Because some people have already guessed the reason why Baqi Dashe did this, August Xun no longer sells Guanzi, and directly admits this. The players below immediately started talking after getting confirmation from August Kaun, but Masaga Matsumoto did not give them much time to discuss, but directly used the magic amplifier to quiet down the people below.

After all the players were quiet, Masaga Matsumoto immediately said, "The situation is very urgent. To alleviate our negative feelings towards him, Yaqi Orochi attacked Fulcrum City, hoping to use it. This action proves that he is still useful to us, in order to gain our understanding. It can also be an act of apology. However, if the eight-headed snake is really allowed to do this, then we are equivalent to letting the Russians do it. The conspiracy succeeded. Once the eight-headed snake destroys the Fulcrum City, the Chinese will inevitably retaliate against us. Although the Russians hoped that our civil war did not happen, in fact the ultimate goal of the conflict between us and the Chinese was to fight it. So, we must stop the Yaqi Orochi now, and can’t let him really attack the Fulcrum City, otherwise it may seem cool in a short time, but it will be a major disaster for the long-term interests of our Japan."

"Song this Monarch, we understand what you mean, but how are we going to stop the Baqi Orochi now? Is it really impossible to fight him?"

"Of course not. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "The reason why the Ochi Orochi attacked the Fulcrum City is to gain our understanding, so we only need to explain the Russian conspiracy first, and then express our understanding for the previous remarks of the Ochi Ochiko, when the time comes no matter what. For the sake of Japan’s interests, or for, to gain our favor, the eight-headed snake will definitely give up attacking Fulcrum City."

"It makes sense. Then let’s hurry up? Let’s delay again, in case of disagreement. What should I do if Osna starts ahead of schedule?"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "Okay, then we will set off now."

Matsumoto Masaga’s staff just moved, Sakura Rain God Hina immediately used the communicator to notify us to pay attention to the changes in the battlefield, and our side was actually fully armed at this time. As Japanese players assembled their teams, our troops have also been assembled. Although it takes about the same time as the Japanese players, our speed is actually faster. After all, we are mobilizing the army. The Japanese players are just some guild leaders coming. In contrast, our actions are more advanced. quick.

Although our side is ready to fight at any time, it is strange that the eight-headed snake and the gang of Demon still haven't moved. In fact, more than four hours have passed since we discovered the eight-headed snake lurking there. Before we found out, Baqi Orochi and the others didn't know how long they had lurked there. Although monsters are all specialties of lifespan, so their pace of life is relatively slow and their patience is also very good, but it's obviously unreasonable to lurch for several hours for no reason.

"It's really weird. What do you think the Baqi Orochi is waiting for?" I looked at the quiet open space outside the city and asked people around me worriedly.

Christina stood by my side, so the first one said: "I think they still have reinforcements that haven't arrived."

"I don't see it." Gold coin said: "We have analyzed it before. The reinforcements that the Baqi Orochi can mobilize are almost all here. Other personnel either have no such strength or will not cooperate with the Baqi Orochi. Therefore, it is impossible to have reinforcements. Now."

"Is it possible that it is a foreign aid?" Zhen Hong interrupted suddenly.

To tell the truth, Zhenhong usually doesn’t speak much, but I have to say that even a fool can suddenly come up with some wonderful ideas, not to mention that Zhenhong is just straight-hearted. Still quite clever.

Hearing Zhenhong's words, a large group of people on our side were all frowned and thought about it. Probably because of inertial thinking. When Real Red didn’t mention this before, we really didn’t think about it. Now suddenly when Real Red mentions it, it’s like a door has been opened in our heads. There are many things. It gushes out at once.

" it possible?" Gold coin asked uncertainly, and then he looked towards Hong Yue, who had just arrived soon after.

Because we notified the guild that there might be a war here, Hong Yue also ran over. In fact, the main online leaders in the guild have basically come, and even Rose has reached the pivot city, but she is not on the city wall. After all, Rose is the logistics supervisor, and going to the city wall will not help much. It is more useful to coordinate the dispatch of troops and materials later.

"How about we ask the think tank?" Kristina suggested.

After thinking about it, I quickly contacted Somi and they said our guess, but after talking to Somi, I did not turn off the communicator, but immediately contacted Masaga Matsumoto and asked them. About this matter.

"Foreign aid?" Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru were stunned when they heard such news suddenly, and then after a few seconds Matsumoto Masaka said: "I haven’t heard of Yaqi Oro recently Have you ever gone abroad? Although Baqi Orochi has been transformed into Divine Race, it is still Divine Race after all. It’s not so easy to run abroad, right?"

"This is really not It's easy to say. Have you received any news over there?" I asked aloud.

August Xun replied: "Should not be? But we can't guarantee it. After all, we have been very busy recently. We have been working on the layout of the plan you mentioned, so we have recently paid attention to the external situation. There are few."

Fire Dragon Ji suddenly said: "But President, what kind of foreign aid would you say if there is foreign aid? Foreign players or foreign NPCs?"

"It's possible, but the question is, where else can provide them with enough foreign aid?" I asked out loud.

Although Masaga Matsumoto and the others did not investigate this matter, Masaka Matsumoto and the others are Japanese after all. They always know better than me what forces around Japan can be used to borrow. .

When asked so, Masaka Matsumoto and the others immediately began to think, but after thinking about it for a long time, they still collectively shook the head. Masaka Matsumoto said aloud: "We just can't remember where we can lend us a helping hand. The Americans are now busy invading South America. If they go south, they are all small countries, even if they are all tied up. One piece does not seem to be enough for the Frost Rose League. Only South Korea and Russia are left in the north. But these two forces..."

"Maybe it is really possible!" August Xun suddenly intervened. Uttered a sentence.

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