Chuangwang repeatedly assured that there would be no accidents, and then eagerly ran back to the Purple Moon after I was nodded and started to swagger to Indonesia with the fleet. According to the steps of the plan I explained at the end, the First Cruiser Fleet will temporarily take over the previous missions of the Kristina, first arrive in Indonesia to temporarily take over the regional defense, and then wait for the new defense fleet on Isengard's side to arrive after the First Cruiser Fleet. You can just leave the Indonesian region. Of course, the First Cruiser fleet will not return to Isengard directly, but will be "mysteriously missing" midway. After that, the fleet will remain in submarine mode until it reaches the United Kingdom and launches retaliation. As for the disappearing First Cruiser Fleet... this is not a problem at all, because I will send the Misty Fleet to join the First Cruiser on the way, and then the First Cruiser will dive directly and leave, and then even if someone is staring at our Misty Fleet One would also think that the First Cruiser Fleet has always been with the Misty Fleet. After all, the big fog circle near the Fog Fleet has the ability to isolate all detection magic. As long as the First Cruiser Fleet enters, no one can determine their exact location. Besides, most people would never think that our battleship group would actually dive, would they?

The First Cruiser Fleet continued its voyage towards Indonesia, while our fleet turned around and started to run back. The entire superstructure of the Kristina is gone. It is said that the great cultivator is almost the same as the reconstruction. Of course, only the superstructure needs to be rebuilt, and the hull has almost no damage, except for the damage to the cutting and collision angle of the bow, which can be said to be almost intact.

In addition to the Kristina’s need to return, the fleet that came out of Kristina this time did not all return together, but was divided into two parts, some of which were very damaged. The slight battleship went to Indonesia with the 1st cruiser.

Our guild also has its own port in Indonesia, where the dock can repair some minor problems. Some battleships in the fleet brought by the Kristina are only slightly damaged. There is no need to return to the home port. Repairs can also be made in the ports on the Indonesian side. Therefore, there were only five ships that returned to Isengard with the Kristina in the end, and the Kristina itself was only six battleships.

Although we only have six ships here, they are all large-scale battleships after all, so it seems that the scale is not small, and the areas that need to pass through on the return journey are all controlled by our guild. There will be no dangerous problems. But what makes us didn't expect is that the more problematic areas are, the more likely they are to go wrong.

Kristina led the five battleships and quickly completed the regrouping and began to move in the direction of Isengard, but because this time the route was to Isengard instead of the last time. The port, so the route does not overlap with the previous road. Originally, this route was also the sphere of influence of our own guild. Generally speaking, there was no problem, but what we didn’t expect was that when we crossed Hainan Island and started to approach the continent, we actually touched On board a fleet that makes people unfathomable mystery.

"Discovered a fleet?" Inside the bridge of the ice raiding battleship, we suddenly heard such a report. Because the previous Kristina had lost the entire superstructure, Sophie and I moved to the bridge of the Icegrabber. After all, it was always nested in the cabin which was not conducive to command, and it was not convenient to transfer during the battle. battleship, now that the battle is over, of course, you have to change to a relatively intact battleship.

Actually, the Ice Snatcher only looks slightly better than the Kristina. In fact, its own sighting system is basically finished. The main component of the sighting system is the super large-diameter lens, and even if this thing is reinforced with magic, it is still a relatively fragile existence. Therefore, even with a protective shell, these battleships that were frequently shot during the battle still had the sight glass broken. The most important problem with the battleship of the great cultivator is the damage to the viewing system. After all, this thing is a purchased product, and it is not easy to transport, so it can only be carried out in Essing.格Assembly.

Because even the Kristina, the sighting system of the six battleships was damaged, so we can only rely on manual detection to perform normal alert tasks. The signal we just received was a request for payment reported by a member who was riding a long spear out to investigate. He found a medium-sized fleet less than fifteen kilometers in front of us, so he sent the signal back.

After we received the report, we did not have much reaction, because this is already China's territorial waters, which is our own territory. Our Frost Rose Alliance fleet naturally doesn't have to worry about anything in the Chinese region, so everyone didn't take it seriously. However, when the two sides got close enough to see each other directly with our eyes, we discovered that this fleet was not a fleet of a Chinese guild, but a flag we hadn't seen before.

