
"Because of this." The military god directly enlarged the screen and showed one of them.

This is a player I have never seen before. The equipment looks normal, just a very ordinary warrior. But... But the combat efficiency of this warrior is really scary. All enemies approaching him were killed by one move, and any Japanese players who got close to him have never made a 2nd move. What's more terrifying is that the military god then pulled me out of a previous video. From the video, you can see that Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru originally planned to snatch the communicator, but they are catching up with the communicator. At that time, it was intercepted by this player, and then it was Matsumoto Masaga and the four of them who fought in a group battle. As a result, although the four people worked together to suppress this guy and defeated him steadily, this guy was stunned. Under the individual's combined attack, it lasted a whole minute, and then it dragged the battle situation to what it is now.

"Damn, where did this guy come out? Look at the appearance...Is this a Japanese player?"

"At present, we don't know anything about this player's identity. , This person seems to have emerged out of thin air. The equipment on his body should have a certain shielding ability. He may have the ability to not be checked by the system Ranking List just like you before."

"Hidden props, right?"

"Because it should be. I watched this guy's battle scenes repeatedly, and used my own battle strength simulation software to conduct some tests, and finally came to a conclusion. Yes—this guy’s battle strength should at least be ranked in the top five of the battle strength list, and the fact now is that he is less than this person in the top two thousand. So, it can be determined that this is a player with hidden ability, and Even his equipment has been concealed. Looking at the flash of equipment and energy fluctuations on his body, his equipment should be at least Divine Item level, absolutely impossible. This person must have something that can conceal himself at the same time. And the equipment attribute may be a kind of equipment or a personal attribute. In short, his strength is absolutely very strong, at least it’s something other than you."

"Such a powerful combatant is really not See you more.” I said, glanced at the military god and asked: "What? Do you think Masaka Matsumoto and the others can't handle this guy?"

The military god nodded and said: "Not only Uncertain, and it may be done by this guy. Although he is not capable of one-on-four against Masaga Matsumoto and the four at the same time, this is not the only one among the coalition forces of Nobunaga Oniteda. Many of them come from South Korea and Russia. So Matsumoto Masaga and this impossible focus on this guy. According to my simulation calculations, this guy singles out Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru and any two of them can achieve a stalemate. If it’s one-on-one, Masaga Matsumoto and the others will be defeated. Of course, if you work hard, Masaka Matsumoto and the others will surely make this guy pay some price even if they fail, but Nobunaga Onizu has a helper. Not only can Masaga Matsumoto and the others be divided, but also certain interference can be done even in battle. Under such circumstances, Masaga Matsumoto and the others are basically impossible to damage this guy."

" Speaking of this guy, I really have to take action. But the question is what role do I play now? Matsumoto Masaka and Oninote Nobunaga are fighting, we know that our people are playing against Oniite Nobunaga, but on the surface should be regarded as the Japanese Civil War? Now our country is being invaded by the Russians. I am not in the country but ran to Japan to help Matsumoto Masaka deal with ghosts. Nobunaga, isn't this trace too obvious? "

Military God hesitated for a while and said: "These things are not what I am good at. Maybe you can find a way to solve this problem from the think tank. I just give tactical suggestions and think you should Go help Masaga Matsumoto. Of course, if there are other forces that can be mobilized to participate, it should also be possible. "

"Isn't it said that the Dark God Palace in Japan has been bought to help Masaga Matsumoto and the others? "

"The Dark God Palace in Japan itself is not a powerful organization. After becoming a guild Divine Race, a part of its strength will be weakened according to the usual practice. At present, it has all been put into battle, and there is no high-level existence. Can deal with such players! "

"Damn, it's really annoying to have such an accident at this time!" "

"I have nothing to do with this. President, you should still find other people to find a way, but if this player is not eliminated, our communicator will never get back! "Military god helplessly said.

When I heard this, I could only be nodded. I accepted it first, then turned and headed straight downstairs. The combat command center where our guild’s think tank is located is actually there. The lower floor of Military God’s Crystal Communication Control Center. Of course, the lower floor I’m talking about refers to the lower floor of the city, not the lower floor. The distance between the two is actually more than 200 meters in the middle. There are also many multi-level mechanical control rooms and some other functional equipment, but those places are on the equipment level and no one is stationed.

