Under my repeated assurance, Hades finally couldn't help me, and took me to the place where I was used to store the mischievous broken handkerchief.

Although the name of this Divine Item is a little mischievous broken handkerchief, it is not really a handkerchief. In fact, the mischievous torn handkerchief is more like a scarf, and it is also a very large scarf. Its main material looks like linen, and the dyeing is biased towards brown and yellow, giving people a rough and ancient feeling.

In fact, apart from the big difference in appearance and imagination, the storage location of the mischievous broken handkerchief is also somewhat different from my imagination. Hades originally said that this thing was placed in the sea of ​​silence, so I thought it was soaked in the sea of ​​silence. According to the actual situation, it is not like that. This little mischievous broken handkerchief is actually installed. It's in a box, but this box is really immersed in a sea of ​​silence, and there is a large seal stone on it for suppression.

Hades cautiously took out that little mischievous handkerchief from the box and handed it directly to me, but before handing it to me, he said again: "This thing is very dangerous , And from the moment the box was opened, our lucky value has begun to be in a state of disorderly changes. Therefore, please be careful and careful."

I nodded took the small piece of Naughty broken handkerchief, and then opened the attribute of this thing. I wanted to see the specific function of this thing, but to my surprise, after I selected the attribute option, what was opened was not an attribute page, but a translucent page. Empty white light curtain. Normally, I should see the attribute description on the light curtain in front of me, but what I can see now is a blank light curtain. It's just a pure transparent light curtain.

"Why can't I see the attribute of this thing?" I turned my head and looked towards Hades and asked.

Hades helplessly said: "I said, this thing has become very unstable since it was hit by Odin’s Solomon holy sword. We don’t know exactly what attributes it currently has. The attributes you talked about are all speculated based on our limited usage records. The specific attributes simply cannot be checked. Appraisal Technique or even prophecy has nothing to do with it, and we can't see its attributes at all."

"You can't see the attribute, so it means that the attribute of this thing is really invisible. But the known attribute of this thing is really very powerful, is it a waste of it?"

Poseidon quickly replied: "It’s a blessing to be able to not be trapped by the attribute of this thing. We dare not expect to use it. You don’t know, when this thing was just damaged, Zeus tried to use it. , The result was horrible! You didn’t see what Zeus looked like at the time. If you saw it, I promise you won’t worry about this thing again."

"But if this thing is true The problem is so serious that there is no possibility of using it at all. Why does Polsephone recommend this thing? It should be used?"

Hades said immediately after I asked. : "Speaking of how to use it, it does exist, but just like its unreliable attribute, this method is also very unreliable. But... Although it is unreliable for others, if it is If you want to take a long time...maybe you can really try it. But you are not happy too early. We can't guarantee whether that method is really effective, so if you really want to try it, you'd better do it well. Prepare to be scammed."

"What if I get scammed?"

"I don’t know. I am afraid that even High God can't give you the answer to that kind of thing. If Are you sure you want to try, then I will tell you the method, if you don’t want to take a risk, then give it to me, and I will reseal it now. How about? President, what are you going to do?"

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