The matter of Nobunaga Guishou has to be decided by looking at the situation, but the Baqi Orochi cannot be delayed. After I received the news, I discussed it with So-Mei and the others for a short time and got a rough result. Although this is not as effective as the previous plan, it is a good thing to change the plan temporarily now and be able to achieve this point.

"Matsumoto Masaga, we already have a solution here." As soon as the plan came out, I immediately contacted Matsumoto Masaga.

As soon as Matsumoto received my communication, he immediately asked: "Is there a solution?"

"Yes, the new plan is like this..." After some explanation, Masaga Matsumoto quickly understood the content of the plan. The new plan is actually much easier to implement than the original plan. After all, this plan was formulated in a hurry, so naturally there will not be too many links. After all, we don't have time to think about it. However, although this plan seems simple, it is not as effective as the previous plan.

"Okay, I understand." After listening to my plan, Masaga Matsumoto immediately called on August Kaoru and the three of them simultaneously sent out to the new Black Dragon Club and their alliance guild. After the summoning order was issued, a large number of Japanese players began to gather at the location designated by Masaga Matsumoto.

In fact, this meeting point is near Fulcrum City, anyway, the straight-line distance is not far. The reason why I chose such a place is to wait for everyone to gather together. Once the plan is successful, they can immediately take these people to stop the Baqi Orochi, and if you do this in the headquarters city of the new Black Dragon Club, wait for everyone to discuss it. These Japanese players are willing to stop the Baqi Orochi, I am afraid it is too late.

"Okay, what's the situation now?" Half an hour later, at the agreed meeting point, August Xun asked the Yingyu god young who was in charge of counting the number of people.

Ying Yu Shen Chi took out a list and looked at it, and then said: "The 172 guilds that have been notified have 153 have been sent, but they are coming. The number of people is not very large. When we urged them to come so hastily, only a small number of management in the guild and some people who happened to be in the guild can be mobilized. Most of the people are temporarily concentrated does not raise. "

"Then how many people have arrived in these guilds together?"

"There are probably more than 20,000 people, right."

"More than 20,000?" Nodded Matsumoto said: "Well, it should be enough."

"Then let’s start ahead of time? I don’t know what I’m waiting for, I’m afraid he will attack suddenly. , Our preparations are all too late."

"That's what I said." Masaka Matsumoto confirmed: "Then let's start."

More than 20,000 people gathered in At the same time, it is not a disciplined army, naturally impossible absolute silence, and because they don't know what it is, these people start to ask each other after they get together. The result is that this assembly point is simply noisier than the duck farm. More than 20,000 people are talking together, maybe they still talk in low voices, but with so many people around, you also said that when everyone’s voices are concentrated, the volume will start to increase, and some people will not hear them clearly. I started to increase the volume of speech, and when someone increased, the noise became louder, so gradually everyone became yelling.

Twenty thousand people gathered together and yelled at their loudest volume. Only when the voice is small can there be ghosts.

Just when more than 20,000 people were discussing with each other in doubt what Matsumoto Masaka was going to say at this time, only a screaming sound flashed past everyone’s heads. Although the sound was not loud, it was particularly sharp, so everyone stopped talking and noticed the thing that made the sound unconsciously.

In fact, this sounder is just a ringing arrow with a special whistle. Of course, this thing is driven by magic. Even if a normal bow and arrow are made of a ringing arrow, it is impossible to make such a big movement.

Take advantage of the opportunity for 20,000 people to calm down, at the top of a big rock that was prepared long ago, Masaka Matsumoto stood there and said with a magic megaphone: "Please be quiet, please. Listen to me now. I know you are all wondering why I suddenly called you all over at this time. This is very abnormal. But what I want to say is that I can’t help it. If it’s not really important, I I definitely won't let everyone take such a trip."

"What is so important then?" shouted from the bottom of the voice.

Matsumoto Masaka immediately said: "This matter is that we got a piece of news before. It’s not convenient for me to say the origin of this news, so please don’t ask, anyway, as long as you know that this news is indeed credible. According to the content of this news, we can now confirm that our big snake god, also known as the eight-headed snake, is now lurking outside the city of Fulcrum City with a bunch of unidentified Demons, and may launch an attack at any time "

As soon as Masaga Matsumoto said this sentence, there was a buzzing sound. The place that was originally quiet turned into a vegetable market in a second.