I saw it after descending through the elevator platform to the tactical command center here. A large group of players and NPCs are busy here, the scene is a bit like a futures market or a large stock market. Of course, compared to that place, the command center is a bit quieter, but overall it is still relatively noisy .

In fact, the usual tactical command center is not like this. There are actually not a few people here. After all, our guild is not always fighting every day. It is obviously boring for everyone to stay together here when it’s okay. Yes. Now this tactical command center is so lively because of the invasion of Russian players. Here we must constantly formulate various tactics or strategic action plans and then send them to the military god. The military god simulates the tactical plan and executes it directly if appropriate. , If it’s not appropriate, send it back to point out the problem.

Because the tactical arrangements required for a large-scale battle are very complicated, so in modern warfare, lower-level officers are usually asked to follow a certain framework on the battlefield. Be adaptable, but because of the existence of the god of war in our guild, our command method is for each soldier, so the workload has almost doubled invisibly. Of course, because the god of war is responsible for most of the repetition The simple judgment of sex and the work of data sorting and induction, so there are not many things that require human intervention. However, even this small part makes hundreds of staff in the tactical command center busy.

< p>"Hey, Su Mi, are you free? "

"Purple Moon brother? Why are you free to come with us? I'm working on a tactical plan for the future, so just tell me what you have. "

"It's like this. ..." I directly explained the situation of Matsumoto and the others, and then asked: "Is there any way I can participate in this battle in a fair manner? "

The ghost ideas in Su Mei's little head are really not ordinary. After hearing what I said, she said directly without even thinking about it: "That's not simple? "

I looked at her in surprise and asked, "Is it easy?" "

Su Mei said as it should be by rights: "Of course it's very simple. Don't you just want an excuse? "

I'm nodded. "Well, but how can I find this excuse?" "

"Without an excuse, won't you create an excuse? "Sumi said directly: "Doesn't our guild have several new spaceships that are being tested?" "

"Are all the spaceships of our guild just installed, OK? Those are all new types of spaceships, which one are you talking about? "

"I don't remember the details. The Army God must know it. Just ask him. Just talk about looking for that dazzling aerial battleship. "

"And then? "

"Then it's even simpler. "Sumi said: "You let this battleship take people to Japan for a lap, and then launch a special rocket at the place where Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onishe were fighting. "

"Special rocket? "I repeated suspiciously. I don’t know exactly how this so-called special rocket needs to be made.

"en. Air-style is fine. However, this rocket must be big, and it's best if it's as thick as a locomotive. Also, the shell of this thing must be extremely sturdy, at least to ensure that even with tools, it will never be opened every hour. After you let the man build this rocket, use that cutting-edge spaceship to fly to Japan, and then launch it at the center of the battlefield where Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onite are fighting. Don’t aim at someone, just launch it directly, oh yes. Now, it’s best to hang a parachute and let it float in the air for a while like an air-burst nuclear bomb. As for the next thing, I don’t need to talk about it, right? "

I'm not a fool. Although I don't dare to say how smart I am, at least I can understand this. After hearing So Mi's words, I already understand what she means. "Understand. , You don’t need to say, thank you. "I turned around and ran out.

Actually, Sumei’s method was very simple. It was nothing more than to create a secret weapon launch accident.

The rocket actually didn’t need to be installed. All you need is an empty shell. However, we suddenly launched such a large rocket onto one of the most important battlefields in Japan. What do you think Japanese players would think? Of course they don’t think it’s an empty shell. Normal people would think of it. 80% is a secret weapon, and the formidable power is super large. Don’t forget that the liquefied magic crystal steam missile launched by our guild’s mobile angels is only the size of a pen. This thing is made like a locomotive. If you say it’s a bomb, it’s formidable. How big will the power be?

Such an exaggerated thing falls on the battlefield, normal people will definitely think that we want to take advantage of the infighting between Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou, and then bring high-level personnel across Japan A spoonful of stew. The idea is very simple, ordinary person wants to get it, let alone after we take action? So, as long as we really make such an empty shell and launch it to Japan, the other party will definitely think this is a super weapon. It’s like a nuclear bomb.

