"haha, Purple Moon, why didn't you run away?" The big snake looked at me triumphantly and said, "Why don't you, a coward like a mouse, hide back from your mouse? Go to the cave? Do you already know that it’s useless to hide in front of me? Hahahaha, since it’s like..."

Suddenly halfway through the story of the eight-headed snake He felt his body sink, and then he flew involuntarily. The next second he suddenly hit his head heavily. In the panic, although he was a little confused, he still found a dark shadow around him, but he hadn't waited yet. He went to intercept, and the black figure cut his waist and thigh with a knife. Baqi Orochi, who thought his defensive power was not bad, finally realized that his defensive power is actually not that good. The wounds on his body are gradually increasing at a very fast rate. In just a few seconds, his body is already There are at least 30 wounds spread over large and small. Although each one is not deep, there are such intensive injuries in such a short period of time, which in itself is quite scary.

"Damn, what did you do?" After the eight-headed snake roared angrily, he suddenly raised his leg, but he obviously failed to control his strength. A high head kicked his forehead all the way. The man flipped backwards and fell to the ground with a chirp.

Baqi Orochi fell not lightly during this fall, but compared to the injuries on his body, what shocked him most was the reason for the fall just now. He knows very well that I have just left his side, which means that he fell by himself and kicked his forehead by himself. This kind of action is too exaggerated even for his body, so this thing Very strange.

The Baqi Orochi who felt something was wrong while staring at me nervously to prevent me from getting into trouble as before, while supporting the ground with difficulty and trying to get up, at the same time he was still trying to control himself The body feels the changes in the surrounding environment.

The induction of the Baqi Orochi is of course fruitless, because the environment has not changed at all, only the flow of time is changed, but in the process of trying to get up, relying on the control of the body, Baqi Orochi finally figured out some doorways.

While struggling to support himself to get up, Baqi Oro snake looked at me and said: "My body strength and reaction speed have been greatly improved, how did you do it?"

The problem of Baqi Orochi is normal, because as a Divine Race, his strength is already quite strong, and because he is very strong, there are not many things that can make him stronger. . Precisely because this method of increasing strength is difficult to find, when Baqi Orochi realized that his strength has suddenly increased, he immediately thought of obtaining this method. In fact, all of this is his illusion.

In fact, the eight-pointed snake is still the eight-pointed snake. His ability has not been improved to any degree. On the contrary, because of his inadaptability to physical functions, his battle strength should be said to have dropped drastically. That's right. The reason why Baqi Orochi feels that his strength has improved is mainly caused by subjective feelings. In fact, I just activated the material Time Acceleration ability in so close, yet worlds apart. In this state, our physical speed will speed up, but our spiritual consciousness will not speed up along with it.

What will happen to this situation where the mental and physical speeds are inconsistent? To put it simply is the wrong sense of time. When you try to raise your arm, the time for your arm muscles to exert force is certain, but because the speed of consciousness is now normal, and the speed of your body is the time after acceleration, you still follow your previous habits to manipulate and close. The arm is raised, but in fact your arm is beyond the normal control time, so that the muscle group is over-manipulated. The arm is indeed raised, but it is raised too much. In the end, a flick of the hand flies over the head and back to yourself. Throw away.

That’s how the Baqi Orochi kicked his forehead just now. He just wanted to take one step, but because the working hours of the muscles were actually eight times faster than the mental consciousness, he actually made It took eight times the time before lifting the leg up, and the height of the leg lift in this process is obviously impossible only to raise the foot to take a step.

& The time of consciousness is not synchronized.

Because Baqi Orochi now senses this kind of asynchrony, he mistakenly believes that his strength has increased. After all, it should be a good thing that you can suddenly get eight times the speed of reaction. Of course, the premise is that you can fully control the increased speed. It's like a car. If its top speed can be increased by eight times, and its acceleration capacity is also increased by eight times, that is of course a good thing, but if you can't fully control this speed, just start the car, just tap the accelerator. He jumped out, and then hit the wall or tree in front of him. Obviously, this was not a good thing.

It’s true that the Baqi Orochi has gained eight times the body response speed, but his strength has not actually increased. It’s just that the Time Flow Speed ​​is different, so the body’s resistance to air resistance and inertia is different. Perception will be weakened, so in a short period of time you will feel that your strength has also increased. But in fact, if something that needs to adapt to great power happens, consciousness will find that its own power has not changed. Of course, the Baqi Orochi now knows nothing about this, so he simply thinks that his strength has increased a lot.

