Although we do not want this to happen, the fact is that it still happened. A normal-looking human face appeared above the well and quickly glanced inward, and then the guy’s eyes instantly reached their limit. The cause of all this was a flying flying from the bottom of the well. Cable. Although that guy moves very fast, it is a pity that I still didn't have the pre-prepared response fast. The dragon's tendons that flew out from the bottom of the well accurately shot into the guy's throat, then passed through his throat all the way back, and finally opened the metal claws and accurately grasped the guy's cervical vertebrae.

After confirming that the dragon tendons successfully locked the guy’s cervical vertebrae, I immediately pulled it down, and the guy’s body, which had completely softened down, turned directly into the mouth of the well and was dragged by me. Fall to the bottom of the well.

Although this guy was dragged off by me, I know that this can only delay the time we were discovered, and there is no way to hide us completely, because when the guy fell, it was impossible for anyone to watch However, although the first reaction of others might be that the guy he had hit before was not dead, and then took advantage of the opportunity to stretch his head and look at him to pull him into the bottom of the well, but this is after all their guess, as long as they have time to be sure. Someone will come and take a look at what's going on below, so we are found to be still a certainty, and it is impossible to solve it.

"What should I do now?" Gold coin asked as he looked at the corpse being dragged down by me.

Although Christina is a mage, she is obviously more decisive in this kind of thing than gold coin. She took out the staff without asking at all, and said: "At this time there are still What's the method? Just hit it! While we have enough magic power, we just go out and rely on real ability to push it. At worst is a strategic retreat to find some marginalized tasks to restore the magic power, and when the magic power is full, we will do it again."

True Hong flipped down the helmet on both arms, directly turned on the attack mode of Qianjin Fist Arm, and then said: "I like this proposal."

Since they are both Because of this opinion, gold coin is hesitant again, so I don't want to change it. After softening the eternity, he attached it to the fingers and claws, and then raised his head and said: "If this is the case, let's fight! It is not a mortal mission. There is no reason for our strength to be fixed!"

" Yoho...Finally, you can let go of your hands and feet and do a lot of work." The violent real red cheered, stepped on the wall of the well and bounced from side to side twice, jumped directly to the mouth of the well and jumped out.

Look at the real red that has disappeared at the mouth of the well. I helplessly shook the head, and then gave gold coin a wink. The latter rushed towards me with nodded response, and I made a fist. Squatting, gold coin leaped up and stepped on the face of my upward fist. Following me, I suddenly exerted an upward punch and punched it upwards. Gold coin stepped on my fist and shot directly out of the well and disappeared at the edge of the well.

"You go first, I'll do it myself." Christina said directly when she saw me looked towards her.

I’m nodded, like real red, stepped on the wall of the well and bounced back and forth twice and then jumped up, and I just came out here when I saw Christina following with a lot of golden light The grains rose directly from the well like a golden little sun.

Although Christina's way of playing is very cool, but I don't have time to watch her now, because the outside is really red and gold coin has already been in a ball with the enemy. Although I said before that I was going to do a big game, but everyone was clearly prepared. An expert is an expert. Even in the case of enthusiasm, you will not really lose your mind. At least True Red and Gold Coin use high-kill single attack skills with body refinement in the battle. This method is a test of skill. And the battle time may be lengthened, but I have to admit that this is actually the most stamina and magic battle method. Using this combat mode without additional supplements can increase the endurance time by at least 20%, and the number of kills will be directly exploded into more. Of course, most people still like to explode all magic power in a short time to solve the battle as soon as possible, and only consider this time-consuming and laborious method when the magic power is insufficient.

Looking at the surrounding situation, although Zhenhong and gold coin have already engaged in the battle, it seems that the situation is much better than we expected. Zhen Hong felt like a heavyweight boxing champion was fighting with a group of people who had recovered from a serious illness. She saw her by herself, punching left and right, and repeatedly knocking down the people who came up. It is rare to be able to solve the battle once, but anyone who is hit by her either collapses on the spot or is knocked out directly. There is no way to make a second attack, and it is precisely because True Red cleans up the enemy too fast. , So that although there are many people running towards her, they are not in a state of encirclement at all, because the crowd has all fallen down before forming an encirclement.

On the other side, the battle rhythm of gold coin is not as fast as that of real red. After all, she is a semi-assisted hybrid combat class. It is not as sturdy as the Legion-class main tank of real red, but because of gold coin She was born halfway, and she was transferred from the thieves profession before, so her agility is a lot higher than that of the ordinary Taoist profession. Even if so many people here are besieging us, she can still dodge in the crowd with ease. , She hasn't been touched since I came out. Of course, although the gold coin's actions in evasion are relatively good, the attack will not work. Taoist priests are not swordsmen after all. They don't have many skills close to battle. They mainly rely on those basic sword techniques to support the game. Fortunately, the agility of gold coin is very high, so although killing the enemy is slow, self-preservation is not a problem anyway.

