"Purple Moon, let me go." After disengagement, Masaga Matsumoto immediately began to prepare for the big move and put on a posture that he was ready to fight hard with me, and he was already ready. I was suddenly accelerated when Matsumoto Masaka was preparing to enlarge the move.

Seeing me rushing over, the surrounding Japanese players who had just spirally recovered from the previous shock wave were all startled, because Masaga Matsumoto would be injured if he went down like this. However, just when all the Japanese players exclaimed and wanted to pounce on to block the gun for Matsumoto Masaga, Matsumoto Masaka suddenly interrupted his big move with a cross-cut and saw the rays of the sword. Light is clearly equipped with skills.

Some players with rich combat experience realized that Masaga Matsumoto had no intention of using the big move just now when he looked at the sword of Masaga Matsumoto. That big move was just a cover, and the purpose was to get me hooked. However, when Masaga Matsumoto cut across, I suddenly turned over in the air, turning my feet forward and my back to the ground.

Because of my large backwards, Masaga Matsumoto’s sword swept it directly at the tip of my nose, and the sword qi shot from the blade flew out two or three kilometers in one breath. It gradually disappeared.

I immediately stood up while Masaga Matsumoto swung the air, but the distance was too close and the weapon was not easy to use, so I just walked around Matsumoto Masaga with my arms on one side and held him. His back pressed him to my side, while his left leg was bent, and his knee directly hit Matsumoto's abdomen.

Suddenly suffered such a heavy blow, Masaka Matsumoto directly sprayed a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, the whole person fell backward, and I made a forward rushing posture. It seems to be going up to make up the knife, but at the crucial moment, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly body flashed and disappeared from everyone’s sight, and the next second he suddenly appeared on mine. behind.

This is a teleportation. No one has ever seen Masaka Matsumoto use this trick before, and Masaka Matsumoto actually learned this trick for a short time. This time it suddenly used it to make the surrounding Japan The players cheered again.

Matsumoto Masaga, who successfully moved behind me, immediately stabbed him with a sword, but I suddenly turned around and used Divine Sword to hold his light with eternity as if I had eyes on the back. As soon as the two Divine Swords touched each other, the fire star splashed. It was as if the two welding rods were spotted together. Not only did the fire star flew randomly, it also carried arcs sweeping around.

The stalemate did not last long. It was only for three to five seconds. I took the initiative to withdraw my strength and jumped back, while Matsumoto Masaka directly dropped his hand and flew the Divine Sword. Threw it over. I made a look like lose one's head out of fear in the air, and it seemed to outsiders as if I had never expected Matsumoto Masaga to do so. In fact, this is a tactic that I discussed with Masaga Matsumoto. Of course, this was not just discussed, but it was already ordered. Because Masaga Matsumoto is now the Japanese player leader, and I can basically be regarded as the Chinese player leader, so the conflict between us is almost inevitable. In order to ensure that some accidents will not cause Masaga Matsumoto and I to be unable to cooperate well when we have to fight in front of Japanese or Chinese players, so we have formulated some routines in advance. These routines are all compiled in a certain order. Both Masaka Matsumoto and I know the order. It seems to be playing very intensely, but in fact everything is under control.

Just now, Masaka Matsumoto and I just talked about the action code of the routine, so we immediately entered a state of "battle" with a tacit understanding. From our own point of view, we are cooperating with each other, and from others' view, we are inextricably beaten. This effect is definitely quite deceptive.

Pretending to be an accident, I forcibly twisted my body in the air, and finally used eternity to push away the light Divine Sword, and Masaka Matsumoto stretched out his hand at the flying light Divine Sword, and the flying light Divine Sword immediately He flew back and fell directly into his hands, while on the other side, I turned over and fell to the ground, and then slid on the ground for more than ten meters before it came to a complete stop.

In the past ten seconds, I first gave Masaga Matsumoto a kick, followed by Masaka Matsumoto and gave me a kick. This is a tie, and our battle is still evenly matched. However, at this time, a large black object suddenly appeared on the horizon. Those things are fast, almost when someone notices them, they have already approached us. Most of the black objects landed on the edge of the battlefield, but a few of them left the team moved towards us and rushed over.

These black flying creatures have already landed, so everyone has seen their true colors. In fact, these creatures are not uncommon, they are just a group of extra-large crows from the outside. However, the size of these crows is big and small. A huge part of the crows are the size of the domestic white goose, several times larger than the real crows in reality, and this is still an average size. The crows that flew out of the team and headed towards us were all huge monsters with a wingspan of more than ten meters, and they flew like a small plane. The largest of them even has a wingspan of nearly 30 meters, and the body part is a circle larger than a rhino, and its volume is definitely quite exaggerated.

There were four crows rushing up suddenly, and they were divided into two groups as soon as they appeared. The largest of them came straight to my side, and the other three rushed towards Kristina. They flew over.

Matsumoto Masaka and I both noticed the four crows, so we both stopped to pay attention to each other’s movements, but Matsumoto Masaka quickly made a look of relief. Because the biggest crow shrank and deformed in full view, and finally turned into a strange figure with black wings behind it. However, although this person has a weird costume, his face Matsumoto Masaka knows him because this is Nobunaga Onitou.

The Japanese players under Nobunaga's trick to become a crow are very surprised. After all, I haven't heard of him before. Although there are indeed professions in the game that become devil beasts or other animal battles, such as the druid's giant bear transformation, Nobunaga is not a druid. Although his profession is an advanced profession, Most people are not very clear about the specific attributes, but his basic profession is Japanese warrior, which everyone knows. So, normally, Nobunaga Onishu shouldn't have the ability to transform. Besides, this transformed animal is too scary. Crow, this thing is not a good thing in Japan, similar to China, the Japanese also regard crows as a symbol of disaster and ominousness, and Nobunaga oni has become a crow. This is really a special transformation.

"The two are in good spirits. Why don't you tell me after playing so lively?" Nobunaga Onitou asked out loud as soon as he turned back into a human form.

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