In fact, in the face of a body with eight times the response speed, the maximum speed that the Baqi Orochi can control is twice as fast, and the movement will be out of balance no matter how fast it is. The difference is that I The electronic brain allows me to adjust my thinking speed, so I can accelerate my consciousness completely synchronously, and let my body enter a coordinated state.

When my consciousness and body speed up, at this time, in my sense, all the behaviors of the Baqi Orochi look like slow motion, and as long as he tries to fully utilize his normal speed of action, It will immediately appear out of control like a newborn baby's left foot stumbling over the right foot.

Although so close, yet worlds apart only speeds up material time and does not change any of the attributes of both me and the eight-pointed snake, no matter how strong the eight-pointed snake’s attribute is, as long as he can’t touch me, Then all his attributes are invalid.

Looking at the Baqi Orochi who was struggling to adapt to this body speed, I didn't say anything to him at all, and I didn't mean to answer his doubts. Although at this time, explain to him the function of so close, yet worlds apart, and then use this fiercely to despise the eight-headed snake can give me some vanity satisfaction, but I don’t plan to do that, because it’s basically It belongs to the act of courting death.

Don’t forget that I’m in a state of integration now, and the state of integration is at the expense of mana, which means that my state cannot be maintained for a long time. Once my magic power is exhausted, then my combined state will be lifted. It is true that now because of my magic power reserve and the supplement of various attributes, my magic power is so exaggerated that I can keep the body together for a long time before releasing the body, but this is limited after all. Moreover, here is the world inside so close, yet worlds apart, and now it is set to a zero-energy state by me, which means that there is no way to supplement the magic power here, so every bit of my magic power is very precious. At this time, wasting magic is a waste of life.

In addition to the limit of the total amount of magic power, there is now a very important issue that needs attention, that is, so close, yet worlds apart, the material time of eight times speed has been activated inside, and the combined state consumes The speed of magic power is determined according to the consumption of the body, not according to the consumption of consciousness. To put it simply, my mana consumption speed is now synchronized with Time Flow Speed, which is the consumption speed of eight times speed. Therefore, the combined state I was originally proud of will not last long in this mode, so if If I don't inflict as much damage as possible on the Baqi Orochi within a short period of time, then my action will be wasted.

Just when Baqi Orochi was trying to say something to me, he suddenly noticed that my silhouette was shaking, and before he could react, he gave him a hard punch on the chin. The whole person immediately followed the reclining head back for a backflip, but before the person landed, the back of the head was suddenly hit heavily by a hard object, making the body that was still backflips forcibly parking in the air. Then the side waist was suddenly kicked, and the body was bent sideways and folded into a V shape thinking about flying away from the side. Of course, this action didn’t last long. He just flew out less than a meter away, and was pulled back by two obstacles at both ends of his body, and then Baqi Oro felt his limbs were all covered. The person hugged him, but I stood in front of him and raised my fist to his face, which was a set of combo punches.

Baqi Osnake feels that he has never been so aggrieved since he has a memory. Seven or eight of me who suddenly appeared around me, who were exactly the same, made a joint shot at him, and I used a rogue style of play. One of them I hugged his hands and feet, and the remaining two were my one after the other fists, elbows and knees together, facing him. His whole body was constantly hitting violently at the speed of a torrential rain. Moreover, what made him most depressed was that although I used my body parts to attack him, he found that the damage value of this attack was very high and scary. Not to mention ordinary creatures, even if the fellow Divine Race fellow Fiercely gave him a fist, it would definitely not cause such high damage, even if the companion's weapon slashed on the body would not cause such high damage. But I was stunned to hit terrifying damage beyond blade, spear, sword, and halberd with my fist.

Actually, Baqi Orochi didn’t know that there were two main reasons why he was beaten so badly. One is that the special attribute in my body that is only effective for Divine Race caused me not to bear the damage reduction penalty for Divine Race, instead there was a double damage bonus. The second is that even though the Orochi Orochi saw that I was beating him with fists and feet, what he didn’t know was that I had actually used eternity to form an attack armor at the front of all the attack positions, so Orochi Orochi thought me. I was hitting him with my fist, in fact, he was attacked by me with a weapon that was transformed into eternity.

