Following the direction of Kristina’s fingers, I quickly noticed the changes on the mountain. Starting from us, all the tree spirits will automatically move towards the top of the mountain. It separates to the two sides, and then forms a passage like a boulevard. Of course, this so-called boulevard does not actually have a flat ground, but the trees on both sides are not bad at all.

Looking at the avenue that suddenly appeared automatically, the fool knew that someone on the mountain wanted us to go up, but to be honest, I really didn't make a good decision about whether or not to go up.

Originally, whether we go up the mountain first or enter the village below, this initiative is entirely in our own hands, and this choice is not burdensome, but now the situation has become a little strange.

The unknown existence on the mountain gave us this way, which means that the other party wants us to go up the mountain, but according to my own ideas, in fact, what we should do now is not to go up the mountain but to sweep the nearby villages. Collect as many crystals as possible. Whether it is the psionic crystal or the red Life Essence, it is actually a very useful existence for us now.

I don't know how to decide, I simply talked to Christina and others about my own thoughts. Of course, there is another reason to go down the mountain to raid the monster because I think you can find the missing Matsumoto and the others by the way. Our team is currently missing three people, which is definitely a huge loss of battle strength. High level personnel like us know better than ordinary players what is called tactical coordination. Therefore, once high level players get together, the battle strength played out is often in the form of product, which is completely different from the superposition of battle strength after ordinary players gather. concept. For us, the loss of three people is not only the loss of the battle strength of three people, it is a huge impact on the overall strength of all of us. Take the additional auxiliary magic just now for everyone. If the gold coin is here, I will definitely not let the Yingyu Divine Younger come to add status to us. Compared with Yingyu God, gold coin has much more support ability. This alone has caused us to lose a lot of battle strength.

However, finding all the personnel is not something that you can find if you just look for it, so I didn’t include this as the main consideration, but even if you don’t consider Matsumoto’s problems, it’s just those monsters. The provided crystal itself has a very big appeal.

Kristina and Zhenhong hesitated a little after listening to my thoughts. If the follow-up development of this task doesn't have any cheating settings, generally speaking now is basically equivalent to looking for the boss to take the initiative to fight. After all, the scope of this mission map is so large, and our main mission direction is mostly at the temple on the top of the mountain, so as long as we go up the mountain, it is basically the decision of the BOSS battle.

Assuming our speculation is correct, then going up the mountain is obviously not a good idea, because it is common sense to clear the mobs before the BOSS battle. Doing so can prevent the BOSSsummon mobs from coming to station during the BOSS battle and interfering with our plan of encirclement and annihilation. Second, cleaning up the mobs first allows us to get some additional benefits, such as upgrading to a level and restoring the state. This is the special role of the mobs.

Now the ghosts in the villages under the mountain can basically be regarded as mobs, and most of the bosses live on the mountain, so normally we should go down the mountain and clean up the mobs first.

However, normal conditions are not necessarily normal in this task. Taking into account the cheating settings encountered before, this BUFF task seems to be completely different from the outside task. Its task structure is quite chaotic. There is simply nothing for you to consider. I have felt that the task is completely fighting two things— -Character and strength. If the strength is not enough, those monsters can toss you to death in minutes, and if the character is not strong enough... then be prepared to be trapped to death in the maze!

So, based on the cheating setting of this BUFF mission, we can't guarantee that the boss on the mountain is the boss, and the mobs under the mountain must be mobs. This task may even hide the BOSS in an ordinary room in a certain village down the mountain, and the mountain may be the necessary pass items or attributes to defeat the BOSS. Anyway, all of this depends on the task settings, and there is no The slightest information can be used for reference, the only thing we can do is try one's luck just guessing.

"Anyway, there is no reminder to think about. Why don't we toss a coin to decide?" Really red suggested.

Kristina immediately said: "Rather than throwing a coin, I would rather go down the mountain first. At any rate, I can get more crystals, and one thing will not change, that is, there are more enemies under the mountain, and The average strength is very low, which is conducive to the battle strength of a large number of summon creatures of President Purple Moon."

