After the formation of the line of defense is completed, the first step is to test whether this line of defense can really withstand the impact of the zombie sea, and we have an obvious advantage in the experiment now, that is in front of you. The invisible barrier below this slope.

Zombies are all blocked behind the barrier below. No matter how longing for our flesh and blood, these guys dare not step beyond the thunder pool. Therefore, the benefits of experimenting with the defensive line are obvious here. As long as there is a little problem, we can let the team back, and then we can rest assured and boldly regroup.

If you have such a good advantage and don't make good use of it, and adjust the defense mode of the front line to the best state in advance, it would really be a waste of the natural advantage that the system has prepared for us.

Anyway, the plan has been worked out. I ordered the three lines of defense to be completed immediately, and then the next step is to move forward.

"Are you all ready?" As the boss of Ringtone Knight, Skye will naturally act as the defensive line commander at this time, coordinating Qilin warrior with Death God guards and ringtone Knight. With regard to coordination issues, as long as there is Skott, the three arms can be perfectly unified.

Following Scott's loud questioning, the combined Death God guards and Qilin warrior in the first row immediately let out a neat roar, and then the shield formation took a step forward. With an astonishing step in the imposing manner, the first row of shields completely crossed the cordon and entered the reach of the zombie group behind.

Although the entire front line forward is only one step forward, it is this step, and that is the difference between Heaven and Earth. With the step of this step, the entire shield array immediately became like a boat in the rainstorm. A huge force suddenly slammed on the shield wall in front and issued a loud explosion sound. The Qilin warrior holding the shield tilted backward because the attribute was relatively weak, but fortunately, there was the Death God guard next to him. He helped in time and finally did not let this row of Qilin warriors fall. Knight also found the problem with the ringing tone at the back, and immediately stepped forward with his arm against the back of the Qilin warrior in the front row to help them stabilize their center of gravity. However, although it was not overthrown, the shield array was forcibly forced back.

"Boss, this doesn't seem to work!" A bell-tone Knight turned and said to Scott.

Scott also seemed to agree with Knight’s point of view, turning his head and looking towards me and asked: "Should I replace the Qilin warrior and Death God guards a little bit? All use Death God near Guard? The Qilin warrior attribute is too low to stop the zombie tide!"

I thought for a while and said: "But I don't have a suitable army to replace them!"


In fact, speaking of which my pet can use strength of oneself to withstand the entire line of defense is not a few, but the problem is not in strength, but in battery life. There are indeed many individuals in my familiars who can block the entire line alone, and can easily move forward, but the problem is that these familiars are unique and unmatched, even if I let them work in shifts, I can’t wait. At the end of this passage we will face a situation where no soldiers are available. Therefore, the strength of the familiars is indeed sufficient, but the battery life is very problematic.

Death God Guards and Qilin warrior can produce amazing durability under the huge weight brought by their numerical advantages. As long as they can stabilize the defense line, the sacrifice speed is definitely within my tolerance. When the first batch of Death God Guards or Qilin warrior die out, I will definitely refresh the second batch here, so that there is no shortage of staff, and it can be said that it completely solves the battery life problem. . However, it seems that this method is good, but now it is a pity that both Qilin warrior and Death God guards seem to be too low-level to support this line of defense.

The zombies on the opposite side may not be more powerful than Death God Guards or Qilin warrior in terms of power alone, but the problem is that they are not one or two, but there are almost infinite numbers, so many zombies. Squeeze forward together, even if the loss between them can consume a large part of their strength, but the remaining strength will still produce a huge thrust when concentrated together. Unless we can get a row of bulldozers here, we will have to stand up to this group of zombies and move forward. It is estimated that the probability is not great.

Kristina looked at me and asked: "It’s really not good, do we want to try another method?"

"But the problem is that we did not break out in a short time. Question, but what should we do once we are tired?" Gold coin asked.

True Red is also nodded and said: "The boss’s method is no problem. The key is to find a solution so that the shield formation composed of Death God Guards and Qilin warrior can advance safely."

After Zhenhong finished speaking, Skot suddenly looked at me and asked: "Would you like to try that stuff?"

I looked towards Skot and asked, "What is the thing?" ?"

"It’s the plow cart used to attack the city."

"Plow cart?"

Scott thought about it or thought I didn't know how to say it, and then let me directly open the door of the earth, and then let the Qilin warrior inside push a car out for us to see for ourselves.

To be honest, I simply don’t remember what plow carts are, but after seeing this thing, I suddenly discovered that this thing seems to be really suitable for use now.

This plow cart is not a thing used to plow the land, it is actually a siege machine, and the structure is super simple. As long as the structure of this thing has only two parts, one is the chassis and the other is the shield wall.

To put it simply, the chassis of this car is a huge frame with four wheels installed, but there are many horizontal beams inside. Each row of beams can allow a row of soldiers to stand behind and push the car forward. That is to say, although the front width of this plow cart is only about five meters, it can only allow eight or nine soldiers to stand in a row. Because it has many beams, you can use several rows of soldiers to push this thing together, so that the frontal impact will be evenly distributed to all the soldiers behind, instead of only the first row of people can use it.

Although this design is simple, it solves the problem that the Qilin warrior and Death God guards are too low and have insufficient strength to withstand the zombie tide in front. Moreover, in addition to this design, this plow cart also has a great design, that is, there is an eighty-degree inclination shield wall on its front, and there is a horizontal platform on the whole shield wall to allow long-range troops. Stand up, this is simply ultimate weapon!

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