I separated all the familiars and was responsible for intercepting the monsters near the Kristina. With the help of Aanna, I quickly reached the place where the monsters appeared before. Start waiting for the other party's next summon.

Kristina, who cooperated with me tacitly, immediately launched an explosive attack after seeing me reach the position, and concentrated firepower to solve a monster at once. With the death of this monster, the other party immediately started summoning the new monster to try to replenish the missing quantity. What the guy didn't know at this time was that I was lurking in the Sea Territory where he was about to summon monster waiting for his summon. .

Just as I let go of all my perceptions and stared at the surrounding fluctuations intently, a sudden spike of energy suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea ahead, and I saw a monster in an instant. Appeared on the sea surface, and at the same time, Anina also let out a high-pitched scream under the sea surface.

Generally speaking, Aanna does not need to make this kind of sound to use her sonar skills. The reason why she uses this method is to find the target in the shortest time. This high-pitched scream is not the same as the sonar wave used in normal times. If you compare the sonar localization sound used by Adyna to the terrain detection and enemy sonar used on the submarine, then this high-pitched scream can basically be regarded as a lock-in emission of an attack sonar. NS. Of course, this is just a metaphor, and it doesn't mean that Anna's sonar is directional. In fact, this is still a range of search skills.

As Anna’s scream sounded, the sound waves were immediately transmitted at a much faster speed than in the air, and then when they hit an obstacle, they began to rebound, and Anna’s It is listening attentively to the sonar wave that he emits.

"Master, found the target!" After listening quietly for a few seconds, Adina suddenly shouted to me.

As soon as I got the reminder, I directly stirred my wings and cooperated with Amana and swam towards the target at high speed.

Although we have found the target, we are not sure that the other party will stay in one place forever, so Grandma is still moving while using sonar to continue to lock, but in Grandma During the detection, the opponent was actually away from the battlefield with his back to us at a high speed.

There are only two possibilities for this to happen. Either by chance, the opponent will be away from the battlefield immediately after the monster is summoned, or the opponent can discover our sonar detection.

"No, the other party's speed is too fast!" After I chased me for more than ten seconds, I found that the distance between the two parties was farther and farther instead of getting close. In this case, we Simply impossible to catch up with that guy.

I thought for a moment and contacted Kristina who was fighting against monsters, and then asked directly: "Kristina, if you expand into your full body form, you can block those monsters alone. Are they close to the Kristina?"

Kristina without the slightest hesitation said: "President, you too underestimate me? Just a few monsters, if I expand my body completely The form can definitely kill them all, but in this state, my consumption will be very large, and I may not be able to hold on for too long!"

"Ten minutes. Give me ten minutes. Can do it Are you there?"

When Kristina heard it for only ten minutes, she immediately replied: "This is okay, I'm not that weak yet."

"Then Okay, you can transform now. I want to recall my familiars."


Kristina will cut off after answering my question. After finishing the communication, he raised the staff with one hand and drew a circular magic array in front of him, and followed the whole person flying through the circular golden array. When Kristina came out of the magic array again, her styling had undergone the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The crystal-like colored equipment at this time all became shiny golden, and with During her flight, almost all of the space around her was covered by the golden light particles that she emitted, and she felt as if she had become a beautiful butterfly swaying golden light and dust.

Kristina, who completed the transformation of the Queen of Elements, immediately teleported to the top of the Kristina, and then she waved the staff in her hand, a golden light. The dot immediately shot vertically downward into the island of the Kristina. The speed of the light spot was very fast. It immediately began to expand after entering the island of the Kristina, and it expanded into a huge light ball with a diameter of one kilometer in less than a second.

As the ball of light formed, Kristina suddenly pointed her staff at Kristina again, and then she held the staff with both hands as if it were very difficult, and at the same time she shouted : "Get up!"

As Kristina shouted, the surrounding monsters were all stunned, because right in front of them, the battleship that was bigger than them was actually in Golden Under the protection of the light ball, it began to rise slowly, and the speed is still getting faster and faster.

The sea monsters who saw this situation immediately realized that it was not good, and started rushing towards the battleship, and they wanted to sink the battleship as soon as possible, because they all knew they had no anti-air capability. , Once the ship flew up, they couldn't use it at all.

"Damn, it's a bit big this time!" Looking at the Kristina, which was about to leave the sea completely behind, even I was shocked. My original plan was to temporarily ask Kristina to help me out, so that I can extract all my familiars so that I can concentrate on catching the summoner. But I didn't expect Christina to be so fierce. Instead of blocking more than twenty rare beasts, she directly lifted the Christina from the sea.

Although Kristina has its own flight system, because we intend to keep this secret for the future, I have not allowed Kristina to activate its flight capabilities, even in Kristina. We didn't let it fly even when the number was badly hit. However, now, it did fly, only using Kristina's magic instead of its own flying ability. Although Kristina would be more strenuous in this way, at least it would not leak the secrets.

Looking at the Kristina, which was gradually lifted off, I also knew that Kristina would not last long. To get such a large battleship into the sky, this required strength is not a little bit, even Kristina, who is in the state of the Queen of Elements, is definitely not able to hold it. Therefore, now I will act as soon as possible to reduce the time Kristina can support.

