"Actually, my request is not excessive, I just hope that President Purple Moon can lead a group of players to do a task, and also promise to give these players an interview for members of the Frost Rose League Opportunity. Of course, I want you to interview in person."

"The content of the task, the information of this group of players, these things need to be told to me in advance before I can answer you. As for the interview opportunity, I can give it, but I don’t Will release the water, I will never let him join if the other party is unqualified."

The aunt immediately nodded and said: "Of course it’s not to let you open the back door, or you promise to give them a fair chance. However, There is one member you must let him join the Frost Rose League and become your member, but you can expel him 3 months later." The aunt said that her expression was a bit wrong, she seemed to cry at any time.

I asked with a puzzled expression: "Tell me the information of those people first."

"These are the children." The aunt handed me a crystal ball directly. Then I entered the magic power and saw the silhouettes of a large group of players projected in the crystal ball, but after seeing this group of players, I was stunned, because the number of players in this screen is huge, as many as 30 people. And all are child. The oldest one is about fourteen or five years old, and the younger one may only be four or five years old.

"Damn! Are you trying to transfer our president to be a babysitter?" Blood Crystal Flower could also see the screen, so she called out immediately.

The aunt changed her previous appearance and said with tears: "I have run an orphanage by myself. These are all the abandoned babies I adopted. In order to reduce expenses, I took these children into the game. Here, because if you stay in the game all the time, the outside facilities can be simplified and save a lot of money. Moreover, we are all combat players. If we save a little, we can actually make a little money to supplement the expenses. They were on the forum before Knowing your existence, I adore you very much, and I always wanted to see you. I promised the children to let you meet them. Although it was just a white lie at the time, I didn’t expect to get this by accident some time ago. Equipment, so I want to sell this thing, and then spend money to invite you to visit them."

"Is the child you said before that I must accept the child? Why other Can be interviewed, this must be accepted?"

The aunt's answer was exactly the same as my guess. "The child was born with visceral hypoplasia. The doctor said that he could last up to two months. So..."

"So you said he can be fired after three months?"

Nodded, tears flowed out uncontrollably at the same time. "I originally planned to sell the equipment before looking for you. Didn't expect you to find it yourself, so please give the children a chance. Although you promised me, I couldn't give away this equipment. Here you are, but I will sell it to you at the market price and will not make random prices. After all, this money is also very important to children."

"If it is an ordinary person, I will definitely not I agree to this deal, but for the sake of the children’s face, I promised you. Tell me the real price of the equipment, we will trade now."

My aunt was a little bit hesitant, I was afraid that I would not get the equipment. Acknowledged, but think about it for a while, It shouldn't be lying casually, so I still agreed. After the transaction was completed, I threw the claw directly to Blood Crystal Flower, and said: "The Night's Son will take you to choose the Familiar, and then you can find Real Red. I have already told her that she will Responsible for guiding your fighting skills. I'll go and pay the debt of your equipment first."

Blood Crystal Flower thought about it and asked: "Do you need me with you?"

I shook the head, and then thought for a while to quickly connect to the communication on the side of the military god.

"President, what's the matter?"

"Where is Christina?"

"It's on Isinger Mobile Fortress, what's wrong? Need her help?"

"Well, if you are not busy, let her come to me."

"I will be there soon."

I will Dismissed Blood Crystal Flower and the Night’s Son, then turned to the aunt there and asked: "Okay, now I can fulfill the contract. I’m the one who speaks."

"Thank you so much. That's it!" The aunt said excitedly: "The children will definitely be very happy to see you."

"Then let's hurry up." As I said, I asked the aunt to lead the way, and at the same time asked. Her name. The name of this aunt's game is more individual, called the head of the children, but thinking about her with a large group of children, the name is really appropriate.

Somewhat unexpectedly, these little children are not in the city, but outside of a leveling point in an area far away from Isengard. They are here because it allows them to make money.

The entrance to the leveling point of this place is a huge maze, and there are many special materials in it, so many people come here every day to find special materials. Because special materials are needed when repairing equipment or synthesizing items, they themselves are equivalent to a kind of task props. Therefore, there is no way for others to collect it for me, that is, whoever needs it, who can find this thing, others are impossible Found these materials.

Because they cannot mine on their behalf, there are no special collectors to dig things here. Only those who need materials come here to find what they need. This has caused all the people who come here to be fresh faces. They are often the first time or the first few times, anyway, they are not familiar with the environment here. Because they are unfamiliar, the maze will become a headache for everyone, and these children have found opportunities to make money here. They are here to help people lead the way, and only receive one gold coin at a time. Although the price is not high, because the labyrinth is complicated, but the distance is very short, it is actually very fast to get in and out once, and because of the large flow of people here, they can still earn money a day without burning money.

In fact, in addition to leading the way, the children will also sell some supplies here by the way. What is even more exaggerated is that one of the children actually minored in the profession of blacksmithing. Although he cannot forge weapons, he Can help people repair equipment to improve durability. The small hoes used for digging materials are not durable because they are disposable equipment. You can only equip one when you receive the task. Time was wasted, so many people repaired it with this kid. Anyway, the price is not expensive and the speed is fast, so the business is actually very prosperous.

I have to say that it is actually very difficult to deal with a little child to be serious.

