"Now I will let you know who is the first summoner under the stars. Come out, my lovely giant beasts."

With that wave Saidong's cry suddenly unfolded a huge blue vortex in the area above our heads, and then heard a sharp roar, and the huge sound wave shook the sea with a clear layer of white steam. But this is just the beginning. Just after the huge cry, a huge head suddenly came out of the vortex, followed by the second, third, and ninth.

"Hydra?" Looking at the nine huge heads in the sky, my first reaction was that the other party summoned the legendary sea snake Hydra, which is said to be a very powerful devil beast. It's a bit like Eight-Branched Giant Snake, but it's actually not a creature.

In fact, Hydra has a subspecies called the Nine-Headed Monster, but unlike Hydra, the Nine-headed Monster is a swamp creature and does not live in the sea, while Hydra is completely Aquatic devil beast, and it only works in sea water. However, the thing that has just stretched out the nine heads is obviously not Hydra, because while I was still guessing what this thing is, it actually flew out so directly. Yes, it flew out, because it has wings and more than one pair.

The shape of this creature is very strange. The nine heads resembling giant dragon-like are basically carved out of one mold, and the long necks are connected behind the heads. Of course, because there are nine heads, there are also nine necks.

Of course, the body of the monster is connected behind the nine necks, but its body shape is also quite strange, because it is simply not an ordinary body, but a body that looks like a balloon. Super huge olive-shaped object. In fact, I suspect that the reason this thing can fly is because the torso may be filled with light gas such as helium, so it can fly like a hydrogen balloon. In addition, one thing that needs to be mentioned is that the nine necks of this thing are not all concentrated in one place like the necks of the nine-headed monster or Hydra, but circled along the middle plane of the balloon-like body. That is to say, its neck is almost all around the body, and there is simply no dead end.

Except for the huge olive-shaped torso and the nine heads, this thing has no body structures such as claws or legs. Instead, it has two pairs of four huge membrane wings on its back. It feels like a balloon with wings.

As soon as this weird creature appeared, we were a little stunned, because we had never seen such a weird creature before, but that thing reacted very quickly, and it was locked right after it appeared. He was holding the fellow's pepper, and then one of his heads suddenly turned to the direction of the pepper and opened his mouth, and a red flame sprayed out.

Seeing the flames flying, there was no expression on Chili’s face. Instead, he calmly stretched out a hand in the direction of the flame and made a motion to block it, and then the flame looked like It suddenly burst to form an arc-shaped wall of flame when it hit something, but the flame itself couldn't break through the wall of flame to the thing behind.

I probably felt that his attack was blocked and it was very shameful. The monster roared immediately after seeing what happened to the pepper and began to descend and attempt to attack again, but it had not had time to move much. In the distance, I suddenly heard a loud dragon roar. After this guy just turned his head and looked towards dragon roar, he saw a giant dragon pounced down, biting the neck behind one of his heads, and then The claws only hugged this neck.

The huge impact of luck drove the monster’s neck to be smashed directly, and then as the neck was stretched, the monster’s huge body began to tilt and sink, but luck was not there. Regardless of this, after biting one of the guy’s heads, he immediately began to tear it hard, and the scales on the monster’s neck were obviously unable to stop the dragon’s teeth from invading, but the scales shattered after a few tenths of a second. Lucky teeth were all embedded in the guy's neck and went deep into it little by little. At the same time, a large amount of blue blood began to spray out from the monster's neck.

Although the head was bitten and could not fight back, this monster has nine nine necks, so the two heads on both sides of the attacked neck immediately turned around in an attempt. Help, who knows that at this time two black shadows fell from the sky again, and then each bit a head and dragged it towards the monster's body.

The attack of Xiaosan and the plague directly caused the lucky head to lose all support, and he could only scream in vain and want to break away from the control of luck. Unfortunately, luck is nothing but a pair of not to die. You will never let go No matter how hard it struggles and twists, it can’t be shaken off.

Although there is no way to support the head bitten by lucky, the other heads of the monster attacked the plague of luck and the mistress respectively, but the mistress has three heads, although there is no monster's head. Many, but also not so easy to deal with, so even the counterattack facing the monster's two heads can be completely blocked. Although there is no extra brain to deal with the plague, the melee ability of the plague is the strongest among all my giant dragon familiars, so he is simply not afraid of being attacked by those heads, and directly hangs his whole body on it. On the monster's head, at the same time, he used his tail to fight against other attacking heads, and the monster there's no resistance.