"Quiet! Quiet!..." Masaka Matsumoto shouted at the top for a long time before finally calming down again, and Masaka Matsumoto waited until the eyes of the Japanese players below were all focused. After reaching himself, he said: "Before we talk about the eight-pointed snake, we have to tell you two other things. The first is about the one that just broke out, the eight-pointed snake that insulted our Japanese players. Matter."

Matsumoto's remarks this time caused riots again, but it was not bad. The news this time calmed down very quickly. After all, this is much lower than the previous one.

After everyone was quiet again, Masaka Matsumoto spoke again: "I know that this incident has caused a lot of repercussions. You should have heard of it. To be honest, when I first heard about it, I I was also very excited. After all, the behavior of Baqi Orochi is really chilling. However, after being excited at the time, I suddenly calmed down again. If we change positions, put ourselves in the position of Baqi Orochi. For a moment, what Baqi Dashe said at the time was actually just a few angry words. This kind of angry words that were spoken out of anger should have been heard before. In fact, we all know that we don’t really think like that, and we won’t do it in the future. Will do that. After all, anger is just a language for venting emotions on the anger, so the tone must be a bit heavier. Of course, when you say this, the Baqi Orosha must be wrong, but the mistake is actually very small, at most It’s almost enough to let the Baqi Orochi apologize to everyone in public. I heard some people say that they will overthrow the Baqi Orochi, the bastard Divine Race, and gather the power of all Japanese players to destroy the Baqi Orochi. This is obviously also a kind of qi. Words are radical behavior. Do you think what I said makes sense?"

The following is a mess of answers, but the chaos is a bit messy, but the meaning is basically clear. On this matter, everyone agrees with Matsumoto's words, that is, he doesn't really care about this matter, and if he thinks about it calmly, he knows that this matter is completely unworthy to really go to war with the eight-headed snake. After all, the current Baqi Orochi is also the Divine Race of Japanese players. This kind of existence can be overthrown if it is overthrown. Isn't this too trivial? Although our Frost Rose League has destroyed several Divine Races, how many guilds are the same as ours? Therefore, things like extinguishing soul can't be said nonsense.

After the people below confirmed that they agreed with Masaka Matsumoto’s point of view, Masaka Matsumoto continued: "That’s what I thought after I calmed down at the beginning. If Yaki Orochi apologizes, nothing else should be done. Do. As for the rumors that the eight-headed snake is going to be killed, I will listen to it as a joke. But..." Matsumoto said that he deliberately used a considerable volume here, and he paused for a long time before continuing. "But after that, I received a message. No, to be precise, I received the news, but it was obtained by the three of August Kaun, Ying Yu Shen Hina, and Chi Fire Dragon Hime." Matsumoto At this point, Masaga deliberately stepped aside and let the three of them up.

In fact, August Yuexun was the only one standing on the big rock. She also took out a magic loudspeaker, and then said: "The source of this news is the same as that of Masaga-kun Matsumoto before. I can't say much. Everyone knows that the news is not a formal channel anyway. As for the specifics. I can’t talk about how I came here, otherwise I won’t want more news in the future. Then, let’s talk about the content of this news now.” After the following adapted to the information in her words, August Xun continued: "According to the information we have obtained, the video of the Eight-Finger Snake insulting our Japanese players was actually deliberately made and widely spread."

This sentence seems to be in a peaceful pond. A blockbuster was dropped in the middle, and the crowd below was in chaos in an instant, but with the previous experience, the people below quickly calmed down and waited for August Xun to continue talking.

August Xun saw that the people below were quiet and continued: "Everyone can imagine. The calculation is that the eight-headed snake said that, but under normal circumstances, who would record that kind of thing? Even if it is accidental. It was recorded, and the reason for sending it out can be explained with breathlessness, but have you ever thought about it? Why did a video spread all over Japan in less than half a day? Don’t you think the spread of this news is inevitable? It’s too soon, right?"

