The island in front of you is obviously not as simple as imagined. Those multiple powerful energy fluctuations represent multiple powerful creatures. In the game, those with powerful ability fluctuations are generally It is a BOSS or level NPC, in short, it is the existence you have to fight with. In this case, if this task can still perform very simple, it is definitely our task flow is wrong, so, if nothing else, we will definitely encounter a strong BOSS guarding the gate. This time, thanks to the group of children who came with me, if you change individuals, it may be no problem to complete the task, but it must be impossible to take so many of them to complete the task safely.

"President, my canary has been on the island." Kristina said suddenly.

I glanced at Kristina and said: "Send out a large-scale search to see if I can find any useful clues?"

"Okay." Kristina had also seen the mission scroll before and knew everything about the map, so she had no doubts about the way forward, so she immediately began to manipulate the canary to explore possible dangerous situations on the island ahead.

Although Kristina’s canary has already been on the island, we still have to be cautiously close to the island, because the canary can fly and is very small, even if it’s seabed. Hidden large monsters generally will not attack such a small target. It is like an ambush lion is impossible because a mouse passes by and suddenly rushes out of the grass. Canary Pathfinder is okay, but thunder is not enough. A monster that is level enough will never attack such a small target at all.

Although we have been approaching the island slowly and cautiously for safety reasons, what makes me feel strange is that we actually landed on the island so unharmed. After passing through the Formation over there, I sensed at least three waves of large creatures approaching our spaceship along the way to this island, but for some reason, these creatures seemed to have not found us, directly from below the spaceship. Or the nearby area swam past without launching any attacks with Ben.

I really don’t know how to explain this weird situation, but it’s always a good thing not to be attacked, so I didn’t bother with this, and took everyone directly to the spaceship in the shallow sea area.

Although spaceship can fly, it can theoretically send us directly to the island, but the vegetation coverage of the island itself is very high, and there is no place where spaceship can land. As for the suspension and suspension...Considering that most of the children here are not high-level, and they are basically majoring in auxiliary systems, there are only a few large children in the combat capability, which is slightly better, so we still use the relatively simpler Way, jump directly in the shallow sea area, and then wading ashore.

Although it was not delivered directly to the island, the captain has tried to keep the spaceship as close to the coast as possible, so the depth of our launch is only more than a foot, and there is a large group of reefs not far forward. . The road conditions in this place are a bit more complicated, but people can still walk through it relatively easily.

Considering that the children's athletic ability is not very good, I asked Kristina to directly add Wind Element's auxiliary magic-Lightness. The effect of this spell is to reduce the body weight by half, without any other effects. Although the function is simple, it is very practical. Because of the weight loss, jumping and other things will become very easy, and even if you fall, because of the weight loss, you will fall lighter than normal. More importantly, this magic can make everyone move faster, and can increase the speed of instantaneous reaction when encountering danger.

With the light spirit technique, we quickly logged onto the edge of the island, but there is no beach in this place. Probably the role of tourism programs, now many people just think of the seaside, they will directly imagine a scene of sunny beaches in their minds, but in fact, not all coastlines have sandy beaches. In addition to beaches, there are many types of coastlines, such as rocks, cliffs, and swamps. In fact, the length of coastline occupied by beaches is actually lower than those occupied by complex mixed terrain.

The coastline of the island in front of me is the kind of messy rocky area. After passing through this rocky area, it is not a beach, but a gravel ground similar to the next door. The grains of this kind of gravel are very large, generally the size of a quail egg or egg, and the shape is not the rounded shape of pebbles, but has edges and corners, and some are very sharp. Walking on this kind of ground is actually very dangerous, of course it is in reality, there are not so many problems in the game.

After crossing this gravel ground, you will officially enter the forest area on the island. However, the plants on this island are a little strange. They are not the palm trees commonly seen in tropical areas, nor the trees that can be seen on land in general, but some very strangely shaped big trees.

The bottom of these big trees is not a sturdy trunk, but dozens of branches from the size of a bucket to the thickness of a wrist. It began to converge toward the center point, and in the process of gathering, it was continuously coiled and entangled and finally formed a strong backbone. The position where this trunk is formed is actually more than two meters high from the ground, and the length of the trunk above is generally only three to four meters high, and upwards is the huge canopy that unfolds.

