"Okay, you can choose equipment below. You do it now. First call the main menu with voice commands."

"Main menu?"


Although Blood Crystal Flower's tone is obviously asking me what is the main menu, the intelligence of this platform is very low, and it is impossible to distinguish the semantic changes brought about by different tones. The mirror image directly in front of her Expanded a list of menus on the right side, but there is not much content in it. There are only a few items in this menu. From top to bottom, they are: armor, weapons, jewelry, auxiliary items, special items, and gems. There are only six items in total.

Blood Crystal Flower obviously doesn't know how to use this system. Although she sees what is displayed and understands what each menu item corresponds to, she doesn't know how to operate it.

I reminded me timely: "Now use your thoughts to operate this menu. As long as you lock an option with your eyes, and then imagine selecting it, the lower-level menu will be automatically expanded."

< p>Because this device is foolish, it is very simple to operate. After I finished talking, Blood Crystal Flower immediately understood how to use this system. I saw that the top menu item marked with armor suddenly turned dark, and then the other options disappeared. This option was shrunk and moved to the top corner on the left. At the same time, a new list of menus was expanded, and the helmets were displayed on them. , Masks, gloves, breastplates, etc. A series of armor names.

The name of the armor shown above is actually just a general mark. The function is to let the user know that this represents an armor of a certain location, not that the helmet option must be a helmet, because the wizard The head equipment used is a metal ring called a headdress, which is a bit like a crown. Of course, the helmet used by the wizard also exists. But here, all head protective gear is called a helmet, no matter if it is really a metal helmet or not. Even the headbands used by thieves are classified under the helmet item here, even though they are actually not straps.

Because I have already taught Blood Crystal Flower how to enter the lower-level menu, I don’t need to repeat Blood Crystal Flower anymore. I just added the combat boots option in the equipment items that were launched, and then the same as before. , The rest of the same level options disappeared, and then the combat boots automatically moved and shrank to the upper left corner, and the new menu was expanded, but this time it was not a simple list, but suddenly a projection area was expanded on the left hand side of Blood Crystal Flower. This area on the left does not display any menus, but directly projected a full stereo projection of twenty pairs of combat boots. Because the same technology is used, these projections are the same as Blood Crystal Flower's own mirror images, which look like real things, as if they can be touched by reaching out.

In addition to the twenty combat boots on the left, on the right, where the menu was originally displayed, there is a list of options. It is the specific option that can be checked. The type displayed in the top row is "combat type", and the contents are: melee type, long-range type, spell type, summon type, and auxiliary type.

Blood Crystal Flower looked at me and asked in confusion: "How do I choose this?"

"Have you used it on shopping websites? This is the kind of filter commonly used on websites. , Now all options are fully lit, which means this is the all-selection mode. You only need to use your mind to turn off the options that do not meet the requirements, and the equipment that does not meet the requirements in the equipment column displayed on the left will be automatically removed, so that you can Keep narrowing the search scope."

"Oh, so that's how it is."

Blood Crystal Flower quickly started to operate on the operation panel after she understood it, and she first extinguished After removing all the other departments except the melee department, the combat boot options displayed on the left immediately changed, but there is still no suitable target. Fortunately, there are not only so few optional tags. As the system is selected, the second row of options light up, and the speed type, attack type, and defense type are displayed above.

This time, Blood Crystal Flower didn’t plan to ask me because she thought she knew, but I preemptively said: “Don’t hurry, this part needs attention. If all three options are on, The equipment that appears is the all-round equipment, that is, attribute moderation, not partial to science. If you eliminate one of the options, it will only display the other two more prominent equipment types. Generally, most of our common equipment is of this type. However. If you like to stand out a little, you can also kill two items, and the displayed equipment will be of extreme partial discipline."

Blood Crystal Flower asked: "Then which one should I choose?"

"Wait a minute." I notified the NPC administrator next to him. He immediately left the room and returned soon, with more people around him.

"President, I'm here. Is it to help her choose equipment?" Night Son suddenly appeared in the room, then looked towards me and asked. I told Blood Crystal Flower before that I would find an expert to help her choose equipment. It's not perfunctory, it's true. As a special equipment division who can understand the language of equipment, Night Child is definitely a Number One Person in the whole game in terms of equipment selection.

