Because I heard Pandora's call, I quickly directed the people on the scene to move all the remaining parts into the Earth’s Gate, and then put away the Qilin warrior and the Earth’s Gate. The door called Kristina and rushed to Pandora where they said.

According to Pandora and their tips, we quickly found their place. But what makes me strange is that when we arrived here, Ladamantes and Pandora were all surrounded by a small half-person high door, and the small door now seemed to be about to rot. It should have been smashed.

What makes Pandora and the others call me to come must be something of a certain degree of importance, otherwise they will not notify me to come, but now I see only a small door, inside the door It's pitch black, and I don't know what's worth noting.

Because I don't understand what Pandora they want me to see, I have to look at Pandora. They didn't sell it this time. Pandora pulled me directly to the small door and motioned me to squat down and look inside. As a result, I immediately retreated as soon as I lowered my head.

"What's the situation?" I asked Pandora dumbfoundedly.

Pandora didn’t say anything. Instead, Aphrodite replied: “When I opened this door, the situation was worse than it is now, and there is a strong hallucinogenic gas inside. I just put this When the door opened, Pandora accidentally sucked in a little bit, and she almost got the trick."

When Aphrodite said this, of course I turned my eyes to Pandora. In the end, only Pandora's face was slightly red, which proved that Aphrodite was true. However, if what Aphrodite said is true, then the gas is too terrifying. Although Pandora is not a True God in Greek mythology, there is no such strict division in the game. Basically, those in the legend can be defined as the real body even if they enter the game. Therefore, according to the system judgment, Pandora is Divine Race. Then, this kind of gas can make Pandora, who is a goddess, almost out of control, and this formidable power is too terrifying. If some people use this thing as a chemical weapon, the effect is not only the loss of level or equipment. I just don't know if this thing is useful to the player. Of course, I guess that this thing should be ineffective for players, because it will involve human rights issues, which is beyond the scope of the game.

Pandora and I have been talking here for a long time, but Kristina still doesn’t know what’s inside. Hearing our vagueness, she couldn’t help asking: "What are you talking about? What kind of gas is it? What's wrong in it?"

"You better not look at it." Pandora said to Kristina, and then explained: "That kind of gas is a kind of The effect of hallucinating things is to stimulate the physiological instinct, and it is the kind that is extremely stimulated and completely uncontrolled."

Kristina at first hasn’t reacted yet, so she says to herself there. She muttered to herself "inspiring instinct", and then she suddenly reacted and stammered and asked: "Could you say...?"

I nodded and said: "You didn't guess Wrong, so now this cave is completely unsuitable for children, but if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter if you look at it. Anyway, you are already an adult."

Kristina hastened right after hearing what I said. Desperately shook his head. Although Kristina is a foreign girl, she is not the same as many Chinese people. Foreign women often have two extreme views on these things. Some don't care at all, and some are more conservative than some Chinese women. Of course, some Chinese women refer to the traditional type of girls. After all, many women in China have become more exaggerated than Western women.

Kristina obviously belongs to that kind of particularly conservative type. Although she is not a religious member, she is indeed more cautious about this aspect. It is said that this is because her family education is very strict.

Because the formidable power of this gas is so great, I don't dare to take it too seriously. I can only switch out a Qilin warrior and let him go in and try to see if the gas has any effect on him. Originally according to the system setting, Qilin warrior should be regarded as NPC. After all, they are my summon creatures. However, due to the ongoing Dragon Clan expansion plan in reality, all my Qilin warriors are now physically present in reality, so they are It is equivalent to being classified into the category of players. Therefore, if that thing does not affect the player, then my Qilin warrior should not be afraid of this thing. As for the case in case it really has an impact, it doesn't matter. After all, the Qilin warrior in my summon creature belongs to the bottom layer. As long as this Qilin warrior gets out of control, I can immediately let Iverite and Brigitte go in and get him out. As for Brigitte and Ivorite In itself, I shouldn't be afraid of these things. After all, they are constructed creatures, they don't even breathe, and they are basically impossible to be affected by these gases.

Under my order, the Qilin warrior walked to the entrance of the cave, but he did not go directly in. Instead, he looked back at me somewhat sorry and said: "That... Boss! In case I am in the middle. Hi, you can let Inverite and the others come in and save me! It’s okay to hang up, but I can’t afford to lose that person!"

The gas in this cave is all urging| For emotion, if this Qilin warrior is recruited, he will definitely transform into a wild beast immediately. After all, Qilin warrior can no longer be regarded as undead creatures, they are living lifeforms. And now this hole is not empty. In fact, there are many NPCs in it, and they are entangled together, like strips of white fleshy bugs, which look quite disgusting. The Qilin warrior didn't go in directly because he was afraid that he himself would be recruited to become one of the worms, so he had to stop and say hello to me.

Of course I would not refuse such a reasonable request, and after getting my assurance, the guy immediately walked in boldly.

The result did not develop in a bad direction. After entering, the Qilin warrior went around a few times, searched it and ran out again, and it did not seem to be affected in any way, but Very calmly said: "Boss, I found that there was ashes left over after burning in a vessel. I got close and smelled it. The gas in the room should have been emitted by the burning thing. And I was not affected in any way. , It seems that this thing is really useless to us."

I nodded let this Qilin warrior go back to the gate of the earth first, and then dived in. Since this thing has no effect on the player, then I don't need to be afraid. But Pandora and the others definitely couldn't get in. No matter how strong the attribute is, they are still NPCs.

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