In fact, the national regime in the game only has binding force on NPC, and the control over players is only in the early stage, and as the player's strength increases, this restriction becomes weaker and weaker. Because of this, the so-called navies of various countries are actually their own fleets of guilds, similar to maritime warlords.

Because everyone is working on their own, the fleets of various countries generally do not fly the national flags in reality. That is to say, the five-star red flag will not be hung on the fleet of the Chinese guild, and the Japanese fleet will also Instead of holding the plaster flag, everyone hung their own guild flag or the navy flag with the guild logo.

The banner of the battleship of our Frost Rose League is a special navy flag made up of the guild logo and some other things. As long as others know our guild logo, they can see this banner. Know this is the battleship of our guild.

As the ruling guild in China, the status and strength of our Frost Rose League in China are unquestionable, so in order to facilitate management, that is, to avoid accidental injury and coordinate foreign wars, we have collected All the naval flags of the guilds that have ships in China, and all the newly emerging guilds, as long as they have set up a navy, they need to report to us. Of course, this is a recommendation, not a compulsory measure. Our guild does not force any guild to report this information. Of course, as long as the guild with a normal mind will respond to our call, as long as the guild that comes to report, you can not only enter the logo of your guild into the Chinese guild column map, but also buy it at a symbolic price of a crystal coin. Go to a map of world guild navy flags.

This map records the flags of all the guilds that participated in the reporting in China, and this range includes almost all guilds that own ships in China. As for the foreign part... It is rarer, but the naval flags of some famous world major guilds are recorded here. In addition, this map can be updated for free from now on. As long as the guild who bought this map brings the map to our guild’s library, the latest version of the map can be replaced for free.

To fight at sea, the first thing the two sides saw was the battleship. Except for some of the more distinctive guild battleships, most of the guild battleships did not have much difference in appearance, so they could use The other party’s flag immediately confirms that the other party’s power belongs to, which will be very helpful for what strategy will be adopted in the future. After all, if you can find out in advance that the enemy is on the opposite side, you can at least have an extra preparation time for reloading, which is better than preparing for battle every time you see a battleship appearing, and then you can only find out that it is an ally when you get closer, right?

Because our guild has such a map, we have recorded the flags of most of the guilds in the world, especially the guild flags in Asia are the most neat, and there is almost no omission. Several guilds. However, the banner of the guild in front of us made us a little dizzy, because we couldn't find such a banner on our map.

"I rely on, which guild ship is this?" After seeing the opponent's battleship, our side started to whisper together, because we don’t know who’s the ship, so we can’t do it. Make the most reasonable decision. After all, with our guild’s naval gun range, this distance can actually start an attack. But the problem is that we don’t know if someone is an enemy, so we can’t just shoot at it, right?

Although it was a bit tangled, we didn't care too much about it. The opponent has only one medium-sized fleet, with a total of only 30 ships. Although it is more than us, there is only one battleship that can barely be regarded as a battleship. The rest are basically destroyer or frigate-level battleships, and there are three more. The ship is a supply ship, there is no battle strength at all. It can be said that the total tonnage of the 30-odd ships of the other party is added together, which is just a little bit larger than the tonnage of the Kristina.

Since the opponent’s fleet is not large, we naturally don’t worry about it. The battleship artillery of the European joint fleet has been fighting for so long and it’s okay. These small boats can What about us?

Although I didn't take people seriously, but when encountering an unknown battleship at sea, the rules still have to be set. The battleship on our side first started to move. All battleships deflected to the right, staggering the opponent's course. At the same time, all battleships turned their main guns to the right, that is, their backs were facing the direction the opponent's battleship would pass. This action means that we don't want to fight, which is a kind of maritime rule.

Actually, under normal circumstances, when warships meet, they need to fire each other’s salutes. This is the rule from Europe. Because the early front-mounted artillery fired very slowly, the first round of salutes was to tell the other party: "I have emptied the cannon, and I won't fight you again." After all, it will take at least a few minutes to reload another cannonball.