Kristina’s words are the point. The number of my summon creatures is amazing. Among these summon creatures, except for the familiars that can participate in the BOSS battle with me, the other summon creatures are basically decorations. After all, the strength of Death God Guards and Qilin warrior is too low. It is no problem to form a battle formation against ordinary players or NPC army, but it is a bit difficult for them to deal with BOSS.

After listening to Christina’s suggestion, I just hesitated for a second or two and then said directly: "I've decided, going down the mountain, let's go down and clean up the mobs first."

"But what if there is a boss below?" Chi Fire Dragon asked.

"Anyway, there is no guarantee that you will not encounter a boss fight if you go up the mountain first, so it is the same whether you go up the mountain first or go down the mountain first. Since those uncertain factors cannot be determined anyway, just don’t Go ahead and take advantage of our advantages."

As the president, my position in the Frost Rose League is still unanimously recognized by everyone, so no matter what it is, I usually only need to make a decision. Everyone will not go against it anymore. But after dinner, I rarely act arbitrarily when I'm not sure, and when I'm uncertain, I usually first consider seeking your opinions.

Since I have said so now, Zhenhong and the others naturally have no objection, and everyone starts to go down the mountain.

When we went up the mountain, we only had a few people, but when we went down, we became a whole Legion. Of course, the main members are my Death God Guards and Qilin warrior. These two arms plus one unit have five There are more than 10,000 people, and of course the scale is quite amazing, but because of the serious suppression of this mission, the current Death God guards and Qilin warrior have indeed become ordinary soldiers.

Although my Death God Guards and Qilin warrior were not originally high-level units, after all, units that can summon in units of 10,000 must be impossible, but, anyway, Death God Guards and Qilin warrior are both mythical creatures after all.

Death God’s guards are Anubis’s guards. Of course, this part of me was transformed into power. Impossible is really as powerful as Anubis’s Guards, but, Even so, my summon's Death God guard is still a very powerful magical creature. Although they will become the same combat characteristics as mine after they leave Anubis, Magic and Martial Dual Cultivation plus summon monsters can help, although this makes them lose their strong battle strength as part of the guard, but The diversified battle method has also improved their battlefield adaptability and survivability in disguise. It can be said that except for the absolute attributes, these dog-headed warriors are not as good as the original Anubis Guard army, and they are actually surpassed in terms of personal combat skills and battle methods. Of course, I really want my Death God guards to fight against the authentic Guards of Anubis. It is estimated that any two Guards will be able to kill the Death God guards on my side. After all, they’re Guards. The army are all gods, and each one is Divine Race, so battle strength is naturally impossible to compare with ordinary creatures.

Anyway, my Death God guards are also Shenhua creatures after all, and they have inherited many powerful features from the original Death God guards, such as "fierce and unafraid of death" and " "Won't hurt" such characteristics.

The feature of fierce and unafraid of death is very simple, which means that Death God guards are not afraid of death. These guys were originally the minions of Death God, and being killed was just to go back to their master and make a bend. How could there be Death God guards who would be afraid of death in this case? And how terrifying an army that is not afraid of death is, I believe everyone can probably understand this.

As for the "no injury" feature, the real in-game name should be called "puppet's body". This characteristic does not mean that the body will not be injured, but that any non-fatal injury is meaningless.

Suppose a Death God guard was cut across the stomach by the enemy during a battle. If it were an ordinary creature, it would definitely be bloody, and the internal organs might be spewed out seriously. However, this kind of attack is meaningless for Death God guards. Even if you cut tens of thousands of knives on his stomach, it's the same. Simply won't cause any harm to this guy. Similarly, piercing attacks are useless. No matter how you pierce him, there is no problem, even if it is sieved in a short time. These Death God guards can still continue fighting as if there is nothing wrong with them, and the wounds will quickly disappear within a few seconds. Conditions such as severed limbs and cuts in the waist have no meaning to Death God guards, because their bodies are not injured. Even if you cut off his entire arm, these Death God guards can grow a brand new one in a few seconds.

