Chapter 235 Assault

The news that can be confirmed right now is that Nobunaga oni is currently in the Fuji cave under Mount Fuji with Yaqi Orochi. Some kind of Divine Race conversion work, and this news is completely bad news for us. But now that we know the news, we need to do some damage. Of course, sharpening an axe does not delay the work of chopping firewood. Before we go, we still have to continue to get more information from the prisoner. Row.

Actually, the guard really didn’t know much information. He also cooperated very well with our interrogation when under control, so it didn’t take long for us to figure out some general information, such as eight Qi Da Snake and their specific location and defense situation and so on. However, these two are field personnel, so they are not very detailed. Considering that the defense situation may change after they leave, even the information spoken by these guards can only be used as a reference, not trust it completely.

After all the information was clear, we did not kill the four guards, but let Ling shot to seal their memories, and then let Princess manipulate them back to stand guard, so that even if it is a ghost letter The older person will never know that his location information has been exposed. This can earn us as much preparation time as possible.

Originally, after knowing this information, we should return to Isengard immediately, and then summon the staff to find the trouble of the Yaqi Orochi, but considering that this is Japan, and we may need to use local forces in the future , So I finally decided to go to Amakusa Ten Guard and say hello.

Although I was only looking for the Amakusa Ten Guard, this guy has already returned to his Yuanbang City. I just came into the city and didn’t expect to run into the Amakusa Ten Guard and his legend. City Lord in

To be honest, the shape of this City Lord is quite unflattering, at least most Chinese people will not like this shape. In fact, this guy looks pretty good. There are no obvious flaws. He is a little thin and looks like a half-size kid who hasn't grown up, but he is almost thirty years old. The reason why I think this guy looks unpleasant is mainly because this guy wears a traditional Japanese hairstyle. There is a bald part on the forehead, not to mention that there is a bun on the top of the head. It looks like a big bag. In short, it feels ugly. When that guy talks to me, I always have the urge to put that guy's head under the armpit and then shave it into a bald head with eternity.

Although the shape of the City Lord is a bit annoying, this guy is still a reasonable guy. He just said a few words to me and gave up immediately after knowing the general situation. The opportunity to talk to me made me hurry up to do my job. Of course, I still have to give some respect to this sensible guy. After a few words of politeness with him, I will tell him directly about the Buddhism problem and I will help him deal with it, and then I will thank the City Lord and Amakusa Ten Guard. Leaving Yuanbang City among them.

Because this matter is very important, the urban construction work in South America has to be handed over to Elf Race. Anyway, we will give the money later. Of course, what I said about letting the elves take charge is mainly to hand over management to them. The technicians of our guild have not been evacuated. Anyway, they are not needed for the war in Japan.

The guild leaders who returned to Isengard quickly gathered in the conference hall. I briefly introduced them to the information now obtained, and I was calling Clear Sky Mirror, Babel Tower, and the emperor. After conducting intensive investigations on the Tianhou Tubo, we have roughly determined that Yaqi Orochi and Nobunaga Onishu are indeed in that Fuji cave.

"Well, the information we currently have is roughly like this. Do you have any thoughts on this action?" I asked aloud after introducing the situation.

Eagle was the first to say: "War Zone is in Japan. With our current situation in Japan, it seems that we cannot launch a large-scale attack, right?"

Hong Yue finished speaking at Eagle. Immediately said to this: "Of course this is no good. Besides, there is an existence like the Eight-Divine Snake among the opponents. It can be regarded as a war against Divine Race. There are too many miscellaneous soldiers and it is useless!"

"Hong Yue's sentence is a point." Rose said: "This battle is a war against Divine Race, so we can't expect the ordinary person in the guild to be of any use. We must focus on the high-end battle strength, and then use the same method as the Russian Divine Race to make a surprise attack."

Sumi immediately added after Rose said: "Japan is not our actual control area, at least on the The surface is not, so we can’t swagger over. I suggest we go through the air this time. Aren’t there a lot of newly completed flying battleships in the guild? Just bring them all, as a weapon test."