No one said that no one thought about it, but when August Xun proposed this, the people below immediately realized that something was wrong. Ordinarily, such things simply shouldn't be delivered so quickly. Although things on the Internet do sometimes have hot posts or the like, even if the information is topped on the homepage of mainstream media, can it cover the whole of Japan instantly without blind spots, and it is almost well known? This speed is too scary even in the Internet age. Other people’s hot posts will not have much reaction within three or five days, and this information has not been less than twenty-four hours until now, and it has been known to the world. What speed is this?

After the people below cleared up some clues in the discussion, August Xun followed: "I was just strange at first, but after I got the information, I understood the real cause of the matter. This matter turned out to be behind the scenes. It is precisely because some people want to mess with the Orochi Orochi, and hope that players all over Japan will fight the Orochi Orochi, and it is best to completely break with the Orochi Orochi. This is the best. So These people not only let the news spread out, but also helped spread the news many times, so that the news that originally took three or five days to spread has spread all over the country in just half a day. This is artificial. The result of the intervention."

"But who is so capable that can spread information across our country?" A Japanese player yelled and asked below.

Saka Matsumoto clicked the person and said: "You have got the point. August Kaun and their intelligence show that the behind-the-scenes man is actually a Russian."

"Hey, is the news that I heard before is true?" The loudly voiced player shouted below: "I seemed to have heard of it before. The video of the Eight-Fed Orochi was actually released deliberately by the Russians. The relationship between us and the eight-headed snake."

With this person taking the lead, many people immediately said that they knew the news, and those who didn’t know immediately asked the people nearby, so Soon the people below all knew the news.

In fact, what the Japanese players below don’t know is that the news they heard before is actually the news we asked Masaka Matsumoto to spread out. It’s just because of the rush of time, so the spread is not large. Not many people know. As for the player who asked loudly just now... he was actually arranged deliberately on our side. With his lead, the following information is easy to say.

After the discussion below became a little quieter, August Xun immediately began to continue: "The information we obtained is very comprehensive. Not only did I know that the news was promoted by the Russians, but also that There are two other situations. One is that the Russians not only promoted the dissemination of this news, but also secretly arranged a team of players in our territory."

Matsumoto Masaka accepted the words of August Kaun. Said: "August Xun is right. The Russians controlled some players in our country to form a temporary guild, and organized these people. The order that these people received was to attack the eight-headed snake at a designated time and place. , And then use their fighting as a kind of fire to drive us to follow. Have you ever thought about it? When everyone is excited about the behavior of the eight-headed snake, I suddenly discovered that someone started to attack the eight-headed snake. At this time, I I believe that most people will not follow along recklessly, but people are not the same. Although most people will not do this, there are always impulsive people. So scream, these Russians carefully arranged people. A large group of impulsive people will besiege the Baqi Orochi, and as these people participate in the war, there will be some people who are hesitating and start to participate in the battle, and then more and more people are attracted to this battle. Come in. When the time comes, once the fight starts, there will be heavy casualties, and as long as someone dies, it will aggravate everyone's emotions. From then on, the Russians only need to add a little more to the flames, and a full-scale war against the eight-pointed snake will inevitably occur. Have you ever thought about the consequences of the full-scale war between us and the eight-headed snake?"

Following the words of Masaka Matsumoto, the following discussion was loud again. Many people are exclaiming that the matter is serious, and some people ask Why did the Russians do this?

Matsumoto waited for these people to calm down a bit before saying: "In addition to the news that this Russian prepared a war trigger, we also know all the contents of the Russian plan. Although they conspired to instigate our Civil war, but in fact, the Russians’ goal is not ours.” This passage puzzled the people below, but Masaga Matsumoto didn’t sell it, and immediately explained: “The Russians’ goal is actually the Chinese, but They thought of the civil war that provoked us. This matter is actually very simple to say. The Chinese and we have basically become mortal enemies. Before, our entire territory of Japan was almost completely occupied by the Chinese. It was after everyone's disdain. It’s not easy to get it back. However, the hatred and contradictions between us have not been resolved, but they have intensified. Therefore, we will not let the Chinese people go, and the Chinese will not let us go."< /p>