Of course, although this puppet's body looks great, it is not immortal. The advantage of puppet's body is that unless there is a powerful attack on the deadly vital part, or the health value is completely cleared, otherwise it will never be injured. This feature is quite powerful, because once a normal creature is injured, the battle strength will drop, especially when the arms and legs are missing, the battle strength is almost gone. However, the existence of puppet's body characteristics, unless the life value is completely gone, otherwise, even if there is only a drop of blood, the battle strength will be as unaffected as full blood. In addition, puppet's body can actually be regarded as a defensive feature, because the actual damage caused by their body after being attacked is far not as strong as that of ordinary creatures. Adding a hole in a person’s stomach and the blood loss is 100 points, the same wound appears on the owner of the puppet's body, and the blood loss is at most ten points, and the wound will heal immediately, and it will not produce much. Damage, this setting will undoubtedly reduce the speed of the battle blood loss of the existence of the puppet's body, but they can withstand more attacks with the same health value, which is definitely a quite terrifying characteristic.

Except for Death God guards, my Qilin warrior is not a normal creature. Qilin warrior is actually a branch of the Chinese Celestial Army. To put it bluntly, these guys are celestial troops and generals, but they are not the main force, but a special branch. Compared with the full version of celestial troops and generals, my Qilin warrior is much weaker. This is mainly not a battle method problem, but the absolute attribute is too low. After all, the units capable of a large summon must be weakened. Otherwise, it will make me summon tens of thousands of fully formidable power version of celestial troops and generals, let alone players, even if the main god of Divine Race comes, I can give it a hand. Chi stood by and watched him being piled alive by my summon creature. Therefore, system impossible allows such a situation to happen. However, even if registration is restricted, Qilin warrior is still a very strong unit, at least they are all mythical creatures, and the battle strength is still very guaranteed. Of course it's not good to go head-to-head with players, but if you are dealing with ordinary players, you can usually guarantee a 50% win rate if you hit one of three or five, which is pretty good.

However, although both the Qilin warrior and Death God Guards are very strong units, it is a pity that these two units are now suppressed and are almost out of shape. Think about how tough I was in my heyday, and then look at how many attributes I have left? Just think about it and you can understand the status of Death God Guards and Qilin warrior.

If the physical fitness data of humans in reality is attributed to the game, the current Death God Guards and Qilin warrior are probably equivalent to the battle strength of the ordinary infantry of ordinary troops in reality. , And it is also a type of cold weapon. Even the scouts in ordinary troops in reality are stronger than the current Death God guards and Qilin warrior. It can be seen that their strength is suppressed and terrifying.

Of course, although the suppression is very serious, the Death God Guards and Qilin warrior are not completely useless. At least they have a lot of people, and if necessary, they can kill some enemies even if they use a lot of people. Besides, these two arms also have a very good feature, that is, they are originally deified creatures, so they have direct attacks on Spirit Physique creatures, so you don't have to worry about encountering ghosts that cannot be defeated.

After unifying the order, we began to march down the mountain, and the first target was a village next to the village where we were before. We plan to use this as a marker, and then push all the way clockwise around the foot of this mountain, so as to prevent a certain village from being missed.

My Death God guards and Qilin warrior were the first to move after the order was given, but Christina and I did not move because we were all staring at the top of the mountain. Case.

The existence on the mountain has opened a channel for us, which shows that the other party knows that we are here. Then, if we don't take this path, how will the other party react? There can only be two answers. Either rush down or ignore us.

If the opponent rushes down, then we need to engage in the battle, which is why Christina and I did not go down the mountain first. I don't want to let people make a completely unprepared from behind, especially if we already know the other side's existence.

Of course, the other party may choose to ignore our actions. If this happens, it can be presumed to be two conclusions. One is that the opponent is a big boss, but for some reason he was sealed in the temple on the mountain, so he couldn't come. Another situation is that the other party is not actually a boss, but some kind of existence that is kind to us, and may just want us to go up the mountain to help us. Of course, this is the same as the previous argument, because there is no other information to refer to, so the choice is entirely based on guessing. Therefore, I didn’t think about these things at all. What should I do if I rush down.

Fortunately, there was no movement at all until the large troops on our side descended the mountain, but the road itself was blocked again by the tree spirits.

Since the other party didn't rush down, we just ignored it and went down the mountain to sweep up.