The overall feeling of this kind of tree is as if an ordinary big tree was forcibly uplifted from the ground for more than two meters. As a result, the roots of the tree originally buried in the soil were pulled out. Cut look. Of course, because these may be the root structures are actually very strong and numerous, even if they protrude one or two meters out of the ground, they can still stably support the main trunk and canopy above.

In fact, plants with this structure are very suitable for island environments. It is very common to have hurricanes and tsunamis on the islands. No matter how strong the wind is, as long as the trunk is strong enough, or the tree canopy can be swayed left and right like palm trees to reduce the possibility of direct impact and breakage of the trunk, then there will be no Too big a problem. However, the wind can resist, but the waves are very troublesome. The resistance of water is much greater than that of air, so even a tree that can block a hurricane cannot withstand the scouring of a tsunami. However, this kind of tree might be able to withstand the tsunami, because the root part of its bottom is a densely packed mesh structure. This structure can hold the ground stably on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can keep the sea water relatively high. Smoothly pass through the location of the tree trunk without excessively strong impact. More importantly, it is unlikely that the separated branches and branches will all break at the same time. Therefore, even if the big tree is brought down by the waves, as long as there are roots connected to the ground, it will not die easily and can continue to grow.

Although this kind of big tree with a strange structure looks weird in love, it is only a product of evolution by adapting to the natural environment, but this thing has brought us a lot of trouble in our progress. .

On this island, there are probably no large creatures that will come to the beach, so the roots of these big trees have actually crossed each other and grown together, and then formed a large dense like wooden fence The same fence. If you want to drill through between these roots, you must ensure that you have the size and flexibility of a cat, and we are obviously impossible to have that body shape, so what we can do is the most primordial method-using a machete open circuit. However, in the ordinary primitive forest, there are only some blocking routes of trees and vines, but here are the roots, and some roots can grow to the point where they are thicker than the waist of a person. The root of this tree is basically not much different from the trunk. It is actually very difficult to cut this kind of tree roots and move forward. Moreover, these tree roots are not like those dry firewood, they are part of living plants, they have a lot of water, so they are very tough, the general Mountain Splitting Saber simply has no way to take them. Fortunately, I was in the team this time. In the face of eternity, these tree roots are basically noodles, and they are all broken with a single cut.

However, although we are sharp enough for eternity, our progress will not be hindered much, but the problem is that in such a place, we are cutting down trees and moving forward, and our sense of direction quickly disappears. Basically, we can be sure that we are not advancing towards the center of the island in the previous direction after less than 200 meters, because we can clearly see that the route behind is not a straight line. If we are walking in a straight line, the passage that we opened all the way should be able to see the seaside all the time, but now we can't see anything except for more tree roots when we look back.

"Will you get lost if you go on like this?" Kristina walked carefully to me and asked.

I looked ahead, and the visible range was no more than ten meters due to the occlusion of tree roots.

"I knew I should have brought Polsephone!" I exclaimed depressed. This kind of environment is full of plants. The presence of Polsephone can definitely make you as easy as an outing, because as long as there is a place where Polsephone is, the forest is your friend.

"Unfortunately, it's too late to ask her to come, right?" Kristina asked.

I thought for a moment and said: "No, let's use a magic beacon to clear the way."

"Will this anger the dragon on the island?"

"I don't know about this. Forget it, don't use magic, let's use the dumb way."

The dumb way I call is actually to use a large number of people to develop one. A relatively wide straight, so that you can always see the sea behind and adjust the direction of travel. However, this method only helped us to advance less than 500 meters before it was of no use, because a huge stone wall appeared in front of us.

This stone wall looks like someone is constantly resting, because there is not even a vine on the wall. On this kind of building built in the forest, as long as no one cleans it, it will definitely be covered with various plants within two months. However, this stone wall not only looks as clean as new, but there are actually many shiny magical arrays shining brightly and darkly on the stone wall. This shows that this stone wall is not only maintained, but also has sufficient energy to replenish. Otherwise, there are so many magical arrays on such a large area of ​​defensive wall, and its energy consumption must be very scary. If no one manages this magic array system, simply relying on the energy-absorbing magic array to absorb the energy free in space is definitely not enough to support such a large magic array.

