One of the two remaining effects in Hero Mode is called Absolute Strike.

This absolute strike is not actually a damage effect, but a setting to ensure that the attack is effective. Because there are many different types of targets in the game, for example, the existence of Spirit Physique is not subject to physical damage, for example, the existence of nothingness can only be hit by spatial strikes, and there are some weird existences that often require special attack methods. Can hit, and will produce some very special effects.

But here, because there is an absolute strike, every time I attack, I will definitely hit the target. Of course, this will definitely mean that I am hitting, not that I am confronted indiscriminately. A fist in the air is counted as a hit, but it means that as long as I am actually aiming at the opponent and launching an attack, and there is no success in evasion or blocking, the attack will definitely take effect, and it will not be affected by any special attributes. . Regardless of whether you can enter nothingness or no entity, you can be squatted and beaten on the ground in hero mode.

The first three or four effects of the hero mode actually only increase my survivability and the ability to launch attacks, so what is the strength of this buff skill? Just on the fourth or fifth ability.

The last ability of hero mode is called mimic attack.

This mimic attack does not mean that I can release the opponent’s skills, but that my attack power can simulate the opponent’s attack power, and this attack power is not simply copying, but borrowing the opponent’s foundation After calculating the difference between the attack power and my basic attack power, all my attacks are strengthened according to the mutual probability, and if the difference is less than one, then this attribute can be automatically cancelled, that is, it will not take effect.

The last one may be a bit difficult to understand, but it is easy to understand its meaning as long as you compare the data.

For example. I played against a big boss in Divine Race. Or to be more specific, just say that Anubis and I slashed each other.

Assuming my base attack power is 100, then Anubis' base attack power is about 1380. Don't think that this data is far from the imagination. Yes, when I actually played against Anubis, I felt that I was not much weaker than Anubis, but that was because Anubis’s divine force attribute was invalid for me, so when he faced me , The attack output may be only 138, losing the 10-fold increase of divine force. In addition, because I am a player, my attack skills are richer and my combat methods are diversified. Therefore, in terms of comprehensive battle strength effects, Anubis will not feel that Anubis is much stronger than me. Of course, the most important point is that Anubis has never actually played against me with meet force with force. In most cases, he has kept his hands. After all, it is also a famous god who deserves a name. Wouldn't it be too fake if it was really so embarrassing?

According to the calculation method of this hero mode, the ratio of Anubis's basic attack power to mine is 13.8. This data is greater than one, so it will take effect. So, no matter if I launch any attack on Anubis, the actual attack power of this attack will be multiplied by 13.8, which is equivalent to 13.8 times my attack power.

Does this data look scary? This is not over yet.

The hero mode will not only strengthen the attack according to the ratio of the opponent's attack power to my attack power, but also increase my attack power by an additional 50,000 points of base damage. This is mandatory data and will be added directly.

According to the integration of these two data, my final attack power will definitely cause quite serious damage to my enemy, because my attack is multiplied by his own attack power ratio, and one The ratio of existing self-attack and self-defense and health will usually not be too far apart, which means that everyone’s attacks are actually quite fatal to oneself. Therefore, if my attack power is increased to a state close to the opponent's attack power, then my attack must be quite serious to the opponent.

Although this strange setting method seems a bit troublesome, it guarantees that I can show a lethality that is enough to deter the other's life when facing any powerful enemy, even that guy’s. The attribute is hundreds of times that of mine, no problem, because my attribute will be automatically appended to the same level as him. In other words, this ability can be completely understood as a setting that is strong when it is strong. Of course, because when the ratio is less than 1, this attribute will not take effect, so my attribute is not weaker when it is weak. It still has an overwhelming advantage, after all, the forced additional 50,000 attack power is not for nothing.

Combined with so many attributes, it seems that the hero mode is already very strong, but when you think about it, you will find that this is very strong? This is clearly invincible!

Although the absolute blow allows my attack to hurt the opponent, it doesn't seem to be so scary, but what if it is linked to the second ability of the hero mode, "movement of will"?

With my reflex nerves, it is easy to attack thousands of times in one second. Although I basically couldn't do it before, it wasn't that I couldn't think of it, but that my body didn't react at that speed and couldn't keep up with my thinking. However, it's different in hero mode. I can burst out quite terrifying speed, coupled with the attack power that is enough to cause serious damage to the opponent, in this state, I can actually kill anyone in an instant, even the high-end existence among the gods, in this state It is estimated that it will not last long under the mode.

It can be seen from this that the hero mode is absolutely and very incredible ability. Once activated, I have the ability to instantly destroy most of the high-end existence, at least it can instantly counterattack and war. The balance was pulled back.

Three BUFF attributes, these are all the reward attributes I brought out from this BUFF mission. Although it does not seem to be much, the enhancement effect on my attribute is too significant. The simplest proof is that as soon as this thing comes out, the battle strength data I showed on the battle strength list is a certain distance from Christina. Of course, this distance is still not too big, so I still need to find a way later. Strengthen yourself. After all, I got some buffs, and Christina is not nothing.

After reading the rewards here, I focused my attention on the barely human-shaped sculpture at the back. Although I have finished my own reward, the purpose of this thing seems to have not been finished. According to the benefits I got, the effect of this thing It shouldn't be too food is right, after all, is it the final reward from the BUFF mission.

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