In fact, the situation of August Xun and the others is far worse than I thought. The reason for saying this is because the three of them actually have injuries on their bodies. Because the situation at the scene is chaotic, I am not sure if the injuries on their bodies were caused by these monsters, but it is certain that they were not caused by the monsters who are fighting with them, because the monsters who are fighting with them use one. A kind of body tokens similar to tentacles are attacking, and the injuries on their bodies seem to be caused by sharp weapons.

Although the situation of the three of August Xun and them is worrying, after all, they are also powerful personnel that we have built with a lot of money. Not only are they very good in many aspects such as equipment and attributes, but their personal combat literacy is actually far beyond ordinary people. After August Yuexun and the three of them were first merged with the Sakura Club into our Frost Rose League, they received a short period of intensive training, but that was only the initial distribution needs. The purpose was not to strengthen the personnel battle strength, but to do personnel aptitude screening. The real training for them actually happened after the girls from the cherry blossom club moved to China.

Because they have truly entered my sphere of influence, I can grasp their existence in reality, so my trust in them has also risen linearly. The reason why Masaga Matsumoto can be trusted like this is actually the same as them, because he is under my control.

After August Xun and the girls moved to a community specially arranged for them by Longyuan with many girls from the Sakura Club, they got the learning ability and battle awareness that they showed in the previous training Pay special attention to it. After that, we used to transfer specialized fighters from the Longyuan base to give them a lot of training, and the three of August Xun and the others are actually one of the girls with the best performance.

Because of their excellent performance, August Xun and the others have received more in-depth training and received a lot of special guidance in combat. In addition, they were originally trained because of their talents. So the battle level afterwards can be described as the tide rises, the boat floats, and soon reached the Peak level among the world's top players.

After they reached this level, we sent them all to Japan at the time, but they were neither fighting against Japanese players as members of the Frost Rose League, nor were they spies. In fact, their task at the time was to level up in Japan and conduct battles and other activities like ordinary players.

At that time, the arrangement for them did have the intention to let them be spies to spy on intelligence, but at that time Matsumoto Masaka had not taken refuge with us, so at that time they did not actually bring A clear mission, so it can't be considered a spy. And their activities in Japan at the time were strictly for a sense of presence, but for a possible spy mission.

After that, of course, it was the accidental addition of Matsumoto Masaka, followed by the emergence of the Japanese puppet project that has now been initially completed, and August Kaoru and the others were officially selected at that time. Of this plan.

The reason why they were selected for the project is very simple. First of all, they are absolutely trustworthy. Secondly, they were really Japanese players before, and after closed training, they returned to Japan for activities. Therefore, they have intersections with many Japanese players, which is equivalent to well-documented. Japanese players, most people can't think of them as the people of our Frost Rose League. In the end, the three of them are of the smarter type, with excellent talents. It may be a bit exaggerated to say that they are talents, and that they are definitely not discounted.

After being selected for this plan, the three of them got together under our instructions to form a small group and constantly brush up their sense of existence, and in the process, we guild with them three They gave a lot of resource support, and quickly raised their attributes and equipment to a height that ordinary players could not reach. In fact, speaking of which is also normal in this situation. Of course, others rely on their own efforts to achieve limited achievements. The three of them are better than others by twisting the results for half the effort when they have unlimited resources. Of course, they are making rapid progress. Coupled with the funds and martial power support from our guild secretly, even buying and grabbing, they can be said to have piles of good things on them. Under such circumstances, their battle strength is naturally inevitable.

Although they were injured, relying on their strong combat literacy, August Xun and the three of them still managed to shrink in a corner and insisted on resisting the surrounding monster attacks, but their current situation is indeed the same. It's more dangerous, so I must go over and help as soon as possible.

Although I want to help in the past, it is not so easy to do it. This place is full of combatants, either players or monsters, or NPCs, anyway, there are combat units everywhere. These combat units simply don't have our companions, and all creatures can be said to be enemies, so they won't make way for us. To get close to August Xun, they had to fight by themselves. Fortunately, the surrounding combat units are basically in a melee, and not everyone has the time to intercept us. Only when we pass by a certain creature and the opponent just vacates their hands will they fight with us.

