Chapter 391th Fleet

The children are also not clear about how to receive such tasks. On the one hand, the children’s expressive ability is a bit The problem, on the other hand, this task is also very strange, because it is said that the task scroll seems to be picked up rather than received directly.

In the game, there are indeed people throwing things, but they usually throw things that cannot be put into the storage space, or they are stolen by thieves. In reality, it is rare to see loss due to forgetting. The task scroll belongs to the general item. Except for some special tasks, the task scroll can be placed in the storage space under normal circumstances, which means that this thing is generally not easy to lose. Of course, if you have to hold the scroll in your hand, and you like to throw it away, there is no way even if Divine Immortal comes. But I personally think that the probability that this thing will be lost is really one in ten million, which is definitely a very rare situation.

Although it is rather strange how this thing came from, since I can’t ask for a reason, it’s true that this thing belongs to the children, and I agreed to their deal. , So it is inevitable to help them do the task.

"Okay, I won't ask about the origin of the mission scroll, and now we start to do the mission." I said while looking at the scroll.

"Oh, do the the task..." The children burst into cheers, which made our side immediately become a magnet for the eyes, but after seeing Chris After Dina stood there in a magic outfit, most people speeded up their pace and walked over. After all, even if these people don’t know Kristina, she should know what level of existence this is by just looking at her outfit, so As long as the head is okay, generally will not want to provoke such a person.

I stretched out my hand to signal the children to be quiet, and I re-opened the scroll and pointed it to them, and then said, "According to the signs on this, we should first rush to the Southern Sea to find a boat. You guys. Are you planning to find the boat yourself or let me arrange it?"

After hearing my question, the children asked each other a bit, and finally the oldest child stood up and said: "We intend to let you Come and help us arrange the boat. We don’t have much money ourselves. If we want to rent a boat, it will be a great financial burden for us."

I nodded and said: "In this case, the boat is only my business. I’m here to take responsibility. Let’s go find a harbor city and talk about it now."

Under my leadership, the children started to go on the road and move to the nearest city according to my arrangement, because we need to use the Transmission over there. Formation arrives at the southern tip of Hainan Province, and then takes a boat out from here to find the island. Originally, if it were me, I could fly directly, but with so many children, I think it is more reliable to take a boat.

In order to save time, I directly brought out the lucky and plague summon, and then let the group of children sit on it. As a result, this behavior did not buy me much time, because the children saw two dragons. After that, I was very excited to study my two dragons, and when they finally agreed to go up, the time wasted was almost enough for us to walk to the nearby city on foot. Fortunately, luck and plague have good flying abilities. After the children settled down, they flew to the nearest city in less than one minute. In fact, this city is not far from the leveling area where we were before, otherwise the children would not want to walk past.

It is impolite to directly let large monsters land in the city. Although our Frost Rose League is already the de facto hegemon in China, we will try our best not to take the initiative if it is not necessary. Oppress those national guilds, especially those of a certain scale that control the city.

After the city gate landed, I directly greeted the children to walk into the city. As a result, the children were stopped by guards as soon as they arrived at the city gate. Because the city gate guard basically does not intercept ordinary players except for intercepting red-named players, I didn’t expect and I would have a problem, so I walked over and waited for an anxious cry from behind. After looking back, I realized that the children were actually stopped.

"What's the situation?" When I came back, I saw several NPC guards blocking the path of the group of children under the leadership of a player, and the children were quite angrily confronting each other .

Because I have already walked past, the guard here is facing away from me at this time. Hearing my question behind him, he immediately said without looking back: "It's nothing with you, don't worry about it."

"How do you talk?" Kristina said angrily One sentence.

I don’t know if it’s because we refused to leave or because we heard Kristina’s voice. The other party suddenly turned around. After seeing Kristina and I, his eyes flashed. . I found that the guy's eyes simply didn't look at our faces, but instead focused on our armor. My Dragon Soul suit and Kristina's body are all top-notch Divine Item suits, so there is a huge difference in appearance from those worn by ordinary players. When this guy saw our equipment, his eyes gleamed directly, and almost no water came. If it weren't for this thing is still wearing us, I even suspect that he has planned to put his hands in his pockets.