However, this is actually an empty shell. It won’t explode at all. Therefore, the only result of this thing is that it falls on the battlefield and then there is no movement. Suppose it was during World War II. The Americans still have an atomic bomb when they go to Japan. If the atomic bomb falls and does not explode, what do you think the Japanese government will do with this thing?

Then you need to ask? Of course, I will quickly pull it back and study it.

< p>So, once our so-called "secret weapon" falls on the Japanese battlefield and is then discovered to be a "dud", then according to normal routines, Japanese players will definitely want to get it back and study it. Even if it cannot be copied, At least you have to figure out what it is, right?

The current situation on the battlefield is that Masaka Matsumoto and the others are all constrained by the four experts, and there is a mysterious person on the side of Nobunaga Onitou. No opponent is busy cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers. In this case, the "secret weapon" falls on the battlefield. Matsumoto and the others will naturally be unable to snatch it because of "unable to attend to other things", and Nobunaga Ghost Bian will certainly "snatch" this "secret weapon" smoothly.

Then, once Nobunaga and the others snatch this thing, how will we react?< /p>

I need to ask? If the Americans lose the nuclear bomb, what would you say will be their reaction? We just need to do the same. So, my reason for dispatch is very sufficient. After all, it can be destroyed. Is it a "secret weapon" for a large group of high level players? It is certainly normal to dispatch other experts like Disaster Grade to chase it back.< /p>

With this seamless method, I have a bottom line. After I left here, I went directly to the military god's place, and then let the steel city start work through the communication network controlled by the military god, and then ordered that cool spaceship to warm up the engine, first warm up and wait for the things to arrive. Immediately go to the layout.

After the two orders were issued, I went straight to Steel City, and when I got here, the player in charge had already figured out a rough shape. Not to mention, the size of this thing is really super large according to our requirements, and it seems that there are some designs outside of my plan.

When I discussed with Su Mei before, it was too simple. When the military god just sent the blueprint, he helped us improve it by the way. Although he is not good at creative thinking, he is not good at this kind of small things. Is the best at it.

The "secret weapon" produced according to the new blueprint is not as simple as an empty shell. It has a moderately thick steel shell on the outside, and there are a lot of them in the middle. Just look at it. Unidentified devices that immediately made people feel very advanced and complex, and these dizzyingly complex devices were finally connected to a spatial polyhedron in the center. Each face of this spatial polyhedron is a regular hexagon, but its faces are very many, so the overall look is closer to a circle, and each face is not big. However, these hexagonal planes are all filled with various complicated interfaces, and the few places without interfaces are made of a material that is close to transparent. Through this thick layer of transparent material, you can see something flashing inside, and it feels amazing in energy.

If I hadn’t known that this was a fake bomb, I would have almost thought it was an incredible super weapon. Especially the red flashing light source in the central part is even more unfathomable.

The player in charge of assembly saw me looking at the shining light source in the center and thought I was curious, so he explained to me: "According to the design drawing sent by the military god, this central part is placed. A red-patterned magic crystal, this magic crystal does not provide energy for anything, it is tightly connected to an energy burst device, which emits energy fluctuations every five seconds, because it is a deliberately strengthened energy generator, and it is a burst mode. So although only a red pattern magic crystal is used as the power source, the magic fluctuations simulated by this thing will exceed the sum of the magic fluctuations emitted by hundreds of tons of liquefied magic crystal steam."

I nodded. : "Very good design. What about the complicated things outside?"

The player in charge frowned and said, "Speaking of which is also the most curious part of me. These peripheral components are actually They are all stacked energy expanders designed in the form of a rare three-dimensional magic array. The principle is very profound and the technology is also very complicated. However, the iron ball in the core only emphasizes the solidity and corrosion resistance, even if these things are added. It can't play any role at all. Boss, what do you want such a scrap metal for?"

"Don't ask about this, the guild is secret."

"Oh. Then. I won't ask. But is this bill of materials to be signed?" The player directly gave me a bill of materials, and I took it and signed it directly. Although the manufacturing cost is quite high, it is worthwhile for this action. Besides, this high is just relative to a waste, not to say how valuable this thing really is. It's just a fake after all.

Thanks to our guild’s strong industrial processing capabilities, this counterfeit secret weapon was manufactured in less than half an hour and sent directly to Isengard Mobile Fortress in Transmission Formation. With the help of some of my familiars, this thing was airlifted directly to the take-off platform, and here I finally saw the legendary and dazzling spaceship.