After seeing the situation here clearly, I went directly to the gold coin side. In contrast, Zhenhong doesn’t have to worry about it at all. It’s her enemy that should be feared instead of her. On the contrary, the gold coin looks okay, but it’s actually very dangerous, because as long as gold coin is hit by an enemy once, her The fighting rhythm will be destroyed, and once she loses her own rhythm, she will inevitably get hits continuously. When the time comes, it will only form a vicious circle. So I rushed to the vicinity of gold coin without thinking about it and fought with the enemy. As long as there is any problem with gold coin at this distance, I can support it at any time. Anyway, with her ability, even if she loses her own rhythm, she won’t be in twos. Ask people to let them go, at least I still have time to save her.

"Don't come here."

I just rushed to the gold coin area and let go of a few enemies. The gold coin side suddenly yelled at me. During the battle, I was almost injured by a guy dressed up like the assassin in the creed of assassin. Fortunately, I reacted quickly. After avoiding the attack, I raised my leg and kicked that guy flying.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm pulling people!" Gold coin replied loudly.

As soon as I heard it, I immediately understood that I had misunderstood. Gold coin is not really unable to beat those around her, she is deliberately letting the surrounding enemies form an encirclement around her and gradually increase the density of people. This is clearly her strategy. Not surprisingly, she intends to use a big move to clear the surroundings instantly when there are enough members and the others. This method can be said to be less magical than relying on the cooperation of body refinement and small skills, but in actual combat, it is basically There won't be this kind of opportunity, because the big moves are all face-to-face attacks, and if a big move only hits a few people, it is obviously a waste, but the enemy is not stupid, how can it be gathered in a bunch for you to fight? But now the situation is special. The Demon here doesn’t know what gold coin’s attack method is like, and she deliberately behaves weakly in order to make those people think she’s good to be bullied, and regard her as a priority target that can be solved. Her side.

It can be said that the idea of ​​gold coin is really good, so that even I was deceived and even came to help her when she was in danger, but she was just pretending to be.

Now that I know the idea of ​​gold coin, I don't have to worry about it. Looking at the surrounding situation, I just rushed to those crowded places. Anyway, I belong to the tank type like Real Red, and most people do little harm to me. These Demons themselves are two camps, and they are still fighting with each other, although The third parties who ran out of us were obviously enemies for both sides, but the two sides were not wise enough to immediately abandon the former sage and deal with us together.

I just left the gold coin here, and not far from there, a small group of monster-like Demons appeared in front of me. I was planning to go up and fight, and suddenly I didn’t expect to see a large golden ball of light. Flew over my head, and then all my original goals became human-shaped torches and began to roll all over the floor, and there were all such existences around me, and I didn't know where to go.

Reluctantly, I looked back at Christina who was floating in the sky showing great divine might. I had no choice but to walk back to her as a shield. Kristina's intention is very obvious, is to use her magical power to restore the speed advantage to clear out the monster here.

After we arrived in this BUFF mission, the recovery speed of our own magic power dropped significantly. This, like our other attributes, did not cause us to worry, because the BUFF mission was meant to weaken everyone’s attributes. of. However, this weakening is also proportionally weakened according to our previous attributes, which means that if you are stronger, you are still stronger in the BUFF mission, but the gap with others has been narrowed after weakening. The BUFF task will not turn the weak into a powerhouse, it just shortens the gap between the two. Therefore, the original advantage is still the advantage in the BUFF task, but it will not be so abnormal.

When Christina is outside, because of the special advanced mode of the Queen of Elements, her magic recovery speed can almost catch up with the consumption speed of her low-level magic, which means that as long as she does not use big moves , Christina’s magic power is almost infinite in time. Now in the BUFF mission, of course impossible still has unlimited magic power, otherwise this advantage would be too scary. If Christina's attack speed is still infinite magic power, it is estimated that she can wash the entire mission world with magic in just one hour. Such terrifying output is not acceptable for BUFF tasks.

However, although Christina’s magic power recovery speed in the BUFF mission is limited to a relatively low state, this recovery speed is still very fast compared to ours. A kind of recovery speed, at this speed Christina can actually restore her magic power to bits and pieces in just one hour, and once our magic power is exhausted, there will be no more than six hours that simply can’t make it up. This is also the reason why Christina wants to grab the head. Compared to us, her battery life is significantly better, so that you can maximize the team's battle strength. Besides, Christina's Miscellaneous Soldiers have an advantage, and we are still a bit slower than her.