Originally, I thought the other party was only attracted by our equipment, so I deliberately coughed, hoping that he could lift the head to see our face, and then rely on our reputation to scare him Live, so you don’t have to conflict with him. Although we are not afraid of such a small role, we are not here to cause trouble. Who wants to beat others to play? Of course, in order to show that they are awesome, some people do have this kind of hobby, bullying the ordinary person twice in three days so that people know how amazing they are. But do we need to do this? The strength of Christina and I was not given by others. It was our own strength. Even if we didn't show off, it was our strength. There was no need to step on people to show our strength.

Although my idea is good, it is a pity that something went wrong with my plan this time. After I coughed twice, the guy still stared at our equipment in a daze, as if I didn’t hear it. Then he actually walked two steps towards us, rubbing his hands there, looking at it. How wretched it was, and if it weren't for me, Kristina would almost be ready to step back screaming. This is not a question of strength, but a normal reaction of a beauty seeing a pervert.

Forget it if the other party is just acting awkwardly, we will not be angry with others because of the appearance of others, but this guy seems to be determined to die today. As if he was possessed, he walked directly to our side, then bent over and scanned Christina and me, and finally couldn't help reaching out and touching Christina's chest.

"Ah..." Although I'm right next to me, and my strength is quite against the sky, as a woman, Kristina is certainly impossible when she sees someone reaching out to touch her chest. Yes, she screamed and hid directly behind me, and I immediately reached out and blocked the guy.

"Do you want courting death?" I asked in a cold voice.

"What are you? Get out of the way." The guy planned to go around and continue to attack Kristina without lifting his head, and I was simply ignored.

Kristina looked at that guy in shock. This was the most bullish person she had ever encountered. Prior to this, even those Peak players who saw us in a popular meeting were polite and polite. Even if it was a hostile relationship, it was just pure hostility. No one has ever dared to insult us like this. And the courage of this guy in front of him is simply against the sky. Of course, both Christina and I actually know that this guy hasn't noticed who we are 80% of the time.

Although I originally planned to do more than less, it’s a pity that the guy in front of me is too capable. If I still intend to deal with it in a low-key manner, it will damage the reputation of our Frost Rose League. . So, after this guy showed his intention to continue being rude to Kristina, I stretched out my hand and pinched his arm, and this guy didn't look up in surprise until his arm was pinched. Covered my face.

At first I thought this guy would feel scared after seeing me, but things went different from my expectations again. After seeing me, the guy still had an extremely arrogant expression and said: "You dare to block me, how do you think you are? I am the seventh oldest in Full Moon City, and there is no one in this city yet. People dare not give me face, you dare..."

The guy raised his leg and kicked him into the air before he finished speaking, and then jumped up and hit an elbow. Smash it directly to the ground, then stepped on his back and pressed it back onto the ground angrily shouted: "How old am I? My damn China boss, how old are you asking me? You are the brain Did you forget your home or just deliberately die?"

"You arrogantly have a fart, tell you, now if you don't let me go, you will be finished after our boss comes." That guy When I stepped on my feet, I was still clamoring, it was as if he was stepping on me.

Faced with this kind of mental disorder, I was completely gone. I just pressed my foot, and the guy’s neck was cut off with a pu chi, and he kicked his head away with my kick. .

Because this guy is the city gate Guard Captain of this place, his death immediately made me a hostile force here. The NPC guards oh la la all picked up the weapons on him, and then Aimed at my side.

I didn’t mean to do anything at all. I just glanced at those NPCs with a cold face and icy eyes, followed by a flash of the black magic halo under my feet, a circle of naked eye visible faint black light The membrane suddenly spread. After being swept by the light film, all the NPCs trembled all over, and then they trembled as if they had seen a monster and backed away desperately. There were even two guys who squatted with their weapons on the spot. The whole body was shaking on the ground as if sifting chaff.