Although we are going down the mountain to sweep up, our actions are very careful. Every time I encounter a village, I let my Death God guard go first to explore the way, because we are very afraid of encountering the boss in which village.

Although we still have no way to determine whether the BOSS is on the mountain or under the mountain, one thing is certain, that is, the BOSS is definitely trapped in a certain area and cannot move. Because the map area of ​​this place is very small, the BOSS impossible cannot detect our existence, so the other party must have noticed us a long time ago. However, the other party has not launched an attack when he finds us. This can only show that the other party simply cannot move and can only wait for us to find the door by ourselves, otherwise there will be no alternative to us. Only in this way can I explain why this guy didn't rush to us as soon as he got up.

Because it is determined that this BOSS is mostly limited in the range of activities, so every time we explore these villages, we first let the Death God guards who explore the road go in and check, and at the same time think of a way to move all the villages The demons and ghosts inside were all attracted to the main road in the middle of the village, and then the soldiers began to swallow these monsters a little by little. The reason for doing this is firstly because of safety, and secondly because I have a lot of cannon fodder now, and I don't need to be cautiously as before.

There are summon creatures to help fight. Christina and I have become an armed parade. After the Death God guards and Qilin warrior, we circled the foot of the mountain and we ourselves simply There was no chance to shoot, and those demons and ghosts were all killed by our demons and summon creatures.

In addition, I have to say that during this period we encountered another big toad that ran away before, but this time this one was not so lucky. Last time, it was because of our lack of manpower and the lack of understanding of the situation, and we were afraid to let go of our hands and feet to fight. Now it is different. We have so many summon creatures, don't we need to be cautious at all, everyone rushed up together one, two, three, and efficiently put the big toad directly over.

Before I discovered that the battle strength of this toad is obviously many times higher than that of other monsters in these villages, and other houses are a house with several kinds of monsters, but the house where the big toad is There is only a toad on that floor, and there are no other monsters. Based on this situation, I judge that this toad is very special existence even if it is not a BOSS. It's a pity that the first toad ran away, so this is just a conjecture and has not been verified. And this time I successfully killed another toad, I finally understand why this toad is so much stronger than other monsters.

In fact, as I guessed, these two toads are special mission monsters. They are the monsters set by the mission itself and must be killed, while the other monsters in those villages belong to the encounter on the road. The monster that arrived can be killed or not, but these two toads can't kill, because after they die, they can get a kind of orb that can resist the sealing effect from their bodies.

According to the introduction on the orb, this thing is actually a special mission prop that exists for the temple on the top of the mountain. The temple on the top of the mountain is actually shrouded by a special seal, anyone can easily enter, but all your abilities will be discounted in half the moment you enter. In other words, if we didn't choose to go down the mountain first, we would go straight up instead. Then we will only have half of the attributes after we get to the temple.

As soon as I saw this attribute, it means that Christina and I were in a cold sweat, because even the current attribute has made us feel quite distressed. If this is reduced by half... …I don’t know how to fight anyway.

However, although the seal is annoying, as long as we have this kind of orb we just dug out of that toad's belly, then there is no problem.

The characteristic of this orb is to resist the seal, but it does not leave you completely unaffected as soon as it comes up. In fact, even if we bring this thing into the temple, we will immediately suffer the halving effect of the attribute. However, as long as we kill any hostile creature in the temple, the orb will absorb a special kind of from the other side. Power, and the specific amount of this power is proportional to the strength of the creature that was killed. In other words, the stronger the creature killed, the more special power this orb can absorb. And as the orb continues to absorb this special power, it will allow our attributes to continue to rise. Moreover, as long as this orb absorbs enough energy, it not only allows us to be completely immune to the seal in that temple, but also allows us to break through the seal of the mission space itself, so that our strength will continue to rise. The specific extent to which it can rise depends on how many enemies we can kill.

From this attribute, it can be seen that this is the key to the BOSS battle, because with our current strength, it is basically impossible to defeat the bottom BOSS, even more how the attribute is weakened by half. Therefore, we have to win the BOSS, then what we have to do is to block the BOSS after entering the temple and not be killed directly, while quickly clearing the mobs and letting our attributes reply more as soon as possible, so that we have a chance of winning.