However, modern battleships have autoloaders. Even for large naval guns, one minute shots with five or six rounds are not a problem. If you run into a rapid-fire cannon, it's not surprising that one minute shot 20 or 30 rounds. In this case, it is obviously meaningless to empty the chamber in advance, so now everyone in the game uses the method of reversing the turret, because it takes at least seven or eight seconds for a large turret to rotate back, which is much faster than the rate of fire of many cannons. It's much slower. Of course, this is just a gesture of courtesy. If you really want to fight, the time of seven or eight seconds is completely irrelevant.

After we turned the turrets to the right, the opponent’s battleship also deflected a little bit to the right, which is equivalent to staggering us. But what made us a little puzzled was that the opponent's naval gun did not turn, but we didn't care much about it, because the opponent's battleship's main gun was covered with waterproof gun jackets, that is, it did not enter the battle state.

Originally, everyone just drove over like this, but as the distance got closer, our battleship politely sounded the whistle, which was a greeting, but the other party’s battleship was in our place. When the siren on the side sounded, they all moved. Those battleships turned all their barrels to our side at the last moment, and directly aimed at the ice-grabbing number with the command flag on our side.

"Fuck me!" Sophie jumped up from her seat when she saw the action of the other party, and then shouted: "Pay attention to each battleship, the battle mode! Is it the day of my mother's trouble today? How to do it Encountered this kind of shit?"

It’s different from the chaos on our battleship. The opponent’s battleship is now a nervous look. If we let us Push the time forward a few minutes to know why they are in this style.

"President, that is the ship of the Frost Rose Alliance!" A few minutes ago, a player said loudly on the bridge of the battleship, the only battleship among the group of battleships.

The player sitting in the captain's seat frowned said: "Just because I knew it was a Frost Rose League ship, I wanted to do it."

"But... …" The person who spoke before wanted to say something, but it was interrupted by another person.

"Director Kim, are you so afraid of that Frost Rose League? How can our Korean battleship lose to others?" After speaking with a flattering expression, the speaker approached the captain. Obviously it is flattery.

The captain saw that the player who had been discouraged before had a bad face, so he said, "Don't worry. I didn't make a random decision without a reason. The Frost Rose League is very strong. , I know this, but you have also seen it. These six battleships are obviously damaged battleships that have just retreated from the battlefield, and the largest one of them has lost its entire superstructure, and the other ships are the same. Afterimage. At this time, if we don’t get a bit of money, wouldn’t we waste such a good opportunity?"

The player who spoke before listened to the chairman’s explanation, his face a little better, but he still said: "I also admit that these battleships do seem to be seriously damaged. How much battle strength can be left is unknown, but the opponent's tonnage lies in the ability. These are obviously battleships, and they are all battleships among the battleships. They are all beaten like that. It’s not sinking yet, and being able to run back on its own shows that these guys have very good bulletproof capabilities. Our battleships are already the last navy seeds of the Republic of Korea. If we lose here..."

"You guys "The guy who shot the flattery before jumped out and said, "Don’t you know that the danger and the benefit are proportional? The casualties on those battleships with disabled battleships are certainly not small. We only need to suppress them and send them. People who land in those battleships can not only sink a few ships, but also capture a few. When the time comes, take them back and repair them, and the naval power of the Republic of Korea will be advanced by leaps and bounds. Do you want to stop the Republic of Korea from advancing? Didn't you succeed?"

The one who spoke with this big hat was immediately dumbed up, and in the end he had no choice but to return to his post. However, before ending the conversation, he still said: "Since everyone has decided to fight, then I hope you can exert the strongest strength and immediately sink a few battleships. Otherwise, once the opponent spirit slowly recovers, I am sure We have no chance of winning. The Frost Rose League can let these injured battleships return to Hong Kong on their own, which shows that they believe in the self-protection ability of these battleships, so these battleships are definitely not as badly injured as they appear on the surface. Moreover, after all, the opponent The tonnage of the gun is placed there, even the caliber of the secondary guns is not much smaller than that of our main gun. Therefore, we have only one chance. If we miss it, we will be ready to swim in the sea!"

This guy is a Korean think tank. Although he didn’t adopt his opinion this time, everyone on the battleship heard his words, and this guy rarely made mistakes in his previous judgments, so at this time everyone still thinks You have to be more cautious, so after you start to act, you will have a nervous expression, afraid of something unexpected.