"humph." Accompanied by my coldly snorted, the surrounding NPCs that had exited fifty meters away suddenly threw their weapons together, then turned around and ran, as fast as a frightened rabbit.

"Wow, Purple Moon big brother is so handsome!" The children who hadn't dared to make a sound before suddenly burst into cheers, and then rushed up and surrounded me. It's also called jump again.

The actions of the children made the fear halo that I just released immediately lost its effectiveness, but the gang of NPCs were scared away, and there is no point in not opening the halo.

After making the children quiet a little bit, I took them to the city’s Transmission Formation direction. Although I knew that the manager here would be here soon, I didn’t plan to run away. . Firstly, it was unnecessary, and secondly, I knew that there would be no fights at all.

The door guard just now definitely has a head problem, or he has just entered the game and has never heard of my reputation before. Anyway, he simply doesn't know who I am. Only in this way can he do the kind of thing just now, and normal people will definitely not do that kind of thing if they know my identity. Even if he is born tough and unafraid of power, he should at least be careful not to provoke us actively. Behaviors like the one just now can definitely be done without knowing me.

However, although that guy doesn't know me, I don't believe that everyone here doesn't know me. At least I believe that their president must know me. As long as the Chief-In-Charge on their side rushes over and sees me, they will definitely not do it right away. Those who are less spine may just start to flatter, and most reserved ones are to ask the whole sequence of events first, and the thing just now is obviously that the other party is rude first, so as long as it is clear, normal people will definitely not trouble us. Yes, and will take the initiative to apologize.

Sure enough, when we were about to arrive at the Guild Transmission Formation, the other party’s president immediately rushed over with the battle team. Judging from the team's lineup, the opposing guild should be more than this city. This city must be one of others' cities, otherwise it would be impossible to support so many high level players just by relying on such a big city.

The group of people came out of the teleportation hall, they saw us as soon as they left the door, and then some of them moved their eyes to the children behind me, and then seemed to be a little stunned, and finally I reacted again, the ferocious expression disappeared instantly when I went out, and then put on a more normal expression and ran in front of me, and then asked very politely: "Is President Purple Moon just your and ours? There is a conflict among members?"

I nodded and said: "Your city gate guard actually wanted to assault Kristina, so I killed him. Your city gate should have a record crystal, right? Check the records and you can confirm what I said."

The other party’s president almost fell off his jaw when he heard that it was their person who wanted to indecent assault on Kristina. This guy not only knew me, but also participated in the self-defense counterattack of the last Russian invasion with us. At that time, he happened to be located near the defense zone of our guild, so he not only saw my close shots, but also witnessed the horror scene of Kristina washing the ground with magic bullets. Precisely because he knew it, he respected Christina very much, after all, the strength of her family lay there. Is this strength not worthy of respect if one person holds an artillery position?

Because of knowing Kristina's strength, this guy almost stopped his heart when he heard that he was actually trying to assault Kristina. What kind of existence is Christina? Not to mention that she is a member of our Frost Rose League, even if she is a free player, with her strength, that bastard dares to touch the tiger's ass if she doesn't want to live? However, not only are some people doing this now, but this guy is actually in their guild. Now the president wants to meet the amazingly courageous expert. Of course, after seeing him, he will unload that guy and throw it directly into the Yangtze River.

Although after a short period of shock, this guy was able to stay next to our guild’s defense zone, which shows that their guild is not weak. As the leader of such a guild, this guy is of course impossible and brain-dead, but because he should be a very capable player. Therefore, this guy made the most correct response immediately after a brief consternation.

"hahahaha, President Purple Moon joked. Your words are the strongest evidence. How can I turn over the video? Although I still don’t know which bastard was fainted and did this kind of thing Come, but I must apply for the certificate to let that guy not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death. As for President Purple Moon on your side, I can only say that I am sorry for 120,000 points. It is our management mechanism. There are loopholes that have affected you." At this point, he suddenly looked at the teleportation hall behind him, and then immediately said as soon as he rolled his eyes: "Purple Moon, do you want to use Transmission Formation? So, today's transmission fee. It's all mine. Please accept our little apology."

