We originally thought that after the road-blocking boulder fell, there should be a lot of corpses crawling out of the coffin to attack us, but the result was obviously different from what we thought.

Those sarcophagi did respond, but the first thing we saw was not the corpse, but a layer of white mist. The fog is very dense, it looks a bit like the kind of cloud effect made with dry ice in stage performances, but the white fog is obviously impossible from dry ice, but it looks really like it.

The fog is obviously heavier than the air. When it comes out of the sarcophagus, it looks like a sea of ​​clouds. The fog that exceeds the edge of the sarcophagus will flow along the edge of the sarcophagus like water. It poured down, and then fell on the ground into a large area of ​​relatively thin fog, but as the older the more the fog gushed out, a faint layer of fog soon formed on the ground, fortunately this fog It did not keep accumulating, but after covering the ground with a thin layer, it did not continue to increase. Although the coffin is still constantly pouring out of mist, the clouds on the ground show no signs of rising. It seems that this thing will naturally dissipate.

After those clouds appeared, we still did not wait for the expected corpses, so that we soon became impatient.

Zhenhong glanced at me, meaning it was obviously asking if I needed to go up and see. I thought for a while or motioned them not to move, and then I started to walk forward carefully.

Actually, the nearest coffin to us is only a few meters away from where we are, so even if my movements were slow, I quickly reached the side of the sarcophagus.

Because the sarcophagus is full of dense fog, even standing on the side of the sarcophagus, I can’t see what’s inside, so I simply stretched my head and took a look to confirm that there was no way. After directly seeing the situation inside, I decisively gave up the plan to see the situation inside, and instead turned to the sarcophagi on the side of the wall.

Different from the sarcophagus placed in the center of the passage, the sarcophagus embedded in the wall are all standing coffins, which means they are all standing. Because these mists have a high specific gravity, they are impossible to cover the entire space inside the coffin in a standing coffin. At least I should be able to see the upper part of the sarcophagus.

The facts are similar to what I thought. When I walked to the nearest standing coffin, I easily saw the situation inside.

Just like I thought, because the coffin is upright, and the front cover is open, the upper part of the interior of the coffin is very clear, and there is no fog to stop me Sight. At this moment, in the standing sarcophagus, there is indeed a humanoid object, and I think this is mostly a corpse.

The reason why it is impossible to confirm whether this is a corpse is mainly because the humanoid object in the sarcophagus is wearing a fairly large robe. This kind of robe has a wide hem and long sleeves. The cuffs are very wide, and the arms are completely covered in the sleeves. Simply can't see the slightest skin exposed, and the hem of the robe below is also dragged directly to the ankle position. You can only see the shoes, but you can't see any skin. The upper part is similar to the lower part. Although the robe is gone only to the neck, the collar of this robe is very high, and it is still that kind of rigid collar. As for this guy's entire neck and a small part of his chin are blocked by the neckline, there is no way to see the inside. As for the higher position... it was a hat similar to the zombie that we saw before with a curtain to cover the face. This hat is also a relatively tall type, but it is not a pointed top, but gradually shrinks from the position of the head circle, but suddenly becomes a flat top at a height of more than ten centimeters, and does not continue to extend upward. However, compared with the zombie hats I saw before, this guy's hat is obviously much more gorgeous. The blue-bottomed hat looks like it is made of some high-grade material, and there is no trace of dirt on the surface, but it is silky and shiny and very beautiful. In addition, there are many rune-like things on this guy's hat, all embroidered with gold thread, and the workmanship is very delicate at first glance, and the zombies that I saw before are not at the same level.

In addition to this hat being particularly gorgeous, the most important thing is that it also has a curtain hanging in front of it, covering the entire face of the suspected corpse, and it is also used on the front of the curtain. The gold thread embroidered a bunch of very complicated runes, and the faint energy fluctuations show that this thing is definitely not for decoration.