In fact, the accident still happened, which has nothing to do with the psychological condition of the operator. Because the opponent's battleship was prepared early, the action must be much faster than ours. Besides, the principle of Chuan Xiaohao turning around is the same on the cannon. The opponent’s battleship gun is relatively small, so it turns much faster than ours. Just when we honked our horns to greet, the opponent’s battleship all turned the turret, and then there was a volley of fire, and our guild’s battleship originally had only a few artillery capable of working, and in this case, Most of them have not yet completed the steering.

At such a close distance, the battleship of both parties simply doesn't need to aim, and it is not easy to miss. The opponent's first round salvo almost all hits, without exception. But...with a clank, we bounced a few fire stars on the battleship, and then we saw a few small Fireballs exploding on the sea, and then...and then there was no more.


In the Korean fleet, all those who could see the shooting results were dumbfounded, because they were ready to fire a salvo with this This weird way is over. All the shells fired by the battleship ricocheted collectively and exploded on the sea. Although this is surprising, the reason is actually very simple.

Korean people know that the defensive power of our battleship must be very good, so they are not arrogant enough to think that we can get us through running grenade. Therefore, Korean battleship all use armor-piercing bullets. This armor-piercing projectile is different from ordinary artillery shells, that is, its projectiles do not explode at the touch of a touch, because the projectile must take a while to pass through the armor plate, so if the armor-piercing projectile is not solid, it must have a delay fuse. That is, after the collision occurs, it will explode after a few tenths of a second.

There was nothing wrong with this design, but the problem was that the Koreans underestimated the armor strength of our battleship. As a result, their armor-piercing projectiles did not penetrate our battleship armor at all. Instead, they were ejected and delayed. The time fuse didn't explode violently until the shell fell to the surface of the sea. As a result, the scene we saw before happened. The Koreans’ first round volley and body ricochet.

“I’m scared to death! I thought I was going to be unlucky again!” Sophie was very unlucky today, and the battleship she had just taken over was half-crippled. Now she is returning to Hong Kong with a great cultivator. I was beaten again, it's weird if I didn't get angry. The current situation is that Sophie is very angry, and the consequences are serious, because Sophie has completely run away. "Order the rear passer-by A to the left rudder thirty, drive fast, intersperse the diagonal line, blocking the opponent's forward path. The Bingling in front turned me around and blocked their back. The other ships opened fire freely. I don't want to see it after 3 minutes. Who else is this group of guys floating on the sea."

Sophie got angry, and the captains naturally followed suit. Then the Koreans tragically found that their front and back paths were cut off. .

Although there are only six battleships in our side, it is a long snake formation. After all, it is a sailing state, not a fighting posture. There is no need to use a battle queue, but the opponent uses a loose Formation. Therefore, our ship is actually longer than the opponent in terms of Captain, so the two battleships before and after the call directly made dumplings to each other as soon as they turned.

Originally, if it was a normal battle, our battleship would not dare to expose the sideboard laterally in front of the opponent in this way. After all, this is equivalent to exposing the part of the hull that has been moved in. However, the round of shelling just now proved that the opponent's naval guns can't penetrate our armor at all, so we don't need to worry about the sailing posture here, just violently crush it.

After the two battleships surrounded each other, the still-moving naval guns on our side opened fire one after another. The first target was the opponent's battleship. Although the firepower density on our side is less than one-fifth of the normal firepower, but when our battleship fired at such a close distance, the battleship was almost unresponsive and was blasted into a pile of fragments. , And then just disappeared. This is not sinking in the water at all, this damn thing is completely shattered, can this sinking speed not be fast?

One hit took down the opponent’s battleship, and the remaining battleship was immediately scared and didn’t know what to do. As a result, we hadn’t waited for them to react. Our second round of shelling began. In an instant, six battleships were dropped. Although there are not a few barrels left in our battleship, we can’t stand our big caliber. Shooting a cannon against someone at such a close distance basically smashed it with one shot, and it didn't even roll over and sink, and it just disappeared.