This was not a major event at first, and I didn't plan to cause trouble. This guy knows me, I actually recognize him too. As a Dragon Clan, my memory is of course very good. Moreover, this guy is not a small character originally, and the guild of others still has a certain strength. Now people directly lowered their posture to apologize. Of course, I didn't have to force them to become enemies with us, so I followed suit and became polite.

"Don’t be polite, President Jiuwenlong, I know this is just an accident, and I didn’t take it to heart. Just explain it clearly, don’t care."

"Do you remember me?" the other party asked as a surprise.

I said with a smile: "Of course. Don’t you remember that we were still comrades in the previous self-defense counterattack against Russia. I remember that your position was next to our guild at that time, right? I seem to remember that you also made a suggestion in the tactical meeting."

This is a real surprise for the Jiuwenlong. If the previous politeness was only deliberate flattery because of the difference in strength, it is now Really respectful. "Hahaha, really didn't expect that a nobody like me can be remembered by you. It's really unexpected. This time it is our fault. Please let us pay for the transmission cost, which is to give us peace of mind. There will be opportunities in the future. If so, we will fight the invaders together."

"What you said is wrong! We are not soft persimmons, so why let people invade? You should say that we have the opportunity to kill together next time. Go up to the territory of other countries."

"Yes, yes, I said the wrong thing."

We walked directly into the teleportation hall with a greeting, but in the end, they still didn’t To send the fee, we directly sent all of us to the Transmission Formation.

After we came out of the teleportation hall, we realized that we had forgotten to tell others about the teleportation coordinates. As a result, the teleportation master of the other party didn’t know how to do it, so we didn’t even ask about it and sent it back to us. Fortunately, Isinger has little effect, it just transmits one more time.

"Wow, is this Isinger's teleportation hall?" The children looked at the surrounding environment and exclaimed one by one.

Christina asked with a little surprise: "Have you never been to Isengard?"

One of the girls said: "I have been here many times. , But I have never entered the Teleportation Hall. Transmission Formation is too expensive, we usually come from the road."

Kristina nodded said that she understands, after all, the price of Transmission Formation in the game does not count. It is cheap. Although most people can afford it, most people will consider walking by themselves as long as they are not in a hurry.

Taking advantage of the time they were talking, I first connected to the military god’s communication, and then asked: "Military god, help me see which city in Hainan our guild has ships that can leave the port. , I have something to go to an island near the equator, and I need a boat."

"Do you want me to send you a boat or take a downwind boat?"

< p>"Anything. But when we come back we may still need a boat."

The god of war replied after a slight delay of more than a second: "If you don't mind, you can take a downwind boat, right? Our guild There happened to be a ship at a port called Luo Family Bay for replenishment. You are just able to catch up with the departure now. They are going to Indonesia for a mission, which just happened to be on the way."

I thought about it a little bit: "Okay, send me a notice and tell the captain to wait for me for a while. Oh, yes, I am not the only one here. What kind of boat are you talking about? Is it enough for us? We have forty. Many people!"

"Don't worry, it's not a boat, and this is a fleet."

"Oh, don't worry."

Cut the communication After that, I immediately prepared the children for transmission, and then set the target city. The next second Transmission Formation was activated, and the surrounding environment flashed. We have appeared in the port city called Luo Family Bay.

As soon as Transmission Formation came out, I smelled the fishy sea breeze, but the children around seemed very excited. One by one, they chirp chirp twitter twitter rushed out of the Transmission Formation and ran to the street outside.

This is a small city, and in order to facilitate the dizziness of supplies, the teleportation hall is built next to the port. After the teleportation hall, you can directly see a long coastal pier, and on the pier you can see three More than a dozen stone giants are constantly unloading or loading various materials from the ships docked nearby. Anyway, it is a busy scene.