However, even if not every creature along the way had to fight a game, we also killed at least six monsters and two players along the way, and also injured an NPC.

It took three or four minutes to finally move to the vicinity of August Xun and the others with difficulty, but at this time I was a bit difficult again.

We and Augustusaki and the others are simply not the same, at least on the surface we should be a hostile relationship, so of course we are impossible to suddenly rush to block those monsters who attacked them in the posture of protectors. Even if we want to help, we can't be too obvious, at least so that we don't let people see that we are helping on purpose. However, we are clear about the standards to be achieved, but how to do it is a bit embarrassing.

I took a look at the monsters who were blocking the three August and the others in the corner. I thought about it and rushed over, and then stepped on the back of that monster. On its head, then suddenly jumped down and moved towards the blazing Fire Dragon who was stuck in the corner, and he slashed over.

Of course, Fire Dragon Ji had seen me here long ago, but they also thought it was inconvenient for me to help, so they just waited to see what I did while resisting the monster's attack. When I noticed that I suddenly ran onto the monster's body and jumped down, Chi Fire Dragon Ji immediately made a defensive action without the slightest hesitation. The reason why they react so fast is actually due to their usual training. Because they need to play our enemy in front of others, we have told them a long time ago that the first reaction to seeing members of the guild is to fight, and not to be regarded as their own, otherwise they will be easily seen through.

The smart August Xun and the others have a deep memory of my original teaching, and they have done well. Seeing me jumping down, Chi Fire Dragon Ji made a defensive preparation in advance as if he was my mortal enemy, and I dared to jump down because I knew they would do it.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji put her long sword horizontally and obliquely blocked my eternal sword. After the two weapons collided together, it was not a head-on confrontation, and I deliberately missed it. As a result Eternal directly slid away from Chi Fire Dragon Ji's long sword, and slid down in the direction in which her long sword was tilted, only to bring up a fire star without cutting off her weapon.

In fact, although the eternal cutting attribute is very good, it does not mean that any weapon is broken at the touch of a touch. To let Eternity cut off the weapons of others, the first thing is to have enough contact pressure. Generally in battle, if someone dared to slash my weapon against me, of course, they can easily cut off the opponent's weapon, because the instantaneous pressure when the two weapons collide is very high. However, as long as you pay attention to control the contact position and contact angle, it is possible to block the eternity without cutting off the weapon. The most important point of this is to avoid the eternal blade. As long as it is not hit by the blade, the cut-off probability will drop by more than half. The second point is that the inclination angle must be large. When two weapons are in contact, Eternal can only wipe the weapon against each other, and use friction to influence the eternal direction in a small area to achieve the purpose of blocking. Never let Eternal directly collide with that weapon, otherwise Unless it is the light Divine Sword Level 1 thing I found for Masaka Matsumoto, most weapons including Divine Item are broken at the touch of a touch.

As our own person, Chi Fire Dragon Ji has a very detailed understanding of this thing, and because I have long expected that they may sometimes need to fight with me in front of everyone, so we have already Have done specific training in this area. Chi Fire Dragon Ji just fends off my eternity. This move, to put it bluntly, is to use the principle similar to Primal Chaos Fist to deflect my sword. Although this method is not as violent as a frontal collision, it also requires skills. Very exaggerated. Even if there is my own person who cooperates with her in the performance, it still requires many times of training to do this kind of thing.

Because our actions are so complicated, in the eyes of others, this is simply a magical battle method. Thanks to the image of Chi Fire Dragon Hime and the others in the mind of Japanese players, when they see this kind of fighting technique, they will only strengthen their confidence that August Kaun and their three fighting skills are strong, but will not There are other doubts. Although we are not playing for Japanese players today, this trick can lie to Japanese players who are more familiar with us. It is naturally more of a problem to lie to those Russian players.

Here Fire Dragon Ji succeeded in fending off my attack. The sakura rain god cock next to him also rushed up without the slightest hesitation and pierced the magic sword in his hand directly at me. I was one After leaning back and avoiding this sword, August Kaun in front of him stepped directly on Chi Fire Dragon Ji's back and jumped up and stabbed me with a sword from the air.

