Although I have already thought about using this thing, I am really worried. Making a decision in my mind doesn't mean that I won't have other ideas, at least I can't completely close my mind. However, despite the hesitation in my heart, I insisted on continuing to use this little mischievous broken handkerchief. Although the side effect of this thing is a bit bigger, one thing has not changed, that is, its main function has not been lost at all, and it can be played out perfectly. Compared with the messy little problems, this main function just don't have any problems. I think this little mischievous broken handkerchief is very worth using. Besides, this thing has always been impossible. As long as I have the courage to use it, system will definitely give me a way to improve this situation, and as long as I succeed in the challenge, I can get a piece of equipment with no problems at all.

After deciding to use this thing, I returned to the ground with Hades and it was almost midnight. The battle against the Russians is impossible after midnight. Although this time is a very suitable time for raids in reality, this is the game. The peak time for players to go online is usually between 5 pm and 12 pm In time, the number of online users will start to decline after twelve o'clock, and the number of online users will reach a state where there are very few people until about four in the morning.

The time now is around nine o'clock in the evening, and it will definitely be after ten o'clock when we organize our staff to Russia. In case the battle lasts for more than two hours, it will affect the normal offline time of the members, and I don't want that to happen, so this time was postponed by me to after 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Actually, after 8 o’clock in the morning, there is a very low number of online players, but players who go online at this time generally have enough time and will not go offline soon, and low online numbers also have the advantage of low online numbers. . As the raid party, we are prepared, so we can screen and control the personnel in advance, and the raid party will often have important personnel uneven during a time period when the number of online is very low, which brings us The actual benefits. Therefore, it is actually advantageous for us to choose a time that is not so peak.

Although the time is booked, there is still a gap of nearly twelve hours before that. Of course I’m impossible to wait here. Normal players will definitely use this time to take a nap and rest. Unfortunately, I’m Dragon Clan and I don’t need to sleep at all, so I have to find something for myself during this time.

Considering that I am a super Mourning Sect star of a professional teammate with this little mischievous broken handkerchief, it is obviously not appropriate to be with others. After thinking about it again and again, I decided to find a place to level up by myself, and adapt to the negative effects of the mischievous broken handkerchief by the way.

In fact, I still have a guess in my heart, that is, system is likely to give me a task to correct the negative of the naughty broken handkerchief while I continue to fight with the naughty broken handkerchief. Effect. After all, the system will not cheat people for no reason. It gives me a test of negative attributes such as the mischievous broken handkerchief. If I choose to continue to use it, it means that I have accepted the test. At this time, the system is possible at any time. Give me this test to let me go to the breakthrough, so I choose this time to go to leveling alone, because I hope to make the naughty broken handkerchief really be my equipment before the battle on the Russian side begins. It's not a lot of bug props that become a problem.

After deciding to go to leveling, I first discussed with Vina about how to solve this problem of endless laughter. After all, although Vina has helped me suppress this problem, my strength has dropped a lot because of this. , So we must find a solution. Vina seemed to be prepared for my request, slapped me directly on the forehead, and then I found that I had an extra skill. The function of this skill is to control the soul seal that Vina gave me. I can decide whether to open the seal at any time. When the seal is in the active state, the previous laughing state will be suppressed, but my battle strength will appear obvious, and if I need to release all my battle strength, I can make the seal in the closed state. At this time My abilities will be restored, but at the same time the situation that keeps on laughing will also be out of control.

Although I can’t fight at all when I am laughing wildly, I still need this switch, because I am a trainer, besides myself, my battle strength mainly comes from my monsters. Pet and summon creatures. What the seal weakens is not my reaction nerves and combat intuition. These all are the abilities that I possess in reality, and the system cannot interfere. The way that seal reduces my battle strength is the decline of attribute value, not the change of battle method. Therefore, if I close the seal, although my personal battle strength will be almost completely lost due to the endless laughter, my familiar and summon creatures will be restored to their full state. Conversely, if I activate the seal, my personal battle rhythm and battle awareness will not have any problems, but in that state, my battle attributes will drop significantly, so the actual battle strength output may drop significantly, and this is also the case. The attributes of my familiars and summon creatures will also drop with me, which is absolutely intolerable to me.

After getting the seal control skills, I went straight to Isengard’s guild library. As one of the guild’s most proud functional buildings, I have to say this spectacular super The architectural function is really incomparable and powerful. If our guild members are allowed to choose the guild building that they don’t want to lose, I estimate that the guild library will become the second building that they don’t want to lose except Transmission Formation.

With the authority of the president, I don’t need to pass various audits and classifications like ordinary players. I walk directly into the library lobby and then go through the public area to board the internal reading that is only open to the members of the guild. Then use the floating platform to fly to the navigation area, find a crystal display here and start to look up information.