First, I gave a brief introduction to the Night Son and Blood Crystal Flower, and then I asked the Night Son to help choose the equipment. The Night’s Son first looked at the attribute data displayed on the head of the blood crystal flower mirror image, and then asked: "What is your usual fighting habits?"

"What Fighting habit?"

"Whether you choose to rush up or fight guerrilla after encountering an enemy?"

"I usually rush up to fight hard." Blood Crystal Flower replied.

Nodded, the son of night, continued to ask: "Then when the enemy attacks you, will you choose to replace it with injury or avoid the opponent's attack?"

"I usually use stronger The attack attacked the opponent’s must-save, but sometimes I would block the opponent’s attack."

Night Son was nodded again, and then asked: "Then if you can give you a choice, you hope Is my attack faster or stronger?"

Blood Crystal Flower thought for a while and said: "If possible, I hope both will be enhanced, but I still prefer The attack power is higher."

After a little thought, the son of night nodded and said: "Take out the defense item, and then go down."

Blood Crystal Flower listen To the Night’s Son’s suggestion, immediately start to operate according to his words, and then the next option appears. This time, the equipment level is required to be selected. Needless to say, Blood Crystal Flower directly chose the Divine Item option.

Because the equipment level has a great influence on the equipment, the Divine Item option appears, and the projection on the left is immediately replaced. The various shoes, boots and even slippers that were messy before were replaced by a row of gorgeous combat boots in an instant.

After selecting the Divine Item option, Blood Crystal Flower began to wait for our further instructions. The Night’s Son started to help Blood Crystal Flower filter equipment based on the subsequent selection items. Finally, after the options were adjusted, there was There are only seven or eight pieces of equipment underneath. After all, Blood Crystal Flower chose the Divine Item level and set so many rules. There are still seven or eight things that can meet the requirements. It has already shown that the capacity of our guild's equipment warehouse is very large. If the general guild's equipment reserves, it is estimated that simply can not screen out any kind of equipment.

Display all the attributes of the remaining combat boots, and then Night Son directly screened these equipment carefully and also had a discussion with Blood Crystal Flower. The final selection was actually A pair of crystal shoes. To be honest, this thing doesn't look like combat equipment at all, because it looks like a pair of ordinary high-heeled shoes. Except for the inclined material with a strong metallic feel, it simply doesn't look like armored equipment. However, I have to say that the attributes of this pair of high heels are really very good.

The most prominent attributes on this high-heeled shoe are speed and attack power. The above shows that when its wearer uses his legs to attack, the attack power will increase by 100%, that is to say, the use of this high-heeled shoe A person’s leg attack power will reach twice the formidable power of his main weapon.

Double attack is not a joke. Considering that the enemy’s defensive power will not be doubled after the attack power is doubled, the damage caused by a hit with double attack power is actually Exceeding the damage caused by two hits in the normal mode, because the damage caused by two hits needs to cut off the opponent's defense twice, and the damage value naturally cannot be compared with the damage of a double attack.

In addition to double the attack power, this pair of high heels has an additional attribute that is to increase the wearer’s movement speed and attack speed by 80%. In addition, when using the leg attack, the attack speed increases by an additional 30 %. As soon as this attribute comes out, anyone who wears these high-heeled shoes will use the leg method to attack, the attack effect will definitely become the same as Shadowless Foot, because the speed must be beyond the visible range of naked eye.

These two attributes alone are enough to make this pair of high-heeled shoes among the high level equipment sequence, not to mention that there are not only two attributes of this thing. In fact, there are as many as twelve attributes of this equipment, and there are almost no useless attributes. All attributes are very practical, and the additional attribute values ​​are quite terrifying. It can be said that apart from the relatively low defensive power, these high-heeled shoes have almost no defects.

"Really strong attribute!" Seeing this attribute Blood Crystal Flower, I immediately became calm, and I want to get this thing right away and try it out.

Blood Crystal Flower does not know our equipment catalog, but the Night Son knows it very well. He directly asked Blood Crystal Flower to perform a few operations according to his requirements, and then saw that both Blood Crystal Flower himself and the projection feet immediately appeared like those high heels, and her attributes were indeed improved.

