In the end, Christina’s auxiliary magic only used six in total. The main reason is that there is not enough time, but Christina considered her own battle afterwards. The strength problem was worried that there would be insufficient magic power, so in the end she only used a small amount of auxiliary spell, but chose to save a large amount of her own magic power so that she could use it in subsequent battles. Of course, the retention of magic is also exquisite, not to say the more the better, the final retention depends on the recovery speed of the magic and the effective conversion rate of Christina's own magic output into damage output.

Because Christina herself is better at calculating in this area, she didn’t ask us at all, and decided to keep more than 40% of the magic power and not used up, and then went to the battle. Before the start, she should be able to recover part of her magic power, which means that although 60% of the magic power was used on the scene, Christina's available magic power is not 40%, but close to full value when she waits for the battle. The ability to calculate such data accurately is itself a prerequisite for magician, because many times you can't know when you will lack magic power, so it is very important for the wizard to accurately estimate the consumption and recovery speed of magic power. This thing is like the country’s annual fiscal budget. If you estimate too much, problems will arise, and if you estimate too little, it will be wasted.

Although Christina did not use too much auxiliary magic power to reserve her magic power, in terms of the total magic power in her heyday, Christina could consume 60% of her magic power with six magic powers. The magic of this is very exaggerated in itself. In fact, the auxiliary magic that I mentioned before is not very expensive. The really powerful auxiliary magic is the semi-auxiliary and semi-protection type spell called "Absolute Law" released by Christina last.

In "Zero", no matter what skill it is, as long as it has a name like "absolute" or "rule", it is a very incredible skill, and generally this kind of skill has a very The characteristic of exaggeration is that it can offset the effects that many general skills can't stop.

The Absolute Law just released by Christina is such a spell, and its effect is very exaggerated. The main feature of this spell is to maintain the basic state of the recipient, a bit similar to the freeze effect.

Simply put it. When an absolute law is imposed on a person, his state is equivalent to being preserved. After that, regardless of the person’s attribute or state change due to any circumstances, this absolute law will modify it to make it Gradually return to the state preserved when the Absolute Law was applied. This situation is similar to the system restoration used in computers, but it is not a sudden restoration, but as long as the attribute changes, it will be restored slowly until the attribute returns to normal.

On the surface, this ability does not seem to be very important, but as long as you think about it, you can find that this spell is actually quite abnormal.

When a person is attacked by an enemy, he will inevitably lose blood, and this blood loss state is actually a change in one attribute. As long as your current blood volume is different from the blood volume when Absolute Law was cast, Absolute Law will work hard to make your blood volume into the state it was originally recorded. Of course, under normal circumstances, it is also impossible to rely on this absolute law to enter the invincible mode. The speed of this absolute law to adjust attributes is actually relatively slow, so it is impossible to rely on this spell to make oneself an unkillable superman.

The correct usage of this absolute law is actually not to take back blood, but to offset the damage.

When a person is attacked, the opponent’s weapon cuts into your body. At this time, it is equivalent to disturbing the original state of your body. Therefore, the Absolute Law will reject the invading foreign body. In other words, in this state, the behavior of the enemy attacking you will actually be partially resisted by the Absolute Law. Moreover, unlike the blood return speed after blood loss, the resistance of Absolute Law is very tenacious and can usually offset the opponent's attack power close to one third. Of course, this is also a proportional resistance, not to say that if the opponent's attack power is below a certain level, you will never be injured.

In fact, in addition to resisting physical damage, the resistance to magic is also the same. Magic attack is actually to use a lot of magic energy to impact your body. In the process, your body's energy balance will be destroyed. This change is also resisted by the Absolute Law. Therefore, the Absolute Law can also resist magic attacks and resist. The effect is better than resisting physical attacks.

However, the increase in magic and physical resistance is not the most important thing, and more importantly, it is state resistance.

What is the most dangerous thing in the BUFF mission? Of course, it's all those messy BUFFs. Like the kind of zombie that we have encountered before, as long as one kills one will reduce our attack attribute by a certain amount, it is simply impossible to start. If you really fight with them, although you can kill these zombies in large quantities at the beginning, our attributes will become weaker and weaker in the later stage, and in the end, you can only be abused by the zombies. So, if you encounter a monster with a particularly annoying attribute, if you don't have some special protection methods, it is simply impossible to fight.

The ability of this Absolute Law is to maintain a stable state of the subject, and BUFF is also a state-type magic. Whether it is beneficial or harmful, it is a state change, that is, the Absolute Law will go. Attribute of resistance. Although the Absolute Law cannot completely offset these state attributes, it can reduce the effect of these states by half when they are attached immediately, and then this state attribute will be weakened very quickly, probably only maintaining the normal maintenance time. This state will disappear completely within one-tenth of the time. It can be seen that this absolute law is almost like a body armor in a mission where every monster has a super buff.

"Very good, now our condition is guaranteed." Looking at the attributes on my body, I said to Christina very satisfied.

True Red looked at my summon creature covering the mountains and plains and asked: "Why are we half now? Go to level those villages or go straight up the mountain?"

The area of ​​the mission area full of ghosts and monsters we are now in is not large, except for a mountain in the center, which is a circle of villages on the outside, and the area beyond is an unknown area that is completely inaccessible. It should be because the map is so large that it is not allowed to pass. . Although we still don't know what this mission wants us to do to send us to this place, since the map is so big, the situation is very simple. As long as the village under the mountain and the temple on the top of the mountain are flattened, one of them must be the ultimate mission goal, so I am not worried about this at all. The difference is the question of which side to go first.

While I was thinking about how to arrange it, Kristina and others didn't expect the problem first. "President, it seems you don't have to think about it, someone will help you make a decision." Christina said to me, pointing to the mountain.

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