What? Why can't you sneak into the temple and kill mobs quietly?

Do you still need to ask this question? We haven't even entered the scope of the temple. People can command the tree spirits outside to open a way to let us go up the mountain. This clearly means that the BOSS's detection capability is very wide. In this case, if we want to get in, it is simply impossible. Therefore, as long as we enter the temple, we will definitely hit the BOSS immediately, and what we can do is to hold on to try not to be second, and then as long as we kill more mobs, our strength can be restored, even if it is. Impossible allows us to return to the state of completeness outside. At least we should ensure that our basic battle strength is correct.

After reading the attributes of this orb, Kristina suddenly asked: "Are we going to kill the other toad?"

The main reason for this problem is It's because the number of orbs appearing now is a bit embarrassing.

Now we have five people here, Zhenhong, Christina, Sakurayu, and Fire Dragon, and there are exactly five orbs in the toad just now. At first glance we seem to be one person, which is just enough. However, we are not actually five people, but eight people entered this map. There are also three of Matsumoto Masaka, August Kaoru, and gold coin that have not been found until now. At this time, we have leveled all the villages under the mountain, so it is basically certain that Masaga Matsumoto and the others are not under the mountain. Of course, the probability of the mountain is not great, because tens of thousands of people on our side circled the mountain, even if Matsumoto and the blind are deaf, they should feel the vibration on the ground. So, there are only three situations where they haven't joined us up to now.

First, they simply were not sent to this map with us for some special reason.

Second, Masaga Matsumoto and the others are in the forest made up of tree spirits on the mountain, but they are trapped by some kind of high level monster, so they can't come down and join us. Of course, this probability is not big, because we have basically experienced the monsters here. Except for the two toads, they don’t seem to be very strong. At least because of our strength, there is no mortal danger. Just be careful. So the probability of them being trapped is not great. Besides, even if they are trapped, they won't have the ability to send a signal to let us rescue, right?

3. Masaga Matsumoto and the others are actually inside the temple on the top of the mountain.

The probability of this Third Type situation is actually the greatest, because the first situation is very rare. After all, it was a group teleportation at the time. There is no reason to leave three people not teleporting. As for the second item I just explained, the probability is really not that big. Finally, this third article is actually the most likely situation we think, because the temples on the mountain, the villages below the mountain, and the situation on the hillside are completely two states. Since there is an independent suppressing seal in there, then It shows that its internal situation must be very independent, and since no BOSS is found under the mountain, then the BOSS must be on the mountain. In other words, the temple is protected by a seal that prevents even the boss from getting out. In this case, if Matsumoto and the others are inside, even if they are not caught, it is estimated that it will be difficult to signal us or run out by themselves.

Then, if this Third Type inference is correct, then Masaga Matsumoto and the others have three other probabilities.

First, they have been killed. If so, there is nothing to say.

Secondly, they are not dead yet, but they were arrested. If this is the case, we need rescue, and if they can be rescued, their battle strength will definitely be scarce under that seal. Therefore, when the time comes, not only can they not increase our battle strength, but on the contrary It will become a cumbersome, which obviously won't work. Therefore, we need to prepare some precious orbs for them, so that after rescuing Matsumoto and them, they can have the same strength as ours. Even if they can't share our pressure, at least they won't become a burden.

Thirdly, not only did they not die, but they were not caught yet, but they were dealing with the enemy. If this is the case, of course, it is the best, and once we enter, we must give them an orb to fight the seal just like the second one.

Regardless of the second or third article, Masaka Matsumoto and the others must all need an orb. In this case, there will be a difference of three orbs on our side. So we are not just enough now, but we still need three orbs.

There are only two toads in this map. Obviously, this is a prepared number. Therefore, if we want to enter the temple, it is necessary to find the toad and get the orb in it.

It might take a bit of effort for us to find that toad before, but now that I have so many summon creatures, this problem is not a problem.