< p>"Hey hey hey, isn't this bad?" Rose objected: "The aerial battleships in our guild are very expensive. If they are damaged during the battle, we have no money to repair!"

Hong Yue also nodded and said: "Yes. That city in South America spends too much money. If a lot of money is spent on the battle here, the funds of our guild will be ineffective!"

I thought about it or shook my head and said: "This matter is probably still to be done according to Su Mi. Dealing with the Eight Disciplinary Snakes is not the same as dealing with ordinary people. Conditions do not allow us to look forward and backward. If we do not give our best, we will fail. The probability is very high, so we can't give up using a reasonable battle method just because we are worried about funding."

Rose was just a little bit distressed by instinct before, and now I want to understand it when I say this. After a little calculation, she nodded and said: "Although according to my calculations, there will be a certain funding gap after the war, but it has not yet reached the point where it cannot be made up. As long as we save a little bit, it will not be possible in a week. Slow down."

"We will talk about the funding issue after the war. It is really impossible to consider selling something for money." I directly made the decision. Rose and they all expressed their support for this decision. At the beginning, based on Su Mei’s suggestion, the plan was handed over to the military god for detailed layout. Of course, we still have to filter the final plan.

The pursuit of this action is speed, and it must be as fast as possible. Baqi Orochi is now transferring to the Divine Transformation clan with Nobunaga Onishu, and this matter is not just the beginning, but has been going on for some time. That is to say, this time, we will not only encounter a big snake, there must be many new Divine Race. These guys should be Nobunaga's subordinates, and Nobunaga himself has completed the Divine Race process.

I feel quite depressed when I think that Nobunaga Guishou is probably already Divine Race. It's not because Nobunaga Onishu became Divine Race and I was afraid I couldn't beat him. Others may be afraid of Divine Race, but I am not. Because I have a special ability to suppress divine force, Divine Race ran into me, and when the attributes were equal, it was not as good as the ordinary person. So even if Guishou Nobunaga has become a Divine Race, 80% of them will only be abused when they meet me. The reason why I am depressed is that I regret why I didn't promote a player from our guild to Divine Race.

There is a convention in the game "Zero", that is, there will be rewards for the first time. For example, the first to be the first to leave the novice village, the first to kill wild monsters, the first to transfer to a certain profession, the first to establish his own guild, the first to level one hundred, anyway, as long as the first to do At what point, there will be corresponding rewards. Moreover, not only the first one, even the second and third people often have rewards, and even the rewards of how many levels they reach will extend to the tenth person.

Because these many firsts have rewards, I am very sure that the first player to become Divine Race must also have rewards, and it is definitely a very good reward. However, I didn’t expect this thing before, and no one mentioned it to me. The result is that we obviously have many opportunities to get these things easily, but the result was actually passed by mistake due to negligence, and even more. What is unacceptable is that it is Nobunaga Onihand, our number one enemy, who gets this benefit.

Although it is quite depressing, this matter obviously cannot be changed. I can only pray that the reward for the first player to become a god will not be too bad, otherwise we will be busy.

Although we can now be sure that Nobunaga oni is already a Divine Race, but this time the action is still fast. We are now in a race against time. It takes a moment for the Baqi Orochi to turn to the Divine Transformation Clan impossible, so their conversion speed will definitely not be too fast. This process will definitely take time, and the sooner we get there, the new Divine Race made by the Baqi Orochi The less there will be, the better for us. Moreover, new Divine Race players will definitely experience short-term discomfort due to their soaring strength. Although this running-in period exists, it will certainly not be too long. With the adaptability of a normal person, this process will take about five or six hours. I've completely passed it, and the more I get to the later stage, the more I will adapt. What we have to do is to launch a war and kill these people as soon as possible before more Divine Race individuals appear, and the individuals who have become Divine Race gradually adapt to their abilities.

Because everyone knows that we are fighting for time now, everyone moves very quickly. In addition, thanks to our guild's strong mobility and ultra-epochal communication capabilities, the season speed of the troops is much faster than imagined.