Eternal even among the Divine Items used by Divine Race is the most Peak existence. In many places, most of the equipment used by the main gods of Divine Race has not reached the eternal level, let alone the general Divine. Item is out. I used a top-level Divine Item for the Eight-Divine Snake. It slammed at eight times the speed, and the hands and feet were still held down and couldn't fight back. Isn't this miserable and there is a reason?

Actually, the Eight-Different Snake is also unlucky. Even if the time is eight times faster, he shouldn’t have the power to fight back. It’s a pity that I can activate all the familiar skills and skills after I merge. Special ability, which means that I am now a collection of the abilities of all my familiars. Just now I first used the super-light-speed movement ability of darts. Although this ability can't really make me go faster than the speed of light, under the Time Flow Speed, which is already eight times faster, my speed is indeed so fast that there is nothing at all. The point of reaction. He just felt my shadow blurred and was beaten. It was actually because I was too fast and left an afterimage. In fact, the shadow he saw was not me at all, but my afterimage.

After losing the target, the Baqi Orochi was beaten by several people. This is because I activated the Big Cat’s Legion Avatar. This Legion Avatar allows me to use magic to copy my own Avatar, and instead of copying one or two Avatars, I can create an Avatar covering the mountains and plains. Of course, in this case just now, there are not so many, so I made a few Avatars. These Avatars all have the same skills and combat capability as mine, and they all have self-awareness, but they are all under my command. Avatar’s attributes are roughly the same as mine, only the attack power can only reach 80% of mine, but the formidable power will increase greatly after the number is increased, so this ability can be said to be quite anti-sky.

The Baqi Orochi was just beaten by seven or eight and I couldn’t get out of the air just because I was using Avatar to ravage him. In the end I felt that this was too slow, so I just went up a few Avatars and hugged his hands and feet to control it. Staying in his struggle, and then my body and an Avatar one after the other ruthless K him, completely beat the eight-headed snake into a pig's head.

The rapid and powerful continuous blows caused the Baqi Orochi to fall into a complete sluggish state for a while, and the Baqi Orochi who had never been beaten so badly was almost unconscious.

I saw that the effect was almost there, and the time was almost at its limit, so I suddenly put away most of the Avatars, leaving only two Avatars to suppress the half-dead Baqi that was still there. The serpent then lifted the eternity high above his head. For an instant, in the originally dark steel hell, countless streams of light suddenly appeared in the eternity held high in my hands.

"holy sword." A circle of giant Great Saint sword phantoms made of pure light appeared on the periphery of eternity, and then I swung down the phantom together with eternity. "Judgment."

The last move, the super single attack skill, Baqi Orochi has also noticed, but the Baqi Orochi who has been beaten half-dead will be really helpless and can only stand by. Watching the huge lightsaber smash down, and then stubbornly carried the attack.

I didn’t pay attention to the result of this attack, but after the lightsaber could not be controlled by humans, I immediately left the place and rushed into the darkness far away from the eight-headed serpent, and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye. Among them disappeared. When I felt that the distance was far enough, I immediately closed the fit state, and then I felt my body softened and almost didn't directly kneel on the ground. This combined state is a super skill, which allows me to have no pressure on a great god like the eight-different snake, but the side effects are not small. After the combined state is released, there will be a short period of weakness. Of course, the period of weakness depends on the duration of the fit. For example, the duration of the fit just now is a little longer, so this period of weakness is longer and more serious.

Because the combination is me and the familiar, the weakness is also the weakening of everyone, so I can't ask the familiar for help. Everyone worked hard to climb far away and try not to get close to the eight-headed snake, so that even if the eight-headed snake tried to make trouble for us, it would not have any way to find us for a while. You must know that we were in this steel before. After staying in hell for more than four hours, didn't the Eight-Different Snake still find its own hair?

In fact, my current situation is seriously overestimated. Just before I left, my last big move was definitely not that simple. In the state of fit, my ability was scary enough, not to mention Lingling’s high level single attack skill, which emphasizes single lethality, so eight It's definitely enough for him to face Qi Da Snake like this.

