"Fuck me, don't you?"

"What's the matter?" Kristina, who was standing next to me, was frightened when she heard my exclamation. After a jump, he hurriedly drew out his staff and looked around for the enemy, only to see nothing for a long time. "Hey, President, what exactly did you see? It's so miserable."

"I guess you will call out louder than me when you see it."

"What is it? Such an exaggeration?" Kristina started to look for what I said as she spoke, and then she followed my sight and saw what I had just seen. "Oh my god!"

"How about? I said you would call it?"

Kristina was nodded with dementia, and then looked at the bow The golden string on the side of the ship said by the name: "Whose idea is this? Why is my name on the ship? It's still hot stamped!"

"It's not that your name is on the ship, but That ship is named after you. Sea-going ships usually mark the name of the ship somewhere on the hull, and the one you see is the name of the ship. This battleship is called the Christina."

"Then this is my ship?"

"At least the battleship named after you."

"Hi, President, Christie Na." A beautiful woman in a white uniform walked down the gangway, waved at us all the way, and then yelled at Kristina: "How about? It feels good to see the battleship named after herself. "

Kristina suddenly thought of something after looking at the beauty, and then asked: "Since there is a battleship named after me, does it mean that there is also the Purple Moon number, really red? Numbers and gold coin numbers?"

"Hey, you guessed it?" The beauty replied unabashedly.

I didn't expect just now, and I immediately became calm after hearing the answer from the other party. "What? And the battleship named after me?"

The beauty who got off the boat had already walked up to us at this time, and then said with a laugh: "President, your name is not a battleship. "

"Not a battleship?"

"Well, your name is a super mothership. Although its battle strength is also very strong, its function is closer. The aircraft carrier is equipped with a large number of mobile angels. The hull also carries many small speedboats and devil beasts for naval warfare, just like you. You fight with the Summoned Beast, and the Purple Moon is a small attack that you can carry with you. Unit combat is considered a summon type."

"My own attack power is not low, okay."

"The same is true for the Purple Moon. It is said that the Purple Moon is also equipped with There are the latest experimental weapons, but I don’t know what it is. I heard that I haven’t tested it yet, but since it’s a new type of experimental weapon, I think It shouldn’t be too weak. Otherwise, it’s a polished cannon. That's all right."

"Speaking of Sophie, you are now..." Kristina suddenly looked up and down the dress of the beautiful woman in front of her.

When the other party heard Kristina’s question, he turned around and asked with a smile, "How about? Handsome?"

Kristina Nodding her head and said: "It feels like an imposing manner, and it's also pretty."

The beauty immediately smiled triumphantly when she heard what Kristina said. "Because of the excellent performance before, I have now been promoted to the captain of the Christina. From now on, the battleship named after you will be under my command."

"You are promoted to the battleship. Long?" Kristina said in surprise: "Aren’t you the captain of the pilot ship before?"

"What’s the matter with the pilot ship? Our pilot ship rushes to the front every time we fight. Okay. Besides, the navy rule of the guild is that to serve as a captain of a cruiser or higher level battleship, you must have at least three months on a pilot ship."

I interrupted. The two beauties exchanged greetings, and then said: "I think you'd better go up and talk about it, we still have a bunch of little guests."

"Oh, I'm really sorry." Sophie turned around and waited. The children said: "Come on, my little guests, hurry up, we are about to set off. I will show you the latest battleship of our Frost Rose League in a while, which is the most fierce battleship in the world. "

Under the guidance of Sophie, the children boarded the deck of the Kristina excitedly, but the children who had been abiding by the rules immediately got into a mess immediately after boarding the deck. The girl is okay, mainly because the male children all ran to the second main turret in the center of the front deck, and a few naughty people actually climbed up the base of the second main turret and wanted to open the door.

The guns of the battleship Kristina used the classic layout of the guild battleships, that is, there are five main turrets in the first three and two rear turrets. All of these five turrets use twin-mounted cannons. , This is very different from previous battleships. Before our guild, the main turrets of battleships generally used five-armed guns, that is, five cannons lined up side by side on a turret. However, the Kristina used all double-barreled artillery, and the number of barrels in the two turrets was not as much as the original one. Although this design is closer to the actual battleship design, it is the design of our guild. It's really strange.

Sophie saw that I kept staring at the turret and guessed what I was thinking, so she immediately walked over and asked: "Is it weird why the number of main guns has decreased so much?"

I nodded and said: "If you know the reason, hurry up!"

"In fact, the truth is very simple. The previous battleship used gunpowder to fire. Although the shells used magic crystals to detonate, Explosives are still chemical gunpowder, so the formidable power is not big enough. Only by increasing the number of barrels to increase the hit rate and damage the formidable power."

"You mean that the current naval gun has a higher hit rate and The formidable power is bigger?"

"Yes. Although the type you see now looks like a normal artillery, the internal structure is completely different. This type of cannon is not actually a cannon. It’s a magic cannon. It does not use the expansion of gas produced by the explosion of gunpowder to propel the cannonball. The bottom of the cannon’s barrel is equipped with Wind Element magic array, and the inner wall of the barrel is completely covered with Thunder Element magic array, and that The shell of the shell is a Thunder Element magic array with a reverse magnetic field, so..."

"So this is an electromagnetic gun with Wind Element boost?" I asked in surprise.

"This is the principle, but because it is all implemented using magic structures, all these are considered magic cannons. Also, by the way, the shells generated by this cannon are not destructive power produced by gunpowder explosions. The formidable power in this shell is bigger."

"You won’t put the liquefied magic crystal steam into the shell, right?"

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