The Frost Rose aerial battleship dragged a tail flame nearly twice its length, and reached the sky in the blink of an eye, so that when many Japanese players found it, it It's over their heads. However, although the battleship flew past, at least something remained.

Just when the Japanese players below heard the loud noise of the Frost Rose flying overhead and looked up, they just saw the Frost Rose’s lower hull opened on both sides of the two columns at least two. Ten sets of launchers, followed by a bunch of small black spots were thrown out of these launchers.

In fact, these are not real launchers, at best they can only be regarded as ejection ports. It does not have a complicated launch structure inside, but it is the simplest pneumatic catapult. Of course, the pneumatic catapult I am talking about refers to the kind of simple device that relies on air pressure to project items a short distance, not the kind of catapult used on aircraft carriers to launch aircraft. The pneumatic catapult that launches airplanes is indeed high-tech, but ours is much simpler, because its design purpose is not to accelerate the item in the launcher to a certain speed, but to make this thing fast Leaving the hull, the initial velocity is too slow to cause a second collision with the hull due to the turning of the hull after launch.

In fact, these launchers are specially designed for bombing. The reason why the bombers are not used to rely on gravity to allow the bomb to escape naturally is mainly because the battle situation in the game is more complicated, and spaceship is unlikely. There is a chance to drop the bomb calmly while maintaining a stable flight. Therefore, in order for the Frost Rose to keep its combat movements while throwing the bomb, it needs to have a certain initial velocity when the bomb leaves the hull. Because the initial speed requirement is not very high, considering the cost, we finally chose this relatively simple design. After all, the simpler the structure, the lower the probability of failure, the lower the manufacturing cost, and the lower the difficulty of repair.

Anyway, the safety of this spring launcher is very high, and because the magic array is used to provide power to help the spring system to re-enter and reload, the speed of this launcher to project bombs is almost comparable Vulcan cannon. The Japanese player below saw the Frost Rose flashing past his head, and then a bunch of densely packed small black dots fell.

When I first saw these things, everyone was stupefied, but soon someone suddenly yelled, "Idiot, that's a bomb!" Then the Japanese players below started to fight each other. Shows the divine ability, the defense of the running defense, in short, it is a mess.

The bombs dropped this time were not equipped with a deceleration parachute, and the altitude of the Frost Rose itself was not high, so these things arrived on the ground almost in the blink of an eye, and then it was a piece of the world. The sight. The Japanese players on the straight line that the Frost Rose flew over were instantly swallowed by a fire sea, and those who were a little further away were also knocked to the ground by the billowing heat.

Just when the Japanese player below was blown up and turned his back, the Frost Rose actually went around in a circle and dropped a row of black spots again.

I had my first experience. This time, the Japanese players below immediately started to run, but soon they found that these black spots did not fall as much as the last time, and the speed was reduced. Not as fast as the first time. Soon, when these black spots fell for a few seconds, someone finally yelled: "It's not a bomb, this time it is a mobile angel."

A large group of mobile angels on the spaceship suddenly landed, and the Japanese player below Naturally... and then ran away.

It’s not that Japanese players are afraid of mobile angels. Although our guild’s mobile angels are indeed very strong in battle strength, have they been stronger than BOSS? When the player pushes the BOSS, it is not like a large group of people surround a BOSS and then start a long battle. Dealing with mobile angels can follow the routine of dealing with elite monsters or small BOSS. As long as there are enough people, it can still be done. The reason why these players want to turn around and run is completely because of the current situation.

Except for Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru, most of the players on the scene actually don’t know the relationship between Matsumoto Masaga and our Frost Rose League. Therefore, here’s Most players think that they are all Japanese forces, but part of them are under the leadership of Matsumoto Masaga, some are the forces of Onishou Nobunaga, and some are foreign aid who come to strengthen Onishou Nobunaga. However, in any case, our Frost Rose League is a foreign enemy.