When everyone is busy preparing war supplies and gathering battle strengths, of course I can’t be idle, because I’m going to convene the members of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order.

Although Guishou Nobunaga may already be Divine Race now, but I am not too worried. In addition to my own strength, my biggest reliance is Divine Race of chaos and order. The current chaos and order Divine Race is no longer a state where there were only two or three kittens. After annexing Olympus Divine Race’s Poseidon and Poseidon systems and part of the Heavenly God system, our chaos and order Divine Race It has grown into a normal Divine Race force. Although we can't say how many people are, at least the number has reached the basic level of normal Divine Race, and there are many experts in Divine Race individuals on our side.

The biggest advantage of digging people from others is that the people who are digging are all high-level personnel. Compared with the internal strength of Divine Race developed by ourselves, our internal strength of Divine Race has the strength of chaos and order. Very obvious echelon, and the ratio of high-end battle strength to ordinary battle strength is significantly higher than that of most Divine Races.

If it's another guild, it would be very troublesome to request the Divine Race, the guild of the guild, to play. It requires a lot of procedures, not to mention, but also to give enough benefits. Don't forget, according to the normal system settings, although the guild Divine Race is called the guild Divine Race, it is actually more like a bodyguard hired by the player's guild. From the system settings, a guild can only have one guild Divine Race, while a guild Divine Race can establish relationships with many guilds at the same time. This can be seen. The default state of the system should be the guild Divine Race. Higher than the guild. Therefore, even the guild president, it is not so easy to ask the guild Divine Race to come forward and do something. Reasons or the like can be dispensed with, but the benefits must be given in place.

Although it is very troublesome for other guilds to request the Divine Race guild to be dispatched, my request is as simple as just a notification. You must know that the main god of Divine Race is Vina, and Vina has a body in reality. She should be regarded as my subordinate strictly speaking. In fact, apart from my personal relationship with Vina, even from the official point of view, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order is impossible to surpass me and become the existence above me. After all, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order is almost established by our guild. , And not like the regular guild Divine Race, which first forms an independent system by itself, and then finds a guild name.

It is like the Divine Race force formed by the Eight-Divine Snake. Once he has overcome this difficulty, he can find other guilds to be affiliated with, and then he can become a regular guild. Divine Race. As for the development model like Divine Race of Chaos and Order, it is actually an unusual development model.

Regardless of whether there is a problem with the development model of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, anyway, I am now using the battle strength of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. It is comfortable and there is no problem at all.

Vina and the others immediately started organizing the gathering of people when they heard what I said, and then all the Divine Races in our guild began to converge towards Isengard, and at the same time our guild would be scattered in The high-end battle strengths from all over the world quickly broke away from their ongoing tasks and began to concentrate on Isinger.

The entire assembly process takes only thirty minutes in total. It is absolutely amazing to be able to gather nearly a thousand players and thousands of NPCs scattered around the world in such a short period of time.

All the people gathered in place finally entered the Isengard Mobile Fortress. This action requires speed, so we didn't plan to waste time flying over it, of course, let alone walking or anything else. The so-called lice will not be itchy, and the debt will not worry. Anyway, we have predicted that there will be an economic crisis after the war, so we don't save money at all, and directly plan to use the Isengard mobile fortress to jump to the side of Mount Fuji. This long-distance space movement of Isinger Mobile Fortress consumes huge amounts of energy, and the energy in the game is magic crystal. Considering the price of magic crystal, we basically mind that Isinger Mobile Fortress Space Jump is Burning money for fun.

Although it is really scary to spend money, I have to admit that the Space Jump ability of Isengard Mobile Fortress is very good. Although it takes time to start, you can immediately enter the battle after reaching the target location. There are pauses, this feature is very suitable for leapfrog tactics. Moreover, this time is different from the previous few times. We not only have the Isengard mobile fortress, but also a large group of aerial battleships.

