There is no doubt about the magical zombie. Although the magic wave surrounding the wand has not been formed yet, the surging magic power on it has shown that this zombie MM is indeed magical, and I can already be sure that this magic is released by zombie MM itself rather than stored magic.

Like the mobile angels of our guild, although artificial souls are used, they theoretically have the basic conditions for releasing magic, but in fact, the magic used by mobile heavens is still very small, only a few Both are also pre-stored touch type magic. These pre-stored types of magic are all carved using magic arrays, and they can be released immediately by charging the magic array. The advantage of this method is that it starts quickly and has a small burden on the soul, because there is no need to think and call the magic structure. As long as you find the corresponding magic array interface and charge it, you can directly release the magic, without thinking at all. And control.

Of course, this kind of magic also has disadvantages, that is, this kind of magic is not flexible enough to control the size and release range of the formidable power at will. Because the magic is released by the magic array, the form is fixed, just like an assembly line product. Under the premise that the concentration of external magic power does not change, the magic array released by the magic array will have exactly the same formidable power no matter how many times it is released. The magic released by the creature's soul itself is actually slightly different every time. But if you think about it the other way round, this shortcoming is actually not an advantage. After all, magic is mainly a means of attack, just like the bullet of a gun. If the formidable power and range of each bullet fired by a gun are different, it is difficult to imagine the actual effect of this weapon. On the contrary, a gun that can ensure stable performance is the best weapon.

When we determined that this zombie MM would release magic, the magic was finally completed. Only the delay magic of 0.5 seconds was completed, and it was not a few spells that flew out, but a rather amazing fireball technique.

To be honest, zombie’s magic is already very strange in itself, and it is actually the spell that zombie should least learn—the flame system. You must know that whether it is in the West or the East, zombies are a kind of Yin Attribute creature, and their characteristics should correspond to Earth Element or Water Element. Of course, the Undead is the main attribute, but Fire Element is a bit irrelevant. . A zombie who can fire spells is not much more reliable than a skeleton soldier who can use great healing techniques. Anyway, it is a strange thing.

Because Zhenhong’s previous request was to let this zombie MM continuously release all the spells she could, so this zombie MM didn’t stop casting spells. After the big Fireball Technique flew out, she immediately began to prepare for the second one. spell. At this time, I found another strange problem, that is, this zombie MM does not seem to have a spell interval. After most spells are released, there needs to be a casting interval. This interval is not a cooling time, but a simple interval. It is the minimum interval between two discontinuous spells invoking the same magic. The reason for this phenomenon is temporarily unclear. But it does exist. Of course, it is not unbreakable, because Christina has no such interval. The world’s first fort was not blown out.

The zombie MM immediately began to prepare for the second spell after releasing his first spell, and this time the spell is not actually an attack system, but a strange halo type spell. According to the previous order of True Red, the magic released by zombie MM should be released in the order of lower to higher mana consumption, which means that the mana consumption of the second spell should actually be higher than that of the first spell, but in fact this After the second spell was used, the effect was very cryptic, and we didn't even feel any obvious magical fluctuations.

Because there is no sound and light effect after the spell is released, there is only a breeze, so Zhenhong had to stop the zombie MM from continuing to cast the spell, let her explain the function of this spell And effect.

The IQ of zombie MM is obviously enough to answer the question, so we soon learned the specific effect of the magic that zombie MM just released.

This is actually a large-scale environmental control spell, the effect is similar to the basic ability of European zombie-pollution.

Zombies in Europe have the ability to pollute any creatures they come into contact with, especially divine creatures. If those higher beings fight zombie for too long, their power will continue to be lost, and eventually they will even become as useless as an ordinary person. Therefore, when dealing with zombie creatures, most Light Element existences will consider borrowing the existence of other lines to fight, because they are not afraid of pollution, or have high resistance to pollution, and will not lose battle strength quickly.