"Damn! Is this a shrimp stuff?"

The spaceship that appeared in front of me can no longer simply be called a spaceship. This is simply a flying palace! Of course, when I say that this is a flying palace, I don't mean that this spaceship is as big as a palace. Of course, I don't mean that this thing is built like a palace on the ground. I mean this spaceship is too gorgeous.

Everyone knows that besides performance, the most important thing about weapons is actually the price. A weapon that can be equipped in a large amount is a good weapon. If a country can produce a space-age laser cannon during World War II, it will be able to produce one by exhausting the country's financial resources. Do you think this thing is a good weapon? In terms of performance, it is absolutely incomparable. After all, it is a super weapon of the space age. No matter what it hits, it will die in one shot. There is no stronghold one cannot overcome. But how can the whole country fight with one cannon? The other soldier is not a fool, stand in a row and let you wear a candied fruit stick?

So, besides performance, the value of weapons is that they are cheap and easy to manufacture, and can be equipped in large quantities. Didn’t see the Soviets’ crazy violent soldiers coming out of tanks during World War II. They were obviously inferior to the Germans’ meow-type tanks in terms of performance. Didn’t they still beat the Germans? In terms of performance, the Meow system is really a mess, but the problem is that no one adds the Soviet Union's T series! A sea of ​​tattered tanks is actually far more valuable than one or two elite tanks. Of course, the prerequisite for the establishment of this theory is that the performance of the two weapons is not bad enough to guard against the sky. No matter how strong the Meow is, it can be destroyed by Maozi's T series, and it is not yet invincible.

Now back to our game. Theory and reality are the same. Use as little money as possible, shorter time, and cheaper materials to make weapons that are not much worse in performance. This is the kingly way. Of course, because it is a game, in order to reflect the entertainment, the weapons of our guild are relatively gorgeous. Although it is suspected of waste, who does not like coquettish game players? But... it's really rare to see Saocheng like this.

The flying battleship in front of us uses a completely independent design style. Its appearance is like a combination of a galleon and a space battleship. The basic structure of the sailboat can be seen, but there is no mast, and the battleship The whole is more streamlined, and it is also designed with a ring structure that rotates around the main body of the spaceship.

It’s not an exaggeration to have these, but the problem is that all the external structures on the entire spaceship are actually made of large-area carvings, and the main structure of the hull does not know what materials are used. In the sun, the rays of light are reflected like platinum, and some of the embellishments on the spaceship are either crystals or gems. The lines and everything are all golden treatment. If the bow stands on a Prince in silver armor, everyone will think It couldn't be more reasonable.

Although such a spaceship inlaid with gold and silver looks extremely luxurious and can be put into a museum as a treasure of the town hall, the problem is...this fucking battleship is! Why are you making such a flash? This is not to participate in a crafts exhibition. Once this thing is out, it is clear that it is to attract hatred, okay? And with such a bright shell, Isengard’s China and Japan are obscured by death clouds, and the sky is always dark, and there is a feeling that you can’t look directly at it. Wouldn’t it be like a small sun if it were opened to the sun shone brightly on the ground?

Seeing me staring at this spaceship in a daze, a player who appeared to be a captain came by and said enthusiastically, "How about the leader? Isn’t it gorgeous? I’ll tell you, this Frost The air battleship Rose uses a fortified star gold shell, with a small amount of mithril in the middle, and the magic gems inlaid on its surface..."

"Stop!" I stopped the player at once, and then Surprised, he turned his head and looked towards him and asked: "You mean the shell of this thing is made of star gold?"

"Well, some mithril was added."

< p>"I..." I really don't know what to say. This thing of Star Gold is usually added in small amounts when refining weapons. As a result, the shell of a spaceship was built directly with Star Gold, and it was so big. How much star gold does this need? This is a precious metal called second only to fine gold and mithril in magic materials! This is small, we actually made a whole battleship as big as a piece of star gold, how much does it cost? Besides, Mithril was added to this thing. I don't need to say how expensive Mithril is. Even if the addition ratio is not high, but for such a large battleship, you can't just put a few grams just like building a one-handed sword, right? At least it must be calculated in tons, right? How much is this ton of Mithril worth? Besides, this thing is probably more than a ton of simple use.

