"Damn, what's the matter with you?"

"It seems...as if the task is completed." Kristina said with some effort.

"Mission?" I looked at Kristina with some confusion. For her, the task now is to help me explore this place, but she was obviously not doing this before, and she now says that the task is completed, but our task is not completed, so we can be sure that what she said is not our task.

Kristina knew that I didn’t know what her mission was, so she wanted to explain, but at this moment, I suddenly felt a wind pressure from the front, so I hurriedly kicked the ground to cooperate. With a violent flap of the wings, the whole person instantly retreated backwards, and immediately saw a big foot slamming down from in front of us and stepping on the position where we were standing just now.

Obviously, those giant Russian players have discovered that Kristina, who had just been extremely vigorous, suddenly lost her strength for no reason. Although it is not clear why Kristina suddenly failed, it did not hinder their counterattack, so the giant Russian player who fell in the back without the slightest hesitation turned around and stepped on it in an attempt to report. The enemy who was hunted down just now. However, this good wish of his is obviously impossible to realize, because even though Kristina has a problem, she is still lying in my arms and killing people in my hands. That is a price--and There may not be a return.

"It seems that it is not a good time to speak." As I said, I suddenly threw Kristina back, and shouted: "You take a break, and I will talk to you later. "

Kristina, who was flying in the air, was accurately caught by a dozen soft tentacles and slowly landed on the ground, where I was listening to my guardian steel claws. Although the familiars and I can't summon for the time being in the combined mode, my guardian beasts are still there. As an animal trainer, it is rare for me to have no summon creatures available.

"Okay, now it's up to you." Without Kristina's interference, I directly fixed my gaze on the giant in front of me. In the next second, my figure began to skyrocket and instantly became The same height as the giant, and then while the opponent was still in a daze, he went up and hit him directly with a punch and fell to the sky. Then before he landed, he squeezed his neck and pushed his thumb up. With a click, he broke the guy's neck directly.

After solving a target in an instant, I immediately took out the eternal hook and rushed to other giant Russian players, although the lethality I showed in front of these guys was not as powerful as Kristina Vigorous, but still overwhelming these guys on one side. The absolute gap in strength is not something that can be made up when they become bigger. Besides, they will become bigger and I will too. Now they don't actually have any practical advantages. With a one-digit difference in the attribute value, my superior fighting ability can be said to allow the martial arts expert to deal with a bunch of half-impaired elderly people. It's almost like cutting melons and vegetables.

The group of Russian players who recoiled back thought that Christina would be able to raise their eyebrows if they fell, but as soon as they came up, they were hit head-on. Seven or eight of them were so surprised that I had them all released efficiently. fall down.

Om. The eternal hook and sickle gun will be released horizontally, and a shot will sweep down the last giant Russian player. I slam the tail of the gun to the ground, making a loud noise, and after scanning the surrounding situation, I found out. Now in the entire Underground City, there are only five or six newly created giants staying next to the giant manufacturing machine that was played intact, and all the giants in other places have died.

Since there are not many giants, there is no need to guard over half of the equipment that has been moved over there. I greeted directly, and Ladamantes and Pandora flew directly with me towards the last device over there, while Aphrodite stayed to guard the device that was being moved to prevent any accidents. .

The giants over there saw that we had come here to take a step back, and then realized that their behavior was embarrassing, and they quickly stepped forward and stood in front of the device, apparently intending to Do the last desperate fight. It's a pity that their behavior didn't bring them an improvement in their battle strength, so it was just a group of guys who just lay down on the ground. I have already said that a single battle strength of a giant player is actually not terrifying, it is nothing more than a bit stronger than a normal person. What I worry about is the quantity rather than the quality of a single giant, so before the square is not an absolute quantitative advantage Simply does not pose any threat to us.

Although we successfully eliminated these giants in front of us, we did not get any benefits. In the end, the device suddenly exploded after we killed the last giant. You don't need to guess or know that it must be the other party who knew that it couldn't protect this thing and simply destroyed it.

I looked around and saw that there were no giants around. I directly released the combined state. Since I don't need to fight, I don't need to maintain the high consumption state. After landing, my legs softened a bit, but fortunately, the demons were by my side, so I was helped up in time. Pandora and Radamantis landed next to me, and then asked: "What's going on with Kristina?"

I hook the head. "I don't know. I was interrupted by the giant just now when I had time to ask, but now it seems I can ask. In addition, although I also know not very hopeful, I still have to trouble you to search the city. Flip it over and see if we can find a clue. This time we can no longer give the other party a chance to pull away. We must catch the other party’s little tail."

"Okay, let us do this. Right." Pandora replied.

