"You don't want the president to use that thing, do you?" Unexpectedly, after Polsephone told her that she had a way, several people on the scene came from Olympus The gods of Divine Race turned their eyes to her in surprise. Obviously they all knew what Polsephone was talking about, but at first they all deliberately avoided this and didn't tell me.

Porsephone looked at the questioning Aphrodite and said: "I also know that there are many problems with that thing, but the president is not a child. We are now advising him. , I believe that the president has his own judgment. So, if there is something, just tell the president. I didn’t say must let the president use it!"

"After talking for a long time, what are you doing? What are you talking about?" I watched back and forth between Polsephone and Aphrodite several times, but I couldn't figure out what the two of them were talking about.

Poseidon explained at this time: "Porsephone is talking about a Divine Item, which is the most powerful Divine Item I have seen so far, not one of them. "

Hades followed nodded and said: "If side effects are not considered, it is indeed the strongest existence among all the Divine Items I know, none of them. But considering that thing The instability, its practical value is not even as good as the worst Divine Item, and even some Holy Spirit-level equipment may be more useful than this Divine Item."

"Like Poll Sephone said, I have my own judgment, you can introduce this thing, and I will decide whether to use it or not."

"If you say that, let me tell you too. Nothing. In fact, that thing has always been kept in our hands." Poseidon said.

"You mean that thing is in Isengard now?"

"No, it should be in the Netherworld to be exact. In our temple of the underworld." Hardy Si said: "The equipment has been kept by the god of the gods before, and we also brought it when we joined the Divine Race of Chaos and Order."

"So what are you waiting for? Take it first. Come and show it to me."

Hades thought about it and said: "If you don't plan to use it, I suggest you don't watch it."

" Why?"

"This...how do you say it!" Hades said after organizing the language a little: "That Divine Item was indeed very powerful, but there was one time before that. In the battle with Odin’s Divine Race, Zeus used this Divine Item to fight Odin. However, in the battle, the Divine Item was hit by Odin’s Solomon holy sword. Although it was not directly split, However, it was severely damaged. Although the Divine Item itself is of high level, it is not a weapon or armor after all, so its own strength is not high. Odin’s sword caused the power system inside the Divine Item to occur As a result, not only did the Divine Item fail, but it became stronger, but at the same time, the Divine Item also began to become less stable. It would absorb the positive energy around it, and then modify the surrounding people in disorder. Fortunately, this modification is completely irregular, so if unfortunately it is modified into a negative fortune, it will really be alive! So Zeus didn’t dare to use that thing anymore, just It can be placed in the underworld and soaked in the sea of ​​silence, and the negative energy of the sea of ​​silence can be used to prevent it from absorbing positive energy. Only in this way can the attribute of that thing be suppressed and it can be quiet."

"You Means that the characteristic of this piece of equipment is that it can modify a person’s lucky value?"

"no no no, modifying the lucky value is just one of the side effects after its energy disorder, it does not itself It’s not used to change the value of luck."

"So what does this thing do?"

Hades and Poseidon looked at each other and nodded each other, and then Hades said as if he had made a decision: "I know that once I tell the function of that piece of equipment, you will definitely risk using it, so I really don’t want you to know. But since you are asking like this Then I can only say it. But I still hope you can stay calm, no matter what you hear, wait until I finish speaking before deciding whether to use that thing."

I nodded and said: "Don't worry, my self-control is not so bad that it is completely uncontrollable Point. "

Hades didn't seem to believe my guarantee, but he still sighed and said: "The damaged Divine Item is called'Little Naughty Broken Handkerchief'. Although the name is weird, it is really functional. Is very powerful. Its true ability is to deceive, but it is not to deceive someone, but the law of deception. "

"The law of deception? What a deception? "

"It is to temporarily make the original as it should be by rights non-existent. "Poseidon replaced Hades and explained: "Take the simplest example. When your health is exhausted, you as it should be by rights should die, but if you wear a naughty broken handkerchief, you can deceive the law. If your health is exhausted, you will die. This law is temporarily invalid. , Which means that although your life has become zero or even a negative number, you are still like a okay person, completely immortal. What you have to do is to add your health to more than zero as soon as possible before the deception effect of the little naughty broken handkerchief ends, so that when the little naughty broken handkerchief fails, the law will only find that your health is still above the death line, so You don't have to die. "

"I rely on, so awesome? "This is the first time I have heard of an item that can make the health value become negative without dying. This attribute is simply very awesome. If the deceptive effect can be sustained until the end of the battle, then this ability can be used as invincible. Anyway, no matter how much health is lost, you can wait until the battle is over and then slowly replenish it. How can you die? It's nothing more than spending more medicine.

Poseidon continued at this time: "Originally small The deceiving effect produced by the mischievous broken handkerchief can only last for ten minutes, and it can only deceive one attribute at a time, but even so it is a very powerful ability. Moreover, after being accidentally hit by Odin, this ability became more terrifying. The current little mischievous broken handkerchief can not only cover your multiple attributes at the same time, but the duration can be as long as one hour. This effect is simply equivalent to absolutely invincible within an hour. You can imagine how excited Zeus was at that time. However, after that, the side effects of this thing appeared one after another. As a result, after two days of misery, Zeus could no longer hold on. He could only give us this little mischievous broken handkerchief to seal it. If the side effects of that thing are not so strong, with the attributes of this thing, how can a greedy guy like Zeus give it up? "

"It does sound terrifying, but I still want to see it. "I said and added: "Don't worry, I can go to the sea of ​​silence with you. As long as I don't bring out the underworld, that thing should not take effect, right? "

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