"Damn, I'm in trouble now! How can we go up and help?" Zhen Hong said, looking at the black mist above her head.

"All out of the way." I took out the eternity directly and turned it into a lance, and then stepped back a little, followed by a sudden bang on my body without warning. M high raging flames. I also guided the purple dark flame on my body above the eternity, and then I rushed forward two steps and threw the eternity in my hand against the mist that was still slowly rising above. The eternal long spear of penetrating power, like a bolt of lightning, traverses the not-distant distance between us, and then accurately hits the fog, and then eternity is directly stuck in the smoke as if blocked by something. , And the dark flames on the surface of eternity quickly burned into the smoke.

As the dark flame shifted, the cloud of smoke immediately uttered a harsh scream, and at the same time began to fall continuously, and soon fell to the ground. But Mingyan is not so easy to extinguish, even if the guy fell on the ground, it still didn't stop burning, until the smoke was completely burned out, it was completely extinguished.

After Underfire burned the cloud of smoke, we discovered that the creature that vomited the smoke before was also seriously injured. It seems that this thing is related to the smoke in some way. When the smoke was destroyed, his body was also injured. Although he hadn't directly died, he looked dying.

True Red squashed the creature’s head in a round and then asked me: "What should we do now? Do you want to reduce the number of monsters here first?"

I looked at the mess around me and then suddenly pointed at Nobunaga Guisou over there and said: "Kill him first."

In fact, Nobunaga Guisou just before I pointed at Nobunaga Guisou. Already staring at me. The relationship between him and Matsumoto Masaka can be said to be a bit complicated, and sometimes we can’t be sure of the enemy-we relationship, but the relationship between Oniji Nobunaga and us is absolutely hostile, and it is of the kind of mortal enemy. There are no problems. So, when the three of us jumped down from above, Nobunaga Guishou had already noticed our side, and had been watching us carefully. On the one hand, I am afraid of our sneak attack, and on the other hand, I want to see if we can find an opportunity to sneak attack on us.

Actually, I pointed at Nobunaga Onishu because I found out that he was watching us, so I thought of getting his mortal enemy to be dealt with first. No matter what the people below are going to do in the end, Nobunaga Onishu must be our enemy anyway, so anyway, it is always right to kill him first. Besides, as long as Guishou Nobunaga died, the relationship between us and August Kaun and the others would not be so easy to expose. After all, the remaining members of the Russian guild are not Japanese after all, and they do not necessarily understand the specific situation between our guild and the Japanese players. Even if Akatsuki and I are acting more ambiguous now, they might think that Akatsuki and them are Japanese leftists, so they won't have any special reactions. At least those people are generally impossible to inform Nobunaga Guishou specifically for this matter. So, as long as Guishou Nobunaga is not here, we can be more blatant when we want to help August Kaun and the others.

The Guishou Nobunaga over there has been observing our side, wanting to see if there is a chance to sneak attack us, who knows suddenly found me pointing to his side, and then he noticed Zhenhong was looking at him following my fingers, so Nobunaga Guishou immediately felt shivered all over. Although I can't hear what I said because of the noise in the venue, Onizu Nobunaga is now very sure that I was definitely assigning Real Red just now to trouble him, so Onizu Nobunaga was immediately short. Going under the arm of the monster that was fighting, then didn't take the opportunity to attack the back of the monster, but went all the way forward with his head down. He intends to use the monster group and melee players here to cover himself, although he may also know that this will not last long, but as long as we start chasing him, most of them will be entangled by other monsters. In addition to consuming our strength, we can also buy time for him. So Nobunaga Guishou didn't hesitate to start his hiding action.

Seeing Guishou Nobunaga turned around and ran away, Zhen Hong immediately moved towards there and rushed over. I don’t know if it’s a special reason or a coincidence. Real Red rushed all the way and no player or monster intercepted her. All the monsters and players around her happened to be fighting. Simply didn’t have time to talk to her, so Real Red was almost always A straight line rushed to the position where Nobunaga Guishou stood just before escaping without being blocked.

"Guishou Nobunaga, you coward!" After Zhenhong got there, he obviously saw the whereabouts of Guishou Nobunaga, and immediately rushed over, but I did not follow.

Onitou Nobunaga’s battle strength is actually just that. Although he has become a Divine Race with the help of the eight-pointed snake, he is still in absolute terms compared to Zhenhong. Disadvantage. This disadvantage is not entirely an attribute problem. If you really want to calculate the attribute purely, the battle strength of Onizu Nobunaga should actually be equal to or even slightly higher than that of true red, but because Onizu Nobunaga is psychologically There is a shadow, and I always feel that I can't beat the real red, so I can't use my full strength in the battle. The really red battle method itself is the type of press forward, so the biggest taboo in fighting with her is timidity. The more you are afraid of her, the more you can't beat her. Nobunaga was beaten by Real Red too many times before, and now he can’t compete with Real Red at all psychologically, so even after being turned into the body of Divine Race by Eight-Branched Giant Snake, he still fights. But it's really red.

Of course, if it’s just a psychological problem, Nobunaga Guishou should actually be able to adapt slowly, because as long as he feels that he will not be killed so quickly in the battle, Nobunaga Guishou You will gradually realize that you are actually better than Real Red now. But the problem is that there is also a huge gap between Zhenhong and Nobunaga in fighting skills. Although Nobunaga's attributes are stronger, the problem is that his attributes are relatively average, while the true red attributes are almost all focused on attack power. Coupled with Zhenhong's martial arts foundation, Guishou Nobunaga can only be beaten every time she encounters her, and Zhenhong's attack power is surprisingly high. In this case, of course it is one-sided. In fact, if Guishou Nobunaga can change his mentality, don't be scared when he sees a real red, but fight hard. With his attribute advantage, it is actually possible to fight. Unfortunately, the courage is gone, and the attribute is useless no matter how high it is.

After watching Zhenhong go chasing the ghost hand Nobunaga, I greeted the gold coin and began to move slowly towards August and the others. Taking advantage of the fact that Nobunaga Guishou has no time to look at our situation now, I plan to help Augustusen and the others relieve the pressure a little bit. It seems that the monsters on their side are very powerful. If this continues, I am worried that they will not be able to support us. There will be casualties about to go to the rescue.

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