Although I can see the general appearance of this thing clearly, because it has no skin on its body and it is motionless, I am not sure what is going on with this thing. As for lying down The situation in those coffins is even more ignorant.

Watching me standing there for a long time, Christina and the others couldn’t help but ask: "What's the situation with you?"

I looked a little uncertain. They glanced at them and said: "I don't know! It seems that there is a corpse, but I don't know why there is no response at all."

True Red is obviously a little impatient, so he ran directly when he heard me. I came over and looked at the sarcophagus I was looking at. After I found the corpse, I didn't ask me, and I just reached out and stabbed it. I immediately took Zhen Hong’s hand and said, "I’ll come!"

Zhen Hong didn’t fight with me either. Since I said I wanted to do it, she took the initiative to give it aside. I turned Eternity into a long stick, and then stood two meters away and carefully touched the arm of the corpse with Eternity.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's body is not stiff. After Eternity ran into it, the thing that looked like a corpse shook, but as soon as my power was removed, it stood up straight again, and didn't want to fall down at all. the meaning of.

Zhenhong and I looked at each other suspiciously. Just now, it has been clearly proved that this thing is something like a living corpse, because if it is a real corpse, it should have been overthrown just now. But that guy would actually find his balance and stand up again after he obviously lost his balance, which can only be done by a living corpse. However, if this thing is a living corpse, they should have launched an attack on us immediately, but now this thing is like we are air, without any reaction at all. This is not in line with the law of action of living corpses.

"President, can you just hook it out with eternity?" Christina suggested from behind.

I thought about it for a while. So the front end of the eternity was turned into a hook with a large arc around the neck of the thing from the back, and then the hook was completely closed by the eternal deformation and turned into a ring that locked the neck of the thing. In this way, the guy is tantamount to being fixed, and there is still eternity blocking between it and me. If it is going to come over, I just need to resist it and approach me impossible.

After enclosing this guy’s neck, I started to pull it out carefully, and that guy didn’t seem to resist me. I just used a little bit of strength on my side, and the other party directly Follow my strength and start to move forward. When the guy first started to move, I was still worried about whether this thing was going to pounce, but as soon as I stopped it, it stopped, there was no intention to take the initiative at all.

Confirming that this guy doesn't seem to take the initiative to act on his own, I just let go of my hand and pulled the guy out of the coffin. On the premise that the other party did not resist, I quickly pulled him to the place where we were. As a result, the other party moved with my power all the way, without any intention of resisting at all.

"This should be a corpse, right?" Christina asked when she looked at the thing in front of her.

I frowned and said: "I'm not sure. I don't smell the corpse odor, and although there is life in this thing, it is not too strong, and it feels very strange."

"Is this zombie conversion going on?" Gold coin asked: "Because the conversion has not been completed, it won't move, and the Death Qi on his body is not too heavy."

"It should be No." I shook my head and said: "The energy fluctuations on this thing are still quite strong. Zombie won't have such a large energy level. Otherwise, if these things are transformed, they will all be BOSS-Rank. "

Gold coin suddenly said at this time: "Anyway, this thing has nothing to do with our task. If they don't move, can we just leave it alone?"

Not to mention, the words of gold coin remind us. Before, we retreated to the wall here just because we were worried about being attacked, so if these corpses will not move, we don’t seem to need to care about these things at all. As long as they are treated as normal corpses, at most they are a bit oozing when passing by, and it has no effect on us.

After the reaction, we immediately followed the previous thoughts, except for the main goal of the mission, and left it alone without affecting the main mission. Let Eternity let go of this guy, and after confirming that this thing has no intention of moving on its own, we are ready to leave this place directly, but when we were ready to go, the really red but boring past reached out and lifted the thing in front of it. The curtain wanted to see what this thing's face looked like. And it was her that suddenly touched this thing.

Just after Zhen Hong opened the curtain in front of the guy, the thing suddenly opened its mouth and let out a "he...", and sprayed a lot of white mist from his mouth. It's exactly the same as those on the ground.