The first giant beast that appeared without any resistance was directly shot down by the three dragons. Although it is still resisting, everyone can tell that death is just a matter of time.

"hmph, don't think this is over." Poseidon continued to yell, and at the same time, the huge vortex in the sky did not disappear, instead a second monster appeared. .

The monster shape that appeared this time is only slightly more reliable than the previous one. Although this thing looks strange from a human perspective, at least there are samples that can be referred to in nature. In fact, the look of this thing is not too ugly, because it looks like a translucent colored jellyfish.

There are many kinds of jellyfish in nature, and the number is even more scary, but this one is the most special right now, because it is an empty mother. Of course, the air carrier I am talking about does not mean the air carrier, but the thing that can fly.

This flying jellyfish inherited the usual characteristic of the summon creature of the guy named Poseidon-big. The huge canopy-like body is at least more than one kilometer in diameter. The sixteen thousand-meter-long arms and legs below are like floating ribbons that swing in the air with the wind, but if you look closely, you will find that this seems to be The beautiful ribbon-like arms and legs are actually densely packed with densely packed dagger-like teeth. These sharp translucent teeth are shiny like crystals, and with their translucent texture, they look very beautiful, but if they are entangled with this thing...I think it must be worse than being entangled in barbed wire.

"Damn, this thing is too big, right?" I felt a little dizzy looking at the huge colorful jellyfish in the sky. The size of this thing is definitely the top ten among the giant beasts I have seen so far. Before, it seemed that there were only four Sacred Beasts. Their guys are bigger than this stuff, and this jellyfish is actually just a player’s Summoned Beast. Usually, without fighting, such a big summon can scare a group of people to death.

Although the creature in front of me is huge, I am not surprised. This thing is big enough, but the battle strength may not be as good as the nine-headed balloon monster before, but physical attacks are definitely not enough to deal with such a large creature, so I just snapped my fingers to get Xiaofeng summon out.

After all, jellyfish are jellyfish. Even if you can fly, you must be afraid of fire, so let Xiaofeng, the Fire Element creature, deal with it in the past.

In fact, just before Xiaofeng had time to contact the monster, another monster appeared out of the vortex over there. The monster shape this time is more normal than the previous two. The shape of this thing is basically similar to that of a biped wyvern. The main part of the body is similar to a giant dragon, the difference is that the giant dragon has four legs, and this guy has only two legs, and its head is also different from the giant dragon, and it doesn’t even look like a reptile, but very much like it. mammal. The head of this thing is obviously similar to a bat, but the two fangs that turn out of the mouth and the row of dagger-like teeth that appear when the mouth is opened occasionally show that this thing is definitely not for insects. However, in terms of its size, we are actually almost the same as the insect.

Compared with the previous two giant beasts, the monster that came out this time is slightly smaller. Although the length from the beginning to the end is close to nine hundred meters, this thing is relatively thin and thin. Six to seven hundred meters of the length of one hundred meters are the length of the tail and neck. In fact, the real volume is not very large. Of course, considering the wingspan of this thing of nearly one kilometer, I have to admit that it is still very oppression force flying.

As soon as the third giant beast appeared, it slammed its wings over the slowly floating jellyfish monster, and then came directly towards my body. It seems that the other party has the same idea as mine, as long as the main body is killed, the summon creature is really nothing. However, my situation is different from him.

Although I rely mainly on demon pets to fight, my personal battle strength is not low at all, so this guy lets those monsters attack me, in fact, simply won't cause me much trouble. On the contrary, his failure to entangle my familiars is his biggest failure.

Just when the third monster sent by that guy rushed towards me, I was not idle. With my wisdom, the female small dragon broke out of the water directly in her body form, and then soared up in the air, rushing directly towards Poseidon's body.

Poseidon, who was propped up in the air by the power of reading, was not worried at all when he saw this situation. He looked at the jellyfish over there, and then the jellyfish suddenly moved towards him. A tentacle came out. Although Chili found out and avoided it in time, the tentacles’ ejection speed was very fast, and because he had never expected that this guy’s tentacles would be so long, he hadn’t been guarded against this before, so he was directly engulfed by the jellyfish monster’s tentacles. Poseidon was forced to pull it over.

