The eight-different snake that broke out in anger frantically extracts energy from the divine force core, and then unscrupulously begins to destroy the surrounding environment.

I said before that this hell of steel needles is actually similar to the kind of hard soil for Baqi Orochi. As long as he wants, he can break open at any time, but it takes a little effort. That's it. Originally, Baqi Orochi had not dared to do so because he was stingy with his own power. This completely crazy Baqi Orochi had completely ignored these issues, so his destructive power began to rise. Immediately after the formation of the big pit on the ground, the Eight-Different Big Snake directly reverted to its original form, and then roared out from the bottom of the pit.

"Damn, this guy is crazy! Flash and flash!" Through the sight of the ghost worm, I can clearly see the eight-pointed snake jumping out of the big pit and then starting to rampage. The metal pillars full of steel thorns can't stop the impact of this guy at all. With the advance of the eight-pointed snake, the pillars are either broken and turned into sections, or twisted and out of shape. As for the steel on top The thorn...most of it was deformed, and the rest was hung on the body of the eight-headed snake.

Although there are spikes of various shapes all over the body, the eight-headed snake continues to charge as if it doesn’t feel anymore, and as he moves, many steel thorns are thrown off, and The wounds caused by the steel thorns will quickly heal with the help of Power of Faith.

Although Baqi Orochi’s current behavior is obviously irrational, just like most people are unwilling to fight with mental patients, I don’t dare provoke Baqi Orochi, this guy now The whole is a mad dog, and I happen to be in a period of weakness. Is it okay to be hit by him at this time? Fortunately, I didn't try to save trouble to design the world inside so close, yet worlds apart into a small place, but set it here as the largest space currently supported. It is also because of this huge space that I can currently crawl around this place while observing the position of the eight-headed snake, so as to avoid the direction of the eight-headed snake.

"Master, let's take a break first?" Lingling gasped beside me and said to me: "The eight-headed snake has gone to the other side. It's safe here for the time being."

When I heard this proposal, I immediately decided to agree to it. After all, I am really tired now. Fatigue in the game "Zero" is not as simple as data. When the fatigue of the characters rises, the player can really feel fatigue like muscle soreness and other phenomena like in reality. If I usually rely on the high attribute, I generally won’t enter the fatigue period, but now it’s a skill penalty, no matter how high the attribute is, it’s useless, so I and this gang of familiars can only be on the ground like caterpillars. Going arch by arch, at least this is not tiring.

Because I was really tired, I was about to promise to take a break, but didn't expect Ling yelled in front of me: "No, I can’t rest now. Baqi Oro is behaving abnormally now. I wonder if it will suddenly change direction. Now the only safe place here is the pit that he exploded before when he broke out. As long as he hides in, it’s safe."

"But there is still a distance from us over there. So far!" This time even Jingjing couldn't help begging.

Ling did not let go because of Jingjing’s pleading, but pulled me back and said: "Purple Moon, don’t you still have ghost worms? Let them carry us, faster than we can crawl. Is it too much?"

"Eh? Is this okay?" Xiaochun made this sound, and although the others did not make a sound, their reaction was similar, because we had never thought about letting The ghost bug comes as a means of transportation. But...not to mention, it seems that this proposal is really feasible. Although ghost worms are only the size of an egg, insect races are well-known strong men. It is a trivial matter to move something that weighs one or two hundred times. This ghost worm can be regarded as a demonized creature, and its size is very similar to the unicorn with the highest power ratio in the insect race. Based on this calculation, the power of the ghost worm should be able to easily lift something two to three hundred times its own weight.

The ghost worm Spirit Physique has no weight when it is transformed, but its weight after materialization is about 100 grams. That is to say, a ghost worm should theoretically lift 20,000 to The weight of thirty thousand grams. Two to thirty thousand grams is twenty to thirty kilograms, and this weight is not very light even for humans. Strong men are of course no problem, but individual weak women have to lift a weight of 20 or 30 kg, which is actually very difficult.

A ghost worm can actually lift a weight of 20 or 30 kg, even if it is calculated according to the minimum standard of 20 kg, then theoretically, as long as three ghost worms can actually lift a person NS. Of course, this refers to a normal environment. In the game, because of the weight of various creatures, it must be calculated in this way.

Ling and Xiaochun, as long as three ghost worms can definitely be carried away, after all, they are women and mages, and they have no weight on them. It may take a bit of work for me to do this. After all, the Dragon Soul suit is not light. Although I don't feel the weight when wearing it because of the attributes attached to the equipment, it is actually quite heavy. Adding myself to this thing, I must weigh more than 150 kg. If you count it, at least seven or eight ghost worms are needed to lift me to move, and the most troublesome thing here is to count those Miras. . This girl is a material dragon. After transforming into a human form, it is different from a giant dragon. It retains part of its weight. That is to say, although Mira looks like a beautiful girl, if you want to play Princess Hug with her, you have to do it. Good preparations to be pressed into the ground, after all, people have a ton of weight.

Although some of the big guys here are quite heavy, but after thinking about it, I know that this is not a problem at all. Our ghost worms are in the millions, one 20 or 30 kg, and the aircraft carrier still runs when it is lifted up. What is a giant dragon weighing more than ten tons?

In Ling's mention, I quickly released a large number of ghost worms and tried to lift Mira up. Although it is not the largest in size, she is actually the heaviest here, so as long as Mira can be transported, everyone else will be fine.

Although a large number of ghost worms have been released before and used as monitors throughout the steel hell, I have enough ghost worms, and the ones released are only a fraction. There are still large groups of large groups around me. The ghost worm is on standby.

The result of the first attempt to move Mira was unexpected. I thought it would be troublesome, but it turned out to be as easy as a group of great guys lifting an ordinary mattress. There is no preparation process, just take a look. A swarm of ghost worms swarmed up, lifted Mira lightly, and then immediately moved to the location I specified.

I have to say that Ling's suggestion is really good. With the help of ghost bugs, our movement speed went up immediately. Although ghost worms are small in size, they can't run fast, but they can at least keep up with the rapid walking speed of humans, and even slightly faster than ordinary person jogging speed. With this speed and those ghost worm eyeliner, we can safely go around with the eight-pointed snake. Regardless of his current power, when his Power of Faith is almost used up, when the time comes is the time for us to fight back. Of course, the premise is that you don’t get caught by him before that, otherwise the whole bundle here won’t be enough for him to clean up in twos and threes! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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