Because of the sudden reaction of this thing, Zhen Hong was so scared that he let go and retreated to the side, and we immediately became alert. However, what surprised us was that after Zhen Hong put down the curtain, the thing went again. Not moving anymore.

"Is this a seal?" Gold coin asked while looking at the curtain.

Kristina shook her head and said: "This is not the European magic system, I can't understand the above things!"

Gold coin immediately said: "This is not us Taoist stuff!"

"No matter what it is, it must have the function of a seal." I said.

True Hong asked me: "Would you like to open the curtain and wait a while to see what changes in this thing?"

Gold coin immediately objected: "You guys I taught me before that it’s better not to study these irrelevant things."

Kristina shook her head and said: "It's different. There are so many things, in case we get halfway suddenly. It’s a hassle to move everything!"

I understand what Christina said makes sense, and I planned to ignore these things because they didn’t mean to move at all, so I Going to take a risk before talking. But now it has been discovered that these things are not immovable, but there is no thought to drive them to move, so they have not moved. This is completely different from before. If these corpses were duds before, now they have changed from duds to intact bombs. The only difference is that they are not activated and cannot explode at all.

Of course, I hope that this kind of instability can be eliminated, so I finally weighed it and decided to check it.

After signalling to Zhenhong nodded, I locked this guy with eternity again, and then Zhenhong also carefully took out the seldom used long sword instead of his own hand and picked up the thing in front of me Curtain, as for gold coin and Christina, of course, they are hiding far away and preparing to spell to deal with zombie riots that may appear at any time.

Sure enough, as before, as soon as the curtain was opened, the thing immediately showed signs of movement. First of all, the posture that originally seemed to stand upright suddenly softened, as if the body was relaxed. The same, and then the guy’s mouth opened again to develop a silent shout, but although no sound was heard, a lot of white mist could be seen coming out of this guy’s mouth, but it just left his mouth. He immediately fell to the ground without flying forward.

The thing has been spraying that kind of white mist with its mouth open since it was opened the curtain in front of it. We soon discovered that the main factor of this thing is not the curtain, but it White mist in the mouth. The function of the curtain is more like a plug. It seals the white mist in the body of the corpse, and as long as the curtain is opened, the thing will start to spit out the white mist on its own. I estimate that when the white mist is exhausted, or the concentration drops to a certain level, this thing will move on its own. However, despite this speculation, we still intend to let this thing move and see. At least we can know the battle strength of these things after it moves, and we should be prepared if we are attacked later.

The facts are a bit different from what we imagined. The thing closed its mouth after spitting out all the white mist in its mouth, and then opened its eyes that had been closed. When the red eyes lit up like two light bulbs, we thought this thing was about to attack, but what surprised us was that this thing just opened its eyes, and then stood there motionless and didn't respond. Even if we open the curtain in front of him first, the mist in his body seems to have completely lighted up, and he is not spraying the white mist out, but he just doesn't move, still standing there as if a normal person is in a daze. .

"Damn, even if it's an attack, you may give a reaction!" Zhenhong looked at the wooden stake in front of her and said helplessly.

"Isn’t it a good thing not to move?" Gold coin said: "Do you want all these zombie-like things to jump up and attack us?"

It's simple, the key is that it's so uncomfortable to be so inferior!" Zhen Hong said.

In fact, I think so too. It doesn't matter if the other party really attacks, the key is that he is obviously active, but he has no response. This makes people feel that the road ahead is completely a big hole, as long as you go forward, you will definitely be dead.

Kristina looked at this zombie-like guy and said, "Actually, I think these things are not moving because they didn’t hear the order."

"Huh? "I looked towards Christina suspiciously, and then I thought about it for myself, it seemed very reasonable.

True Red didn’t think much about Christina’s words, but jokingly said: "Aren’t these things remote controlled?"

Kristina Also jokingly said: "Maybe it's voice-activated."

Zombie directly jokingly said to the zombie: "I'll try it. Hey, you, raise your hand."