Shoga Matsumoto said here, many people have already understood it, but Masaga Matsumoto continued: "A civil war in our country is bound to be chaotic, and the external defensive power will definitely be greatly increased. Decline. In this case, our defense is weak, and the Chinese will certainly not let go of such a good opportunity. They will definitely take advantage of our civil war to invade our country again in order to occupy our land again. Everyone should know that this thing about national warfare is not so easy to take away once it is fought. People are gambling. Once the Chinese have invested in this war, they will not easily withdraw, and we It is to guard the homeland, so it is even more imperative. When the two sides fight, the Frost Rose League is bound to rush to the forefront, and then the other large Chinese guilds will also run to us. when the time comes Chinese battle strength is all concentrated on our country, and we are in a melee, even if they want to leave, they will not withdraw for a while. And at this time, the Russians’ opportunity came. They were before They successfully invaded the mainland of China once, and also broke into the hinterland of China. Although they were finally driven out, they succeeded at least once. And the last time it was because the Shuang Rose League was at war with us, there was no time for him to take care of his talents. As a result, the Russians easily drove straight into the hinterland of China. After that, the Russians tried twice but failed. So they thought of their only successful experience and planned to create another one artificially. The Japanese War dragged all the Chinese in Japan, so that they could invade China."

As soon as Matsumoto finished talking, the Japanese players below immediately began to scold the players on the Russian side. Things like that, anyway, it's a mess.

Intentionally waited for a while, let the following people vent their emotions for a while, and then Matsumoto Masaka began to say: "Okay, let's stop this matter for the time being. The Russians will be accounted for later. They count, let’s talk about domestic matters first. As I said before, we have two news. One is that Yaqi Orochi insulted our Japanese players. The other thing is that we just went to Nobunaga Onitou. . You may know that Purple Moon led people to raid Mt. A group of people in Divine Race are transformed into Divine Race. Although this Divine Race identity has no influence on attributes, it can exert ten times the battle strength when fighting other players. That is to say, an ordinary player and a Divine Race player, All the attributes of a Divine Race player are only one-tenth of that of a normal player, but the battle strengths of these two people are actually the same. This is the purpose of divine force. Think about it, one-tenth of the attribute points can produce ten The effect of multiplication, how cost-effective is this?"

When the player below was imagining what he would be like if he got the divine force, Masaga Matsumoto suddenly continued: "But, according to According to our confirmation, this plan was not completely completed. In the process of Nobunaga’s people accepting the strengthening of the Eight-Divine Serpent, Purple Moon brought the Isengard mobile fortress of the Frost Rose League and the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. The gods ran to Mount Fuji together, and then they raided the fortified location, which not only caused the topography of the Mount Fuji area to be reorganized, but also buried all the people under Nobunaga Onitaka there. We only got the news afterwards, Although the player can also obtain the divine force, the effect of this divine force is not for life, but like an irremovable death buff, that is to say, as long as you die once, you will not be a Divine Race after the resurrection. Of course, there are conditions If you can get the effect of this divine force addition again, but this kind of opportunity is rare after all, it is not easy to get it once, the second time it is simply a delusion.

The reason why I want to tell everyone All this is to tell everyone that the relationship between the Baqi Orochi and Onishi Nobunaga is very good. For this point, I think it may be related to the decision we made before. In fact, what everyone does not know is that the Baqi Orochi has hinted at it. We, he hoped to take us to counterattack the mainland of China, but I rejected this proposal after hesitating again and again. On the contrary, Nobunaga-kun Guishou accepted this proposal without the slightest hesitation and showed a high degree of enthusiasm. "

"Then why don't you agree?" "A player asked.

"Good question. The reason for my refusal is actually very simple, because we can't do this kind of thing. "

"Why can't we do it?" "

"To be honest, the temptation of this proposal is great. At first, I refused it without a single mouthful. It was also because I, like everyone else, wanted to take everyone into the Chinese territory and let the Chinese people taste the territory. The feeling of being occupied. But everyone, please calmly think about it. Even with the cooperation of Baqi Orochi, can we really occupy the Chinese cities? After deliberately paused for a while, Masaga Matsumoto continued: "As you all know, once a city within the territory of your country is invaded by a foreign player, the local Divine Race of this country can support this guild city. Everyone should remember that Great God Tian Zhao also came out to help when the Chinese invaded our country. Do you still have the impression? Similarly, if we invade Chinese territory, then China’s Celestial Court will also participate in the war.