With such a coherent and violent three-strike combo, most people don't say they block it, it's not bad to be able to avoid it. But because I knew their three-strike combos a long time ago, and had already practiced with them in training, so I managed to avoid the attack range of August Xun with a very easy backflip.

Such a fierce battle, even if there are Japanese players watching by the side, I would definitely not think that there is any ambiguous relationship between August and Kazue, because they are impossible to be so cruel. Of course, in fact, we are really our own people, and this one just looks rather ruthless.

In fact, completing this series of actions is not simply to prove our innocence, but more importantly, or for the next battle, but in fact my plan did work.

Just after I dodged the attack of August Xun with a backflip, August Xuan immediately changed his eyes, and then quickly backed away, while I immediately turned around and raised my hand forever. , The flesh thorn of pink was cut into two pieces directly, the broken flesh thorn flew into the air, and the owner of the flesh thorn issued an angry roar.

It’s not just me and August Xun here. On the contrary, there are so many enemies here. Just now I stepped on a monster’s back and jumped in front of it and forced it in. Yuexun and their fighting. As a monster fighting on its own, fighting completely by instinct, the guy in front of him suddenly found that there was an extra creature in front of him. Of course he wouldn't be polite. So, this thing as it should be by rights launched an attack at me, and I as it should be by rights will counterattack it, and then August Xun and the others as it should be by rights are beside me. It looked lively.

This time I completely achieved the expected goal. Because when outsiders came to see me and the monsters are August Yuexun's enemies, now I am fighting with the monsters. Of course, they are sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight. Of course, it is a normal reaction. After all, they have injuries. Take this opportunity. Recovering is the most correct choice. So, now I have an excuse to help August Xun and the others get a valuable rest time.

In fact, players who often participate in fierce battles know that the rest time in the battle is actually very precious. Because some battles tend to be very fierce, you simply can’t find a chance to heal your own injuries during the battle, and sometimes you don’t even have time to pour the blood bottle into your mouth when you are holding the blood bottle in your hand. In that kind of intense battle You don't dare to be distracted for a second. August Xun and the others in this place just now are in almost this situation. They don’t have any medicines on them, but they don’t have time to use them. And because of continuous battles, their magic power and stamina are about to bottom out. This is exactly the time. Need a break. As long as they rest for a few minutes, their battle strength can rise by at least 10% or 20%.

Because I didn’t come to kill the monster, I deliberately didn’t use my full strength. Down. Although this speed is not really slow, but at my level, it is definitely the result of a serious release.

Ordinarily, after the monster in front of me is killed, I should naturally go to the August Xun and the others over there, but I didn't come here by myself, but brought the gold coin. Just now when I was fighting with that monster, gold coin found a chance to get entangled with a monster next to me, and during the deliberate struggle between me and that monster, gold coin naturally understood my intentions, so she I began to deliberately pay attention to the situation on my side. Just after I killed the monster on my side, gold coin suddenly released a skill against the monster who was fighting with herself. However, she deliberately slowed down the skill release speed in order to achieve the effect. The monster who fought her over there had seen her release this skill twice before, and had hit all of them twice before. Now the monster will certainly pay attention to this skill, and gold coin deliberately extended the release time, so the monster accurately avoided the attack.

The explosive power of this skill released by gold coin is very strong, and it has a shock retreat effect. The monster in front jumped to avoid the attack with a vertical leap at the right time, but the attack skill did not disappear, but fell directly between the two monsters that were killing each other behind the monster.

The sudden burst of skills directly blew up the two melee monsters. One of them happened to fly to my side and almost hit me. Although this monster was lifted off, relying on its skin is rough and flesh is thick, it actually got up like a okay person when it turned over, and immediately rushed up without the slightest hesitation after seeing me next to it.

Because of the help of gold coin, I immediately added another enemy, so the melee continued, and August Xun and the others continued to take medicine to take medicine to return to magic, anyway, they can continue to rest.