This city is not the city of our guild, but it should be a related unit, because our guild’s ships are impossible to call at absolutely neutral ports that are irrelevant.

I was watching the ships searching for our own guild in the distant harbour, and suddenly I heard someone calling me and turned around to see that it was two players from the guild.

"Are you here to pick me up?" Seeing that they were still driving a magic tablet, I immediately knew their intentions.

The two players excitedly stated that they were ordered to pick us up, and then under my order, they began to carry the children one by one on the flatbed truck. I guess the guy in the military god should have seen us when we were in the teleportation hall, so he knew that there were more than forty children with me, so he sent someone to pick him up in a car. After all, I have a mount myself, and I don’t need transportation at all. Besides, I don’t need such a big car to pick me up by myself.

This car is said to be a car, but it doesn’t look like a car at all. There are eight wheels with a diameter of more than one meter under this thing, and the top is a whole flat plate. There is no cab or cargo compartment at all. The vehicle's controller is on the left front of the roof, at the corner. There is a metal pole more than one meter high, and there is a ball on the top of the metal pole. This thing is a driving device. Don't talk about gear levers around it, not even a seat.

This thing is actually freight equipment. After all, the port has a large cargo throughput. Sometimes magic creatures alone cannot take care of it. This small magic vehicle is simple in design and has a large carrying capacity. Not low, very suitable as a supplement to the port's transportation power.

After we got in the car, the two players immediately jumped up, and then began to control the car to leave the dock. When a child noticed that we were getting further and further away from the coast, he immediately asked in surprise: "Aren’t we going to take a boat? How did we leave the port?"

The two members hearing this just laughed and didn’t say anything. I didn’t answer the child’s question at all. Although I felt strange, I didn’t ask it. Anyway, our own members would not harm me.

Although the structure of the magic flatbed is simple, it does not run slowly, and the visual speed is at least 60 kilometers per hour. This is still the case where the road is not good. Our guild also has this thing, but the speed of that thing can reach 200 kilometers per hour. Unfortunately, because the devil beast is everywhere in the game, there is no magic cultivator to build a road, and those vehicles can run out on a flat pier. The speed is 200 kilometers, but as soon as you leave the city, you have to lie down, so it can only be used in the port or the city.

The flatbed truck drove us around several buildings outside the port and turned onto the road. The speed really swiftly picked up. After sprinting away from the port, a small hill appeared in front of us. This mountain is actually not big, at most it is more than a hundred meters high, and the area may not be as large as that of some large communities.

Our flatbed truck slowed down at the foot of the mountain, then drove into a tunnel through the mountain, and reached the back of the mountain in a short while. As soon as the vehicle came out of the cave entrance here, we immediately felt that there was a clear sight in front of us. It turned out that there was still a port behind the mountain, but the environment here and the dock just now were the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The wharf just now was very busy, with countless cargo loading and unloading constantly, it felt like a large commercial port, but the port here is obviously much more slack, although the area is not much smaller than that of the port over there. There are not many people busy at the port on the side. However, although this port is relatively quiet, the children are not calm, because on the berth directly opposite the mountain tunnel, there is actually a huge battleship that looks like a mountain peak.

Yes, this battleship is bigger than the mountain, because the mountain we just passed behind is compared with this battleship, and it feels like a small dirt bag. If it weren't because we were too short relative to the mountain, that mountain might simply not be able to cover the huge size of this battleship here.

In fact, almost all the ships docked on this pier are battleships. The difference is only in size and style. However, this super giant ship in front of us is definitely the biggest here, like a super battleship like Hegemon. Although this guy is facing us, the length cannot be seen, but judging from the height of the island bridge, the length of this battleship should be at least 500 meters. Because of the existence of magic in the game, the size of battleships can often be made relatively large, but those over 500 meters are still extremely exaggerated. So far, except for the battleships of our guild, which exceed this length, most guilds At most, the battleship is just 500 meters long. Moreover, I just conservatively estimate that the guy in front of him is more than 500 meters long. I don't know how long it will be.