The battleships that jumped over with Isinger Mobile Fortress this time are all new battleships, and the appearance can be described as all kinds of strange things. After all, the airship is still a new thing, and we are currently in the groping stage. Therefore, without a clear goal, we can only let the designers use their imagination. Anyway, the form that everyone can think of is not obvious as long as the argument is made. The problem will be a trial production of a ship for trial sailing. Anyway, no one knows what kind of spaceship is better. It is better for everyone to work together and use facts to test which design is the best.

Although there are many airships this time, they do not include the super battleship that passed through Japan last time. The battleship has not yet been finalized. The main reason seems to be that some technical breakthroughs were discovered during the manufacture of small battleships. As a result, some of the completed parts of the large battleships were torn down and started again. The construction time was prolonged invisibly, so that the big guy could not enter the battle until now.

However, although the extra-large super battleship did not join this time, there is also a battleship that is slightly smaller than that one among the battleships that came with Isinger Mobile Fortress. Although not as big as the previous one, this super flying battleship named "Sunset" is an authentic battleship.

Although the previous extra-large flying ship was very large, it was actually a test ship. There were many unreasonable designs in her interior, and its functions were not clear. There are many places that were built and demolished, demolished and rebuilt, and repeatedly tossed many times but were not fully put into use. Anyway, this super giant ship is an experimental platform. There are many things on her body, but the actual battle strength may not be very strong.

In comparison, the design goal of the Falling Day is clearer.

Sunset is positioned as the main combat ship, and its reference target is the super battleship in the sea battleship. Relying on this idea, the design requirements of the Sunset are high defense, high survival, and high damage.

High defense is very simple to understand, which is to increase the overall defensive power. There are currently three ways to increase defenses used on the Sunset. first is the simplest city-level protective cover. This thing is found in many cities, and it is no longer a rare thing. The only difference is that we moved the protective cover originally used for urban defense to the sunset, and the protective cover equipped on the sunset is not an ordinary protective cover. It has as many as eight energy supply nodes, which means that compared to the normal protective cover, the protective cover on the Sunset has more than eight times the defensive power, and when the protective cover is overloaded, the entire protection will not be directly lost. Hood, but only reduces defensive power by one-eighth.

In addition to the protective cover, there are two ways to increase defense on the Sunset. The simplest of these two methods is hull armor.

Because the lift of the Sun Furnace is very huge, weight is no longer a problem for us. In addition, the design goal of the Sunset is to be a hard bone that people can’t chew, not to be someone else’s. Missing mice, so our designers gave the Sunset crazy armor enhancement. As a result, the Sunset was equipped with multi-layer composite armor that was more than three meters thick. The defensive power of this armor layer has far surpassed the armor of any surface battleship in the world. Even if it is a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb, it is not so easy to want ordinary protective armor like this.

In addition, in addition to the above two defense increase methods, the Sunset is also equipped with an active defense device. This device should actually be divided into two parts, which are respectively an integrated system composed of a refracting prism and a beam weapon.

The working principle of this system is very simple, that is, when there is a physical attack, the beam weapon will attack the target in advance, so as to achieve the function of close to the gun. As for the refracting prism, it is actually a small flying device. Its shape is like a hollow ring with a radius of more than one meter. This thing is equipped with thousands of pieces on the Sunset. They will fly around the Sunset in battle. When the enemy uses energy to attack, these small devices are remotely controlled by the control system to fly to the shooting path of the energy weapon to block the attack, and the energy refraction system equipped inside this device can allow The energy beam passing through the large hollow hole in its center deflects, even if it cannot be reflected back, as long as it can't hit the battleship behind it.

The above three protection methods together constitute the powerful defensive ability of the sunset invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, and the survivability of the sunset comes from its multiple backup systems.

Originally, a battleship can fly with only one solar furnace, but there are three sets of solar furnaces inside the Sunset on time, and they can work together or separately. Therefore, if the Sunset is attacked and the solar furnace is damaged for some reason, as long as the three solar furnaces are not reimbursed together, the Sunset can still continue to fly, and it can ensure that the attack firepower will not be significantly reduced.

In addition to this powerful battlefield survival setting, the last design goal of Sunset is high damage.