"Guild Leader?" The player next to me looked at me and seemed to realize that my expression was not right, so now he is also somewhat guilty up, because he suddenly thought of it, when he was assigned to come over. The commander-in-chief of Wang Haijun seemed to have told him that the chairman of the board of directors would go crazy when he saw this ship, and it was for this reason that he was assigned to top the mine. In fact, this ship is intended by King Chuang to be used as the flagship of the Frost Rose Alliance Air Force, which means that this battleship will become King Chuang’s command ship in the future. However, this guy also knows that I will definitely curse, after all, this ship is really too prodigal. So, he got a player to come to top mine ahead of time, intending to wait until I get used to announcing this to become his command ship, when the time comes, he doesn't need to be scolded. As for this guy who tops thunder... King Chuang has already negotiated an exchange with him. After all, I can't be criticized for nothing!

"Well, don’t introduce anything, I don’t want to know so much. I’m afraid I’ll accidentally squeeze you if I hear too much! So now, except for the question I asked, you don’t have a word Talk more. Do you understand?"

"Understood." This guy really understood what I meant right away.

"Okay, let someone transport the secret weapon to the ship. Do you have a launcher that can launch such a large rocket?"

"No need." The player said: "The three rings on the Frost Rose are actually magical devices. They can be combined into any known magical array as needed. We can use that combination to form a field acceleration orbit, and then launch anything. Go out."

"Do you even use the combination magic array?" I looked at the three metal circles around the main body of the spaceship in surprise and said.

This player just laughed and didn't dare to interface, because the cost of the thing was too high, he was afraid that if he said too much, I knew the price would go away. But what he didn't know was that I actually already knew it. Although I don't know the price of this thing for the magic guide, I know the combination magic array, so I can figure out the approximate price of this thing. These three rings seem very simple, but in fact, the price of each of them must be in units of 100 million, and they are still crystal coins. As for the overall cost of this ship...I can't guess that anymore. However, I am not as angry as Chuangwang thought. After all, I knew the purpose of this ship after hearing the name of the ship, and our guild did need an iconic spaceship that could be used to support the facade. This declares that our Frost Rose Alliance has an actual combat aerial battleship.

Actually, with my eyesight and knowledge, I can guess a lot of things on this battleship just by looking at it. This thing uses Star Gold as the main shell. In addition to strengthening the hardness, the biggest probability is the use of engraved magic array inside, and the shell of this spaceship is likely to be a magic Battle Armor as a whole. In fact, many magic armors are realized by engraving the magical array inside the star gold, but few people use this method to build a battleship. After all, star gold is considered a precious metal. Have you ever seen someone use gold to make jewelry, when did you see someone build a house with real big bullion? It's not that it can't be made, and it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't have enough financial resources. It's completely cost-effective!

Because I didn't let me speak, the captain naturally didn't dare to say anything extra. In his silence, I also saw the outer design of spaceship and some simple things clearly. As for the inner things... I'll know it after a while.

The image project created with such a large amount of money is naturally cost-effective, so this performance is naturally needless to say. As soon as the Frost Rose was launched, I knew how different this guy was. It is equipped with more than one solar furnace.

The solar furnace is an integrated device with a power core and a propeller. When it starts, there will be strong magical fluctuations. Even if it uses a multi-layer blockade and isolation facility, it is still Can feel some. I sensed the fluctuations of the three solar furnaces immediately after the Frost Rose was activated, and they were all very powerful solar furnaces, at least the super large ones.

I haven't felt the benefit of triple propulsion for the time being, because spaceship is not extremely fast, but I found at least one benefit-stability.

I thought there was a three-axis solar furnace, so the power output was gentle and stable, the spaceship didn't even shake in the air, and it was almost impossible to feel it moving. Moreover, the three magic rings around the Frost Rose would automatically activate air magic after the spaceship's flying speed accelerated, forming a drop-shaped protective shield outside the spaceship. I don't know the protective ability of the protective cover itself, but at least the effect of reducing the air resistance is very obvious. I can clearly feel that the speed of the spaceship has been further greatly improved after the protective cover is activated.