With Christina’s full effort, the surrounding Demons were quickly cleaned up and only two or three kittens were left, and the remaining Demons were all stupid. She sat on the ground and looked at Christina, who was like the little sun in the sky. They were all shocked by Christina's attack power. Just now, Christina was floating there like an explosion of anti-infantry jumping thunder, pouring rainstorm-like golden light bombs around, and these light bombs are not only huge in number, but all of them have automatic guidance capabilities. No matter how evasive the attacked people are, it's useless. Many people even evaded three or four shots of light bullets in a row, but still bitterly on the spot in front of the light bullets that came back in the fifth and sixth rounds.

For those frightened Demon gold coins, I didn't let them go. I killed them all with a sword, and I caught Christina who fell from the sky. Although it looked sturdy just now, it was also costly. Now Christina's magic power has almost bottomed out, and she doesn't even have the ability to maintain flight. But this situation is not very worrying, at least I don't think there is any need to worry, anyway, all the Demons that can be seen are already lying dead, and it seems that there is nothing that can deter our existence. Besides, Christina is the only one who lost the battle strength here. Real red and gold coin and I have nothing to consume. We can still fight if we encounter any danger.

"I knew these guys hadn't beaten us so why should we sneak in?" Gold coin said, looking at the corpses all over the floor.

True red also nodded and said: "Yeah! I thought these things were difficult to deal with, and didn't expect that was not so good! We were so careful before, and we did it all for a long time. Some waste wood!"

"No." I suddenly noticed that among the fighting creatures here, there were a few missing that I had paid special attention to before. In the past, when Demon was fighting in the village, I actually paid attention to the targets with the highest energy response. Because I paid special attention at the time, I was quite impressed. However, the corpses here are the only ones missing those targets that I pay attention to, that is to say, the real boss is not there, and all we cleaned up are just miscellaneous soldiers.

Kristina and the others looked towards me in doubt when they heard my shouting, "Boss, what are you calling? What's wrong?"

"The most powerful Those Demons are not here!" I told my findings.

"What?" Zhenhong and gold coin looked around immediately after hearing what I said. Although they are not as detailed as my observations, they are actually the strongest Demons before. I have noticed, after all, in the battle, everyone instinctively pays attention to the most conspicuous targets, and the strongest Demons are undoubtedly the most conspicuous existence, but now these guys are obviously not there. They didn't pay much attention when I didn't say it before, and now I reminded them that they really didn't see the strongest existence.

"The high level Demons I saw before are really not there!" Zhen Hong said after examining the corpse.

Gold coin is also nodded and said: "Those experts are not there, will it be a trap?"

"The trap or something is not questioned, after all, the other party does not know We will come, so it is unlikely to arrange such a trap for us in advance. Besides, if the trap is true, the other party should be launched now. If there is no movement for a long time, it can only be an accident. However, the whereabouts of those high level Demons still need to be careful."< /p>

"Then what shall we do now? I can't wait here, right?" Gold coin asked.

"Of course we don’t have to wait. Just be careful and run into those guys suddenly. We don’t have to go to them deliberately. Don’t forget that our goal is to destroy the soul collector, and the others will not affect Our mission can be ignored."

"Understood." Gold coin nodded and then said: "Then, shall we enter the Transmission Formation again now?"

"Of course , But this time we don’t want to go down."

"Of course."

After confirming the goal, we came to the location of the previous Transmission Formation again, and then The transmission process was completed very smoothly as last time, and no guards were seen on the other side of the Transmission Formation. However, the bodies of the guards we killed when we came last time are all gone, no, no. I know if someone cleaned it up after it was discovered.

Although the body of the guard is missing, this is not the point. Our goal is obvious, to concentrate on finding the soul collector and then destroy it, and ignore everything that has nothing to do with this mission. .

In fact, making such a decision is also a compromise of ours. Before, we thought that this BUFF task can be done like a normal task while researching whether there are other benefits that can be discovered, but the situation we have encountered so far shows that the BUFF task is far from being as simple as a normal task. Maybe there are such things as side tasks, but according to my observation, this kind of task requires luck and a lot of time to complete, and it feels quite risky to rush to complete that complicated task under the premise of uncertain rewards. Well, I will frame myself.

For this situation, what we can do is to try our best not to pay attention to those side tasks, and concentrate our efforts on the main tasks. Of course, we still need to complete several side missions to investigate the gains and losses in the future, but this is the first time we have entered the BUFF mission, and the true difficulty and rewards of this mission have not been fully understood. In this case, we rushed. Testing more complex side tasks is obviously not worth the gain. I was blinded by possible benefits before, but I didn't get anything after going in such a big circle is the best explanation.

Concentrate on the main task. When we entered the previous ladder, we walked up directly according to the information provided by General Qiman’s inside line. Up from here, there is no imaginary underground structure, but a circle of closed stairs. We ran at least a hundred times inside, and finally reached the top of the stairs when our heads were almost dizzy. , We can see how deep this stairwell is.

