Vina was not in a hurry to explain how she did this, but first asked Hades and the others to soul-block themselves, and after a simple treatment, the scene All personnel returned to normal, at least no one laughed anymore. However, although everyone has returned to normal, because the soul has been sealed, the power that can be used temporarily is less than half of the usual, and some people even have lost all mana.

We are not worried about this loss of ability. After all, we know that the reason for the loss of ability is the soul seal, and it can be restored as long as the undo seal. What really bothers us is the Laughing More Than Syndrome. Although it is basically certain that the little mischievous broken handkerchief caused this situation, the problem is that it is completely unclear how it happened.

Hades looked at me helplessly and said: "I said that this Divine Item is very dangerous. President, you should understand me now, right?"

I nodded said: "It is indeed much more serious than I thought, but it is not too far to be solved."

"Isn't it? Are you still planning to continue using this thing?" Aphrodite忒 asked in surprise. The other chaos and order around the Divine Race were also very surprised. They looked at me with such a serious thing. I would definitely retreat when they wanted to. It’s impossible to continue, but they didn’t expect it. Instead of being afraid of this thing, I actually want to continue using it.

Actually, the confusion and order Divine Race of them feel that my thoughts are strange not because my brain is really strange. Of course, it is not that their brain is faulty, but because the information everyone understands is different. I am a player and know some rules of the game, so I am sure that this equipment will not cause harm to others for no reason, but the chaos and order Divine Race as an NPC is impossible to think about this problem from my perspective. Even Vina, who already has her own body in reality, is impossible to think of this, because although she already has a body, her identity in the game is an NPC, so the fair treatment of the players by the system is for her. inapplicable.

Hades did not want me to continue using the naughty broken handkerchief because they did not want me to take risks. This is understandable, but I also have my own reasons to insist on using it. If I can still shrink back when I was at first, now it’s if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off. According to my previous analysis, the system will not benefit or punish a player for no reason. If you feel lucky or unlucky, you have encountered any rewards or lost something, then you must have appeared in some previous test. The corresponding performance.

When we were affected by this little mischievous broken handkerchief and produced this state that must be sealed by the soul, we have actually begun to enter the test state. If I choose to continue now, the great probability is to find some way to the negative effects of the mischievous broken handkerchief, so as to achieve the purpose of using the mischievous broken handkerchief. However, if I make a concession now, it means that I evaded the test, and according to my past experience, the result of doing so is usually that the system will think that I give up the test, and then will be punished. And I even guessed the content of this punishment. It's probably because this state of our body might become a permanent state. Although it does not mean that it cannot be solved, it will inevitably be very troublesome. In contrast, it is better to be brave to face the problem now, otherwise it will only become more and more troublesome.

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