However, the difference between the spell used by this zombie MM and the pollution of the European zombie is that the spell of zombie MM is an active skill and must be released independently, not a passive skill. The pollution power used by European zombies is an instinct and cannot be controlled at all. As long as someone approaches a certain range, it will be affected and cannot stop at all. However, this ability of zombie MM is always in a dormant state, and it will not produce any effect if it is not used. In addition, the scope of action of this skill is much larger than that of the European zombie's pollution coverage area. It can almost cover a small battlefield with a radius of 50 meters, and this ability can be superimposed, and the maximum effect can reach a single zombie release. The formidable power of this skill is fifty times. As for the specific role of this skill... It's very simple, it is to make all enemy non-dead creatures in the area map show some conditions such as fatigue, inattention, and weakness of limbs. Of course, the formidable power of a single zombie to release this kind of spell is so weak that it is almost impossible to feel. However, once it reaches fifty times the formidable power... the recruited person will probably become in a state of having a high fever, and both physical fitness and battle strength will decrease significantly.

I have to say that this ability to control the field is quite practical, the key is that this skill is very concealed, and there is almost no defensive probability. It is said that the effect of this spell is similar to that of infectious diseases. Unless the enemy adds a sealed Formation that can isolate the exchange of internal and external air before contact, it will not be able to resist the effect of this spell. Moreover, this spell does not seem to be affected by ordinary spell resistance. The only attribute that determines the ability to resist this skill is actually physique, which means that this skill is really similar to infectious diseases. Only those with good physique can resist, while those with poor physique can resist. Non-melee professions like those mages are simply not resistant at all.

After that, the zombie MM showed us her other magic one after another. There were about a dozen spells used before and after. In addition to the previous auxiliary system, there is also a protection system called Death Cloud. All the rest are offensive magic. It can be said that the zombie mage is a professional turret and basically has no other abilities. This is not like the characteristics of a general mage, but more like an artificial existence, because their spells are all selective spells, basically They all belong to the kind of spell that has great lethality on the battlefield and is especially practical.

For these spells, the main feature we have summarized is that almost all of them are offensive, and they are all commonly used battlefield magic. In addition, we found that zombie MM gathers magic faster than ordinary wizards. , Of course not as exaggerated as Christina, but it is still very fast compared to the average wizard. At the same time, these zombie MMs also have a very abnormal ability, that is, their magical power recovery speed is obviously much faster than normal people, at least it is impossible for ordinary players to demonstrate a dozen magics and still have half of their magical power.

After all the spell experiments were over, we got all the zombie MM lying in the coffin. In view of the command needs, we handed over all the mages to gold coin. Originally, Christina was the Legion-level mage. Not only did she have a lot of experience with division, but she could also use the Legion-level spell. But now because everyone’s attributes in this mission are severely restricted, if Christina is allowed to continue to lead the group, it may affect her personal spellcasting ability, and gold coin itself is a semi-legal system, plus the current mode Under the premise of not wasting magic power, gold coin’s battle strength simply can’t be played out. Basically, it’s soy sauce. It’s better to make full use of human resources to direct division.

Those ordinary male zombies don’t have weapons, but they still feel like melee, so I and Zhenhong each took about half, and the rest was left for Christina and gold coin. This is used as a self-protection meat shield, anyway these zombies are cannon fodder.

After all the zombies were taken out, we unexpectedly found new sarcophagi in the front passage. After the last passage, we counted them. There were more than 200 spell-type zombie mages. One, and the number of melee-type zombies is quite scary, more than double the number of spell-type zombies, that is, a total of five hundred, which is really scary.

We feel very strange that there are so many zombies rewarded to us in this task, but since so many zombies have been given to us, we are also impossible! So in the end, we can only bring all the zombies, and then become a grandiose army and start exploring and advancing in this lower mausoleum.

At first, we thought that no matter how big a mausoleum was, it would be like that, but then we soon discovered that our ideas were a bit too simple. This huge mausoleum is much larger than we thought. After collecting those zombies, we entered into a lot of passages with forks, but there is no dead end for these Dao Foundation. In the end, no matter how you go, you can connect to the main passage, and there are no such forks at all. Any dangerous device, such as a mechanism, feels like a mere passage.