"Can you tell what kind of magic array it is?" I asked, looking at the shining magic array on the wall.

Kristina took a close look at the magic array in front of her, and then waved her hand as a wind blade widened the passages on both sides by more than ten meters, so that we can see more magic arrays. Structured.

After carefully observing the magic array patterns on both sides, Kristina just thought for a while and said: "It should be an energy isolation barrier, the effect is similar to the forbidden domain, but it drives The way is different."

"Forbidden demons?" I muttered to myself, then looked at the wall again, wondering whether to turn over directly or look for the entrance. Suddenly I saw a seven or eight-year-old child reaching out to touch the wall. This situation frightened me. I quickly rushed over and shouted, "Don’t touch it!"

Unfortunately, because there is still Kristina and a few other children in the middle, I don’t have anything at all. The Fa immediately rushed to the child's side, and the child didn’t stop immediately when he heard what I said. Instead, he turned his head and looked towards me, while continuing to unconsciously stretch his hand to the wall, and rushed at me. Before reaching him, he touched the wall first.

"Om..." As soon as the child touched the wall, I felt a deep and loud noise like the whistle of a steamship explode in my head, and I was sure that the sound was directly in my head It appeared because my ears actually didn't hear anything. However, at the same time that weird sound appeared, the originally silent forest suddenly came back to life. The first is the sound of birds flying into the sky behind the wall not far away, accompanied by the sound of an unknown wild beast roaring, and after that I seem to hear some weird curious sounds, and it feels like there are a lot of them. The sound of the thin bamboo poles colliding with each other is the same.

"I..." The child who touched the wall obviously knew that he was in trouble, and he hurriedly wanted to explain, but I slammed into his back and covered it. His mouth. The child wanted to struggle at first, but after seeing that my attention was not on him, he understood that I was not trying to treat him, so he quieted down immediately.

Feeling that the child in my hand gave up the struggle, I lowered my head and cut off at him. Seeing that he was looking up at me, I quickly put my finger to my mouth and made a silent motion, and then He walked carefully to the wall and listened.

Actually, I only heard a little noise occasionally, but after the action I just made, everyone around me became still, so the sound suddenly became clear. This time, all of us can clearly hear the sound of thin bamboo poles rubbing against each other. At the same time, it is accompanied by bursts of gu lu sounds. It seems that many things are approaching us, because this sound is obviously not From one or two creatures.

After confirming the voice, I immediately turned around and made a silent motion to everyone, and then summon Emenes informed her to add the Camouflage Technique to all of us with a mental connection. Almost as soon as the Camouflage Technique on our side was just completed, an ugly head suddenly appeared at the top of the wall in front of us.

The shape of this head is like a peeled sunflower seed, and there are four scissors-like fangs at the tip of the seed kernel, and it is bigger than a pig’s head here. Some heads have two black eyes at least the size of a slap.

The surface of this big head has a shiny black carapace, and there are two long tentacles on the top of the head. Apart from the fierce shape of the mouthparts, it can basically be said to be a bit like the head structure of an ant. But even if it is not an ant, it can be determined that it is an arthropod.

The creature on the wall did not come down immediately after it appeared, but swayed its head from side to side as if to observe the situation. At the same time, the two tentacles on top of its head were also swaying from side to side, apparently collecting air. The smell of confidence. But this simple detection ability is of no use to us. The illusion of Emenes has evolved, and now not only the optical illusion, but also the smell and energy fluctuations can be hidden. Of course, this kind of concealment has its limits, and it will be more difficult for targets with too high energy to hide, and if the opponent's detection ability is very strong, this kind of camouflage will also be seen through. However, the creature with a head like an ant in front of me should not be a powerful creature, so I didn't worry too much.