To be honest, apart from the lack of computer functions, Crystal Technology from Atlantis almost includes all the functions of a computer except the computing core, but the special existence of the god of war It happens to be able to replace the computing core of the computer. Therefore, when the military god and these crystal technologies are brought together, it often makes many amateur players think that our guild has created a magical version of the computer, but in fact it is just us seize The result of every opportunity. Of course, regardless of the principle and essence, its function performance is indeed similar to our own mastery of magic computer technology.

The crystal display in front of you was originally only a communication tool expansion equipment in Atlantis, but now it has become almost like a real touch screen server. Select the type of service you need on the display, and then click a few randomly according to the expanded navigation bar. Soon the information about the leveling point in the information library of the bank will be expanded on the screen.

I want to level up and the leveling of ordinary players is definitely not the same. Because the game "Zero" has settings such as higher-level experience rewards and lower-level experience penalties, I must find a place higher than my own to level, otherwise the EXP will be very small, and generally based on The level of individual combat capability is different, and the degree of the higher level will also be different. If you are just an ordinary player with average talent, it is best not to find a leveling area that is five or more level 10 higher than yourself, although usually players can be normal in a leveling area that is eighty to one hundred levels higher than yourself. Kill monsters without worrying about your own life, but doing so is actually very inefficient.

On the surface, it seems that killing monsters in leveling areas that are 80 to 100 levels higher than yourself will get much more experience bonus rewards than those levels that are five Level 10 higher than yourself, but in You can kill a monster in a level 10 level five higher than yourself in three to five minutes, while in a level eighty to one hundred level, you may need more than half an hour to get a monster. Moreover, because of the lengthening of the battle time, your consumption of medicines, mana, and physical strength will increase. At the same time, the probability of accidents due to the long battle time will also increase a lot. In case you accidentally provoke multiple monsters that exceed the upper limit of your strength, or are maliciously robbed by others, your previous efforts will be all in vain. This situation can be said to be very common, so although the percentage of EXP rewards for killing a single monster is slightly lower, the total amount of EXP obtained per unit time is still more in the leveling zone that is only five Level 10 higher than yourself.

The above situation is for those players whose battle strength is at the average level of the masses. If your fighting level is lower than the average level of the masses, you can only consider a level higher than yourself. A leveling area equal to your own level, because this will ensure that you will not accidentally hang up, and ensure that your medicines and stamina consumption are in a maintainable state.

Of course, contrary to players with lower combat levels, if your combat level is outstanding among players of the same level, you don't need to consider reducing the difficulty, but consider increasing the difficulty. The more your personal strength exceeds that of players at the same level, you should choose a leveling area with more high level than your own to fight. Although this selection method does not have a certain convention, generally speaking, find a leveling area that you think killing monsters is not very laborious, but also not very easy, so that it is almost exactly the area where you can maximize the speed of EXP. .

As the first in the battle strength list, my battle strength is much higher than the average player even at the same level. I was able to compete with Divine when I was just over a thousand levels. Race can't be killed, and even once killed one or two Divine Races, but few ordinary players can do this even if they reach more than 1,000 levels. From this, you can see that I The combat level of is far superior to players of the same level.

Because of the outstanding combat ability, I am impossible to choose a leveling area that is only 50 levels higher than myself. According to my previous experience, if it is purely for the purpose of gaining experience, the most suitable for me The leveling area should be a leveling area that is more than five hundred levels higher than my own level, and where monsters are grouped together, and a huge number of war scenes are leveling area. However, if I want to practice skills, it’s best to find the kind of leveling area that is about 700 levels higher than myself, and if I want to challenge myself or train familiars, then the best combat area In fact, it should be more than a thousand levels higher than myself to be valuable.

What I need now is not to earn EXP by leveling, but to conduct trials to let the naughty broken handkerchief be integrated into my battle as soon as possible, so what I need now is the kind that exceeds my level by a thousand. Leveling area above level.

I’m now more than two thousand two hundred levels, and the leveling area beyond my one thousand level must be at least three thousand two hundred levels, but the leveling area of ​​the game system is not completely fixed at first . The system has actually been adjusting the difficulty of the leveling area according to the player's level distribution, which means that as the player's strength and level increase, the difficulty of the leveling area on the world is also increasing. The advantage of this is that it can always ensure that most players have a large number of leveling areas to choose from, but relatively high-level or particularly low-level players will find their leveling areas become quite difficult to find.

I am not only the number one in the world battle strength list, but also the number one in the rank list, so the leveling area that suits me is really not easy to find. The most important thing is that I am no longer a complete combat player, which makes me unable to go to many leveling areas.