Chili originally wanted to resist, but I let her let go as soon as she was picked up. After all, the opponent is a giant devil beast. The size and strength of the pepper is completely for abuse.

After the monster over there rescued Poseidon, I thought I would let Poseidon escape. Who knew that this monster did an amazing thing. I saw it spread all sixteen tentacles around, and then exposed the huge mouthparts covered with silver white teeth surrounded by the roots of the tentacles.

When the mouthparts were opened, we were still wondering what this thing was going to do, but the next second it threw Poseidon in and swallowed it in one bite. This reaction made us all stunned, and the next second I suddenly saw that Poseidon. He was indeed eaten, but he was not digested. Instead, he followed the monster's mouth directly into the huge canopy-like body on top of it. Because this monster's body is transparent, we can still see Poseidon. He is in the monster's body, and he is still doing a new summon.

I really didn't expect this monster to have such ability, but even if it swallows Poseidon, it doesn't matter. At worst, just dig it out for him.

"Ling, Ivoryt, Brigitte, set fire to the jellyfish monster." Following my order, Ling, Ivoryt and Brigitte immediately began to prepare to attack. Although Ling is a legal system, because he is his predecessor Goddess, the preparation time of Dark Element spell is very short. Almost as soon as I finished shouting, a black ray hit the jellyfish monster directly from Ling's fingertips.

At first, I thought that this impossible would cause too much damage to the jellyfish monster. After all, the size of this guy is there, if it is so easy to deal with, it would be abnormal. However, the result surprised me very much. The black beam that Ling fired was like using a hot red soldering iron to stab the soft snow, and it went straight through without any hindrance. Not the kind of ineffective penetration, but a real penetration. The black ray emitted by Ling directly penetrated a big hole on that monster, and we even saw some liquid flowing out, which was obviously injured.

This situation surprised us very much, but in the next second, something even more amazing happened. I saw that the jellyfish monster suddenly stretched one of its arms and legs, and then plunged into the sea water. We saw a blue stream of water quickly rising up along the center of the transparent tentacles. It was obvious that the jellyfish monster was sucking water, and the sucked seawater actually poured directly into the hole that was just pierced by the Ling. Then, when the seawater touched the hole, the hole started to heal automatically in such an inexplicable way, and the speed was amazing. It took almost five or six seconds. This big hole runs through the entire monster's body. It has grown completely.

"I rely on it, don't you!"

Obviously, that jellyfish monster can heal itself by absorbing seawater, and this place is on the surface of the sea. If this guy's ability to absorb seawater to heal itself has no other restrictions, then it is almost invincible in such a place. Unless we have a way to completely wipe out this guy at once, it can recover all of it by sucking in some seawater. We can't fight all the seawater here, right?

Although we were stunned by the scene before us, we did not give up the next action. Ivorite and Brigitte's direct thrusters were fully opened to meet the monster and rushed up, but their flight path was slightly different from before. Ivorite and Brigitte were supposed to fly directly into the monster body along the passageway opened by Ling. We didn’t expect this monster to heal itself on time, and the way of self-healing is to transform seawater, so we need to cut it off first. The ability to heal itself.

There should be many ways to cut off this guy's self-healing ability, but the most direct way we can think of is to break all its tentacles.

The movement speed of this jellyfish monster body is very slow, visually no more than ten kilometers per hour, and the speed of ascent and descent is also super slow, even less than one-tenth of the speed of parallel movement. In other words, it takes one hour for this thing to rise or fall for a distance of one kilometer. According to the moving speed of this thing, if it wants to absorb the seawater with its body, the delay in the middle is enough for us to destroy it dozens of times. However, although the speed of this thing itself is very slow, its tentacles telescopic speed is fast and incomparable. The previous response speed of the pepper did not prevent the jellyfish monster from snatching Poseidon from her hand. This explains the speed of these tentacles. Therefore, if we don't break these tentacles, there is no way for this monster to stop absorbing sea water.