It’s different from mine. The children are all very nervous now. Although Kristina and I motioned to them not to move or make a sound, the children still couldn’t help it. Shaking straight. They hardly performed any decent tasks, so they were very scared of the ugly and vicious monster in front of them, and at the same time they were more worried about why I didn't let them move. This is not because they don't have confidence in me, but because of human instinct. After all, Emenez's illusion ability is perfect, but the problem is that the veiled target doesn't feel anything. In other words, even though there is nothing here in the eyes of the monster on the opposite side, we can clearly see ourselves and other people around us who are also disguised. It’s as if you suddenly acquired the Invisibility Technique, but there is no way to become invisible with your clothes. At this time, you are required to take off your clothes and go around in the street. Although others cannot see you at all, you can see your own. Body, in this case, most people will definitely unconsciously want to cover the vital parts, because although reason tells you that others cannot see you, but instinctively you will think that you are actually standing naked. On the road, the tension in my heart couldn't disappear in a short time no matter what.

This is the case with children now. Although they know what skill I must have used to make them invisible, the problem is that they can't see the effect themselves! In their eyes, everyone stood directly in front of the monster, so they would inevitably be worried.

Children’s psychological endurance cannot be measured according to the standards of adults. Even if these are orphans, their life environment is much more complicated than that of children with parents, but they are still children. So, When the monstrous was almost ready to give up investigation and return to the wall, a younger girl turned around and ran away suddenly. It’s nothing at worst if it’s just running away. Emenez’s illusion doesn’t mean that he will wear it out with one move, but the point is that the child not only turned around and ran, but also started to cry.

Probably I don’t like the environment in the game yet. The head aunt didn’t have any awareness of being in the task at all. After hearing the child’s cry, she instinctively chased after her, and at the same time she yelled. The child's name.

Although Emménis’ Camouflage Technique is relatively powerful, no matter how powerful the Camouflage Technique is, it’s not so perverted that we can hold a singing and dancing party in front of the monster without being discovered. Therefore, that was originally prepared. The monster who retreated suddenly pointed his head at the little child running ahead.

Buzz...I originally thought that monster would jump off the wall and catch up, but what we didn’t expect was that after locking the target, the monster actually sent out a burst of bombers first The sound of taking off, and then flew out directly from behind the wall.

As the creature leaves the wall completely, we finally see the shape of this thing clearly. In fact, the shape of this creature is not like an ant, but closer to a wasp. It also has a carapace on its body, but it does not look as exaggerated as its head. There are a total of eight arthropods under him, but only six seem to be used for walking. The first two have evolved into a structure similar to the sickle of a praying mantis, but the proportions are not so large, but slightly smaller. In addition, there are four thin transparent wings on the back of this thing. This kind of wings vibrates very fast, so you can’t see the details at all. You can only see a large waving white phantom, but you can probably know this guy. The wings are not very big.

At the end of the monster's abdomen, there is a sting like a wasp, and the color of this sting is actually big red. With such a bright warning color, fools know that this thing is absolutely poisonous.

Although the shape is strange, the overall size of this creature is only the size of an adult wild boar. Of course, this is only the external size, because the body of this thing is not as fat as a pig, so the actual weight must be impossible. It grows to several hundred kilograms, but it is conservatively estimated that this thing must be at least one hundred kilograms or more.

Flying Insect of this size is of course very dangerous, but as a monster in the game, an insect of this size can only be regarded as cannon fodder, not even a miscellaneous soldier. However, generally insect this thing is rarely active alone, so...

Half drunk a group of bombers rumbling sound at low altitude, suddenly flew out from behind the four-to-five-meter-high fence. There are a large group of these creatures densely packed, and it is not clear how many of them are behind. Anyway, thousands of them have appeared near us in the blink of an eye.

"Damn! Kristina, make a big move! Clear the field!"

"Frost——Rising Star." After a not-so-large boom, there was a bang. The blue shock wave spread out and shot down all the insects around us in an instant. Those insects that were still flying turned into ice sculptures in an instant, and when they landed, they broke into pieces all over the floor.

Such a terrifying field control skill requires a little preparation for the average player, but Kristina came by hand. But... "I rely on it, I know insect not to be trifled with!"

Just after Kristina’s magic cleared thousands of insects, there were hundreds more on the wall. A new insect appeared, and then more insects whizzed in, rushing towards the wall and pressing towards us.