After two rounds of shelling, the remaining battleship of the opponent finally realized the huge power gap between the two sides, and then began to split up. Of course, these battleships are not going to run, but are going to lean on for battles.

Originally, the other party had plans to grab the ship. Now that we are so close, we have formed a double-teaming posture, constantly compressing the distance between the two sides. It is naturally very simple for them to post. However, our side is not a fool. Seeing that the other party wants to post it, of course, it is priority to fight the closer battleship.

Although the distance between the two parties is not far, it is sea after all, and the actual distance is still several hundred meters. This distance is very close for naval battles. It takes a certain amount of time to increase the speed of the battleship. However, the secondary guns on our battleship are all quick guns, although they cannot be the same as machine guns. , But it’s okay to have more than a dozen shots in one minute. Therefore, all the battleships that attempted to rely on were ruthlessly destroyed, and only the Kristina was unable to block the approaching battleship.

The Kristina has no superstructure. Only one barrel of the fourth turret can work on the entire ship. Since this barrel is the main gun, there is no way to attack targets that are too close. Although the nearby battleship also helped the Kristina to intercept, it was eventually approached by a supply ship.

Because this supply ship does not have many weapons, it has been ignored before. When the surrounding battleships were knocked out, it had successfully rushed to within fifty meters and was quickly posted. The deck of the Christina.

As soon as the two battleships came into contact, they saw groups of Korean players rushing out of the battleship with NPCs and directly on the Christina.

Actually speaking, the average battleship will not bring so many players. After all, modern naval battles are not the number of people. Therefore, no matter how many combatants are brought to the battleship, it is impossible to generate more battle strength bonus points. However, because South Korea is currently being invaded by Japan, and the Russians have entered South Korean territory from the north to confront the Japanese directly, the only areas of actual control of the Koreans are only those overseas islands. Of course, the Koreans did not want to be bullied by the Japanese and Russians, so they also resisted. Of course, the fleet was almost maimed, and the rest was a small and medium fleet composed of several guilds.

Because this is the only remaining battleship, Koreans also know that they can’t fight with others. After all, the number is small and there is no advantage. So, they already had a plan before they came out. In fact, the purpose of these Koreans coming out this time is to engage in battleship for South Korea. Of course they are not planning to buy, but want to grab it. These guys redesigned a new flag to make people wonder which force they belonged to. Then they designed a camouflage gun suit that can be quickly unlocked, making people think that their battleship has not entered a state of combat, waiting for it to approach. After reaching a certain range, they immediately fired the cannon to destroy the opponent's bridge, and took advantage of the chaos of the opponent's command and posted it to solve the battle with the ancient battle. This method can not only ensure the safety of one's own battleship, but more importantly, it can capture the opponent's battleship. It can be said that there is nothing more cost-effective than this. As for fame or something... Anyway, the flag was made temporarily, so don't just throw it away afterwards. Take the battleship back and renovate it, and slightly change some external equipment, even if it is recognized, as long as it is not recognized, no one can say anything wrong?

Because Koreans have this kind of idea, the battleship will be over-equipped with marines. As for the idea of ​​hitting us... this is completely a realistic portrayal of Caibo. NS. The huge size of the Kristina and several other battleships makes those Koreans who desperately need battleship supplements coveted, and the battle damage on these battleships also strengthened the courage of the Koreans, and as a result, they rushed up with their heads. Of course, the result is not unexpected. Even if our battleship is injured, it is impossible to be sunk by this small battleship. To sink our battleship, if there is no liquefied magic crystal steam cannonball, it only needs to have a main gun with a caliber of more than 400mm, and it must also be equipped with a high formidable power sub-matter armor-piercing projectile, otherwise it is impossible to threaten our battleship. It's a pity that the Korean battleship's main gun has only a calibre of 380, which is just a bit short, let alone the secondary guns on other small battleships and battleships, which are completely tickle.

Although the fleet was sunk by our battleship efficiently, the Korean players who successfully posted the battleship on the Kristina didn’t mean to be discouraged. They thought they knew that this The battleship was on top of the entire fleet before. As for how they are sure that they will be able to successfully seize this ship, and how to escape the encirclement of other battleships after seizing it...they are enthusiastic, who cares about that kind of thing?

