Matsumoto and I collided head-on. The eternally changing long sword and the light Divine Sword collided suddenly, accompanied by a circle of fire star splashes, a translucent one that looked like a crystal. The shock ring suddenly rippled, and the surrounding Japanese players were all blown away in an instant, and the surrounding mountains collapsed suddenly, and the vegetation on the ground was lifted up together with the land, as if the waves spread around.

The surrounding mud and players did not attract our attention. After a sudden fight, the two of us immediately flew away in two directions. After landing, we did not hesitate at all. They rushed up to each other again, and then blasted each other a second time. Although the damage caused this time is much smaller than the last time, the formidable power is actually larger. The damage caused is much smaller because there is nothing to damage around.

On the ground, we fought two hard hits in a row, in the sky, Akatsuki headed by Sakura Rain God and Fire Dragon, the trio of Ji and Kristina headed by True Red and gold coin The trio has already begun a dazzling aerial duel.

Kristina used her best magic flood peak, and the colorful light flare flying all over the sky flew towards August Xun like a torrential rain, and August Xun used Holding a shining heavy sword on the left and right, it moves so fast that I can’t see clearly. You can only see a piece of silver light dancing, and all the light bullets that shoot at her are blocked by her, taking time. It can even control the direction of the bounce to make the light bounce back to Kristina.

The battle between Yingyu God and gold coin is relatively smooth, because neither side of the battle is fighting with the body. Although the magical attacks of Sakura Rain are not as exaggerated as Kristina, various attack methods with different patterns are also emerging. In addition, she can also cast plural spells of Kristina, so the magic around Sakura Rain is also Flying around. The gold coin on the opposite side is similar to Ying Yu Shen Hina. Although Dao Shu does not fly around like fireworks like magic, her Flying Sword covers half of the sky on her side. The black sword array, which is like a swarm of bees, collides and squeezes with the magic flying from the opposite side. It looks magnificent. Moreover, under the position of the long-range weapon counterattack, the gold coin and the cherry rain gods are also interacting with each other. attack.

The occupation of Yingyu Divine Young is not actually a mage, it can be seen from her weapon. Her two-meter-long weapon is not so much a staff as a long spear, and her own attributes are not all focused on magical attacks. In fact, the melee ability of Yingyu Divine Young is also very good. Strong. As for gold coin, let alone this. Taoist is originally the Chinese version of Demon Sword. Taoism corresponds to magic, and martial arts corresponds to melee combat, so gold coin's melee ability is also very strong. The two opponents are all about distance and near together, and both sides have exerted their overall advantages in battle strength.

Compared with the previous two groups, the battle between True Red and Chi Fire Dragon is slightly lower, but in fact this group is the most interesting.

Although Chi Fire Dragon Ji’s profession is an advanced profession, her current profession branch evolved from the branch of the two-handed Swordsman after all, so her fighting style still tends to be sword fighting mode, and not A general fast sword, but a heavy sword with both hands open and close. The characteristic of this weapon is not how fast it is, but mainly because of its advantages in attack power and range. The heavy sword with both hands is almost two meters long. With the length of the arm in the hand, its strike radius has exceeded the attack range of the short spear. Moreover, the short spear can only stab one point, and when the heavy sword sweeps, the entire line cannot stand on it, otherwise it will be cut directly in the middle. With such a large attack range, coupled with the weight of the heavy sword with both hands, the final attack power is definitely a shocking level.

True Red's ability and Chi Fire Dragon Ji are actually almost of the same type. Although it is not a weapon but a fist, the essentially red battle method is not much different from that of Fire Dragon. The requirements for both speed are not particularly strict, and what both sides really value has always been attack power.

Simply strengthening the attack power often results in a partial battle strength. Although it is super strong in one aspect, the actual combat effect is very bad. For example, some heavy hammer warriors, their attack power even surpasses some mages known for their damage output, but in actual combat, these heavy hammer warriors are weak. The reason is that their strength is too serious, although their attack power is very high. , But no hit, no matter how high the attack power is, it is in vain.

Although Zhenhong and Chi Fire Dragon Ji are also blindly emphasizing unilateral attack power, what makes them both happier than ordinary people is that they have a lot of attribute points. This kind of more does not mean that they get a lot of attribute points when the level is high, but that they have a lot of extra attributes. Because of these additional attributes, although the attributes of Zhenhong and Chi Fire Dragon are obviously biased towards attack power, their other attributes are not useless. Although the hit and speed cannot be compared with gold coin, Kristina, August Xun, Ying Yu Shen Chou and the others are compared, but compared with ordinary people, these attributes of the two of them are actually only high and not low. In addition, although their hit and agility are slightly lower, if you really expect to avoid their attacks, you would be wrong, because both of them have auxiliary skills to improve their hits.

Needless to say, really red's support skills. Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist itself is a high level skill, not only the increase in various attributes is extremely high, but it is also a series of skills with range kills. Regardless of the fact that Zhenhong’s attack power seems to be all concentrated on the fist, in fact, her skill attack range is very large. Every time she punches, she can see the surrounding buildings or the ground being severely damaged. This is her. The joint damage caused by the large attack range.

Fire Dragon Ji does not have the power of Heavenly Dragon Fist, but most of her skills are also ranged with damage. In addition, her weapon itself is large, which is very important in actual combat. The attack surface can be said to be very broad, so it is difficult to really avoid her attack.

Because both of them are melee personnel, and the agility of both sides is not that exaggerated type, so the battle between them is the most interesting, at least their movements can be seen Yes, relatively speaking, the battles of the other two groups are simply fireworks displays, and it is simply impossible to see the personnel in the battle.

"Boss, the acting is almost done, right?" Masaka Matsumoto asked in a low voice during another collision between me and Masaka Matsumoto.

With the opportunity of the next collision, I said directly: "It's almost there, prepare to withdraw. The military god said that someone in the intelligence team saw Nobunaga Onishu leading people close here."

"Why did he come?"

"I don't know, but it must be fine. Let's separate first, and then you will deal with Guishou Nobunaga. It is not convenient for us to stay here."

"Okay." After the exchange of information, Masaka Matsumoto gritted his teeth and pretended to shake me away. In fact, he was going to sell a weak spot to get us out of the fight. After all, Nobunaga Oni is not ours. If this allows him to join the battle, we won't be able to control the battle.

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