The top of this deep stairwell is not directly connected to the ground, but a huge Earth Palace. This place is a large continuous stone Earth Palace complex with a lot of space inside. The roof is generally more than six meters above the ground, the passage is wide enough to open the tank, and the walls are almost all painted with various murals, but there is no creature we know.

"Why do I think this is like a mausoleum?" Gold coin asked, looking at the surrounding stone pillars and murals on the walls.

"Because this is a mausoleum." While answering, Christina raised her staff and shot out a large beam of light like a searchlight, and as the beam of light shone, we immediately noticed A sarcophagus is placed in the center of the passage ahead.

In fact, because of the long distance, we couldn't see clearly before. After the beam of light was lit, we discovered that there was not only one sarcophagus, but a whole row. These sarcophagi are placed in a strange way. They are not placed in the tomb, but in the passage. They are not placed against the wall, but in the middle of the passage. All the sarcophagi are placed quite densely, almost one meter. One densely arranged together. After we approached and counted it, there are a total of thirty in this passage alone. So many sarcophagi are obviously impossible to be the coffin of the owner of the tomb. If this is not a burial person, then it can only mean that the owner of the tomb must have been cut down by the whole family. Buried here together, otherwise how could it be possible to use more than 30 coffins at once?

"Would you like to open it?" Gold coin relapsed after seeing these sarcophagi, and wanted to get a vote.

I glared at her directly and said: "Have you forgotten our previous lesson?"

True Hong also nodded and said: "Gold coin, you should restrain yourself, now the task First."

Gold coin defended: "Am I just making a suggestion! If you don’t open it, you won’t open it."

I shook the head helplessly and then led everyone to I walked over and didn't touch the sarcophagus. However, sometimes you will come to you if you don't look for anything. We just crossed over 15 of the sarcophagi, that is, just walked to the center of those sarcophagi, and suddenly all of them moved on their own without knowing what to do.

"Damn, I didn't touch anything!" Gold coin saw that the cover on the top of the nearby sarcophagus was automatically slid open at the upper and lower ends, thinking it was something he had touched.

"It's none of your business, these things are the guards here." As I said, I protected Christina and retreated to the wall, but before we actually stood on the wall Suddenly heard the sound of the mechanism turning from behind. Looking back, I don’t know when a few door-sized slabs protruded out automatically on the wall. After these slabs protruded out of the wall, they began to slide to one side amidst the rumbling, and these things were not fully opened yet. I had already seen the general situation behind the stone slab at the time.

The stone slabs on these walls are simply not passage gates, but the same cover slabs as the coffin slabs in the center. Behind these stone slabs are not passages, but narrow and long squares where only one person can stand. To put it bluntly, it is a coffin that is erected and embedded in the wall.

"Go back and go to a place where there is no coffin, standing here will be surrounded!" While the slabs were not fully expanded, I quickly reminded Christina and them to leave this place.

Fortunately, we reacted quickly, and the opening speed of those slates was indeed very slow, so we finally managed to retreat to a place where there was no coffin.

Just after we reached the position where there was no coffin, we didn't let us wait for the corpse to crawl out of the coffin, but we waited for a Breaking Dragon Stone first, and it was actually behind us. At the top of the passage we just walked through, a huge boulder as wide as the entire passage and tens of meters thick was slowly descending.

The current situation is very obvious. Once the stone falls, the passage will be completely sealed. There are only two ways we can choose, or we can quickly return to the one that came up before this thing has not come down. In the stairwell. The advantage of this is that there is no need to worry about the corpses here, but the disadvantage is that we no longer have to count on destroying the soul collector. In other words, running back is basically equivalent to giving up the task.

Obviously we are impossible to give up the task, then there is only one choice we can make-to stand still.

Standing here without moving, we do still have a chance to touch the soul collector, but once the stone behind it falls down, our passage becomes a dead end, and we are just at the end of the dead end , In front is the monster army that does not know the specific number and strength. Although this is quite dangerous, it actually feels more reliable. After all, no matter how many monsters you can always kill, there is always hope than completely severing the hope of being sealed out of the mission area.

After making up my mind, I took Christina and the others to stand in front of the Breaking Dragon Stone and did not move. Anyway, we cannot hit the stone at this position.

The corpses over there didn’t know if it was deliberately waiting for us to choose. Although all the covers were opened, none of the corpses came out of the coffin. We have created greater psychological pressure. Fortunately, we are not rookies anymore. This little pressure makes us a little cautious at best, and it will not affect our emotions.

In this weird atmosphere, the boulder behind us finally completely sealed the entire passage with a bang, and after the boulder landed completely, the sarcophagi that had not moved in front finally finally There was a response.

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