"Damn, is this a fish? Isn't this an island?"

The monster that came directly at us and the previous monster are almost in appearance There is no difference, the only difference is that this one is at least several thousand times larger than the previous one. Although the previous fish monster is not small, even in the real ocean, there are many larger creatures. However, this thing in front of me is a bit exaggerated. To say that it is an island is not exaggerated at all. Moreover, this is not only huge, but also surprisingly high in energy response.

"Strange, why haven't I noticed such a high energy response before?" I looked at the fish monster in front of me in surprise and muttered to myself.

Kristina probably thought of something when she heard what I said, so suddenly she raised her hand and a cone of light shot out. The light cone was obviously not aimed at the fish monster, because the direction was too deviated, but the light cone suddenly disappeared not far behind the fish monster after moving for a certain distance.

"Sure enough!" Kristina said.

"It turned out to be a concealed Formation, and it seems that the area is not small. No wonder the island has not been found before. I guess it is here!"

The cone of light emitted by Di Na can fly far in theory, but the cone of light suddenly disappeared before reaching the limit range. No obstacle was encountered in the process, and the cone of light did not explode, so it only It might be blocked by something, but the problem is that we don't see any obstructions, so it can only be Formation. The cone of light must have flew into a layer of invisible knot within the realm, so it suddenly disappeared from our line of sight. As for the fish monster with high energy response...It is estimated that it also came out there, otherwise it is so high. The energy creatures are so big in size. With the impossible detection capability of the test ship we are riding on, they didn't find each other until the other side approached several hundred meters.

Anyway, you have to get rid of the thing in front of you if you want to go over and see. However, although this thing is very large, it is not a troublesome thing for us.

"Kristina, leave it to you." I briefly confessed and turned around and returned to the ship to let the captain advance in the direction where the fish monster appeared. If nothing else, Formation should be there. Blame behind it, because the previous light cone disappeared there too.

"Understood." After answering my question, Kristina stepped on the railing and jumped out. When the person was still in the air, a huge light wing spread out and followed the whole person into the air. , With a single-handed downward wave, a huge lightsaber was cut down. Feeling the huge might of the lightsaber, the fish monster twisted and tried to escape, but unfortunately, the lightsaber was not a dead thing. It could turn around during the fall, and only slightly adjusted its attack angle to smash the fish monster’s head directly. Become two halves.

Although the menacing fish monster was quite domineering when he appeared on the stage, it was a pity that he died too fast, which was not in direct proportion to its image.

"Is this done?" The head aunt looked at the slowly sinking fish monster body in surprise and said in disbelief.

The children weren't surprised. Instead, they watched Kristina who was slowly returning around the railing and cheered "elder sister is amazing".

In fact, this situation is very normal. Kristina’s personal strength lies there, and the damage output has reached the level of dealing with such high level monsters. Monsters on the sea usually use battleship as their imaginary enemy, so their ability to deal with players is slightly less. It's a little bit worse. Of course, this is only to say that the sea monsters are not good at dealing with players, not that they can't beat the players. Kristina can easily handle it because the strength of others is there, and it may not be the case if it is changed.

While the corpse of the fish monster was sinking slowly, the spaceship we took was also slowly advancing, and soon reached the position where the light cone disappeared. Of course, even if we guessed that there might be a Formation here, we were impossible to bump into it directly. So the spaceship stopped here first, and then Kristina Summon came out with two canaries to explore the way.

The canary that came out of the summon is the same as the light cone before. It suddenly disappeared from our sight as soon as it flew a few meter away, and this Formation obviously can really isolate energy fluctuations. Because Kristina said that even the magical feeling between her and the canary was disconnected. These two canaries were made by Kristina using magic, not real animals, but magic puppets. These small puppets dedicated to investigation are fast and possess a certain sense of autonomy. The most important thing is that they consume very little magic power, so they have almost become one of the necessary investigation methods for super magicians. As for why only super magician can do this trick... In fact, although this magic consumes very low magic power and has almost no attack power, it is actually an Ultra Grade magic, almost the same level as the forbidden spell. Its incantion is very short and the mana consumption is very low, but the difficulty of magic control is abnormal, so the general magician simply can't handle this magic.

The canary sent out received Kristina's instructions when it flew out, so even if the magic induction is cut off, it can still perform the mission according to the established plan. After we waited outside for ten seconds, one of the canaries suddenly emerged from the Formation, and then fell on Kristina's outstretched finger.

As soon as this canary touched Kristina’s finger, his eyes lit up, and then projected forward a picture of more than fifty inches, and the content displayed in the picture was still Sea water, but at the far end of the screen, there is a hazy island, and this island is invisible at our current location.

The projection of the canary is of course the picture seen after passing through the Formation, and there is no dangerous target in the picture, and the canary itself went back and forth very smoothly. This It shows that Formation itself is not dangerous.

After confirming that Formation does not pose a danger, spaceship immediately began to move forward, and then we found that the front end of spaceship disappeared a little bit as if someone had erased it with an eraser. Finally, even ourselves Was swallowed by nothingness, but this process only took a second or two to end. When we passed through the Formation, the vision immediately recovered, and what appeared before us was the image projected by the canary before.

"really strong!" Before spaceship completely crossed the barrier, Kristina suddenly said such a sentence, and I also sensed several huge energy fluctuation sources at the same time. From this powerful energy response You can know that there is some kind of powerful existence in those positions. It's not generally strong, but... beyond the existence of the low-level Divine Race. Obviously, the dragon on the island is not an ordinary giant dragon, because an ordinary giant dragon does not have such strong energy fluctuations, and even my luck and the plague do not have such exaggerated power.

"It seems that we underestimated the difficulty of this task a bit!" I said with a frown looking in the direction of the island.

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