After sending me back to the equipment that was still moving over there, Pandora and the three of them scattered directly to collect clues, and I was listening to Christie while waiting for the skill punishment to pass. Na explained to me what happened to her just now.

"Actually, I just received a special mission." Kristina slowly said to me under my inquiry.

"Special tasks? Skills or equipment?"

Special tasks refer to all tasks except normal tasks. The so-called normal task is the kind of task you are actively looking for. Of course, the most familiar task is the standing task issued by the professional union. Of course, the rewards of that kind of task are very meager, and only players who are not clever or whose strength is too low will consider that kind of character. Under normal circumstances, most players discover the task by themselves, and the task given by the system when playing patriarch moves to find the task is considered a normal task. Usually this kind of task is very normal. It is usually a task such as running a road or killing something or investigating information. This kind of task usually has no time limit and has a high degree of freedom to complete. It's okay task.

Compared to normal tasks, special tasks are those tasks that actively find you. This kind of task generally does not happen often, of course, it mainly depends on things like your luck and the speed of your personal strength improvement. Of course, the main thing is luck.

Normally, special tasks are when someone meets a certain standard, and then the task will be triggered. For example, how much experience you gain continuously in a certain period of time, or you continuously kill a certain monster in a certain period of time, anyway, because you have done something determined by the system in advance, this task will be triggered. Of course, this pre-determined task is impossible to know under normal circumstances, so the probability of trying to trigger it deliberately is not great.

This kind of sudden task is triggered because the player has done something. Therefore, the reward for completing this task is usually related to what you do. For this reason, players usually make certain classifications of special tasks. Of course, this is the classification of the players themselves. There is no such classification in the system. Even special tasks and ordinary tasks are classified by the players themselves, not the system classification. . No matter what tasks in the system are tasks, there are no ordinary and special classifications. The system does have a classification of tasks, but that classification is not classified according to ordinary and special, but according to whether the task has a time limit, whether it is a task that must be completed, and whether there is a failure penalty.

The two situations I asked Kristina are two of the three common tasks in special tasks, and the remaining one is attribute type. However, attribute tasks are usually relatively simple, and Kristina’s current situation is obviously already producing quite serious repercussions. This shows that the difficulty of this task is very high, so it is unlikely to be an attribute task, otherwise Kristina must have obtained some very terrifying attribute.

However, to my surprise, Kristina actually replied: "It's an attribute task, a terrifying attribute. A task that allows me to advance directly."

"Advanced quest? How powerful is it?"

"President, take a look at the battle strength list." Kristina suddenly said something indescribable.

I was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized something and quickly opened the battle strength list, and then Kristina suddenly activated her elemental wizard mode again, but I don’t know if it was canceled deliberately and quickly or she She hasn't slowed down and the power can't be maintained. In short, her mode was suddenly interrupted just after it was activated, and even the visual effects have not been fully developed. However, although the change of Kristina was only a momentary thing, I was surprised that my chin almost fell off, because at the moment Kristina activated the elemental wizard mode, I saw the battle strength list. Kristina’s ranking suddenly jumped from third to first, and even I was squeezed to second.

"My God! What attribute did you just get?"

"Queen of Elements." Kristina said with a little excitement: "It's my elemental spirit before The advanced version of the mode can make me the king of the elements. I used to have a super affinity with the Element Spirit Spirit Tool, but now I can directly command any element for me to use."

< p>"What about the specific performance? Is there no detailed attribute introduction?"

"Of course there is." Kristina said excitedly: "There are many changes that I haven't sorted out yet, but now I At least I already know part of it, including such things as the further acceleration of mana recovery, the super-large increase of mana storage upper limit, and the substantial increase of magic formidable power. But what I care most about is not these, but one of the effects, that is..." Kristina suddenly paused at this point, then smiled brightly, and then said: "The magical power consumption is exempted below the intermediate level."

"What? But you... but your rainbow magic... "

"Yes, yes." Kristina said excitedly: "My rainbow magic is a composite enhanced magic missile, so all my common magic can actually be regarded as low-level magic. And now, when I use low-level magic, I will no longer consume mana, that is to say, unless I use a big move, under normal circumstances, I basically have unlimited mana."

"My god! Are you saying that your first battery in this world has now become an unlimited ammunition version?"

This amazing discovery made me almost bit my tongue. The world's first fort with unlimited ammunition, does this make people live? No wonder that after starting this mode, Christina will squeeze me out of the number one place in the world, because I can't fight her at all. All she had to do was to suppress me with a massive amount of magic, and then wait until all my defensive abilities were exhausted, and then grind me to death a little bit. Of course, this prerequisite is that I will not run away to do it, and if I plan to run, she will definitely not be able to stop it. Of course, there will be no battle between Christina and me, after all, she is one of my capable men.

