"Successfully penetrated the mountain, the Sunset was moved out of orbit, Isengard moved the fortress, and it's up to you." With the announcement, the Sunset began to move laterally in front of Isengard , And finally gave up the line of attack, and Isengard Mobile Fortress moved a little forward quickly, allowing the launcher at the bottom to get the shooting angle.

"Isinger Mobile Fortress enters attack mode, fills the city with radiation cannons, locks the target, fires, and maximum power."

Nobunaga on the other side did not come at all. And any response to the entire world will feel that the entire world has become a piece of white snow. All the objects set in the underground karst cave, including the rocks on the walls, melted into liquid within a second, and then a large amount of steam began to erupt. , Spraying some things that have already melted or are about to melt together from the only entrance. That's not counting. Mount Fuji, which had been silent for a long time, also became extremely unstable. The volcanic crater on the top of the mountain collapsed first, then sank a little, then suddenly swelled up, and finally erupted completely.

With the loud noise like destroying heaven extinguishing earth, the entire Mount Fuji was completely awakened. A lava column with a diameter of more than 30 meters spouted from the top of Mount Fuji and went straight up into the sky. It flew for more than a thousand meters in one breath before it began to fall apart.

At the same time as Mount Fuji erupted, the attack weapon under Isinger’s mobile fortress had been completely extinguished, and the launcher with the arc was rapidly shrinking into the city, and the huge movable armor was folding and closing the launcher. The protection is on the inside, while Isengard Mobile Fortress starts to reverse at full speed while recovering weapons, keeping as far away from the volcanic crater as possible.

Although it is already reversing at full speed, Isengard Mobile Fortress is not a spaceship after all, and its speed is still too slow. When the lava flying into the sky encounters cold air, the lava on the outside quickly cools and becomes a layer of not very strong rock crust, while the inside is still boiling lava.

This kind of rock ball wrapped in lava is actually far more dangerous than a simple lava ball, because the hard but very brittle rock crust will burst when it hits the ground, and then the lava inside will produce stronger Splashing effect, this effect greatly increases the lethality of lava.

The retreating Isinger Mobile Fortress just retreated several hundred meters, and the lava in the sky began to fall. Rainfall like raindrops of lava invaded the basin, and Isengard Mobile Fortress was about to be covered by the lava ball, but when the first lava ball approached a distance above Isengard Mobile Fortress, the lava ball was Suddenly it burst open, and at the same time a translucent light curtain shone and disappeared into the space.

Anyone who knows how to look at it will know that this is a city shield, a city-level defense system in the game. Since the players have not established their own cities, there have been many system cities equipped with this thing, so everyone is not very unfamiliar with this thing. Of course, the protective cover on Isinger Mobile Fortress is not an ordinary protective cover. This is our guild collected the protective cover production technology from all over the world, and then I will go to those Divine Race where the technology is too technical to grab talents. Finally came up with the kind of protective cover we are using now.

The biggest difference between the protective cover on Isinger Mobile Fortress and those used in other cities is that the protective cover installed on Isinger Mobile Fortress can absorb attack damage and convert it into energy.

Normal shields will only consume energy to resist such attacks when they are attacked, but our shields can absorb the pure energy generated by the supply or mechanical energy such as kinetic energy and convert it It is converted into magic energy and temporarily stored in the transmitter. When the shield is attacked next time, the energy in the transmitter will be extracted first, and the insufficient part will get energy from the urban power network.

Of course, our protective cover is not 100% efficient in transforming energy, and it is far from that goal. At present, the conversion and absorption rate of our protective cover for kinetic energy attacks is only a little over 30%. Although the ratio is very low, it can at least offset part of the consumption, so that our own protective cover can save more energy. Moreover, although the absorption of mechanical energy is only a little more than 30%, the absorption conversion rate of our protective cover can reach more than 50% for energy attacks, which is basically equivalent to double the endurance of our protective cover. .

As the first lava ball hits the protective cover of Isengard Mobile Fortress, subsequent lava balls begin to fall one after another, and the protective cover above Isengard Mobile Fortress also flashes. A flash of continual resistance to the falling lava ball.

Wearing the smashed ping-pong-pong protective cover, Isengard Mobile Fortress drove to the maximum speed, finally out of the coverage area of ​​the lava ball, and the Sunset was long before our attack was launched. I have already evacuated from the danger zone and waited here. Unlike Isinger Mobile Fortress, Sunset is an aerial battleship, not a mobile fortress. Although its defense is abnormal enough, it still can’t compare with Isinger Mobile Fortress. Besides, it can move faster than Isinger Mobile Fortress. The fortress is getting faster, so I've been to the Safety Sector long ago.

In fact, we knew that Mount Fuji might erupt before the attack, so we had a plan to deal with it.

Although we were out of the danger zone without any danger, Nobunaga Guishou was miserable.