"This is the pair of high heels?" Blood Crystal Flower asked excitedly, looking at the high heels on her feet.

The Son of Night shook his head and said: "No. This is just a projection for your test."

"But my attribute is indeed improved?" Blood Crystal Flower puzzled Asked.

"Yes, your attribute has indeed improved, but that's not true. Your current attribute has actually been blocked. The attribute you think now is the virtual attribute given to you by this device. After you select the equipment, it will add the virtual attribute of the selected equipment to you, so that you will feel the same as when you actually put on the equipment. This method allows you to try the equipment faster than you can go to the equipment library. I don’t know how many times it’s faster to find each piece."

"so that's how it is, it's really a convenient system." Blood Crystal Flower looked up towards me and asked: "Then if I choose What should I do with this equipment?"

I pointed to the equipment over there and said: "Don’t the equipment have a number? Just record it. The first two digits of the number indicate the column, the middle The four digits are the number of the shelf, and the last two are the position of the equipment on the shelf. With these eight numbers, you can accurately determine the position of the equipment in the equipment library."

"Really advanced! "Blood Crystal Flower sighed, then said: "I still want to choose the matching equipment."

I interrupted her directly: "no no no, the high heels just now just let you adapt to this device. How to use it is not to let you really choose this thing."

"Why?" Blood Crystal Flower said anxiously: "I really like those high heels, can you give it to me?"


I shook my head and said: "It's not that I am not willing to give it to you, but the equipment level here is too low! You are the backbone of the guild that is focused on training, how can you use this thing to perfuse you!"

"Huh?" Blood Crystal Flower looked at me stupidly, completely stunned by my words. Such good equipment is actually called perfunctory, so what kind of things can be called good equipment?

Looking at the confused Blood Crystal Flower, the Night’s Son couldn’t help but said: “Did you ever hang out in a slum? The equipment here is just the ordinary equipment library used by ordinary members of the guild. That’s all, elite members have a dedicated equipment arsenal!"

This time I don’t need to talk about Blood Crystal Flower and I will say to the Night’s Son in advance: "You can’t use your standards to measure Blood Crystal Flower! Let’s do it! The equipment of the players who will be able to do the in-depth evaluation of your equipment is so high, and those who don’t want you to do the in-depth evaluation must be rich people, and the equipment is not good and will not be used for the in-depth evaluation. So you The equipment you usually see generally exceeds the average level of the player’s equipment in the current game by a large margin. Almost all of them are Peak things. If you use your standards to measure others, they will of course not be able to compare with you!"< /p>

After hearing what I said, the Son of Night asked in confusion, "Is that so? I said, why are people still not convinced every time I say that people’s equipment is very ordinary! Ah!"

"Except for equipment. I really doubt your level of intelligence!" While joking, I let Blood Crystal Flower walk down from there, but I didn’t let her wear the equipment back. , But asked the guards here to take all those things and put them in the armory. After all, we have to change something for Blood Crystal Flower. The original one is completely useless. It is better to let us deal with it if she sells it casually.

Blood Crystal Flower was very curious about the elite equipment library we were talking about, so rushed all the way to the position we told her before. In fact, this place is very easy to find, because it is the center of this equipment warehouse. There is a Transmission Gate here. After passing through it, you enter a brand new room. This room is completely different from the main equipment depot outside. Although the equipment warehouse outside is equipped with a lot of equipment, the floor and walls are directly steel plates, and the shelves for storing things are simple wooden shelves, and they are not even painted, just simple treatments. After all, it's just a shelf, and it's not for display. It doesn't need to be pretty.

This elite equipment arsenal is different from the outside. The ground here is made of black stone that can be used as a mirror. This stone looks like a black liquid crystal, and its surface brightness is very high. In fact, this material is the kind of black jade used in the transnational Transmission Formation. The main reason why this material is used to lay the floor is mainly because it can isolate the magical fluctuations. The equivalent to is a kind of shielding layer. After all, the preparations here are either Divine Item or Holy Spirit grade. There is no low-level equipment at all, so in order to avoid excessive accumulation of magic power, we use materials that isolate magic fluctuations on the ground. Of course, ceilings and walls are the same thing.