"You are here to stand it up, I will go see the situation." After yelling at Kristina, I turned the child in front of me and threw it next to the big child in the back. He jumped onto the wall by himself. As soon as his feet touched the wall of the fence, he immediately felt the magic power on his body, like the water in a perforated kettle, flowing quickly toward the wall. Obviously, this wall can absorb the magic power of anyone who comes into contact with it, so the magic power from my body will quickly drain. But I am not without resistance. With one wing, I flew directly, and the suction disappeared immediately.

It seems to have escaped the absorption of that wall, but you just got up on my side, and you immediately saw a large group of monster insects flying in front of you, and instantly rushed towards me. . Seeing this, a circle of purple dark flames popped up directly on my body. Any insect that was close to a certain range was immediately ignited, and then fell directly into the sea of ​​worms below.

Yes, it is the sea of ​​insects. Behind this wall that is only four or five meters high is a huge trench that is not known how deep but is five more than a hundred meters wide. Now all densely packed in this trench are insects, and they are rolling, apparently planning to climb out from below to attack us. However, because there are too many insects, those insects hinder each other for a while, and only those insects on the top edge can fly up. However, even though it seems that most of the insects are blocked, there are actually a lot of insects flying. After all, where is the cardinal number of the insects, even if most of them fail to fly because of crowding, even if it happens to be The number of insects that were lucky enough to fly easily broke 10,000.

Thanks to such a horrible scene, it is blocked by a wall, otherwise the children over there must be scared to death. Little children are not afraid of insects, but more children are more afraid of insects. The billion insect pit in front of me makes my scalp numb when I see it. If those children see it, they will definitely have nightmares at night.

Although the number of insects here is a bit scary, I am not so scared. After all, no matter how large the number is, it is still an insect, as long as all of them are crushed to death.

"Xiaofeng, Ling, Lilith, go and clean up."

As my order was given, three silhouettes appeared next to me, and then Ling hung up. Stopped near me, while the other two silhouettes plunged directly into the sea of ​​insects.

Xiaofeng is Fire Phoenix, so she doesn't need to fight, just run back and forth in the worm sea a few times. Any insects that are within five meters of her will be scorched immediately, without exception, so she can cause heavy casualties to the insects as long as she runs back and forth among the swarms of insects repeatedly.

Compared to Xiaofeng, Lilith's ability is obviously more suitable for this kind of thing. Lilith turned into a large mass of meat directly after entering the sea of ​​insects, and then flew away. All the insects that were touched were immediately assimilated, and then more muscles appeared from the body to connect to other insects. And the constant skin division like a virus infection quickly formed a huge worm ball, and it was still squirming and spreading around. Any insects that were touched would be swallowed up immediately.

Ling as a mage, of course, the battle method cannot be compared with the previous two, so she opened a black hole directly above the swarm, and then sucked back and forth along the big ditch in front of her like a vacuum cleaner. The insects below couldn’t resist this powerful gravitational force. They were forcibly sucked away from the ground, and then formed a black torrent rushing to the black hole over there, and all disappeared into the black hole in the blink of an eye, but because of more insects It is being sucked up one after another, so this black torrent does not mean to disappear, but it is getting stronger and stronger.

Although my three familiars here are almost cleaning the insects with a wonderful speed of thousands of them, the insects below are not seen at all, on the contrary, there are no two sides of this big ditch. The insect in the direction that was taken care of gradually left the big ditch and began to encircle us.

"Damn, this is too terrifying, right?" I don't know when Christina has come to my side, of course she also saw the surrounding situation. Although these insects do not constitute any deterrent to us, we can still do the task even if we ignore them, but the problem is that children can't do it!

"Do you have any big tricks to quickly clean up these insects?"

"Cleaning these outside is no problem, but who knows how many are left under those big ditch? ?" Kristina said with some embarrassment.

Of course I also know what Kristina is worried about, but if the current situation does not quickly clean up these nearby insects, the children below will be in danger. "You clean up this side first, and I will figure out a solution in the ditch over there for a while."