Because the speed of the cutting-edge battleship is very exaggerated, I haven't felt the performance of this thing before it has arrived in Japan.

In fact, it has been more than an hour since I watched the melee between Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onihand with the god of war at this time, and some small-scale changes have taken place during this period of time.

The duo that played against Masaga Matsumoto seems to be about to win. Masaga Matsumoto has some difficulties in supporting, and is currently in a state of complete passive defense. However, the situation corresponding to this guy is that on the other side, Akatsuki Kaoru, Sakura Rain God Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Hime all performed very well. At present, their opponents are already on the verge of defeat. If this situation does not happen. With further changes, before Masaka Matsumoto's defeat, August Kazuo and the others would definitely be able to fix the enemy in front of them and go to help.

The combination that trapped Masaka Matsumoto is a two-on-one. If someone from August Kaun is here to help, don’t be too much, just drag one of them so that they can’t form a pattern to cooperate with the attack, then Matsumoto Zhenghe can come back in minutes. So, according to this occupying deduction, Masaga Matsumoto and the others should win in the end.

However, this situation is actually impossible, because the current situation is that Nobunaga and the others not only have these combinations that can fight against Matsumoto and the others, but there is also an expert who has not shot yet. This guy can only use one person's power to resist Matsumoto Masaga and the four of them teaming up, which shows that his strength is strong. I can see the dynamics of the battlefield, and this guy can naturally. He hadn't shot before, which can be regarded as deliberately pretending to be an expert and imposing manner, but now that the battle situation has tilted, he will definitely end up fighting anyway.

This guy can be undefeated in one out of four. Now no matter which battle he joins, he can inevitably let the ghost hand of this battle group quickly win, and once they vacate their manpower, the remaining The defeat of the next battle group is just a matter of time. Therefore, under this situation, Matsumoto's situation is not so optimistic, but it is very dangerous.

Although it seems that Masaka Matsumoto and the others will encounter misfortune soon, but fortunately, the expert is still pretending to be high and has not ended, and we are already nearby, so...the battle is about to happen. Change.

"Report to the chairman, found the target."

"I rely on, what's the situation? It's still hundreds of kilometers away!" Suddenly I was shocked when I heard the report. Jump.

The captain cautiously said: "That, because the Frost Rose is equipped with dozens of reconnaissance mobile angels, we can spot the target far away in advance."

< p>I nodded and said: "You can launch from here?"

The other party nodded and said: "Of course it can. Isn't all of our guild's sea battleships capable of over-the-horizon attacks? It makes no sense to upgrade to The aerial battleship has lost this ability instead?"

"That's true. But then my plan won’t work. In this way, you let the Frost Rose drive around the battlefield and make a circle, and then launch it. This secret weapon immediately turned around and ran. Do you understand?"

"Huh? But..."

"It's confidential, just follow it."

< p>"Oh, I understand!" The shipyard is ready to curse secretly. After all, it was said that he came to top the thunder. Now I am not angry, just want him to execute the order. Of course, he has to behaved. Step on the high-voltage line yourself.

The supporting equipment of the Frost Rose is very exaggerated. Not only is it equipped with a super power system, it also has a self-inertial stability system. This self-inertial stabilization system is actually a force field generator that allows everyone on the ship and items to be bound to the spaceship body while maintaining unrestricted mobility. That is to say, if the spaceship suddenly brakes, you can even If you don't catch anything, you won't be threw away. On the contrary, you can hardly feel too much power acting on yourself, at most you feel the spaceship sway. This is because the inertial force on your body is transmitted to the main body of the spaceship by the force field, so that the personnel above will not have accidents because of this kind of thing.

Thanks to the powerful performance of this equipment, the Frost Rose completed a U-turn directly at the edge of the battlefield with an exaggerated speed, and then directly before the two players below did not react. Suddenly the "super bomb" was launched.

Originally, both sides of the war were stunned by the sudden appearance of spaceship, because this thing is really gorgeous, but when one of the players pointed to the big frost rose relief on the side of the bow After shouting "It's the Frost Rose League", the Japanese players below immediately became uncomfortable, and many people became commotion. However, before they could take any real action, they saw this huge, super gorgeous spaceship launch directly from above an unknown object as thick as a locomotive, at least as long as three

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