Unlike the outside, the equipment here is not placed on the shelf, but stored in two ways. One of them is a complete set of equipment, and the other is a single piece of equipment. All sets of equipment are stored in the same way as the equipment on the magic array in the armory hall. All the equipment forms a human form and floats there, looking as if someone is wearing it. And those single pieces of equipment are not so good, they are all put on the mannequin, and usually only the model of the part where it is worn.

There is no additional light source installed in this room, but we did not feel dark when we entered here, because almost all of the equipment here is glowing, and the brightness is not low. This is actually a kind of security The measure is a magical effect. If an intruder rushes to disarm these equipment, the rays of light on the surface of the equipment will go out, and then the entire room will become pitch black for an instant. At the same time, the equipment warehouse will be completely closed and automatically pressurized to a level of one hundred atmospheres. The ambient temperature will drop to close to absolute zero. In this mode, most personnel will be crushed by high pressure, and if he can withstand the high pressure, the low temperature is enough to make him freeze, even if he is not afraid of low temperature, but once he wants to leave here, at the moment the warehouse is opened, because The sealing effect disappears, and the high-pressure environment will quickly relieve the pressure. At the same time, due to the pressure drop, the gas will be dispersed and volatilized, and then the temperature will be further reduced. This can ensure that the personnel walking out will instantly enter the absolute zero state, and the high temperature will be used in the outside warehouse at this time. The rays attack the target. Imagine the result of alternating hot and cold extreme conditions, usually any object will be directly exploded.

After we entered here, the NPC manager who followed us immediately went over and adjusted it on the magic array hub. He had apparently heard of Blood Crystal Flower touching the Defensive Great Array outside, so he was worried that the Blood Crystal Flower would have another accident, so he shut down the device as soon as he came up.

Blood Crystal Flower actually didn't want to touch those things. It was not that she had learned the lesson, but was shocked by the things in front of her, so she forgot to touch those things for a while.

There is also a catalog device that selects equipment in the center of this room. Blood Crystal Flower stood up directly without us teaching this time. Although the elite equipment arsenal is much smaller than the total equipment arsenal outside, there are still a lot of equipment stored. So still need to use this equipment.

The selection items this time are basically the same as the previous ones, but some details are slightly the same. Under the guidance of the Night Son, Blood Crystal Flower directly selected a range, and then the search results were given Three sets of equipment.

"Set?" Blood Crystal Flower looked at the three sets of equipment projected in surprise and asked. What she just chose was not the suit, but the input of her own fighting habits, and suddenly three suits appeared. The catalog equipment in this elite equipment warehouse does not need to choose equipment location, directly choose the type.

When I saw Blood Crystal Flower so surprised, I explained: "These top-level equipment is not the same as ordinary equipment. The top-level equipment with the best attributes in the game is basically a complete set, so elite equipment The equipment selection catalog in the library does not require which part of the equipment to be selected, and the users of the ordinary equipment library are ordinary members. They usually match their existing equipment with several pieces of equipment to make a set, and what they need is a single piece. A certain part of the equipment, so it is necessary to choose the type of equipment."

Blood Crystal Flower nodded expressed understanding, and then I couldn’t wait to show all the three suits over there.

The three sets of equipment are not at the same level, two of which are Divine Item, and the other is growth equipment, but the level is Holy Spirit equipment.

The Night Son just took a look at it and removed the Holy Spirit-level suit. It is said that this equipment has a fixed style and is not suitable for the use of Blood Crystal Flower.

With only two sets of Divine Items left, Blood Crystal Flower thought it would be much simpler. Who knew that she and the Night Son were dumbfounded when the attributes were displayed.

The attributes of the two sets of things can be said to be a mess, and they are also very suitable for the use of Blood Crystal Flower, but because both sets of things are good, I don't know how to choose.

These two sets of things are called the Call of the Fairy, and the other is called the Flower of Flesh. The styles are all speed-type melee equipment, and the basic attributes are basically the same. The speed of the call of the fairy is slightly higher, but the attack power is slightly weaker, and the attack power of Flesh is very high, the speed is only slightly lower than the call of the fairy, but its defensive power is much lower than the call of the fairy . Although Blood Crystal Flower has decided to ignore defense and rely on high-speed combat, the problem is that even if you like to fight, it doesn't mean you won't be hit! Therefore, players with speed attributes actually need defensive power, but the demand is lower than the speed itself.

