The rest of the journey since the unlucky South Korean fleet was settled is very peaceful, but I have no time to wait for the battleship to slowly drive back to Isengard, although the in-game The battleship speed is relatively fast, but for us, we still can't wait.

I took Kristina and the few children who survived to fly directly to a nearby city, and then returned to Isengard with the help of Transmission Formation. The head aunt and the children who died before are now waiting for us in Isengard’s teleportation hall. This is what we said before. If you get lost, don’t run around, find a way to return to Isengard, and then be in the teleportation hall. Wait outside. We didn't expect that we didn't even arrive at the first stop of this mission. This initial agreement came in handy.

When Kristina and I came out of the teleportation hall with the remaining children, the head aunt immediately brought the other children to greet us. Such a large group of people at the entrance of the teleportation hall was originally a hindrance to communication, but the guards received advance notice from the military god, and no one came to drive the children away, otherwise they would be impossible to stand here and wait for us to come out.

After meeting everyone, they just briefly talked about the situation before the separation, and then the aunt asked me: "Your fleet has been made into that way, how are we going to that island now?"< /p>

"Don't worry, I have arranged this, you guys come with me first, we won't take the boat this time."

"Not by boat?" Several children looked at puzzledly. I asked what was going on.

"It's compensation for you!" I helplessly said: "I wanted to let you get on a boat by the way. Didn't expect encountered this kind of thing, and it made you hang up. I dropped it once, so this is my apology, and I will take you to try it."

"Try it?"

"You'll find out later."

Because I made it clear to give them a surprise, they did not continue to ask, but followed me to somewhere inside Isengard, but as we passed by higher and higher, they began to discover the situation Not quite right, and finally realized that I was going to take them to Sky City when they finally realized that we were not walking outside the city.

Isinger Sky City and Ground City are a pair of twin cities, one standing upright and the other upside down, like a reflection in the water. Of course, in fact, the buildings of Sky City and the ground city are not exactly the same, just because the block plan is the same, and Isinger’s buildings are all in the same style, so if you don’t look carefully, you will feel that Sky City and the ground The city is like a reflection.

Although the two cities are overlapped and inverted, Sky City is actually a closed area of ​​our guild and is not open to the outside world. These children and the leader and aunt have not yet joined our guild, so for the time being You cannot use Transmission Formation to send directly to the Sky City above. Of course, it's okay for me to give them permission, but they have too many people and it is troublesome to open one by one, so I plan to take them directly to the Spirit Gathering Pagoda.

On the surface, it seems that the two cities each have a spiritual gathering tower, and it happens to exist correspondingly, and the two spiritual gathering towers also share the eye of hell in the middle. However, in fact, the two spiritual gathering towers are one. Although they appear to be disconnected on the surface, the internal space of the two is actually connected. There is a space channel inside, which can be reached directly from one end. The other end. Moreover, this channel is not restricted by permissions, as long as you can walk through it, you can reach the Sky City above. Of course, Ju Ling Pagoda is located at the center of Isengard, surrounded by important departments, so ordinary people don't even talk about entering, even close to it is a problem. After all, next to the Spirit Gathering Tower is the Temple of Chaos and Order. For the player, it is not fun to invade the Temple.

When we arrived under the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, the guards had already opened the gate for us. This gate is usually closed and will only be opened when needed. After all, the role of Spirit Gathering Pagoda is not It is used as a transportation hub, so people usually don't come and go frequently.

When entering the Ju Ling Pagoda, the children will inevitably be amazed again, especially when they are standing under the tower and looking up. I believe many people will feel that way. If you look at a building from a distance, you usually don’t feel anything. But if you stand within ten meters of the building and look up at the top of the building, as long as the building is 10th. Above the layer, it will feel very high, and if there are more than two 10th layers, it will feel so towering.

Juling Pagoda starts from the base and reaches the spire of the tower with a vertical height of 7,500 meters. This height is equivalent to a two-thousand-story building. You can imagine standing under the tower and looking up. What is the feeling of time. In fact, if a normal person has poor eyesight, it feels like a Heavenspan Pagoda extends directly beyond the line of sight. After all, the height of more than 7,000 meters is not too small. As for the Isinger Sky City above...In fact, only a large vague building complex can be seen on the ground, and I can't see the details of it. After all, the two Isengard Twin Cities have Spirit Gathering Towers, so the actual distance between the two is actually equivalent to the height of the two Spirit Gathering Towers, because there is a huge Hell Eye in the middle. Besides, the Juling Tower itself is not located on the horizontal line of the city, but located at the highest place in the center of the city, so its starting point is very high. As a result, the actual distance between the upper and lower Isinger has exceeded 15,000 meters. With such a large distance, the eyesight of a normal person can basically only distinguish objects with a length of more than 100 meters. All the small black spots are invisible.

After the children sighed about the tower's tallness, I brought them all into the tower. There are twelve elevator-like devices here, which are used to communicate between the two sides. After all, if the height of 7,500 meters is completely made of stairs for people to climb up with their legs, even if it is based on the physical fitness of the players in the game, it is estimated that it can be exhausting, right?

Because it is a direct elevator, there is no pause in the middle, so the speed is very fast, except for a short pause when passing through the central gravity flip area, it basically goes all the way at high speed. Ten minutes later, we successfully reached the bottom of the Spirit Gathering Tower in the Sky City of Isengard on the opposite side. After we got out of the Ju Ling Pagoda, we started to drill directly into the city. Although our altitude has actually been rising during this process, because the direction of gravity of Sky City is reversed, we feel as if we are walking underground all the time.

After we passed through the entire space inside Isengard Sky City, we passed through a gravitational flip plane, and when we got here, we were on top of Isengard Sky City. This is actually the location of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and it is also the location of our guild's airport.

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