In such a huge mausoleum, there are no organs in it. This is actually very abnormal in itself, but the diversions here are not completely useless. At least we found a lot of rooms in the fork road. Most of these rooms will have some funerary objects, but most of them are earthen jars and the like, which look very tattered and completely useless. However, good things are not without them. For example, we have collected a lot of medicines.

As mentioned before, the medicines brought from outside cannot be used in the BUFF mission, and it is useless if it is used, and it will not produce any effect. The medicines obtained in this task can be used normally. Therefore, the medicines we found in these small rooms became our biggest receipt along the way.

When we got a few pills from General Qiman before, we still felt that we made a special profit. Now we find that these pills are completely worthless. Although it can’t be said that there are everywhere in this Underground Palace. , But the number is really very large. We have collected more than three hundred potions for supplementing magic power alone. In addition, there are about two thousand other kinds of pills. Most of them are blood potions, but there are also a few that are very important for the purification of buffattribute. There are more than a dozen potions, even those precious potions that can ignore the BUFFattribute within a certain period of time after taking it.

So many medicines make us feel very strange, because if the mission is to benefit the player, it is generally not given so much. Besides, these mission-heavy medicines are only very weak The type of medicinal power can be used even after the BUFF mission is brought out. The number of corresponding points supplemented by these medicines is not at all useful to us who are fully restored, even if we swallow dozens of them in one mouthful, supplement The value of is not as good as an ordinary pill bought at any store. Therefore, these medicines are simply special medicines in the BUFF mission and cannot be regarded as character rewards at all. So, here is the problem. Since these things are not mission rewards, they can only be the necessities of the mission.

Some missions will temporarily provide some help to the players after they are about to face the super difficult big BOSS. For example, first give you a buffer period for you to return all states to full, or Directly prepare some benefits for you, so that you can improve a certain strength in a short time, anyway, it is to arrange some benefits for you to improve your chances of survival in the next battle. However, this benefit is often not absolute. The advantage of the smart game system is that all settings are not dead. The system will adjust the difficulty of your task to a certain amount according to various variables in the player's game process.

Everyone knows the strengths of Christina and I. Compared to ordinary players, our battle strength can be said to be very exaggerated. However, even in this case, the system still benefits us continuously. First, a large group of zombies are sent to us as thugs, and then so many medicines are given. This is the rhythm of eating stubborn meals! What kind of stuff is so difficult in front of us, even our current strength makes the system feel that it will be difficult for the system to give more things. This is not only strong, this is simply abnormal battle strength!

As more and more medicines are found, we are more and more certain of our own judgment. There is definitely something extraordinary in front of us, and that thing must exceed our four. The sum of each battle strength is a lot, otherwise the system would not be so kind to prepare so many things for us to increase our strength.

Although we are very worried, we can’t give in at this time, only brace oneself, and system probably thinks that we are almost ready, and soon let us see that test us s things.

"Mother, Mia!" We walked well in the tomb below, and we suddenly encountered a door, and it was still an automatic door. When someone stood up, the door would open automatically, and it would automatically close as soon as they walked down. . When we stood at the door, the door opened automatically, and we collapsed directly after seeing the situation inside.

Behind the gate is a downhill with an inclination of about 30 degrees. Behind this downhill is a very long, very long corridor. The length of this corridor has grown to It is beyond our sight, and the distance extends to a place where we can't see it at all, not because of the turning of the passage or the darkness, but because it is too long, and the far end has exceeded our sight.

Of course it’s nothing if it’s just long. The point is that the 20-meter-wide corridor is densely packed with something that looks like a movie that is transformed by a biochemical virus. Zombie for the living dead. These things are different from ordinary zombies. Most of them still look like human beings, except that the clothes on their bodies are somewhat tattered, and they basically maintain the basic appearance of a human being. Apart from the hollow eyes and bloodthirsty rays of light, the only possibility that these guys are different from humans is that their expressions are more distorted.

It’s such an undead creature. It’s actually full of people. It’s not crowded in the usual sense. It’s like a bus during the rush hour. It’s just like people. The human condition. If ordinary people fall into the battle, let alone fight, if you can turn around, I'll be the one who suffers.