Although I don’t have to worry about Kristina’s powerful strength, I should be happy instead, but this change of Kristina still makes my whole body tremble, not scared but too excited. . This ability is really damn strong.

I am still sighing at Kristina’s infinite magic power. Didn’t expect Kristina to give me a blockbuster.

"In fact, in addition to the exemption of low-level magic mana consumption, the mana consumption of medium-high level magic has also been reduced by more than half, and my low-level magic has really entered an instant state since then. No preparation time, No cooling time, as long as I want, it can be activated instantly, and it can be one by one, without worrying about any cooling time."

"What? Is there a time limit for your previous magic?" Because of Chris Every time Dina’s magic is activated, there are tens of thousands of magic missiles flying everywhere, so it is difficult for me to find any signs of pause in Christina. Who would have thought that there is still a time interval for her magic?

Kristina also knew that her magic really didn’t look like a gap, so she took the initiative to explain: “Actually, when you saw me bursting magic before, it wasn’t because my magic didn’t Cooling time, but because I am an elemental wizard, I can use seven channels to cast spells at the same time."

"Seven channels? What do you mean? Do you have data channels like the remote control model?"


"No, the seven channels I said are seven independent magic channels. Normally, a mage has only one magic channel. After he uses a magic, if he doesn’t want this magic to interfere with himself Effect, he has to wait for the residual magic power of this magic to dissipate naturally, and this waiting process is called cooling."

"So that's how magic cooling comes from?" I am only the first now. I heard that the original magic cooling is for this reason. A magician of wild beast sect like me. Unleashing magic depends on skills. Of course, I don’t know so much. But Kristina is an out-and-out Academy Paiga actual combat sect, so her theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge are both It's the same rich.

Christina said with a smile: "In fact, as long as you pay more attention to the president, this situation is easy to find. For example, have you discovered that after releasing a magic, if you follow When using another kind of magic, there is basically no cooling limit?"

I nodded and said: "This is of course. The cooling is just the magic that has just been released is cooling, and it’s not my mage. Entered a cooling state, so of course I can continue to cast spells, but I can’t use the magic just now."

Kristina continued: "However, you should have also noticed that when some magic After entering the cooldown, it will cause some other magic to also enter the cooldown, and the cooling time of the magic that enters the cooling is not their own cooling time, but the cooling time of the magic you just had."

I thought for a moment and said: "I have noticed this too. I have used a magic called mind support before, which can greatly improve the ability of my pet to resist the opponent's mental attack, but once this magic Using it, it will cause another magic called Soul Guardian to also cool down. However, the actual cooling time of that Soul Guardian magic is only three seconds, but if it is cooled down because of this spiritual support, the cooling time will become eight seconds. , And this time is actually the cooling time for the soul to support itself."

Kristina nodded and said: "This is the phenomenon. This is actually because your two magics have a common magic activation. Therefore, they share a certain fluctuation sequence. In order to ensure that they will not interfere with each other, they must enter the cooldown at the same time, otherwise there will be conflicts when any one of the skills is activated. In fact, if the two spells you mentioned are used in reverse, it is also The same. If you use that soul guard first, the soul support will definitely enter the cooldown, and the time will be the cooldown of the soul guard 3 seconds, not its own 8 seconds."

"This way I You will understand. Then your seven channels mean that you can make seven magics run in different pipelines at the same time, so as long as the same magic is not used continuously in one pipeline, there will be no interference, right?"

"Yes, this is one of the reasons why my magic seems to be bombarded like a cannon. Of course, there are other reasons that create my ability, such as my plural spell casting. Ability and my magic compression ability, these are the guarantees that make me a turret. However, there are restrictions on how to rotate the seven channels, especially my magic is concentrated on the low-level magic missile, so it interferes It’s more serious. That’s why when you see me launching rainbow jets, the seven elements of magic often fly together. This is a small way to avoid interference, but it will increase my difficulty in casting spells, and if you encounter a certain I can’t concentrate on the resistance players to increase my lethality."

The truth that Kristina said is easy to understand. The seven magic channels can be said to be equivalent to seven barrels. This is similar to the multi-barrel rotating machine gun, except that the rotating machine gun fires multiple barrels in turn, and Kristina is a bit more fierce, she is The seven pipes each hit their own, as if seven guns were connected to a bracket and shared a trigger. Although the seven guns can be fired separately now, so it seems that there is no interval between firings, but it is not the case. The apparent non-interval is actually using seven barrels to simulate an independent barrel without interval. If the speed of one barrel is used, there is indeed no interval, but seven tubes are used. The gap still exists. And now, if Kristina can really cancel the magic cooldown, that is to say, the original burst mode that can only be achieved by the combination of seven tubes will become seven independent burst barrels, although the firepower is impossible all at once. It is seven times higher, but two or three times should be normal.