"President, what do you want me to do?" Our side caught up with Christina before we got to the place. Because I don't know the location, I can only let the aunt of the child leader lead the way, so we are walking, and the aunt is not equipped with a mount. Kristina was chasing my coordinates all the way to catch up. She has a mount, we hiked, and of course we caught up quickly.

Seeing the auntie Kristina appeared, I was stunned, but I immediately explained: "This is one of the pillars of our Frost Rose League. You should know it?"

< p>The aunt was a little nervous when she saw this little girl with blond hair. It might be the reason why she doesn't contact foreigners often. But Kristina is not the kind of fierce and evil character after all, and she quickly got acquainted with the aunt. Of course, the more important reason is that I told the aunt Kristina was to help me take the children to complete the task.

There are more than 30 little children that my aunt showed me before. Even if they are orphans, they are different from the children who are spoiled in the family. They are more sensible and obedient, but they are all children after all. These child impossible honestly gathered around me, and even if they wouldn't run around, I don't know if I can take care of so many people alone. Because I'm not sure if I can handle it, I can only call Kristina for help. In any case, if her fort is suppressed in the crowd, we should be able to intercept the danger at a relatively far distance, and I think the aunt should not let me complete that kind of exaggerated task.

My aunt asked me to come here to let the children see me. Doing this task together is actually like going to the children’s park together. Impossible is that kind of very exaggerated task. Of course, the double insurance of Kristina is more reliable.

"Okay, there is no face."

Following the voice of the aunt, we immediately found a small simple blacksmith shop on the edge of a small forest clearing ahead. , The roof of this blacksmith's shop is thatched, and the stove below is made of clay, and the tattered look seems to be broken at any time. At this time, there are two eleven or twelve-year-old children busy by the fire. Another slightly older child is holding a huge hammer that is completely disproportionate to him and hitting an iron sword one after another. It really looks a little bit like that.

"There really is a blacksmith's shop!" Kristina immediately became calm when she saw this thatched blacksmith's shop. This kind of blacksmith shop at the entrance of the leveling area is very rare. After all, you must know that the devil beasts do not have a fixed fence. Sometimes their range of activities will cover the area around the leveling area. Players in these places If you are not careful, you will be attacked by monsters wandering out of the leveling area, so it is obviously an abnormal behavior to build a permanent building in such a place.

Probably knowing what we are struggling with, the aunt actively explained: "This smithy was built with the skills of a child of ours. The materials used are very simple. They are collected nearby and destroyed by monsters. If we do, we will rebuild. Anyway, we don’t need money, and because the level is low, the repair is quick. The monsters here don’t come out often, and we can use it with repeated repairs."

"You really have Perseverance." Kristina said with emotion.

"Let's go over." As I said, I was about to take the lead, but suddenly I heard a curse, followed by a quarrel.

The aunt who was by my side immediately rushed out after hearing this sound, and the speed was so fast, I doubted how her figure moved so fast.

When I saw the aunt's reaction, I knew it was probably the children who were in trouble, so I also greeted Kristina and quickly followed along. But we didn't walk to them right away to support the aunt, because I don't know what's going on for the time being, and I need to get familiar with the situation first.

"Why don't you pay?" a tender voice asked.

"This technique of saving you almost broke our equipment. I actually asked for money. It would be nice not to let you lose my equipment. By the way, this place is covered by us. Have you ever set up a stall here to say hello to us?" A guy with a sharp-mouthed monkey-gill looked at the children on the opposite side, and there were five or six players behind him, which was not a good thing at first sight.

I knew what was going on after I looked at the situation over there. In fact, speaking of which is simple, but it is just a normal business grab. Those people don't necessarily want to renege on a debt, they just find an excuse to cause conflict. Children’s money-making place can be said to be very good. These people may have seen the business opportunities in it, so they plan to occupy this place. Of course, it’s okay to operate with children, but I guess that children are relatively simple and will not be willing to operate with others, and these people are obviously not the kind of people who share the benefits with others, so conflicts are inevitable. .

"What do you want to do? Are you arrogant to bully a group of children?" The aunt rushed to the children to protect there like an old hen, and then shouted to the group of people opposite. I have to say that the imposing manner that the aunt suddenly rushed out is still good, and her outfit is indeed very impactful.

The person on the other side obviously had stepped on it a long time ago, and was not surprised by the appearance of the aunt. He immediately said: "Children can regardless of the law and of natural morality? Tell you, This is our site. If you want to do business on our site, you have to pay. Otherwise, get out!"

The aunt immediately said: "The protection fee you charge is so exaggerated, how can we give it? Let me tell you, we won’t leave, and you don’t even want to receive protection fees from us."

"You are still hardened, do you want us to do it?" The guy who took the lead said arrogantly.

When I saw the aunt’s eyes for help, I knew it was time for us to act. The aunt’s hard-heartedness was also because I knew that we were impossible and would not lend a helping hand. After all, I will promise to see children to show that I am a sympathetic person, so I won't care about this kind of thing.

Although I planned to take care of this matter, I didn’t plan to take action. Instead, I walked directly to the children over there and stood by the aunt’s side, and then said to the group of people on the opposite side: “Why don’t I know this? Is there a master in the place?"

"You're fucking old..." The guy was covered by a companion before he finished speaking, and then the guy said to his ear After a few words, the guy’s eyes went wide and he looked up and down on me for a long time, then carefully asked: "Are you the president of Purple Moon?"

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