The zombie army with such cheats starts from under the slope in front of us and extends to the passageway beyond our sight. The number is at least millions, and this is only what we can see. Part, how many behind it is still unknown. Not to mention that our attributes are weakened. Even if it is not weakened, it is definitely not an easy thing to kill in such a place. However, now we do not have the attributes in the complete state, nor enough helpers and room for maneuvering. This is completely a dead-end setting, and there is no opportunity to seize every opportunity at all. A 20-meter-wide passage can’t be considered spacious at all, but it’s not narrow, so blocking intersections or kite-flying tactics are all useless, because there is not enough strategic space for you to fly a kite, and the passage is not narrow enough for you to fly a kite. The point of being off. In this case, there is really no other way but to fight to the death.

Of course, some people may say that they can climb over the top of the passage, anyway, zombie rarely jumps.

We have also thought of this method, and we almost immediately thought of this method. However, in fact, this method is basically impossible to achieve. It's not that we can't climb up, it's not that we can't hang upside down and move, and the height of this passage is really high enough for us to hang on it without being touched by things below. But, everything is useless, because we don’t have the physical strength to hang upside down on the top of the tunnel and climb this tunnel that is longer than the marathon track. Instead of falling into the zombie pile after being exhausted, we might as well go straight down and fight with them. . Although the frontal width of 20 meters is not too narrow, as long as the plan works together, the zombies we have obtained before can actually form a neat front for strong push. Of course, this process will definitely be very laborious, and it needs to be carried out in rotation, and the time will inevitably be very long. However, all this is not a problem, because in theory, as long as we control the rhythm well, we can actually push it all the way. After all, I am different from ordinary people. In addition to those zombies, I have tens of thousands of Death God guards. For summon, with the supplementary speed of Death God's guards, I can completely lead the team forward for a certain distance, and then change to Death God's guards to carry for a period of time, slowly rest and recover, and wait until our rest is over. Replaced Death God guards to continue advancing. Using this kind of steady and steady approach is to foresee safe passage through the entire passage, which is much more reliable than climbing over.

In fact, we haven’t fully decided what to do with the group of things in front of us, but they suddenly became agitated, but these guys seem to be blocked by some unknown force from the slope in front of us. Below, despite their angry roars, but there is no way to come over, it feels as if there is a fire sea ahead, not that they can't enter, but they are afraid to enter. Those creatures that look like zombies seem to be afraid of stepping on the slope. Even if they are accidentally pushed up by the companions behind, they will immediately scream and jump down, and simply don't dare to go up.

Of course we have to make good use of this situation. The twenty-meter-wide channel is actually quite wide, so I summoned the tank and all my familiars who are good at long-range strikes and bombarded the zombie channel in turn. The purpose of course is to reduce zombie as much as possible. We simply have no way to advance this kind of person-to-person situation. As long as those zombies flood in, we will definitely be buried alive in an instant, so we must first reduce the number of zombies in order to pass.

Although my familiars are weakened very much like me, after all, their original strength lies there. In this absolutely safe environment, using the huge might skill to wash the ground is quite powerful. , At least after one bombardment, most of my familiars have exhausted their magic power, and the remaining zombies in the front passage have finally become sparser, and in some places there are even segments of blank areas.

With these activity spaces we can finally start fighting, but we still need to make final preparations before that.

Although I have already decided to fight, I have no plans to just rush into the melee. I am different from ordinary players. I am an animal trainer, and my summon creature is the main force, so what I am best at is not one-on-one, but group fighting. There are many enemies of this kind, but when the battle strength is very general, the easiest way to deal with it is to directly open the battlefield to charge a Legion like a battle, but considering the terrain and other factors, I finally chose Roman phalanx.