At this time, a large group of mobile angels from our guild suddenly landed here. If they don’t run, they must fight with them. However, the players on both sides are not stupid. They also thought of a question, that is... If you let the mobile angel and the opponent's people fight to the death, wouldn't they take advantage? So, under this guiding ideology, both sides made a very awkward decision, that is, first set a distance, let the mobile angel and the opponent's people work hard, and then go up to pick up the bargain by themselves.

Originally, this idea was good, but unfortunately, people on both sides actually thought of going together at this time, so we called our large group of mobile angels to successfully parachute without any resistance. NS. Although the airborne of mobile angels is not the same as that of paratroopers, being in the air is not that absolutely does not have battle strength, but after all, this kind of descending process is relatively fragile. So, the careful thinking of the Japanese players actually helped us, allowing us to get through the most dangerous part of the landing process.

As soon as the mobile angels landed, they began to disperse, and then after looking around for a while, they suddenly rushed towards the location of the bomb. After seeing this situation, the Japanese players below naturally understood the purpose of our return. After all, this matter is too obvious. As long as anyone with a little brain knows, we must be here to recover or destroy the one that did not explode. Of super weapons.

In reality, if the bomb is thrown out and not exploded, it will generally not be recovered, because the bomb is filled with explosives, which is very unstable, and recovery may cause heavy casualties and losses. That point of recycling value is very uneconomical. Therefore, in reality, when you encounter duds, you can get them directly to the nearest open area and then explode. This method is safer and more cost-effective. However, the explosives in the game are different in structure. Most of these huge might weapons use magic principles, and these magic structures must include magic arrays. The magic array is different from explosives. No matter how many parts a pack of explosives are divided into, it is still explosive. What changes is only to explode the formidable power, while magic explosives are different. What these magic arrays pay attention to is the strict arrangement structure. Any structural damage will cause the magic array to completely fail. Therefore, if the explosives in the game do not explode, then it is unlikely that you will kick it and smash it. It exploded again.

Since the explosives in this game are very stable, it is almost impossible to explode a second time. Once these explosives are not exploded, most of them will be recovered. And this bomb of our guild is a very expensive thing no matter what angle it looks at. Regardless of its formidable power, at least a high level magic creation itself does not use a small amount of magic materials, so no matter from In any way to think about it, this thing must be recycled.

Because the necessity of recycling is obvious, all the Japanese players present now understand our intentions. The only difference is that the two sides react differently.

The Japanese player on Masaga Matsumoto’s side immediately felt a sense of refreshment from the bottom of my heart. Before, I watched that seemingly valuable core was snatched away by the opponent’s personnel. These Matsumoto Masaga’s side Japanese players are still anxious and annoyed. But now... they only have to take pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Things are obvious. We came back to recycle something that was probably a weapon of mass destruction, but that thing was dismantled by Masaka Matsumoto into a pile of bits and pieces, and the most important part was snatched away by the other party. Then, our side will naturally chase that core component, and the result of doing so is inevitably a conflict with the people on the side of Nobunaga on the other side, so the people who call us Frost Rose League will letter with the ghosts. The long-term person fights, and the Matsumoto Masaka person can sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits. Can they be upset when you say such a cool thing?

Of course. A few happy and sad, Matsumoto Masakah's people on this side are happy, but the people on Nobunaga's side are depressed. Originally I felt very happy to grab that thing, but when we saw the super battleship of our guild go and return, I knew it was going to be bad. When the large group of mobile angels landed, these people felt even more refreshing. Although mobile angels have strong battle strength, this thing has always been a valuable item. Although our guild has a lot of equipment, it is based on the super wealth of our guild. In other words, the cost of using mobile angels is actually very high. And if we invest a lot of mobile angels in a certain battle, it only shows that this battle is super important, because from an economic point of view, we are impossible to invest a lot of military expenditures on mobile angels into a completely unimportant battle. In the opposite case, we can directly use the number of mobile angels invested by our side in a battle to identify the degree of importance we attach to this battle.