Although the goal is clear, the implementation is a bit troublesome. After Ivorite and Brigitte flew up, the tentacles of the monster moved towards the monster and flew past, but the jellyfish monster was not passively beaten. It immediately began to wave those tentacles to attack when it found something approaching. Although the waving speed of these tentacles is not as fast as the ejection speed, it is not so easy to avoid so many tentacles fluttering together. Fortunately, although Ivorite and Brigitte are both constructed creatures, they are also elemental elves, so their defensive power and magical damage are very high. Although the teeth of the monster’s tentacles can occasionally touch Ivorite and Brigitte, this thing is not a threat to them at all. As long as they are not entangled by the tentacles, they will rub and collide in the air for a short time. impossible Damaged the armor layers on Ivorite and Brigitte. And once they are entangled, there is still a way to get out, because these two are elemental bodies.

Ivorite is the Fire Essence Spirit King, and Brigitte is the Thunder Element through and through. Can the element elves of these two attributes be held in your hand? Fire and thunder are two of the most dangerous elements. No matter which of them the monster touches, they will definitely be injured. The jellyfish monster seems to have no intelligence, and will let go every time it feels pain. After releasing Inverite and Brigitte, they will continue to attack under Poseidon's orders, anyway, it is no brainer.

"It looks like the situation is a bit complicated!"

The joint confrontation between Ivorite, Brigitte and Ling actually failed to fix the jellyfish monster, but my side I'm in trouble. The third monster from the previous guy summon, that is, the guy with a bat head and a bipedal wyvern body, has flown in front of me, and this guy is obviously much smarter than the previous monster, and his mouth is a green slime. Squirted out. This thing obviously knows that it's not a good idea to swallow me, so it uses a breath attack instead.

I don’t know the characteristics of the slime sprayed by this thing, but I can guess that this thing is either poisonous or highly corrosive. No matter how bad it is, it must be very viscous, which can hinder it. My actions. No matter what the attribute is, this thing will definitely not have a good attribute anyway, so when the thing sprayed over, I moved to the back of the guy decisively for an instant, avoiding the attack of that thing on the one hand, and also on the other hand. By the way, I found a suitable attack position.

Just after I reached the back of this monster's head, I immediately pierced Eternal with a sharp sword at the back of that guy's head. The eternal penetrating power does not need to be doubted, and the defense is easily broken. Then the sword body stretches and penetrates the guy’s brain instantly. The brain tissue is completely clean.

The monster whose brain was stirred into a muddy ball instantly lost power and began to fall to the bottom, while my side turned and jumped up with a kick of the monster's head. The monster at my feet hadn't fallen to the sea. I heard angry roar suddenly, and then I turned my head and found that I don't know when there was a large group of flying creatures around us in the sky. The shapes of these creatures are all carved out of a mold, and they are all almost exactly the same as the monster I just killed. The only difference is that the size of these monsters is much smaller. Had it not been for the monster's body that I had just killed and was still falling down, I would almost think that these all are the monster's Avatar.

The small monsters that suddenly appeared were not as big as the previous ones, but even so, the volumes of these things are comparable to those of my giant monsters. Nearly 100 meters in length is just a little shorter than Lucky and Plague. If you stand with Lucky them, it's like the difference between a big white goose and a duck. Although there is an obvious difference in size, it is not that much. exaggerate.

It should be better to deal with smaller body size, but the question is, do the thousands of monsters around you do it? I have enough Qilin warriors, but the problem is that Qilin warriors are not good at air combat! Many of the familiars can fly, but the problem is that my familiars can't deal with tens of thousands of such monsters at the same time, right?

Poseidon, who was in the body of the jellyfish monster in the distance, looked at me triumphantly, and suddenly laughed heartily, because he felt that he had defeated me and the so-called strongest in the world. Players. At this moment he felt that he was invincible. However, his good mood will end here.

"Really, do I have to use the trick? If I do it this way, I will definitely have to accept the penalty time!"

The reason why I don’t want to use the trick is that I have used it once before. Combination, it is said that I should enter the punishment time now, but the problem is that I have a way to resist punishment, so a combination will not have any effect on me. However, the current situation forced me to rejoin the body again, and this time I couldn't fight the penalty time. In other words, once the union is over, I will enter a period of weakness. In other words, if I can't get that Poseidon in this combination, then it will be me who got it done.

Although this situation is actually impossible, I hesitated a little, but in the end I gave up worrying. On the one hand, I am sure that I can fix that guy after entering the fit mode. On the other hand, it is because I actually have insurance.