"Currently it can only be this way." Kristina flew back directly after speaking. The sky above those children, and then began to use a magic that I had never seen before. The effect of this kind of magic is very strange. I can’t see any actual light and shadow. I can only feel that the surrounding air seems to be shaking. It feels that people are blurred, and the image is still shaking, but apart from this means that neither fire, explosion nor any sound can be heard. However, in this weird state, those nearby insects that are unexpectedly unfathomable mystery suddenly decomposed into countless fragments, just like a professional butcher specialized in the muscles and internal organs of the insect according to a certain classification method. The same as the classification, the insect is decomposed into the part state in an instant. Moreover, this situation does not appear one by one, but as long as the insect is close to a certain distance, it will automatically become like this.

After finishing this magic, Kristina actually escaped from the children and flew to my side, and then said proudly: "How about? My magic is powerful, right? It’s used to clean up. The effect of miscellaneous soldiers is not generally good. Not only does the magic power consumption is not high, but after the magician is used, there is nothing wrong with the magician. Even if you leave this place, the magic will run on its own until the magic power is exhausted."

" Your magic is working by yourself now?"

Kristina nodded and said: "But I only have enough magic power for ten minutes. If you can’t figure it out, I can go back and add a little more magic power. , In theory, my magical recovery speed can be maintained forever. But then I can’t do anything."

I nodded and said: "No problem, help me keep an eye on the children Just don’t get into trouble. I’ll go and see if the insects are really endless."

There are actually many ways to deal with these insects. What these guys hate most is not the battle strength but the quantity. It is useless for singles or even small-scale group killing skills. To deal with these guys, you can only use super mass destruction skills, and this kind of skill is generally either a forbidden spell or a super big move, so the release is very troublesome. Of course, I am not going directly to the big move, but I want to see if the big ditch here is really like a bottomless pit, which is full of insects. Of course, to do this, you must first sneak into the bottom of the ditch, and this place seems to be filled with insects, and most people really don't want to go. However, this is not a problem for me, because I also have a wizard mode.

I switched myself to the mage mode inherited from the trumpet Silver Moon, and immediately activated the Sun Domain, and then I plunged into the sea of ​​worms below. Due to the high temperature on the surface of the sun, these insects, let alone rushing in, were directly vaporized a long way away, so as soon as I completed my transformation, the surrounding ground seemed to suddenly become a steamer. Everything was smoking, and the nearby tree burned within a few seconds. This is because the solar field has the ability to constrain the high temperature within a certain range. If the temperature around me is completely released, it will be more than just trees that will burn. Based on the temperature of the sun, it is estimated that within a few seconds, the surrounding ground will be evaporated by a layer of tens of meters. After all, everything will become gas at that temperature.

Although the formidable power of the sun field is huge, the duration of this skill cannot be too long, after all, it consumes too much magic power. So after I finished my transformation, I immediately started to descend stealth, but what made me didn't expect was that I had been diving down the big ditch for fifty meters, but I still didn't touch the ground. Gritting my teeth and continuing down, I finally found the ground after I got more than a hundred meters underground, and at this time I couldn't see the sky at all. There are insects everywhere, up, down, left, and right, which is exactly a world of insects.

Looking at the densely packed insects around me constantly pouring in and evaporating, I felt my head hurt again. The number of these insects is really amazing. If the position I dived into is not a special case, but the entire ditch is so deep, it means that the 20-meter-wide, 200-meter-deep and do not know how long the ditch is full of insects. The number of this insect has actually become an astronomical number. Such a terrifying number, let alone a big move, even if the mobile fortress of Isengard comes, it is estimated that the city will not be destroyed and bombarded three or five times. .

"Which cheating guy received this damn task!" I reluctantly glanced at the nearby insect again, I went out of the summon directly at the bottom of the sea of ​​insects, and then used the combination technique. , Directly let Lingling launch a holy sword judgment from this position.

Lingling is a holy sword angel, originally from Light God Palace, so she can transform into her own power by absorbing light energy. I am now in the state of the solar domain, so I am equivalent to being a little sun. Standing next to me is equivalent to plugging in an external power supply. So, Lingling’s holy sword ruling directly enters the MAX state, and she continues to

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