Now this is just a small-scale battle. Although the personnel on both sides are relatively high-end, but the scale is not large after all, and the previous behavior of our guild’s battleship was clearly intended to fight and run. The result not only came back, but also put in nearly a hundred mobile angels in one go. This can only show one problem, and that is-that super weapon is very important.

"Do something bad!" A Russian player standing on the edge of the battlefield looked at the large group of mobile angels landing on the ground, then looked at the Frost Rose above his head, and then suddenly said something like this. Nobunaga Guishou frowned and glanced at him.

Another mummy-like guy with a full body bag said: "What about the Chinese coming? It's just a group of mechanical puppets. As long as Purple Moon doesn't come, it won't be a big problem."

Nobunaga Guishou, who hadn’t spoken before, suddenly had his subordinates come over and whispered a few words to his ears after this guy finished speaking, and then quickly stepped back, and Nobunaga Guishou was in After a daze, he turned his head and looked towards the guy who had just spoken. "Congratulations, your crow mouth skills have improved again. My people have just heard the news that Purple Moon has just come out of Fulcrum City." The mummy-like guy who spoke before said in surprise: "They Isn’t the country invaded? Why does this guy come to us at this time?"

The Russian player glanced at the mobile angels and said, "Coming out from Fulcrum City shows that Purple Moon has used it. Transnational Transmission Formation, not surprisingly, it was the spaceship above that called for support. That kind of stuff is OK, and it’s obviously not suitable to chase high level players. If I guess it’s right, Purple Moon is here to help recover what we took. The core one that arrived."

"Then what should we do now? Can't watch him grab it, right?" the mummy said.

"Can you stop someone coming?" The Russian player moved his limbs as he said, and then said: "Anyway, isn't that guy on our side? We will join forces for a while. , It shouldn’t be a problem to block Purple Moon."

"But the Frost Rose League is not only one Purple Moon!" said the mummy.

Guishou Nobunaga followed: "There is indeed more than one Purple Moon in the Frost Rose League, but they are now being invaded, and they should not be able to draw out much power. The Purple Moon is already the limit. As long as it can come. We can block it a bit, it shouldn't be a problem. But the one in the sky..."

"Or let the Eight-Branched Giant Snake come out and help get that thing out?" The mummy suggested.

"Probably not possible!" After Nobunaga said, he suddenly turned around moved towards a direction outside the battlefield without explaining the reason. The Russian players behind and the mummy looked at each other. Also immediately followed along afterwards.

In the middle of the battlefield, the mobile angels of our guild immediately began to check the dismantled "bomb" after landing on the ground. After some inspection, they immediately locked the target direction, and then all moved towards the core. The location rushed over.

The people on Nobunaga's side have realized in advance that these mobile angels are coming towards themselves, because the purpose of the mobile angels is obvious, and they take the core of the attack by the mobile angels. Goals, so they have long been psychologically prepared. When they saw the mobile angel rushing over there, the ghosts of Nobunaga immediately took the initiative to greet them and began to resist, while the mobile angels quickly fought with these players. However, what makes these ghosts nobunaga even more depressed is that it was troublesome to resist the mobile angels. The people from Masaka Matsumoto who were opposite did not expect to carry out long-range strikes on the battlefield here from a distance. Part of the target's random attacks, anyway, for them, the mobile angels and the ghosts of Nobunaga are enemies, and it doesn't matter who they hit. However, the mobile angel's defense is strong enough, coupled with the quick response, and few hits, most of those attacks hit the ghosts of Nobunaga. These guys vomit blood but can only be anxious.

Just less than one minute after the start of the three-way melee, there was a rumbling sound in the sky, and everyone saw a white track passing overhead and making a beautiful After a U-turn, he dived down.

Several experts on Nobunaga Guishou said at the same time: "Come!"

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