Although we seem to be in a state of isolation and helplessness here, if there is a serious crisis, I can still call for reinforcements. First of all, our guild also has Isinger Mobile Fortress, a super ultimate weapon that can be used. Although it’s a shame to call Isinger Mobile Fortress for my personal safety, it’s a shame to call Isinger Mobile Fortress for my own safety, but if it’s really for the sake of it, I have to use it if I don’t need it. . In addition, even if I don't use Isinger Mobile Fortress, can I ask my wife for reinforcements?

Although I have hardly done this before, so far not many people know the ability of Rose, but in fact, the cooperation between Rose and me is very scary.

My personal battle is undoubtedly, if I let go and attack regardless of my life, destructive power is definitely destroying heaven extinguishing earth. And what is a rose? Rose is a composite version of the Super Nurse and the Resurrection Angel. With the Super Nurse Rose, the recovery speed of attributes such as health points is at least several times higher. In this case, it is not that simple to kill me. In addition, Rose is a resurrection mage. The ability to resurrect the mage is to resurrect the player. Although the ordinary resurrection mage can resurrect the player, the level dropped will also drop. Sometimes the resurrection fails and directly drops two levels, and the resurrection also needs to borrow a special magic array, so the resurrection mage can only be used in a specific environment The resurrection spell, after all, even if the high level resurrection mage can draw the magic array by himself, it is impossible to complete in an instant.

However, roses are an exception. First of all, Rose's resurrection technique is too high, and secondly, there is a special item on her body. That is a resurrection array that can be carried around, so Rose can actually track and resurrect specific targets during battle. In other words, if I die in a battle, Rose can keep me in place and resurrect as I was before the battle, and even the previous inertia, movements, and even the big tricks I'm preparing for remain uninterrupted. For the enemy, this situation basically means that the fatal attack just now has completely failed. You say how terrifying my lethality is in this state?

Of course, in fact, it is very difficult to resurrect uninterruptedly, but Rose’s success rate for this move is as high as 50%, that is, half of it almost instantly resurrected me in place , Completely unprepared by the enemy. Moreover, even if I cannot be resurrected in situ in an instant, Rose can use the normal version of the resurrection technique to resurrect me by her side, which means I can be resurrected directly on the battlefield. This interval may not exceed one second, so in fact it has little effect on the battle.

So, if I use the ring of love summon for the rose, I can definitely kill the guy in front of me. Of course, it’s not necessary yet.

After I want to understand, I immediately start to enter the state of integration. Poseidon had seen my fit state once before, so he was not too surprised by my fit, but he did not expect my fit to be so strong.

Just after I completed the integration, the three monsters that Poseidon had come out of summon had all lost their targets, so they immediately focused all their targets on me, and the surrounding ones The little monster immediately swarmed towards me in an attempt to besiege me.

Looking at the huge swarms of monsters rushing up in the surrounding black, I planned to use big moves to destroy these things, but when I was just preparing the skills, there was a huge explosion on the battlefield. The change.

Just when the monsters rushed towards me, a large dense rain of magic missiles suddenly flew down above my head. This rain of magic missiles was as dense as a real rainstorm, instantly It just came from the sky, and the monsters around me were all shot down directly by those dense magic missiles, almost as if they were hitting flies. In an instant, a large blank area was cleared out around me. Although there are hundreds of monsters wandering outside, the place beside me in the middle is indeed completely emptied.

Such a dense and accurate magic missile torrential rain can knock down hundreds of monsters at once, but none of the magic missiles hit me, who is in the center of the torrential rain. It can be seen that the magic control accuracy has reached What point. There is only one person in the world who can do this, and that is Kristina, so I looked up towards the top of my head without the slightest hesitation, and it turned out that Kristina was slowly descending.

"Why are you here? What about the Kristina?" I didn't feel her when I saw Kristina coming to help her, because her task now is to protect the Kristina. There was obviously something wrong with running to my side to help.

I thought Kristina would go back immediately when she heard what I said, but I didn’t know that she actually laughed and pointed in the direction of the Kristina behind, and then flew in front of me and started to continue. Use her magic missiles to bomb those monsters with torrential rain.