Huh. Just after Zhenhong jokingly gave such an order, the thing's hands suddenly stretched straight forward, just like the zombie in the zombie legends in ancient China. Because this guy's sudden movement scared us almost instinctively to jump out a few meter away, and then watched this thing on guard, only to find that it was just holding his hands flat, and there was no next move.

"Damn it, it's really voice-activated!" Zhenhong finally reacted. The action of this thing is obviously in response to the order that Zhenhong made just now. In other words, this thing really responds to real red verbal commands.

Gold coin suddenly said at this time: "If this thing can be controlled by us, does it mean that these things are actually a reward?"

I have to say gold Coin does have innate talent in terms of profiting. As she said, if these things can really be commanded, then they can also be regarded as a kind of battle strength. Although we don't know the specific battle strength of this thing, it doesn't seem to be too bad based on the energy sense, at least not weaker than the Demon miscellaneous soldiers who were just killed by Christina. Besides, these things are picked up for nothing anyway, don't let them go.

After we want to understand the benefits of these things, we immediately became excited. Of course, we first need to test whether these things can really be commanded.

The purpose of the test, the effect is of course very obvious, we soon discovered that this thing is really a treasure. First of all, this thing does not have the shortcoming we worry about most-mutiny.

At first, we were always worried that since this thing is voice-activated, will they listen to the enemy if they are ordered by others. If that is the case, then these things are useless. Because if the commands on the two sides are opposite, most of these things will lose their ability to act. Anyway, impossible can be used as battle strength. However, after the actual test, we found that this thing does not listen to everyone's words, but like a new born little thing, who only listens to that person's words at first sight.

Just now that zombie opened his eyes after spitting out white smoke, the first thing he saw was really red, so he only listened to the command of true red, and we started several zombies to prove it. It is true that only the person who sees it at first sight can command them, and the words of others are useless at all.

In addition to testing that this thing can only be commanded by a specific person, we soon discovered that the power of these things is comparable to ours. Of course, this is just pure strength, not battle strength. These guys seem to be a kind of zombie. Although they have not seen this series before, many of their characteristics are in line with the characteristics of zombie. For example, strong as an ox, impervious to sword and spear, etc. Of course, there is also low agility.

The power attribute of these guys is basically the same as mine, a little smaller than real red, but much larger than gold coin and Christina. Their defensive power is quite good. Although they felt very soft when there was no command before, the actual test found that ordinary weapons can actually make the sound of beating metal blocks when they are hit, and the hardness is quite amazing. But it may be because of being too hard, these guys are not very fast, although the attack speed is not slow, but the movement speed is more of a problem. Fortunately, the way these guys act is not like the Eastern zombie, which is like jumping around, nor the western zombie with arthritis, but similar to the walking way of normal people. The only problem is that these guys can't run. If you order them to run, they will move in a way similar to race walking. Although it is indeed a little faster than normal mode, it is really only that little. .

Although we are dissatisfied with the speed of these guys, it is nothing but cannon fodder anyway, so we don't care too much.

After roughly testing out the basic attributes of these guys, we began to study the sarcophagus lying in the middle of the aisle. It doesn't make sense that the zombie on the wall can be used as a battle strength for us, but the one in the middle can't. So we estimate that there must be zombies in it, but it is probably different from the ones standing on the wall, after all, the treatment is obviously different. However, the sarcophagus lying on the ground is completely covered by the white mist, so we don't know what the contents look like. However, before we were afraid of being attacked, we didn't dare to move, now we are not afraid. Directly let those controlled zombies help fish out the contents, and then we saw the true face of the owner in these lying coffins.

Sure enough, these are also zombies, but they are indeed very different from the ones we got out of the wall, because...these lying sarcophagus is actually all beautiful zombies, not only the whole body There is a clear difference between his dressing and the zombies around him, even the energy fluctuations on his body are the difference between Heaven and Earth.

"These are...Legal zombies?" Christina made such a judgment as if she had facial cramps.

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