to fight against these 50 million people?"

"Why didn't I expect! Isn't this getting more and more dangerous?" Zhen Hong became anxious after reacting. There is only one guild on our side, but the other party can enter the whole country, and this is still a task, so NPC can't help, which causes our guild to have a lot of high-end battle strengths. . In this way, once a large group of players from the Japanese side sign up for this mission, I will almost certainly fail.

Just as we frowned and thought about what to do, Christina suddenly said: "In fact, I think things may not be that bad."

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