Just when we struggled with the suffering untold hardships and managed to run far enough to hide, the big snake that was beaten by us over there finally got out of the ground. Crawled out of the trench. Although the ground here is made of all steel, and not just a layer of steel plate on the surface, but completely solid steel. However, no matter how it is made of steel, it cannot resist the huge might of my sword. Just now, it can be said that a normal attack can damage Divine Race and the like, but the problem is that I was in a state of integration just now. This damage output is by no means comparable. As for Baqi Orochi, he is not in a normal state, so his defensive ability is lower than usual. The Baqi Orochi was really hurt this time, but because the injury was not light, the Baqi Orochi finally didn't care about consumption, and it really started to go crazy.

Before, Baqi Dashe had been playing very carefully. The main reason was that Baqi Dashe was heartbroken for his Power of Faith. In fact, as a Divine Race, Baqi Orochi was kicked out from China. Although he stayed in Gaotianyuan Divine Race for some time, he has always been one of the main fighters and has not become the main god. It can be seen that the strength of the Baqi Orochi itself is actually not very good. However, Celestial Court and I were both very worried about the invasion of the eight-headed snake. Even the cheapskate in Celestial Court actually asked Supreme Taoist to create so close, yet worlds apart for this matter. Such a super Divine Item is an abnormal reaction in itself. In fact, everyone is so worried, not that they are worried about the eight-headed snake. A guy who was expelled from the Celestial Court, where could he be stronger? What really makes everyone unable to worry about is the core of the divine force, which is basically the nuclear bomb, and it is still uninsured. It is not so much that Celestial Court and our Frost Rose Alliance are worrying about the Eight Divine Serpent itself, but rather we are worried about the divine force core in the hands of the Eight Divine Serpent.

Although we are very afraid of the divine force core used by the Baqi Orochi, on the other hand, is the Baqi Orochi willing to use the divine force core casually?

Because Baqi Orochi is not willing to use the Power of Faith in the divine force core to fight, only two hundred people of Nobunaga's subordinates were selected as Divine Race. , Instead of all being chosen to become Divine Race. Similarly, the Baqi Orochi who was imprisoned in so close, yet worlds apart was bullied so badly by me for this reason, and was beaten so close by me that I could not fight back. Otherwise, as long as he is willing to squander the Power of Faith, the main god with the divine force core is almost invincible. We and Baqi Orochi know this very well, but we all have scruples, so the Baqi Orochi has never used the divine force core, and now... the Oki Orochi is really crazy. He completely lost his mind. Being bullied by a small existence that he looks down upon is like this, an individual will explode, not to mention the eight-qi Orochi itself is the master of seeking revenge for the slightest grievance.

The crazy Orochi Orochi began to pull away from the Power of Faith in the core of divine force regardless of the cost, and an unsettling energy fluctuation spread immediately around the Orochi Orochi snake. , Even if I hide far enough, I feel a powerful impact of energy.

The last blow before I left just now caused quite serious damage to the eight-headed snake. When the sword was slashing, the eight-headed snake tried to dodge a little bit to the side. As a result That sword cut in from his left shoulder, and it was not as simple as removing an arm, but along the root of the left shoulder, all the way down to the neck, and cut the chest cavity of one third before it was completely stopped. This kind of damage is definitely mortal for humans, but the Eight-Fed Orochi is not a human, and the life force of the creatures in the game is relatively strong, but even so, if there is no external interference, the Eight-Fed Oro will definitely lose its battle strength. However, after the divine force core was started, everything changed.

The wound on the shoulder of the Baqi Orochi began to heal quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the huge energy flow prompted the Baqi Orochi's body to begin to discharge externally. The thick electric arcs connected from the body of the Baqi Orochi to the nearby pillars and the tips of the steel thorns protruding from the ceiling. They looked amazing and pretty.

"Purple Moon, you concealed and exposed mouse, come out quickly, I must tear you to pieces today!" The crazy eight-pointed snake roared towards the Sky, a visible aperture of naked eye rippling around with him as the center, the terrifying shock wave directly swept away dozens of metal pillars within a radius of 100 meters, and steel thorns of various thicknesses and lengths were twisted by the shock wave. The twist-like shape fell everywhere, and even the ground and the ceiling above the head were recessed in a large area due to the huge pressure, forming a huge space approximately spherical.

"Damn, it seems that the Baqi Orochi is really crazy this time!" Looking at the picture returned by the ghost bug, even I was taken aback. If Baqi Orochi had done this earlier, I guess it would have been because I was chased by him and ran away all over the world, instead of hiding like this and watching the show. Of course, there is no Regret Medicine to eat in this world, so the tragic fate of Baqi Orochi will never end here. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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