The Fuji Karst cave was originally under Mount Fuji. It is nothing to stay quiet at Mount Fuji. However, when the volcano erupts, it will be accompanied by a severe earthquake, and the internal pressure of the mountain will also change drastically. All of this It is very dangerous for the cave. Besides, this time it was because we directly attacked the Fuji cave that caused Mount Fuji to erupt, so the place is now completely filled with lava. As for the creatures in it... the eight-headed snake came out alive anyway. Nobunaga Guishou also came out, but not many of his men came out.

Before entering the Fuji cave here, Nobunaga Guishou brought more than a thousand people. These people are not all of Nobunaga Guishou’s team, but they are his most assured subordinates. . Although the present Nobunaga Onitou has lost its original position in Japan, although Japan is a small country, it has a large population. Even if it had lost its original status, it was not difficult for Nobunaga Onishou to gather more than a thousand loyal followers.

According to the normal plan, more than one thousand people will be screened here by the Eight-Divine Snake. In the end, one-fifth of them, or about two hundred people, will be converted into Divine Race. This is not to say that the Baqi Orochi does not want to transform more Divine Race, but the Baqi Orochi does nothing. The divine force core is not an inexhaustible renewable energy source. It consumes Power of Faith. Although Baqi Orochi has waited for the divine force core, his divine force core has no supply at all. The Power of Faith in it is all stored in it before, and now it is used a little less, considering the time when it will counterattack China. It will inevitably encounter resistance from the Celestial Court, so Baqi Orochi will leave most of the Power of Faith for combat, and the number of conversions of more than 200 people is already under the premise of retaining enough Power of Faith. The maximum number.

Although Baqi Orochi only intends to transform two hundred people this time, Nobunaga Guishou is not unhappy about it. Originally, even if he only turned himself into Divine Race, it would be a big profit for him, not to mention that he can still carry more than 200 younger brothers. As long as I think about the trouble with a large group of Divine Race players in the future to find Masaka Matsumoto and me, Nobunaga Kisou feels trembling with excitement.

Originally, all these beautiful imaginations could become reality, but now Nobunaga Onishu finds that he has fallen from heaven into hell. Well, it's real hell, and it's lava hell. Guishou Nobunaga, who was soaked in lava, felt that he was about to be burned. He had only fallen into lava once before, and he hardly felt anything that time. He just fell and hasn’t come yet. And when he felt hot, he appeared directly in the Hall of Resurrection. This time he can feel hot, which is already a powerful performance. Being able to survive in lava is definitely not something ordinary creatures can do. Onihand Nobunaga is sitting now. He should have been happy, but now he is really happy does not raise.

Although it was originally eight Qi Da Snake intends to transform more than 200 Guishou Nobunaga's subordinates into Divine Race, but so far this work is only halfway through, that is, there are only more than 100 people transformed into Divine Race, and the remaining more than 100 places are all It's useless. In other words, in the attack just now, at least 800 people were completely reduced to ashes. Although he did not see the situation of those people, Nobunaga Guishou knew that, except for himself and the more than one hundred people who had completed the transformation, everyone else was absolutely impossible to survive such a disaster. Although the beam ghost Nobunaga who had just penetrated the hole didn't see what it was, he felt this formidable power, so he could probably guess what it was.

Because of knowing what we are launching, Nobunaga Guishou is convinced that, except for the more than one hundred Divine Race men, his other subordinates have been wiped out.

It’s not that Nobunaga has never lost a battle against us. On the contrary, he is very rich in this experience, but he lost 80% of the personnel in less than fifteen seconds after starting the battle. This speed plane is also It's a bit scary, and it's still in the situation where they now have more than one hundred Divine Races, and there are eight different snakes sitting in front of them. For this result, Nobunaga Oniji really didn't know what to say. He even felt that he was getting angry and didn't know who to be angry with.

While Guishou Nobunaga was busy saving himself, I was standing at the top of the city and looking at the erupting Mount Fuji in the distance on the Isengard mobile fortress that successfully entered the safe range. The communicator who opened the full channel broadcast said: "Let all the mobile angels on Divine Race stand by on the city wall, and all the units capable of participating in the battle against Divine Race will also be on the city wall. In a while, as long as someone comes out of Mount Fuji, Don’t tell him any fairness. The flying battleship first covers me with the main gun, and then at least two Divine Race members of Chaos and Order will lead the team. Use mobile angels to watch the Divine Race and the players themselves. I don’t want you to go head-to-head. , Give me a gang fight, the other person comes out alone, we will go up ten. I hope you can end the fight in the shortest time. Do you understand?"

"Understand!" resounded through Isinger The neat response of the mobile fortress even overwhelmed the volcanic eruption on the opposite side, which made me a little relieved. I'm not afraid of Nobunaga's Divine Race's subordinates. I'm worried about the eight-headed snake. I'm worried that no one here can stop him. Even if there is so close, yet worlds apart, I dare not pack a ticket and definitely stop him. Fighting against the Japanese, this is my most bottomless time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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