I think this is not enough. Gold coin deliberately provokes two monsters to come after it missed the match, and then she started to play against the three monsters alone. If it is in normal mode, let alone three monsters, even three hundred are not enough for gold coin. Although the maintenance cost of her skill is usually exaggerated, it has to be said that when her ten thousand swords formation is fully deployed, the imposing manner of Heaven and Earth Might and the real lethality are Heavenly God. Level 1. As long as you don't have enough rain-proof water bottles to ignore her attack power, once you are caught by the gold coin's ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, you can only wait to be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades. That's a real terrifying skill, which can be cut piece by piece if you don't pay attention to it.

However, that is all under normal conditions. Just as Kristina is very taboo against the forbidden domain, gold coin is very taboo against the forbidden domain. Once it is unable to fly, the sword array becomes a decoration. Although it seems that gold coin can manipulate Flying Sword in the forbidden air field to continue fighting, this operation seems to be greatly affected, and gold coin can only be released at the same time. Several Flying Swords, and the attack is far less sharp than usual.

Under the situation where the formidable power cannot be fully utilized, gold coin one-on-three is obviously a bit laborious, of course it is only a bit laborious, I don't think it is dangerous, but now anyway It's acting, so gold coin yelled happily while dealing with the three monsters: "President, hurry...hurry up! Help me! I can't show my strength in this place!"

I heard the call for help, of course, I have to go and support it, but the monster beside me has not been killed yet, so I can only step up and force the monster back. Of course, this is a really tough move, not only The monster was pushed back a bit, and it did cause damage to it, and the damage was actually quite heavy.

I rushed to the gold coin side when the monster was forced to meet with them Had to fight the monster, but they knew my intentions as soon as they came into contact with the monster who was close to their defensive circle by me. Because this monster was stabbed during the fight against me, and I cut a leg of that monster when I forced it back at the last moment. As a result, this monster is now a bit lame, with attack speed and flexibility in action. Sexuality has dropped drastically. Under this circumstance, the three of August Xun and the others can easily block the monster with their skillful cooperation, and they are not actually fighting this monster, but using this monster as a shield.

While I was fighting against the monster here with gold coin, I was still observing the situation of August Xun and the others from the corner of my eye. When they saw that they had fully understood my intention, they started to take that When the monsters turned around, I immediately started fighting with the monsters beside me with confidence, and after August Xun and the others finally played the monster in front of them, I immediately kicked two monsters from here and pretended to be deliberate. The appearance of harming them, but in fact, I have already observed it clearly. These two monsters are both monsters of poor strength, and when I kicked them past, I also secretly took a dark hand, and made these two monsters a little disabled, so the two monsters actually still didn’t exist after the past. It does not affect them in any way, but makes them look like they have nothing to do.

Thanks to my help, August Xun and the others fought more and more easily, and because the effects of the medicine gradually came into play, not only the injuries on their bodies have been recovered, but the magic is worth something. It's also filled up.

As long as there is time on the battlefield, recovery is still very simple. You can’t rely on medicines to remain invincible in battle. The main reason is that medicines that regain blood and demons usually recover slowly. Instant recovery medicines are very rare. So even if you continue to take medicine, because the recovery speed is just like that, it’s impossible. Superimposed, so in the end you can only recover your attributes little by little, and if the enemy's rate of attrition of your attributes is higher than this recovery rate, death will become a matter of as it should be by rights.

In addition to the problem of recovery speed, the medicine has a drawback that it must be eaten to take effect. Unlike the previous flat online games, "Zero" is a virtual reality type of online game, and the feature of this type of online game is that the medicine must be really put in the mouth and swallowed to be effective. There is no such thing as the equivalent to taking medicine by pressing a shortcut key in previous games, so unless a teammate cooperates with you in the battle, it helps you temporarily block the enemy and frees you to take medicine. In most cases Everyone can't use medicine in battle.

Now August Xun and the others have enough time to take drugs there because of my secret help, and there is still enough time to wait for the drugs to take effect, so their attributes will soon Restored to a full state.