In fact, among the three requirements, this high damage is the simplest one. The size of the Sunset is very large. Although it is not as abnormal as the test ship, it is far beyond the size of an aircraft carrier. Such a big flying battleship, it is really not a problem to install weapons or something on it. Therefore, our designers directly designed a hexagonal cross-sectional structure for Sunset. And because the Sunset is an airship rather than a battleship on the water, this hexagonal cross-sectional structure is equivalent to giving the Sunset a deck in six directions.

In order to increase the number of weapons, the designers designed the front and rear main guns on these six decks like those on the sea surface battleship, and also designed a large number of secondary guns, so that the entire battleship is simply a battleship. Flying hedgehogs have a terrifying firepower density in any direction. No matter which direction the enemy approaches, they must face at least three attack firepower on the deck. This kind of setup can be described as extremely sturdy. If it is a battleship on the sea surface, this guy can almost handle a fleet with a single ship.

Of course, the terrifying battle strength is brought about by the terrifying cost. Although the cost of the Sunset is not worth the entire fleet, it is at least equal to a dozen times the price of an ordinary large-scale sea battleship. It's strange that such a battleship can't be played.

In fact, in addition to the hedgehog-like running positions on the six decks, there is also a collision angle that can be opened at the bow of the Sunset. The tail section of this collision angle is connected to the hull in a hexagonal pyramid shape, and the tip is gradually transformed into a six-pointed star, and this collision angle can actually be separated. When it expands in six directions, it will reveal a large hole, and this large hole is actually a gun barrel. The tail section of this barrel is directly connected to a solar furnace on the ship. When the three solar furnaces are intact, the super-caliber gun located in the center of the hull can fire an energy beam with a diameter of up to seven meters, and the essence of this energy beam is the kind of destruction ray emitted by Mira.

In reality, a lot of human technology comes from imitating natural creatures, and this is also true in the game. Since Mira has become my favorite, and her destruction beam is so abnormal, I naturally have no reason to use it badly. So, I asked the people in the guild to study the working principle of this kind of ray. In the end, the result we got was this battleship main gun.

This energy ray is completely the same as Mira’s destruction ray, and because it has a diameter of seven meters, its formidable power can be imagined. In a previous live fire test conducted underground in the steel city, the result we got was a large straight hole with a diameter of more than ten meters and a depth of more than 5,000 meters. At that time, the ray gun was only activated for five seconds, and after the launch, the inside of the pierced hole was filled with molten steel rushing out. Although the diameter of the direct hole is about ten meters, it can be seen from the molten steel. , The actual scope of damage is far more than that.

This time Sunset came here. In addition to the experimental weapon performance, there is another reason that it is the only flying battleship equipped with this kind of destruction ray cannon.

According to the previous military god's tactical concept, this time we will use the Space Jump ability of Isengard Mobile Fortress to directly teleport to the diagonally above Mount Fuji, which is located near the exit of the Fuji cave. After arriving there, Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga should find us within a few seconds. After all, for such a big thing to Space Jump, the force field fluctuations are really too terrifying, let alone Divine Race. The energy sense is keen, even an ordinary person can see the same energy wave with naked eye.

However, although the Baqi Orochi will find our arrival immediately, their reaction speed will certainly not be so fast. And we who came prepared are certainly faster than them.

When Isengard Mobile Fortress arrives at the location, the sunset number that is externally mounted on the wall of Isengard Mobile Fortress City will use the one that has been charged before the jump and reaches the critical point. The main gun, that is, the destroying ray cannon, directly strikes Mount Fuji, and then from the direction of Isengard Mobile Fortress, it makes a channel directly to the inside of the Fuji Cave.

This attack does not require killing many people, but to open a skylight to the Fuji cave. Then, the Sunset can flash to the side, and Isengard Mobile Fortress will activate the super radiant cannon at the bottom, and directly follow the hole that the Sunset has pierced into the Fuji cave.

The radiation cannon below Isengard’s mobile fortress was originally a weapon for the city. The formidable power of this thing can be imagined. In an open area, you can destroy a city at a time. If it all penetrates into a hole, in a closed fantasy world, can you imagine how much its formidable power will increase?