The basic attributes are the same, so just look at the attached magic attributes, but after comparing the magic attributes of the two sets of equipment, it turns out that they are still the same. The attributes attached to the call of the fairy are all auxiliary skills. Their role is to increase their speed and dodge. It can be said that the speed is brought to the limit, and the flower of flesh has a lot of curse effects, which is basically stared at by it. Those who are on the top will get weaker and weaker, and may end up being entrusted to death by negative attributes.

Although the attribute content of the two suits is different, it is speculated that the actual use results should be similar. This result makes us not sure how to choose.

I really don’t think about it. The Blood Crystal Flower, who is not willing to both sides, finally decided to close my eyes and blindfold one. Anyway, it's almost the same. You don’t lose any choice. Besides, for her, this level of Divine The Item set itself is already a lottery jackpot that suddenly fell, so she simply didn't lose much, but was very excited.

However, although she plans to get one, the Night Son and I unanimously decided to let her not choose, because neither of these sets of equipment comes with jewelry or weapons.

The number of Divine Item sets is actually not fixed, because some equipment can be fuse together with one piece of equipment instead. Of course, based on my experience, it seems that the more and more detailed the equipment, the better.

Like my dragon soul suit, not only from head to toe, there are almost all the positions that can be equipped, and the equipment that can be separated will never be counted as one piece. For example, my helmet and visor, these two things are combined in many equipments. Most people’s Knight helmets are a complete set of direct visors and helmets. The two are a piece of equipment connected together. But after the equipment is equipped, it is no longer possible to wear a separate mask or helmet, because this combined equipment itself occupies the position of two props.

In a generally speaking separate mask and helmet, a single attribute is not as good as the combined combination, but the attribute of the two added together is definitely higher than the combined one, so the more the number of equipment splits , The higher the level.

There are many categories of these two sets of suits for Blood Crystal Flower, so they should be considered as the best attribution equipment, but they do not include weapons and jewelry, so they need to be matched with jewelry and weapons separately. But in doing so, the attribute matching of weapons and jewelry and armor becomes very important. Therefore, although the two sets of equipment look similar, if one of them is not fully compatible with the equipment attribute of the weapon or jewelry, it will reduce the battle strength output. So, since we can't choose the result here, we simply choose weapons and jewelry first.

This equipment catalog in the elite equipment library just does not display equipment categories by default, and it is not without this function. You can open it directly after selecting it. After choosing jewelry in the category, we immediately saw many sets of jewelry.

Because jewelry equipment is inherently scarce, fewer can be piled up in the equipment warehouse, so the screening results we saw are actually not many, there are only two sets in total. But luckily, these two sets are complete sets of jewelry, and both are Divine Item sets.

The characteristic of the Divine Item set jewelry is the addition of a lot of compound attributes, the effect is a mess. Although the levels of the two sets of equipment this time are the same, the attributes differ greatly, so this time it is not as difficult to decide as the armor set. We directly chose a Divine Item jewelry set called Queen's Accessories. This set of things is basically based on ruby, the gorgeous is a little exaggerated, but it does look like a queen. Of course, the attributes of this set of things are even more outstanding, basically all of them add attack power. This set of things can be said to be versatile equipment, because in addition to the pure meat shield of the defense system, the attribute of attack power is very useful to anyone. Besides, this thing has many additional attack methods, basically elemental damage. And physical damage are all added, even if the enemy has super high elemental resistance, it is useless, after all, it even adds physical attacks.

After choosing the jewelry, the rest is the weapon.

Weapon is a must-not-good equipment for any player, and it is directly related to the player’s combat capability. But here you need to pay attention, in our arsenal, the shield this thing is also classified into the weapon category.

The reason why shields are classified into weapons is because shields actually occupy the position of weapons when wearing equipment. If you use a two-handed weapon, it means that there is no way to equip the shield, so it can be seen from this that the system also defaults that weapons and shields belong to one type of equipment. After all, only similar equipment can squeeze each other's equipment slots. However, there are also some weapons and shields in the game that can be equipped with another thing. For example, some two-handed swords can be used as usual after the left arm is equipped with a shield, and some shields can be mixed with dual-wield weapons.