You may not know, I was actually preparing for the invasion of China very early. It's not that I am not interested in invading China, but that I have learned from the previous lessons and hope that I can successfully occupy some Chinese territory instead of just traveling to Chinese territory. I have been collecting relevant information and thinking about solutions to the problems and situations that may be encountered after the invasion of China, including some information from the Celestial Court in China. According to the information I have collected, Celestial Court in China may be one of the most powerful Divine Races in the world. According to my research on the background information of the game "Zero", the most powerful Divine Race in this world may be the Divine Race of the seven ancient civilizations, and China is not only one of them, but also the only one that will continue over time. It’s an ancient civilization, so you can’t understand the power of China’s Celestial Court. I can tell you this. Without the support of the divine force core, Baqi Dashe would be ranked among the first-class experts in the Celestial Court in China, and there are hundreds of this level in the Celestial Court in China. And even if the Eight-Different Snake burns the Power of Faith in the core of the divine force, it is barely able to withstand the opponent's attack. To say how it can handle the Chinese Celestial Court... That is simply a fantasy. "

"But if this is the case, why did Onisha Nobunaga and Baqi Orochi go to invade China? Is this unclearly asking for trouble? "

"No, it is trouble for us, but not for them. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "The Eight-Different Orochi is not a player in itself. Although there are many legends about him in our country, what you don't know is that when I was collecting information from the Celestial Court in China, I also accidentally discovered a piece about the Eight-Different Orochi. information. According to this information, the Baqi Big Snake is actually a kind of Divine Bird in China. He was deported to our Japan by Celestial Court. This news is actually in the real legend, but the information is not very complete, so there are not many people who should know about it. I am telling you the news now, just to tell you that although the idea of ​​the eight-headed snake invading China is the same as ours, his purpose is completely different from ours. The real purpose of Baqi Orochi is revenge, which is revenge for China's Celestial Court. He doesn't care how much he invests, how many people die, or even his own life and death. What he wants is to make Celestial Court difficult. This is the belief of an Avenger. Although it is worthy of recognition, it is not our wish. ! Are you fighting hard to invade China just to rush in and then be beaten out? "

There is dead silence below. No one is discussing this time. Everyone is thinking, and Matsumoto Masaka did not speak, just waiting for them to think.

After a while, Matsumoto Masaka Then he interrupted their thinking aloud, and then said: "The purpose of Nobunaga Guishou and Ochi Orochi are not exactly the same. As you all know, my current position is given to me by your trust in Masaga Matsumoto. However, in Nobunaga's opinion, this is how I snatched the position of the Japanese player leader from him. Although I was sitting in this position before, he also snatched it from me, but at least now the ghost Nobunaga felt that I had taken this position. He wants to regain this position, and to regain it, what 1st Step needs to do is to accumulate prestige.

A series of erroneous decisions made by Nobunaga Onishi brought great losses to Japan, which made Nobunaga a hit, especially his reputation. Everyone, accept my leadership and give up Nobunaga Onishou. Isn't it because of Nobunaga Onishou?

So, Nobunaga Kisou hopes to save it all. He felt that since he had suffered a loss from the Chinese, he had to find it from the Chinese again. However, the current Chinese have been driven back to mainland China. Although Fulcrum City is still there, he is not capable of expelling Fulcrum City independently. However, Baqi Dashe's decision gave him hope. Onitou Nobunaga now feels that as long as he can lead everyone to invade China, no matter what the outcome is, even if everyone hangs back, his reputation will definitely increase. In fact, things are almost exactly what he thought. If it is possible to invade Chinese territory, even if it is not even occupied and driven back to the last place, this matter is still worthy of excitement. So, if he really did what Onitou Nobunaga thought, his reputation would definitely improve. However, both Nobunaga Onishu and Ochi Orochi can be satisfied from this invasion, but what about us? Invaded China and was rushed back. It was pretty good to say, but in terms of actual benefits, we didn't get anything at all, and also sacrificed a lot of EXP, equipment, consumables, and combat NPCs. These all are the strength of a country. Loss of these all are means a decline in national strength. The invasion of China that I yearn for is the kind of rushing in, standing still, and then pushing forward step by step, not this kind of game of rushing into and retreating. Although we can get in now, the price we pay is a decline in national power. After that, we may not have a second chance to invade. And how do you feel at that time? "