After getting the hint from August and the others, I knew they didn’t need my help anymore, so I found an opportunity to pretend to be hit by the monster in front of me, and flew into the back. Among a crowd of Russian players.

Unlike monsters, players do not fight individually. Those Russian players and NPCs are obviously in the same group. Except for the guy Nobunaga Onihand who was excluded, the others formed a defensive circle to cover each other, so there are so many monsters here, but they didn't do anything to them. The reason why I wanted to fly in deliberately is to find a chance to stay away from August Xun and the others, so that there is a reasonable reason not to fight them, and on the other hand, to separate these guys.

These guys all get together. Those monster disordered and in a mess attacks don’t cause much casualties. Once the monsters here are cleaned up, then the next unlucky ones will definitely be me and August. Smoked them, so I want these Russian players to die first. Moreover, as long as there are no outsiders here, August Xun and I can cooperate blatantly.

As soon as I flew into the crowd of Russian players, I deliberately threw down a large group of Russian players, and the reason why these people are surrounded by such a large group of Russian players is of course There is a reason. Except for the two NPCs in white coats who seem to be researchers, the rest are basically mages. As a remote unit, they can be better protected by being surrounded by the center, and they can also concentrate on providing firepower to the peripheral personnel. However, my sudden appearance was like dropping a big rock into the pond and blowing up these people in an instant. After the wizard group in the center was thrown down by me, the warriors outside suddenly felt pressure increased, and several of them had to turn around and prepare to deal with the uninvited guest who flew in.

Although they responded correctly, am I so easy to deal with? When we fought with August Xun and the others, it was a routine we had rehearsed a long time ago. It was just like the tricks between martial students in the opera performances. There were routines. So it looks like we are playing very fiercely, but in fact, there is no danger at all. However, there is no danger in our fight, which is not the case at all for these Russian players.

As soon as I landed on my side, I turned over immediately, and then a carp stood up from the ground, and then kicked a warrior player who rushed up and kicked him flying. This guy originally came from the outer defense line to rescue him, but after being kicked by me, he knocked over two outer defenders. This monster doesn't care how they fell. Anyway, when they saw the enemy fell under their feet, it was just a mouthful if nothing else. As a result, a big hole immediately appeared in the line of defense.

Once this line of defense is perforated, it will be like a dam bursting. A small hole will soon be pulled out of a big hole. Although the surrounding Russian players wanted to fill this gap, it was a pity that there were too many monsters here, and they were understaffed, and they couldn't separate people to remedy them. As a result, the entire team was dispersed.

Seeing that the monster has entered the crowd, the surrounding Russian players can only fight on their own. The warriors are okay, but the division is bad luck. However, just when one of the monsters that looked like a tiger rushed into the division of the law, there was a mage who seemed to be of a high level, but it was strange that he did not resist the monster like others, but looked instead. towards me. It’s fine if this guy just looks at me. After all, as an enemy, it’s okay to look at me, but after he glanced at me, he moved his gaze to my side and behind, and then he actually ignored the monster that was close at hand. , I raised the staff and released a magic that I had never seen before.

After the magic is launched, it looks like a blue electric light ball. As soon as the light ball appears, it flies quickly towards me, but I keenly discovered that the light ball is not actually moved. Toward the one who flew from here, but slightly to the right.

Mage’s magic is not the same as Musketeer’s bullets. Magic is usually locked visually, so there is simply no error. For the mage, if the magic does not hit the target, then there are only two situations. Either it was intercepted, or the target moved and caused the magic to miss. If it is a fixed target without any protection, there is no such thing as a missed target in magic.

Because magic has such characteristics, the electro-optical ball in front of me is very strange. Since the magic impossible shot missed, the ball of light must have moved towards the target, but the problem is that it did not fly towards me, but flew towards my right hand. According to this route, as long as I stand still on the spot, the ball of light will pass directly from my side, and simply won't hit me. Then, according to the principle that magic will never miss the target, that is to say-the target is not me?

At that moment, I figured out the reason, and before I had time to see what was on my right hand, I stepped directly to the right for half a step, eternally horizontal in my hand, just blocking that Lightning ball. However, at the moment I was recruited, I felt a huge force coming, which actually lifted me into the air, and as soon as I left the ground, I felt someone hit behind me, and then I and the person who was hit Together they flew back a bit before landing.