The reason why the game "Zero" can attract a large number of people into the game, even many people who did not touch the computer before have become game players, in addition to the promotion of the governments of various countries, the biggest hard condition It is the openness of this game. Because the internal world of "Zero" is almost equivalent to a complete world, in which you can find any way of entertainment that is available or not in reality, so it can be said that almost every player can find his own way of playing here instead of There are only two simple ways to play: Daguai upgrade or find someone to PK.

These different gameplays allow different players to have different entertainment methods, so as to ensure that everyone who enters the game will not be disappointed. For example, the elderly can use the sleep assistance system to help sleep after they come in, and they can also interact with various NPCs in the game by the way, such as playing chess or fishing together. In short, the elderly can find enough in the game. A way of entertainment, so that they like this game.

Similar to the elderly, players who like to travel can travel everywhere without fighting in the game. Of course, they can also become combat players themselves, and then travel around the world while fighting. It is a very good choice for most travel friends. After all, the travel expenses in the game have dropped a lot, almost negligible, and the scenery in the game is much more exaggerated than in reality. Except for some paranoia who believe that the real world is irreplaceable, for most people, the scenery in the game is actually more attractive, and unless you deliberately pick the bones in the egg, you simply cannot find the scenery in the game. What artificial sense, at least except for some "scientists," most people can't tell the difference.

Just like those donkey friends and old people, although I am a pure combat player at first, my situation has begun to change since I have the Frost Rose League. Now I feel that I have become a mixed player of combat and social, because I always have to keep in touch with the Divine Race NPC, so many things like politics and diplomacy have appeared in the middle, so I can say that I am not pure now. Combat players.

Because I still have the characteristics of a social player, my current leveling area is even more difficult to choose, because some leveling areas belong to certain forces. . It's not that those places are property of other people. If that's the case, I can still borrow it. The point is that the monsters in certain leveling areas are simply members of certain forces. For example, I just turned to the leveling area on the display screen.

The name of this leveling area is called Ten-Thousand Demons Valley. The level of the post in this place is three thousand and five hundred, which is just right for my current requirements, but the problem is that the monsters in the place are the water ghosts. The gang of Monster Race bosses, so if I run over to practice level, basically it is equivalent to turning face with Monster Race. I just want to level up now, so I have a diplomatic dispute. Therefore, I can't choose this leveling area at all, I can only change the place.

A large list of information such as this was pulled in the selection list of leveling areas in front of me. I went through more than a dozen leveling areas in a row. Either the level was inappropriate or the monster type was inappropriate. It was hard to see both. The most suitable one is his grandfather's turf of our family. How do you say this lets me fight?

Finding all the way down the data, suddenly a specially marked leveling area appeared in my sight.

The level mark of the leveling area states that it is unknown, but there is an approximate range, ranging from three thousand to four thousand levels. I can adapt to speaking of which in this interval, so there is definitely no problem going in.

This is an unidentified leveling area written on the mark, which means that this place has not been developed by many players, and has not even been proved, so this place is very worth visiting. You should know that the first time in the game "Zero" is actually very important, and for a leveling area, every monster in it will be very good when it is killed for the first time. , And the monster that was killed in the first round gave EXP more than twice the normal value. This kind of reward is jokingly called wasteland welfare by players, and I think this title is quite appropriate.

"Huh? President, why are you here?" I was looking at the information in this leveling area, and suddenly I heard someone talking, and when I looked back, I found it was Kristina.

"I should ask you this, right? Shouldn't you be on the front line now?"

"I just got a wave of provocations from Russian players and tested it a little bit. I don’t use that. The ultimate battle strength of the new attribute is now taking a break. If you are here, don’t you come here to find a place to level up, right?"

Kristina obviously knows that I am now because of her strength. She has to improve her own strength to improve, so she knows exactly what I am doing here now.

I didn’t mean to avoid Kristina’s question. I directly nodded and admitted: "Your strength is so fast, I have to work hard to improve it! If you catch up, Isn’t I ashamed as the president?"

Kristina said with a smile when she heard me, "I can only surpass your battle strength when I activate that mode, and I’m sure I will definitely not be able to beat you before I am exhausted, so I am still not your opponent when I really fight it. You should know this president?"

My serious nodded and said: "Of course I do. , But I can’t relax myself. Once I slack off, the first problem is easy to lose. So now I need to improve my battle strength."