"Wow...battleship! What a big battleship..." The children screamed and jumped on the flatbed in excitement, and I quietly asked the leading members.

"Will the military god arrange this ship for us?"

The member who was asked immediately said with a smile: "President, you want to be the next one Several ships are okay. From the berth 11 over there to the berth 27 here, all of them belong to the same fleet, and we will leave the port in five minutes."

"I rely on , I thought it was a transport team, why is it a fleet? What are you going to do in Indonesia? There is a disturbance again?"

"That's not the case. We were ordered to change defenses. Replaced. The obsolete old-fashioned battleship."

I didn't have any reaction when I heard this, but after a few seconds I suddenly realized something was wrong. Most of our guild’s battleships are newly replaced, and there is no elimination, but the member just said to replace the obsolete old-fashioned battleship, which means that these ships have turned the original battleship into obsolete items.

The technical equipment of our guild is generally speaking unless major technological innovations have taken place. Small improvements in general will definitely not directly obsolete the original equipment, so these ships must have something important, old-style battleship Unsurpassable technology exists. However, our guild does not seem to have any special technical improvements recently? No, it's not right, our guild currently has a newly acquired technology that has just completed mass production, and this technology is-the solar furnace, which is the controllable gravity engine. So, in other words-"these all are spaceship?"

The two members looked back and smiled proudly, and then I immediately understood. My guess is correct. This row of battleships are all spaceships. Although they are all quietly moored on berths, they seem to be no different from ordinary battleships, but in fact, any one of these battleships can be taken out. Spike the entire fleet before, because these are all spaceships, which are aerial battleships that can strike ground or sea targets at high altitude.

"Purple Moon big brother, what are you talking about? What spaceship? Why didn't we see it?" a child closer to us asked in surprise.

I quickly concealed: "I mean these all are fast high-speed battleships, so they are called spaceships, because they run as fast as they fly."

"Oh , It turned out to be like this."

Sure enough, the little child is still very cheating, otherwise I have to worry about how to seal it. Although these battleship replacement actions were not directly directed by me, so that I didn't know that a flying battleship had begun to replace the original battleship, but I knew it when the production plan was made. According to the original plan, we will secretly make an all-round adjustment to the guild’s fleet. First, all the old battleships that are performing missions will be replaced with new spaceships, and then all these old battleships will be concentrated in Isinger. In summary, the battleships with smaller tonnage and no useful value will be sold or dismantled and recycled as appropriate, while the remaining battleships with larger tonnage or with special functions will be retained and organized as an independent fleet. This fleet will be used as the seafarer training fleet of our guild. At the same time, since this fleet will be an all-heavy battleship, if there are any port suppression tasks in the future, they can also be used. Compared to aerial battleships that require weight, the tonnage of sea battleships tends to be larger, which also means that the armor is thicker, so it's best for them to chew bones.

After successfully defrauding these little children, our flatbed truck finally successfully drove to the dock, and then there are people who have been waiting here to take over the flatbed truck, and we are all I walked to the largest battleship I saw before.

From a distance, this battleship is already quite big, but after getting closer, I realized that this guy is much bigger than we thought. Because this is a port, the sea in the distance has no reference value at all, and the rows on the wharf are all large battleships, so I just thought that this one was the largest, and it didn't expect it to be Great Accomplishment. After I got closer, I was standing next to me and realized that the ship may have been nearly a thousand meters long, and the side of the ship was at least 30 meters high above the ground of the pier. Such a terrifying huge monster is really a floating island on the sea, if it flies, it will be even more amazing.

"Purple Moon big brother, Purple Moon big brother, can we take this ship?" The surrounding children were all excited after we parked next to this ship and don’t know what to do. . Although I was in charge of arranging the ships, they never thought it would be a battleship, and it was such a big battleship. This simply exceeded their expectations too much.

I smiled and nodded to the children, and then told them that this was my scheduled battleship, and immediately after I saw the name of the ship on the side of the bow, I was stunned. "Damn, don't you?"

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