The advantages of choosing this kind of battle formation are obvious. With a complete frontal shield wall plus the restrictions of the passage walls on both sides, we actually only need to face the frontal enemy without worrying about being There is no need to worry about the problem of the two wings when outflanking. The only thing that needs attention is to maintain the complete structure of the frontal shield array, as long as it is not washed away. Of course, it doesn’t matter if it’s really rushed away, because we also have a group of high level monsters and our four super battle strengths. If necessary, we can use big moves and use super mode to temporarily take all the enemies down, and then shield them. We can quickly reorganize behind our backs, and we will run back after the shield formation is completed, so that the position becomes a monolith again, and there is no need to worry about future problems at all.

After thinking about the plan, I started to arrange the shield formation. This shield array is actually very particular. First of all, since the shield formation is a formation, it is not something that can be accomplished by the bravery of one or two people. It requires the cooperation of all the people on the entire front contact surface. To satisfy this point, you cannot use my magic Pet. Although my familiars can also cooperate with each other, they are all elite combatants, and cooperation is also the kind of cooperation in combat skills, don't count on battlefields or something.

However, although the familiar is not good, I still have many summon creatures suitable for formation. The so-called formation is originally something used by the army, so it is best to use a regular army for the formation.

There are three types of regular troops here, Death God Guards, Qilin warrior and Ringtone Knight. These three regular forces have their own characteristics. Among them, the battle strengths of Qilin warrior and Death God guards are basically the same, but each has its own advantages.

Qilin warrior is a highly disciplined cavalry unit. It can also fight without the mount, and the battle strength will not decrease, but will increase slightly, but the movement speed will decrease a lot. Compared with other arms, Qilin warrior's discipline is undoubtedly the best, but the single battle strength of this unit is actually not that good. Only when a large-scale battle formation is formed can its battle strength be exerted. Once the order is placed, These Qilin warriors can be said to die very quickly.

Death God Guard and Qilin warrior are different. These guys are infantry soldiers, but because they are too tall and they are half-beasts and half-humans, their movement speed is not much lower than that of cavalry. Compared with Qilin warrior, the battle strength of Death God Guards can be said to be very sturdy. These Death God guards not only exceed the Qilin warrior's battle strength in their own battle strength, but they can also summon two summon creatures to assist in the battle, so that their battle strength is further improved, and these guys themselves are magical, so The actual battle strength is actually much stronger than Qilin warrior. In a small-scale battle, a Death God guard almost wants three Qilin warriors to barely defeat, and in the end, most of the Qilin warriors are injured, and there may even be attrition.

However, although Death God guards have more battle strength than Qilin warrior, and their summons are also considerable, these Death God guards are not suitable for formation. It's not that Death God's guards don't obey orders. After all, it's Death God's personal guard. Its battle strength and discipline are worthy of recognition. The only problem is that these guys don't have any battle formation experience themselves, and they don't know what a formation is. In fact, when the Death God guards on the Egyptian side were fighting, they all played a lot of time. It was just a large group of troops roaring and rushing into a melee. There was simply no formation at all.

Because I haven't used the battle formation before and don't understand this system at all, the Death God Guards are actually not suitable for formation. The best thing these guys do is offense, defense is not their strong point.

Except for the above two units, the remaining ringtone Knight is basically the strongest unit. As a demon spirit, the battle strength of Ringtone Knight is born to surpass summon creatures like Death God Guards and Qilin warrior. Let’s not talk about Qilin warrior. Even if it is a Death God guard, there are no more than ten people who can't think of causing any substantial damage to a single ring tone Knight. If you want to kill the ring tone Knight, there are no more than fifty Death God guards. No need to think about it. In terms of battle strength, Knight has completely exploded the first two arms.

Knight is also impeccable in terms of discipline. Ring tone Knights are all transformed from the undead camp, and although the undead belong to the evil camp, they belong to the lawful race. Discipline is very important to the higher undead. What's more, Lingyin Knight, they were originally the high-level Knights from Dark God Palace, and they all existed with identities. This kind of discipline is already something carved into the bones, and they can easily use it regardless of the battlefield. However, the only problem here is quantity.