Matsumoto's words calmed down many people. They also realized the consequences of doing that. Then many people began to lament that the game is not as simple as they thought. There are still so many unknown things hidden.

Just as everyone was sighing about this matter, Matsumoto Masaka continued: "I told you so much to tell everyone that for your own reputation, Nobunaga Guishou cannot offend Baqi Orochi now, so this time I took someone to find him, hoping to use his relationship with Baqi Orochi to persuade Baqi Orochi not to attack Fulcrum City. However, he refused this proposal, because of his reputation, he actually gambled on the future of our Japan. "

"That's not right. Even if Yaqi Orochi destroys Fulcrum City, what does it have to do with the future of Japan? "

"I shouldn't have said about this, but now it seems that I have to say it. If it is because of what I said today that our chance of Japan's rise disappears, I really don't know what to say. So, even if the hope is slim, I still ask you to say these words today, never spread a word, and do not video or audio recording, this is not for me, but for the way out for our whole Japan. Got rid of. "Shoga Matsumoto bowed deeply to the crowd when he said that.

The crowd below promised a lot and said in a mess that they absolutely support Matsumoto Masaga, and then the crowd calmed down. .

After the crowd calmed down, Masaga Matsumoto continued to say: "Since I have said so, then I will tell you why I don’t want the Yaqi Orochi to attack Fulcrum City, and why I want to Call everyone here. Let me talk about why I don't want Baqi Orochi to attack Fulcrum City. First of all, have you thought about it? Is the Frost Rose League a kind person? Purple Moon's character has always been someone else's kick, and he will tear a piece of flesh from someone else. For this kind of person, as long as you offend a little bit, he will inevitably have revenge, and it will be a thousand times more serious than what you put on him. Fulcrum City was attacked, no matter whether it was destroyed or not, do you think the Frost Rose Alliance would pinch your nose and swallow this breath? "

The people below shook their heads neatly.

"So. The Frost Rose League will not give up, and they have mobile devices like Isengard Mobile Fortress. In the previous Mount Fuji incident, it is said that many aerial battleships equipped with large weapons appeared. With such mobility, the Frost Rose Alliance will retaliate against us, it will inevitably cause severe damage to us. And I'm actually planning a large-scale operation. This operation is a prelude to the retaliation against the Russians and one of the preparatory steps for the invasion of China. In order to prevent the content of the operation from being known in advance by the other party, please forgive me. However, no matter how I act, I will inevitably need your assistance and your strength. And if the Chinese retaliate against us, it will inevitably affect our strength and slow down my next action plan.

The Frost Rose League is getting stronger day by day. The later my plan is implemented, the lower our chances of winning will be. Therefore, I cannot allow anything to delay my plan. So, I don't want Baqi Orochi to attack Fulcrum City. I hope that within a short period of time, we and the Chinese can maintain such a state of no war. "

"Song this Monarch, we understand what you mean, but why do you want us to come here together?" Even if you want to persuade the Baqi Orochi not to attack, can you just go? Why do you call us? Is it forced to use martial power to force the Baqi Orochi back? Isn't this a civil war again? "

"no no no, of course I don't want you to fight the eight-headed snake. The reason why I want you to come is because the Baqi Orochi is actually attacking Fulcrum City because of you. "

"Huh? For us? "A player asked: "We didn't let him attack Fulcrum City. What does it matter for us to attack him?" "

At this time, August Xun suddenly stood up and said: "Have you forgotten the video of Yaqi Orochi humiliating our Japanese players?" "

August Yuexun reminded the following players to react immediately, and someone asked loudly: "Is it possible that the Baqi Orochi attacked Fulcrum City to apologize for that matter?" "

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