"Damn, what's the situation?" After turning over and getting up from the ground, I felt that my arm was almost out of sensation. The lightning ball just now is by no means ordinary magic, so I won't say that it can be fired instantly. This formidable power is too outrageous. With my defensive power, and on the premise of a successful block, I almost completely abolished my hands. How huge might this be? Even if I blocked the direct attack of the 300mm naval gun with the method just now, I would not be so embarrassed, but that magic can actually achieve this level, which shows the terrifying of its formidable power.

Although I have a lot of questions, the guy opposite will definitely not tell me anything, and he can't say anything. Because monsters are very sensitive to magical fluctuations, that guy's act of releasing magic is equivalent to provoking surrounding monsters. It wouldn't matter if he was protected by the warriors as before. The point is that now he is surrounded by wizards, and there is a tiger-shaped rare beast that is a circle larger than a yak less than five meters away. So, no surprise, the guy was violently attacked by the monster immediately after releasing the magic. When I got up from the ground and looked over, the guy was being swung around in his mouth by the monster, and then I watched. The monster's half-closed mouth suddenly clicked and completely snapped, and the part above the shoulder of the guy flew out with his two calves, and the remaining part was swallowed by the monster with a grunt.

Since that guy has no hope, I turned and looked towards the two people who served me as a backstop. Since these two people are behind me, they are naturally the characters in the opponent's attack line, so I am 90% sure that one of these two people is definitely the target of that guy. Of course, it may be both.

In fact, when I looked back, I was basically sure that these two should be the target of that person, because these are the two NPCs in white coats I saw before. This is obviously a researcher, that is, a technical NPC. Generally speaking, this kind of NPC is a relatively expensive resource for major guilds, especially guilds with independent research and development capabilities. As long as there are enough researchers and a little research funding, they can always get them. Some things come.

The laboratory in the game is different from the reality. The game emphasizes fairness, not complete simulation. In reality, it is possible that a large laboratory has spent a lot of money and cannot find a suitable formula to make a certain super metal. On the contrary, a small laboratory Luck That Goes Against Heaven's Will directly finds the right one. The ratio. This is a very common situation. Scientific experiments in reality are actually try one's luck under the guidance of experience and theory. Your good luck can be successful once. If you are not lucky, you may not find what you want for a lifetime, or you have tried all combinations. The latter group succeeded.

The situation that is very common in reality is basically not true in the game. Although there is a success rate setting in the game, which means that you have to try one's luck, but because this is a probability calculation, in fact, as long as you are willing to spend money, it is still very simple for a laboratory to produce results. Moreover, there are many ways in the game to increase the success rate of experiments and shorten the time to success. One of the more important ways is to add researchers.

The level of the highest level researcher in a laboratory determines the highest level of results that the laboratory can produce, that is, the level of the results will not exceed the level of the highest level researcher here. The money and time required for a successful experiment depends on the sum of the ranks of the researchers in the laboratory. If you don’t have a high-level researcher, then prepare more low-level researchers. Using the number can also speed up the experiment and save money. Of course, if you are all using low-level researchers, don't expect any high-level technology.

Because the in-game laboratory can shorten the test time and reduce the expenditure of funds as long as there are enough researchers, so NPC researcher is a kind of wealth for any guild with a laboratory. But that guy actually wanted to kill these two researchers just now. What kind of situation is this?

Looking back to the situation just now, I suddenly understood a little bit. I just stood by the two researchers, and under normal circumstances, I would definitely not rashly kill the NPC researcher who would be useful to our guild. In other words, if these two researchers are still alive in the end, I will most likely take them away. Then, the other party killed these two researchers, the purpose is very clear, it is to prevent me from acquiring these two researchers.

However, if you think about it again, it seems that there is still something wrong with it. NPC researcher is certainly a kind of wealth, but isn't the player's own life? The guy was obviously trying to kill these two NPC researchers and didn't even want his own life. Although NPC researchers can be considered a rela

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