I looked back suspiciously, and found that a large group of battleships were slowly approaching on the sea not far away. It took a long time for our guild's fleet to come, so Kristina would give up protecting Kristina. With the reinforcement fleet of our guild, the Kristina is basically safe. Although battleship is not good at dealing with rare beasts, but with so many battleships gathered together, not all monsters can approach it. Besides, Poseidon of the summon monster is being dragged here by us at this time. I guess he has no time to deal with the Kristina.

I didn't care about Kristina after she had left her job without authorization. Turning around, I was about to talk to her about the division of labor, but found that there were no monsters around. I have to say that professional matters are best handled by professional people. To deal with such a large number of low-level creatures, the most suitable ability is really Kristina's ability, and my battle method is actually more suitable for regular ground combat or when dealing with the super single BOSS. Such a situation with a lot of small monsters, although I can handle it, but it takes a very long time. How can it be like Kristina’s monster scattered ashes and dispersed smoke between talking and laughing?

Christina's sharp attack directly stunned the fellow Poseidon. The little monsters just made out are one of his tricks, because he has discovered that my attack power is very high, and the large creatures suffer from a loss in front of me, because no matter what level it is, it is almost three punches in front of me. Both feet are gone. In this case, of course, he has to change his strategy and directly abandon the large creatures like summon, but start to use some small and medium-sized creatures to win by relying on quantity.

Actually, although Poseidon’s summon skill has an upper limit, this number does not actually refer to the number of individual monsters, but the number of energy.

If someone has played the old-fashioned chess strategy game, they should understand Poseidon’s ability better.

In that kind of strategy game, you will be given a certain amount of funds as soon as you come up, and then you will be asked to buy various arms, and then rationally allocate these arms to fight in the battle. In this strategy game, the amount of funds is fixed and cannot be increased, or even if it can be increased, it will not be too much. It's like Poseidon's upper limit of energy, this upper limit of energy is his capital quota, and he uses these energy to choose summon which kind of monster is to optimize the combination of these energies.

Poseidon can use all energy for summon low-level creatures, so the summon number will be very large, but the battle strength of each creature will be very low, because their energy level is very low. Of course, he can also summon super creatures, so the summon creature battle strength will be very strong, but conversely, the summon number will be very small.

In short, the total energy of Poseidon’s summon’s monsters is fixed. He can use different combinations of summon and different monsters to fight, but no matter how they’re matched, the total energy of the monsters is so much. Without the death of the monster, he would not be able to summon the new monster, and the amount of energy vacated by the dead monster, the monster of the new summon cannot exceed this value, otherwise the summon must be surrendered to other monsters.

The little monsters just now are small monsters that Poseidon used his own ability summon to come out. Their energy level is very low, but because they consume very little, they can be summon in groups, but he didn't expect Kristina actually spared his hand to join the battle between us. Originally, with his ability, it was already very difficult to deal with my this world first, but now a world second appeared unexpectedly, and unlike me, Kristina’s attack method happened to restrain his summon system. capable.

"hmph! Purple Moon, you guys are really shameless. If I can't beat me by myself, I still have to call a helper." Poseidon hid in the belly of the jellyfish monster and said loudly. It is strange that the sound coming from the belly of the jellyfish monster passed through the body of the jellyfish monster, but it was not weakened. Instead, it became very loud, just like a loudspeaker.

I just coldly smiled when I heard that guy’s clamor, and didn’t answer, and then said to Kristina: "You go and watch Kristina first, let me come here. "

Although I knew that Poseidon's intention was to use radical combat to get me to expel Kristina from the battle sequence, I did so deliberately. It's not because I was aroused by him, but because I think this guy's ability seems very interesting, I want to study it carefully. Besides, I have already completed the fit state. Wouldn't it feel a bit like tiger's head and snake's tail if it was lifted?

Of course, Poseidon on the opposite side does not know my mental activity. He just thinks that his strategy has succeeded. However, in the next second he will know how outrageous he is.

I have entered the state of integration, and I simply didn’t mean to talk nonsense with him. The state of integration is to calculate the time. Although I can support a long time in this mode, the longer it will last. , The longer the punishment time will be, so I still hope to end the battle as soon as possible.

Just when the guy watched Kristina leave with pride, he suddenly realized that I was missing. He didn't even find out how I disappeared. Poseidon, who was looking for me in a panic, suddenly heard the screams of his s

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