The second attribute of this sculpture is simpler than the first, but the content of this attribute is a bit strange.

The content of this second attribute turned out to be called: unexpected joy.

Looking at the name of this attribute, many people may not be able to guess the specific content of this attribute. In fact, when we see the specific content of this attribute, we do find that this attribute and our original There are some discrepancies in ideas.

Unexpected joy, the content of this BUFF is not actually used for combat, but a regular type of attribute, its main function is to change the player's lucky value.

We all know that this thing of luck is illusory. It seems that it cannot be changed, but it is in the real world. All the rules and operating rules in the game world are controlled by the game system. Therefore, although the lucky value cannot always keep you in a super lucky state, it can actually affect many states of the player.

Take a simple example. In battle, the player's attack power is not a constant, but a range variable. As long as you check your own attributes, you can find that the attack power column writes how much to how much, and these two amounts respectively represent the minimum attack and maximum attack that the player can output when the player does not use the skill. However, every time the player really hits an enemy, the actual output is of course impossible variable, because once you attack the enemy, how much damage the blow will cause, it can only be a specific number, so in turn it proves the player’s The attack power is also a fixed system when it is output instantly, but this fixed value changes every time. The two values ​​in the attribute column are used to limit the scope of the variable.

Based on these circumstances, it can be concluded that the player’s actual attack output should fluctuate between the maximum and minimum attack power, and this specific number is completely random. If in reality, random numbers are a kind of probability problem about luck, but in the game, this probability can actually be affected. At least the person with high luck value will get closer to the maximum value each time his attack output, and even the maximum value often appears. Reproduction, if the lucky value is extremely low, even when it becomes negative because of certain curses, the player may even have the lowest output every time they attack.

In fact, in addition to attacks, there are many things that luck can affect in the game. For example, the quality of the prizes obtained when doing the task, the triggering probability of the encounter mechanism in the task, and even whether or not you get special treatment from the NPC in the city have a certain relationship with the lucky value. It can be said that people with high lucky points are indeed lucky in the game.

Because the lucky value can affect a very wide range, this data is absolutely useful data for everyone, but the attribute brought by this BUFF sculpture this time is a bit strange .

This attribute called unexpected happiness does not directly increase everyone's lucky value as imagined. If that is the case, then I would definitely think that this attribute is quite awesome. Because the attribute of lucky value is different from the general attribute. The attributes of the players in "Zero" are to set a basic attribute yourself when you initially create an account. Then, if you don't have additional attributes, then your future attribute is your basic attribute multiplied by the level. This calculation method is very simple and straightforward, but in fact, simply no player has no additional attributes at all.

When you are playing the game, you will get some extra attribute bonuses from time to time, and even if your equipment is rotten, you will at least add a little extra attribute when your whole body is set. In particular, certain equipment will strengthen a certain attribute of the player according to a percentage, which makes everyone's actual attribute points far more than the product of the level and the basic attribute.

However, there is an attribute in the player that is very absolute, and that is the lucky value. The attribute of lucky value is fixed when the character is first created. No matter how many levels you upgrade, this data will not change. Moreover, extra additions to the lucky value in the game are very rare, unless you really have a relationship with the lucky Goddess. An affair, otherwise, the probability of getting a lucky attribute is basically equal to the probability of being killed when an alien flying saucer crashes.

Because luck is so difficult to obtain, everyone's luck is not high. At the beginning, my basic luck was only 7 points, which is already considered a super high level of luck. Later, I got some auxiliary attributes that can increase luck, but my luck value has never reached double digits, that is, less than ten points. Although I dare not say that I am the player with the highest lucky value in the game, at least I can say with certainty that my lucky value is at least the top ten.

Even the top players in the world like me have a lucky value of less than ten points, while most players’ lucky points are actually only between three and five points, which can be said to be three, four, and five. The value already includes more than 80% of the players in the world, and only less than 20% of the players are below or above this range. In fact, most of the 20% of the players are lucky value 2, and the remaining players who are less than 5% of the total number are lucky 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and the rest About 4% of these 5% are lucky 6, and only 1% of people can get data like 1, 7, 8, 9, 10. However, to be honest, I myself am not sure if there are really lucky 10 players.

In general, this lucky value is anyway an extremely rare attribute that is very difficult to control. But on the other hand, as long as this attribute is increased a little, it is quite terrifying data.

For attributes like strength or agility, everyone’s values ​​are at least tens of thousands. The strength of 30,000 or 40,000 of first-line players like me is normal, so add more than a dozen or two. Ten-point strength is not an exaggeration to everyone, because compared to the entire strength value, the ratio of ten to twenty points is really too small. However, the lucky value is different. Everyone's luck is only single digits, and even if this BUFF sculpture only adds a little luck, it will be an additional ratio of more than 10%. This is definitely an incredible change.

However, the key issue is that this unexpected joy is not to directly add a little lucky value to everyone, but to provide a bonus to everyone by randomly increasing the lucky value.

This randomness does not mean that a random number is given to each player. If that is the case, then I guess it is more scary than just adding a little luck. After all, as long as you give a random number, it must have at least one point, and the lucky value has no decimal point, so it is everyone's turn to have at least one lucky value. Such data is definitely more scary than everyone.

The randomness given by this unexpected joy this time is not random to everyone, but random in time.