With Kristina’s magical launch speed, this speed doubles two or three times again...it’s scary to think about it. This is basically the metal storm in the magic world, right? A complete magic scrubbing!

"Too terrifying! You are now invincible in the whole world!"

"No, I have enemies, and there are a lot of them." Kristina said suddenly : "Although my magic release speed, duration and intensity have been greatly improved, my defensive power has not changed much, so the existence of gun god is still my nemesis."

The game "Zero" has never been the strongest type of game. There is no strongest profession in this game, only stronger professions, but even if you use weaker professions, you are still a killer in front of certain professions, because just like the game logo of "Zero", this The attribute system in the game is just a circle. It is connected in series. There is no beginning and no end. You cannot say which attribute is the strongest, nor can you say which attribute is the weakest, because there are always attributes that can restrain this attribute. .

Kristina’s combat capability is a nightmare for most players, because she can turn you and the area where you hide into ashes at medium and long distances, whether it’s stealth or high agility. , High defense, high attack, it’s useless to run into Kristina, because she can use massive magic missiles to saturate you, and it’s okay even if you can’t see your specific location, because she can perform magic coverage, anyway You will certainly not exceed her range of strikes. Once you are exposed, you will be greeted by a flood of magic missiles that assaults the senses.

However, even if Kristina's magic ability is so strong, she still has weaknesses, because she is a mage, her defensive ability only has a magic shield and limited health. Although she can explodes the opponent into waste before most people approach her, Kristina is also quite dangerous to encounter the existence of the gun god, who can output super high damage beyond the line of sight of most people. Although her protective magic shield can be superimposed, the superposition of the magic shield will produce an interference effect, which will cause the defensive power of the outer magic shield to become weaker and weaker. The final result is that the superposition of the magic shield actually has a limit. Value, no matter how strong the magician, as long as the magic shield you use is not improved, no matter how many layers you add, their limit defensive power is so much, there will be no more. The problem is that the attack power of the gun god often exceeds the defensive limit of these magic shields by a large amount, so even if Kristina is targeted by her, it is estimated that she can only choose to avoid her edge.

Of course, in terms of attributes alone, Kristina is still better than the gun god, but the gun god’s battle method just restrains her, but this does not prevent Kristina from ranking in the gun. In front of God.

"It is indeed a problem for you to say this, but your progress is indeed very obvious. It is really amazing that you can squeeze me out of the altar."

Some sorry said: "My one is a skill after all. Although it lasts a long time, it can't be turned on all the time. You still need to quit. So except when I activate that skill, you will still be ranked ahead of me. "

"Strong is strong, you don’t need to be humble. As for your protection... God exists like that. At least it should give you a chance to fight back."

"I'm not in a hurry for this." Kristina said calmly. "This ability has only just been acquired, and I haven't studied many things myself."

I nodded and said: "After you go back, you will go to the training center and quickly familiarize yourself with these new abilities in the lower body. I specially approve it. You use the highest-end training area for free for three unlimited times. Oh, by the way, you just chased down those giant Russian players because of this attribute’s mission?"

Kristina nodded and said: "Yes Yes. After I killed a giant Russian player here, a materialized elemental spirit appeared. You know that dao essence is usually not materialized. But this elemental spirit is not only materialized. He appeared next to me and told me that he is the Spirit King of the elemental spirit. He needs someone to take his place because the energy reaches the limit and will be reincarnated."

"So you got his inheritance. ?"

"No, he said he hopes inheritance will be given to me, but I need to test my strength, and then he scattered his own energy to the giant Russian players. Every time I kill a giant The transformed Russian players will get back a bit of energy. After these giant Russian players are killed, I can get all the energy back, and then automatically complete the inheritance. Just because I suddenly completed the absorption of the last bit of energy, I entered. The state of evolution has turned into a state of weakness!"

"So have you recovered now?"

"Not yet, but it's better than before. I have A countdown, it will take more than three hours to fully complete the evolution, but this recovery process is gradual, not a sudden recovery, so from now on I will continue to recover, wait until three hours later to enter the state of full body "

"It doesn't matter anyway. We will protect you during this time."

My tone barely fell suddenly heard the beeper ringing, as soon as I turned it on I heard Pandora's voice shouting inside: "President, we found something. You'd better come and take a look."

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