The toad ran into the mountain before. This time, we directly asked Death God guards and Qilin warrior to encircle the entire mountain, and then started hand-in-hand investigation. Christina, me and our high level familiars are the commandos. Death God guards and Qilin warrior find where there is a monster, we will quickly fly over and kill it, so that not only can we find the toad, but also You can clean up the last batch of monsters on the mountain by the way.

Facts have proved that our method is very effective, but we found the toad when we advanced to the half-mountain position, and the opponent was found by the Death God guards without the slightest hesitation, directly He swallowed the Death God guard in one bite. However, less than a second after swallowing the Death God Guards, the guy immediately began to vomit out desperately, but the Death God Guards couldn’t spit it out anyway. What it squirted out was just some sand. .

Death God guards are all made of sand, so once they die, they will turn back to sand. That big toad swallowed Death God's guard in one gulp, equivalent to swallowing a pile of sand, it's weird that it doesn't vomit.

Just when the Death God guard was killed, I also knew the location of the toad through induction, so I greeted the familiars around me to kill them quickly. As for Christina and the others, I asked for it. Stay in place and wait for me.

The toad is very fast. After killing my Death God guards, he vomited a few mouthfuls of sand and then turned around and ran. My Qilin warrior and The Death God guards started chasing as soon as they saw that the opponent was about to run. The toad was obviously not afraid of Death God guards and Qilin warrior, so under the premise of active attack on our side, he was immediately angered and started to counterattack.

Qilin warrior and Death God guards are now the actual ordinary person's strength level, encountering this monster-level big toad naturally did not have much resistance, and was quickly killed. Eight. Fortunately, their cannon fodder mission was completed very thoroughly. Although seven or eight died, they at least dragged the toad here until we rushed to the scene.

The toad obviously has some intelligence. After seeing me, he turned around and ran away without saying a word. He obviously remembered that we were not to be trifled with.

We are here to kill this guy this time. Of course, we can't let him run. So as soon as he saw that he was going to run, we speeded up and rushed up. However, the strongest ability of the toad is not to run on the ground, but to jump. Seeing us approaching it fast, the toad immediately charged up again, and then suddenly exerted its force, it was about to make another super ejection. However, although the guy took off as spectacular this time as last time, the scattered shock waves blew all the dryads nearby, but when it just left the ground less than two meters in height, he suddenly saw one. Zhang White's big net suddenly unfolded above it, and then the guy bumped into it before he had any time to react. However, because this guy has too much power, even though it is caught by the net, it still rises up to a dozen meters high, and the reason why it has only risen so much is because there are several of mine hanging on the other side. Familiar.

Actually, I knew this guy would jump and run away, so I let the sickle shoot a huge spider web directly above the opponent, and the result was that the big toad plunged in without any preparation. In the net.

Of course, this toad can transform itself between the incorporeal and the physical, so theoretically, it can easily get through. However, you must know that the speed of the toad when it jumps is not slower than when the mortar pops out of the chamber, so when it finds the big net under the hood, it has no time to transform its body. The result was that the opponent was covered by the big net of sickles.

Although this guy was entangled by the net, because of its great upward momentum, it is entirely possible that it will fly to the sky with a sickle. However, we also know that the opponent’s impulsive momentum is very large. If the sickle wants to capture the opponent’s position for launch, it cannot wrap the spider silk on a fixed object in advance, so the only fixed point is itself. But although the sickle is not very small, the weight of this guy is really not heavy. If you want to use this weight to offset the upward momentum of the big toad, you need to fly a long distance, so we made arrangements in advance.

After the sickle launched the web of spider silk, Lucky and Plague immediately hugged the sickle one by one. As a result, the two dragons were forcibly dragged over at the moment the spider silk tightened. On the ground, several tree spirits were knocked down midway. This shows how terrifying the explosive power of the toad when it takes off.

However, although I was dragged over, the weight of luck and plague was there after all. Although I was dragged a short distance, it quickly stopped, and the spider silk At this time, it was almost to be pulled off. To be honest, this is the first time I have noticed any traces of the spider silk coming out of the sickle.

Although it was dragged back to the ground, the toad did not intend to give up, but the body flashed out of the net. I was entangled in this big web of spider silk just because it was too fast when I took off, and when I saw the

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