"What kind of weapon should I choose?" Blood Crystal Flower asked our suggestions.

The Night’s Son asked back: "What equipment did you use before?"

"The sword and shield combination. But I don’t think it’s very easy. I actually kick with my legs most of the time. "

"That means you don’t use your hands to fight frequently, so you don’t have to carry too much weight on your hands, so your battle strength will be limited, but it doesn’t seem appropriate if you are empty-handed. . By the way, do you know how to use a dagger?"

"Not commonly used. That kind of thing requires too much skill, I don’t know it very well."

"This means you Do you want to basically give up your hand weapons?"

Blood Crystal Flower thought for a while: "But if you don't grab something in your hand, you can't increase your attack power, right? Leg kick skills will also be superimposed. The attribute of the hand equipment!"

"Wait a minute." As Yezhizi said, he turned his head to me and said, "President, I will find something suitable for her, but that thing It’s not in our arsenal."

"What kind of thing? Where is it?"

"It's a set of claws attached to the fingers, just like finger cots, which can be fixed Outside of the armor gloves, the flexibility is absolutely nothing, the attack power is also quite high, and the attribute is very good. But that thing is sold by a layman. It is a Divine Item and has a high level. It’s just that the guy’s price is too scary. Obviously it's out of the reasonable range."

I thought for a while and then looked at the longing eyes of Blood Crystal Flower, and finally asked: "Where is that person?"

"It seems I was still in Isinger, and I saw that the auction information he posted in the morning was still there."

"Then we will meet him."

Blood Crystal Flower suddenly stopped. We asked: "Then what about my armor?"

"Since the set of claws has been decided, let's choose the flower of flesh and blood. That thing is more compatible with that set of equipment." Night Son said .

Blood Crystal Flower took a look at me immediately after hearing the suggestion of the son of the night, and jumped up with excitement immediately after seeing that I was also nodded. The responsible NPC here immediately moved the equipment we wanted, and Blood Crystal Flower couldn't wait to put it on. I have to say that her figure is really very good. Wearing this big red set of flesh and blood all over her body reveals a female King-like imposing manner, and she also wears a blood-reeking qi, as long as she doesn’t Laughing will give people a feeling of broken head and numbness.

We know that this is caused by the spiritual attribute on that set of jewelry, but there are also personal factors of Blood Crystal Flower in it. If she is so soft and weak, even if the attribute is exaggerated. Impossible to appear this kind of murderous aura in substance.

After selecting the equipment and leaving the arsenal, we went directly to the auction site, because it was our own guild auction site, and it was a normal auction, not a special auction, so we quickly found it directly The guy with the pending order.

When we met this player, we were a little surprised, because the auction equipment was not a young player, but an aunt who looked close to fifty years old. There are indeed a lot of players of all ages in "Zero", but the problem is that older players are generally non-combat players. People enter the game to assist in sleep or travel, and some are specifically responsible for coming in and watching themselves. Family children, so they are generally non-combat types of occupations. However, this one is obviously not in this range. This aunt is wearing a set of quite exaggerated heavy armor. She looks like she is almost catching up with the heavy dwarf, but in fact her race is human. However, although the tonnage of the chunky aunt is scary and the equipment is more scary, it is not scary than the price she gave us.

"One price, 15 million crystal coins, no one less."

"Are you kidding?" I asked the aunt in front of me.

The other party was obviously not joking with me, but said very seriously: "It's at this price. If you think it's expensive, you can not buy it, and I didn't force you."

" Hey, do you know who he is?" Blood Crystal Flower heard that the equipment she ordered was actually at this price, and immediately knew that she might not be able to get this equipment. After all, even if I said I wanted to cultivate her as a seed, It's impossible to spend so much money to train her. No matter how expensive the equipment in the arsenal is, it is still piled up in our arsenal. This is completely different from paying directly to buy. Therefore, even a Divine Item suit is incomparable with the purchase of this pair of claws. .

I stopped Blood Crystal Flower and said: "Don't say it, she only pays this p

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