Although it successfully got on the ship of the Kristina and successfully fixed the two battleships together with a special magnet, the Korean players still encountered a serious problem. Their battleship is just a supply ship. The tonnage is only two thousand tons and nodded. Although this tonnage is not very small for the supply ship, the problem is that the 100,000-ton Kristina is parked next to it. As soon as they compare, they feel that their supply ship is like a toy.

Before the distance was far, I just felt that this battleship was very big, but when I got closer, I realized that this was simply a monster-level battleship. Their battleship was only two thousand tons, and the ship’s side was only five or six meters high from the surface, but the ship’s side of the Kristina was actually more than 20 meters above the sea. They stood on the deck of their battleship and found that their deck was more than ten meters higher than them. When they looked up, it looked like a city wall.

If this situation is in reality, of course, it will take a bit of effort, but this is a game. The physical fitness of players and combat NPCs are very good, so after throwing a bunch of ropes with hooks on There are no problems. Climbing a rope is simply trivial to these combatants, and there is no pressure at all. As for the other battleships around... I thought I was afraid of accidentally injuring the Kristina, so I didn't dare to shoot. In this case, as long as the people on the Kristina didn't fight back, they could say that there was no obstacle.

However, this group of people obviously made things simple.

The personnel on the Kristina really suffered heavy losses, and because the island was gone, the personnel on this side had been dispersed and evacuated to other battleships when they were separated from the First Cruiser Fleet. , After all, the island of the Kristina was gone, and many positions did not require personnel, so they simply moved all of them.

Because the redundant personnel on the battleship have been transferred, there are actually only a few players and a group of technical NPCs on the Kristina currently operating the battleship, basically without deck combat capability. Of course, we must know that this happened. After all, the order was given by Sophie, so we all know that there are no deck combatants here. However, although it is more troublesome to mobilize personnel temporarily, Kristina and I were obviously easier in the past.

So, when those Korean players managed to climb up to the deck of the Kristina, what they saw was me unceremoniously sitting on a fixed pile that bolts the Range Rover and using eternal change His little dagger was hung with the non-existent soil between his nails.

I saw the Korean players climbing in front climbing onto the deck. I didn’t even move at all. I was still picking my nails there. At the same time, it’s not too big, but they can hear the voice. "Are you jumping down by yourself? Or let me throw you down?"

Hearing what I said, a guy who had just climbed up and hadn't raised his head immediately yelled: "Okay. With a big tone, when you are...I rely on, Purple Moon!"

After hearing that guy’s words, I pretended to end the action of picking my nails, then looked up at him and said, "Don’t I’m in a daze. Hurry up and decide that we have something to do if we rush back."

The Korean players who came up first all knew my strength, so they were all stuck there for a while and didn’t dare to move. With the passage of time, more and more people came up, so the psychological effect of a large number of people began to come into play. The Korean players who were scared and didn’t know what to do before finally started to have the courage, and one of them, who didn’t know whether it was a brain injury or a human spirit, suddenly shouted: “He’s the only one. We have many people. Let's go together and kill him!"

As this guy shouted, a lot of people really rushed up, trying to take advantage of the number to get me, but I could only shake my head helplessly Stood up.

"It's really troublesome!" I sighed and snapped my fingers directly, and then I saw luck popping out of my back, and then I started to breathe in. The South Korean player rushing in front saw this action and immediately stopped suddenly. However, they still failed to escape the lucky Dragon Flame Jet, after all, this was a big move, and it was an area attack.

Along with the billowing flames of lucky, the group of people who climbed up the battleship were all alighted, and those close to the inside of the deck could only roll around in vain, but they were soon completely scorched. The people on the periphery started to run wildly. Some lucky ones could jump out of the railing and fall into the sea, or hit their own battleship and fall to death. If they run in the wrong direction, they can only wait to be burned to death. .

The number of Korean players who went down to the deck with a mouthful of dragon flames was 70% to 80% less, and the rest of the people stood on both sides of the attack range and looked at this side foolishly, not knowing if they continued to rush up. It's better to turn around and run away. However, I will not hesitate when they are entangled, various familiars appear one after another, and the deck is completely emptied in the blink of an eye.

After getting the people on the deck

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