According to the information recorded in the attribute description, the method used by this attribute is to randomly increase the player's lucky value from one point to three points from time to time, and the maintenance time is also unstable. It is possible that your luck will rise by three points in one breath, and then it will remain unchanged, or it may rise after a second or two and then fall again. In short, the player will be given an indeterminate improvement of one to three points from time to time, and this improvement is not permanent, but may suddenly return to normal at some point.

This weird way of changing attributes is quite strange. I have never encountered adding attributes in this way before. Because this data is random, so I don't know how effective this can be. But one thing is clear, that is, this is at least a good thing, because occasionally there will be cases where the lucky value in the attribute is increased when the prize is taken. If you come across this kind of thing, just take pleasure in it, and you can definitely get a lot of benefits.

Although I'm not sure how much benefit this attribute can add, since it's a good thing, I don't care about it anymore.

There are two remaining attributes, and I started to look down again.

The third attribute of the BUFF sculpture is even stranger than the second attribute. The name of this attribute is actually called: true love is invincible.

To be honest, most of us here were stunned when we suddenly saw such an attribute, because we really don’t know how to understand this attribute. However, after reading the explanation, we even understand the role of this and attributes.

In fact, compared with the previous attribute, although the effect data of this attribute is very scary, the actual effect is actually very weak.

Why do you say that? The answer is simple. Because this attribute is applied to couple players after marriage.

There are not many players who are married in "Zero". After all, this game uses ID to log in, so if you are married in reality, you can complete a simple task in the game. Married ceremony. Even if you are not married in reality, in the game, as long as the intimacy with others has increased to a certain value, both parties apply together and then complete a relatively simple task to get married. Moreover, if both parties prepare enough documents and materials , And does not violate the laws of the countries where both parties are located, and can even go through the actual marriage registration procedures directly in the game.

This simple, interesting and very convenient setting determines that there are actually a lot of players who get married in the game. After all, there are very few people who never get married in reality? Besides, there is another advantage in the game, that is, it is more open than in reality. As long as you are not married in reality, in the game, as long as the intimacy of both parties reaches the standard and both parties agree voluntarily, then you can get married at will, whether you are two men, two women or interracial. It is even said that players and NPCs get married. Anyway, there are no unnecessary restrictions on this aspect in the game. As long as the two parties agree, the intimacy is up to the standard, and both parties are unmarried, then you can get married directly. And, as long as you complete a more complicated special task, you can also get a special marriage. This kind of marriage does not refer to the same-sex marriage or marriage to another species, but refers to a multi-person marriage. This marriage model is a cross-mixing of one man and several women, one woman and several men, or even multiple men and multiple women. There is almost no limit except that the total number cannot exceed ten.

Thanks to such a degree of freedom of marriage mode, the marriage rate in the game is actually higher than in reality. Under such a ratio, it is said that this attribute can be very useful. However, it's actually not the case at all.

Although there are many husband and wife files among players, the problem is that it is difficult for both husband and wife to act together frequently in battle. The original husband and wife file was indeed a frequent activity of couples, but the problem is that with the change of the game process, although the husband and wife files are still active together during normal play, the problem is that they must be used for national wars or guild wars. Arrange troops, and in this case will be assigned to different places according to the professional characteristics of the player. To put it simply, if you are a warrior and your wife is a priest, you two must stand together because you have to stand in the front, and your wife can only be in the back.

The attribute in this BUFF sculpture is actually an attribute for national warfare, which is specifically used for large-scale battles. Although it will usually take effect, the problem is that the players in the country are the same. You have someone. There are also, so the BUFF sculpture is of little significance to domestic players, and the effect will only be reflected in the battle against foreign players. However, most of the battles against foreign players are large-scale battles, and there is very little friction between small teams, and even if there is friction between small teams, it is still a matter between high-level personnel. For ordinary players, there is no Too much meaning.

The attribute on this BUFF sculpture is strong, not because of how powerful the attribute is added, or how exaggerated the value of the added attribute, but because of its coverage, which can improve everyone's overall strength at the same time . This is the true essence of BUFF sculpture. But this true love invincible attribute is almost useless in large-scale battles. Do you think it is a very useless attribute?

However, if you change the direction, if you happen to run into a husband and wife gear, it is really useful.

The effective condition of this attribute is very simple, that is, it must be a couple of players who complete the marriage ceremony in the game, and the distance between the two parties cannot exceed one hundred meters. This kind of requirement is basically to tie the husband and wife together, and they must always accompany each other in the battle, and cannot be separated.

As long as this distance requirement is met, both husband and wife players in the battle can get the support of this invincible attribute of true love, and the effect of this attribute is two in total. One is to provide a skill, the name of the skill is True Love Invincible, the activation effect is the invincible state within ten seconds, and the hero mode I got is almost the same attribute effect, but the time is a little shorter, but the skill limit is very small , It doesn't take any magic, and it can be used continuously, except for a one-hour cooling time, there are no other restrictions at all.

In addition to this skill similar to the invincible state, true love invincible has an effect that both spouses can carry out attribute connection. This effect is absolutely abnormal, I think it is even scarier than my hero mode, because it can make Rose and I become each other in a short time. In other words, Rose can completely copy my attributes, and in a short time it is equivalent to two me appearing on the battlefield. What a terrifying effect is this?

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