" Then there is no need to level up. "Kristina said: "With your current level as the guild leader, it would be difficult to level up by yourself, right? Besides, you are not at the level of the level now. There is actually not much difference between leveling up one or two levels, right? If you really want to open up the power gap through level promotion, it should be to launch a guild battle, right? You are the guild leader, and the guild battle experience is divided into the highest proportion. With the current scale of our Frost Rose League, a guild battle will make you rise five or six. Seven, Level 8 shouldn’t be a problem, right?"

"I didn’t want to level up, but just got a piece of equipment. I want to adapt."

"New equipment?" Kristina glanced at me, and then asked: "Is it jewelry? Show me, maybe there is a suitable leveling location for you to suggest."

" This silk scarf on my face."

"Silk scarf?" Kristina looked at me in surprise and asked: "What silk scarf?"

"It's my face This one is on the top!"

"Where is there anything on your face?"

I was stunned when I heard Christina's words, and then quickly took out a mirror After taking a photo, I found that there was nothing on my face. The unbelieving expert touched it, but it still didn't touch anything. I opened the equipment bar in surprise, and found that the little mischievous broken handkerchief was still displayed, that is, it was still in the equipped state, but the word "fusion" was added after the state.

I was surprised to see this state and I started trying to get this little mischievous handkerchief off my face, but after trying for a long time, I was surprised to find that this thing could not be taken off at all. You can see it in the attribute column, but you can’t operate it, and it’s worse physically. It’s completely non-existent, invisible and intangible, as if you didn’t wear this silk scarf at all.

"Damn, I can't take it off!"

Kristina asked me in surprise, "Is there any equipment that I can't take off if I put it on? "

"I didn't know before, but now it must be there. It's hanging on my equipment bar."

"Then you are really lucky."< /p>

"Okay, I think this is a good thing, it means that this equipment is being transformed, forget it, I should find a leveling area to fight, I should be able to get some tips, at least it can also control the state of this thing Find out."

Kristina said when I said this, she said she would not bother me anymore and let me quickly choose a leveling point. I refocused my attention on the unexplored leveling point, and then began to look up information.

Because this leveling area is an unexplored area, there is only an entrance map, and I don’t know what it is inside. There is only a small part of the information about the monster in this place. According to this situation, the people who found this place should have just entered the entrance part and then turned back or were killed.

After confirming the map information, I looked at the location and surrounding environment markers again, but I was taken aback when I looked at the location. This leveling point is not in China, but in Japan. The leveling point is a deep mountain in Japan, and it is a nested leveling area. There is a large general leveling area outside, but it is also a high level area, so there will not be too many people. After all, there are high level players. They are very few, and the players who are really high-level players are actually not too long to level up. Most of them are added because of the experience of the guild position, not just a little bit of leveling. As I said earlier, for ordinary players, the limit level of "Zero" is two thousand, because if you just rely on your own level, then you want to upgrade after level two thousand, that time basically has to be based on the year. Calculation, so the average player should not expect to be able to rise to more than two thousand levels. Players who can rise to level two thousand or more will be the backbone of the guild without exception, and the way they can be upgraded is the guild experience commission. Only this proportional guild EXP commission can hope to raise the player's level to more than two thousand.

Of course, this is not absolute, because there is also a kind of EXP acquisition channel in "Zero" that provides very high EXP, that is, the super task. The experience improvement of game missions can even allow a player to jump seventy-eighty consecutively, and not to jump seventy-eighty level when you are one or two hundred levels, but to still allow you to jump seventy-eighty after one or two thousand levels- eighty level. Of course, when you see the reward for this task, you should know that the difficulty of completing this task is also Heaven Defying Level. If you don’t have the strength of Superman, it is best not to take this task, otherwise it is a waste of time, because it is impossible to complete this kind of task. Task.

The leveling area is in Japan. This is not a problem. The monster type is marked as normal. This is also very good. The surrounding environment content is displayed as a normal area. There are no environmental factors that are particularly noteworthy. Only the entrance should be paid attention to. There is a Underground World entrance nearby, and it looks like a straw entrance.

The so-called Underground World straw entrance is a kind of Underground World entrance that can breathe in. Because of the different locations of the different exits of Underground World, different entrances and exits may have a high air pressure difference, which results in strong air currents at the entrances of most Underground Worlds, which is brought about by a closed underground environment. The inevitable result, and the larger the area of ​​Underground World and the more openings, the more serious this situation will be.

This entrance is a straw entrance, which means that the air pressure inside is lower than the outside, and since it is marked separately, it means that the air pressure difference in this place is not as simple as generating strong winds, because it will There is a strong suction force, and it is enough to threaten the passing players, otherwise it will not be specifically marked.

After recording this information, I greeted the military god and told him that there is nothing important to do not disturb me, and then I teleported to Fulcrum City and rode the flying bird to the leveling area.

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