I only have 21 ringtones for Knight, which is obviously much less than the other two arms. Compared with the five-figure summon of Death God Guards and Qilin warrior, the number of Ringtone Knights is only 21, which is really shabby. Although 21 people are enough to form a shield formation to block the entire passage, after all, the passage is only 20 meters wide. If 21 people use a large shield, it is still impossible to block the 20 meters frontal width. questionable.

However, impossible does not appear damage during the battle. Even if we use the shield formation, it only increases the resistance of the soldiers in the front row. It does not mean that these people are invincible. Therefore, the shield formation must be replaced in battle, and this is undoubtedly the biggest problem with Ringtone Knight. All the twenty-one ringtones, Knight, just formed a shield wall, and once the first wall was breached, the back would become a Pingchuan, which completely did not meet the requirements. Besides, even if the ring tone Knight is good enough to guarantee that he won't be shielded by the breakthrough, what should I do if someone is injured or physically weak? With such a long passage, even Divine Immortal is impossible to walk from beginning to end with this shield! However, the ring tone Knight is not rotated at all, so although the ring tone Knight is undoubtedly the best choice in terms of battle strength alone, in fact they are simply not suitable for forming a shield formation alone.

There are not enough ringtones for Knight, Qilin warrior is too weak, Death God guards are not good at battle formation, there are really a lot of troubles here. However, these three arms are my summon creatures, so the problems that the general army can't solve are not a problem for me.

The ring tone of Knight is indeed less and cannot be used as the main force of the shield formation. Otherwise, the previous paragraph will definitely be fine, but once one or two of them start to get tired or injured, the line will be completely collapse. Therefore, I adopted a mixed grouping.

First, I mixed the Death God guards with strong single battle strength and the Qilin warrior familiar with battle formations to form the first row of shield formations. This shield formation uses a one-two-one structure, that is, a team of three. The center of this group is a Qilin warrior, and the Death God guards are on both sides. Death God guards are not good at battle formations, but there is Qilin warrior next to them. They only need to watch what the Qilin warrior next to them is doing, and they can do it by themselves. Death God guards are just not good at battle formations, and they are not stupid. They can still complete the battle formation combination with someone carrying them. Moreover, after using the one-two-one mode, you can ensure that as many Death God guards as possible are filled in the first row of shields to increase the overall battle strength of the front.

Of course, a row of shields is not enough. In this way, I also set up the second and third rows of shields behind the first row of shields, and they have two tasks. One is to go up and replace when someone in the first row is injured or tired. The second is that in case the first row of shields is broken through, they will immediately top up to replace the first shield wall to form a new defense system. As for the death god guards and Qilin warrior in front, it’s okay if they really hang up. Anyway, the summons of both are tens of thousands, and a row of 21 people is definitely enough.

The battle formation uses Qilin warrior and Death God guards to form a mixed formation, but the powerful ringtone Knight can't be wasted. These bell tones Knight's working position is also very forward, they are between the first shield wall and the second shield wall, tightly against the back of the first row of shield walls. Their task is to get the chance to attack the zombie outside with long weapons. Anyway, they are familiar with the battle line, and will not destroy the line because of the attack. In case of a problem with the line of defense, Ringtone Knight can also immediately temporarily seal the entrance so that we can take follow-up actions.

Of course, in addition to the defense line composed of these three arms, we have other main forces. For example, after the three shield walls, Xiao San, a giant dragon with three heads, stands by behind.

Although Xiaosan is not the strongest of my dragon pets, he has three heads. This advantage is irrefutable. The giant dragon's neck is relatively long, and the body is tall. If the defense line breaks, they can stretch their heads from above the defense line to spray dragon flames to temporarily seal the entire passage to the enemy behind. Although Long Yan's injection time will not be too long, Xiao San has three heads after all, and the shifts are enough for us to take advantage of this blocking time to regroup.

In fact, no matter it is the junior or the ring tone Knight, they are only used to stabilize the front. The real assault force of this attack band is actually the three of me and Christina, because here The strongest attack is the four of us, so the task of this assaulter can only be us. As for those lines of defense, when we are tired of killing, we are responsible for temporarily supporting the enemy in front of us. The purpose is to let us take a breath and rest.

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