As I gave orders in the contact, the familiars who were intercepting rare beast immediately entered the training space in place, so they returned to me much faster than they ran over by themselves. . Although I, like a normal summoner, cannot be too far away from my summon familiars or other summon creatures, I can let the familiars return to the summon space by themselves at a distance from me, and as long as the familiars are Back in the summon space, I can immediately reappear summon them by my side, no matter how far the distance between them is, there is no delay.

As all the familiars entered the training space, I immediately let go of Aanna's hand and let her chase the target by herself. Although I have wings that can be used to propel in water, wings are not originally used in water, so my underwater speed is simply incomparable to Adina. The main reason why the previous goal keeps away from us is because Amina wants to take me and slow her down. Now after I let go, Amina's speed immediately increases, and she pulls away from me in the blink of an eye. A distance of several meters.

I didn't swim straight forward after leaving Aanna, but floated directly to the surface of the sea. Judging from the situation just now, the other party should have discovered us. So moving under the water at this time actually doesn't make much sense. Previously, coming from underwater stealth was just for concealment, to prevent the other party from discovering that I was looking for it. Since this will have been exposed, hiding it again is completely superfluous.

When I emerged from the water, I immediately took Yekage out of summon, and then turned over and jumped up. Immediately after I got up, Ye Ying took a stride and dashed forward, feeling as if what was beneath my feet was not the surface of the sea but the ground. If it hadn’t been because the battleship of the combined fleet had run far, they would have been surprised to see me riding a horse galloping on the sea, but I believe many people are aware of the night shadow’s ability, and it should be just a little stunned to respond. come over.

Although the speed of night shadows is not as fast as that of birds, it is much faster than creatures that move underwater. The resistance of water is many times greater than the resistance of air, so no matter how fast creatures swim, they are also impossible to be faster than creatures flying in the sky. Even though Ye Ying looked like he was running on the surface of the sea, he was actually flying. After all, his hooves would never touch the surface of the water.

Because Anna is constantly using sonar to locate below, we simply won't lose the target, we just need to catch up all the way.

Relying on the speed of the night shadow, we rushed to the top of that guy in only ten seconds, and according to the detection data of Granda, the target was less than ten meters below us. .

"Small dragon girl..."

Boom. As I shouted, the sea suddenly burst, and the small dragon girl who flew out of the training space plunged into the sea directly with her body form, and her body was not completely as water yet, it was a loud explosion sound, in front of us. A large water column tens of meters high was lifted up less than fifteen meters, and a human-shaped object flew up along with this water column.

"Look where you are running." The moment I saw the humanoid object, I knew that it was our goal, the guy who can summon Sea Beast. However, judging from the previous situation, this guy's summon creatures seem to have no anti-air combat capability, and all of them are Sea Beasts, so I decisively adopted the most shameless tactic for him-not let him go into the water.

Following the water column raised by the small dragon girl, the guy was lifted into the air more than ten meters high, and because of the constant tumbling, there was no way to control his balance. However, this is only the 1st Step. Just when his ascending power disappeared and his body began to fall, a little girl in red light armor stepped on the water and walked directly below him.

The pepper who walked directly under the guy calmly looked up towards the enemy above him, and then didn’t see what she was doing. An invisible barrier suddenly appeared around her. . The sea water that lost its inertia and began to fall was suddenly blocked by an invisible force when it fell more than one meter above her head and began to deviate from the surroundings, and following the demarcation line formed by those deviating water currents, a clear spherical structure Finally revealed. Although the sphere does not have any visible substance, the blank area formed by the falling water around it can confirm that the sphere does exist. At least it blocks the intrusion of the sea water. Let the pepper stand there but nothing. Get a drop of water.

In fact, the pepper not only blocked the falling sea water, the guy who had just started to fall suddenly felt tight on his body, and then the whole person started to rise again. This change shocked him that one Buddha came out of his body and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. This guy's ability is summon Sea Beast combat. Although he deliberately hides his strength, he can't really only summon those Sea Beasts that can't be airborne, but air combat is not his strong point after all. If it is an air-to-air battle on the seashore, he will simply not fail. At best, no one can do anything about it, but once he is taken to the sky, it will be troublesome. He simply doesn't have the ability to move in the air. If Sea Beast is dragged again, he will almost become a living target.

After realizing that he could not fall back into the sea, this guy finally realized that he was too arrogant. After discovering me before, he thought he could continue to besiege Christina while evading my attack, but now he understands that if he can't concentrate all his power to deal with my enemy, then don't say anything about attacking Christina. It's Na, don't even want to save his own life.

Poseidon made a decisive snap when he wanted to understand, and then Kristina found that the Sea Beast under her who was in a hurry suddenly disappeared. In fact, this is Poseidon who counter-summoned these Sea Beasts and sent them all away, because although his summoned beasts are endless, there is a limit on the number of summons at the same time. If you don’t be besieging Chris Those Sea Beasts of the Dina were anti-summon, he simply couldn't summon the new Sea Beast to join the battle. This is why he would rather use the tactics of adding fuel to continuously send Sea Beasts to attack the Kristina instead of summoning hundreds of Sea Beasts to get the Kristina at one time. It is not that he doesn't want to, but can't do it.

"hmph, don’t you think I can’t do it this way?" Poseidon coldly snorted, who was held up in the air by the dynamism of pepper, then looked at me, who had risen to the same height as him, and said: "Now I will let you know who is the first summoner under the stars. Come out, my lovely giant beasts."

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