The Baqi Orochi will definitely not die from this attack, but I guess none of the subordinates of Nobunaga Guishou who have not yet become gods will not be able to escape, even those who have become Divine Race Nobunaga's men, I guess they may not be able to survive. It is necessary to know that the radiation cannon of Isengard Mobile Fortress has the formidable power of Divine Grade. Now it is concentrated in one hole, and this formidable power is not known to be doubled several times. Besides, although the Eight-Divine Serpent is very good, the divine force core he obtained is also very exaggerated, but the Eight-Divine Serpent certainly cannot use that divine force core to create a group of gods as powerful as himself in a short period of time. Besides, even if he can do it, he is also impossible to create a group of powerful existences just like himself to compete with him. Therefore, even if Nobunaga's subordinates become Divine Race, their strength will certainly not be much stronger.

According to our speculation, the biggest probability of this blow is to clear all the non-Divine Race units in the cave at one time, and at the same time cause most of the ghosts of Nobunaga who have been converted into Divine Race. Mild to moderate or severe damage, but the ability to kill directly is not high. As for the Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga himself, there should be nothing wrong with the Baqi Orochi, at best a little embarrassed. Nobunaga Guishou may be hurriedly injured, or he may be fine, depending on his luck and reaction at the time. But in any case, this blow definitely hurts Nobunaga's strength.

Based on the above plan, the position of the Sunset in our battle is very important, and when the time comes, the Sunset will also perform a very exaggerated tilt shooting action. Of course, the premise of all this is that we won't be unlucky enough to run into the Ochi Orochi just outside the cave. In that case, the greater probability is that the Ochi Orochi will be dragged down by the sunset before it can fire. Although the Baqi Orochi might not be able to save the sunset for a while, our plan was completely useless. Of course, if something like that really happened, we wouldn't be able to say nothing. For this battle, we have a second plan and a third plan, so if the sunset fails to launch, or if the launch fails to penetrate the rock formations and go deep into the Fuji cave, we will start the second plan. . The method of this plan is a force attack, and it is a force attack that does not count casualties.

For the new Divine Race, the body is not used to the sudden increase in power. At this time, if we fight with them slowly, it will let them gradually adapt to this power. On the contrary, if we assume a desperate posture as soon as we come up, they will be hurriedly killed by us because they don't adapt to their abilities.

The plan is completed and all preparations are in place. At the request of the military god, everyone adjusted the crystal communicator to the receiving state, and the military god became the only launching unit. He will command all military. After all, precise command on the battlefield is his strong point, which is incomparable even for the Old General in reality like generals. After all, people can't multi-task, and even if you can multi-task, you can't use tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of them, right? To command tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of units at the same time, and to make these people feel as if the commander is standing behind him in command, this is not something humans can do.

"The final countdown. All personnel prepare for battle. The sunset number, please confirm that the equipment is locked in place."

A voice suddenly sounded in the communication channel: "This is the sunset number. Isinger Mobile Fortress is docked and locked. Confirmation is complete."

"Ok, please start charging the Destroying Ray Cannon."

"The setting sun will start charging the Destroying Ray Cannon, enter One minute gather energy, fifty-nine, fifty-eight...38, thirty-seven..."

When the sunset’s main gun countdown entered the last thirty-seven seconds, the god of war In the channel, I read synchronously: "Isinger Mobile Fortress starts Space Jump preparations, Space Change engine starts, and finally counts down to thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, ... fifteen. All personnel prepare for Level 1 battle. , Please enter the battle sequence after firing at Isengard Mobile Fortress. Finally, teleport the countdown six, five, four, three, two, one, and start teleporting."

As the last countdown ends, huge The Isinger Mobile Fortress suddenly disappeared from its original location.

At this time, the Mount Fuji area is bathing in a scorching sun, and several players of the Guishou League are squatting in the bushes helplessly enduring the surrounding heat. They are the secret whistle sent by Nobunaga Onishu. Because of the responsibilities of this secret whistle, they can't use magic to cool down, they can only endure the high temperature under the sun. Fortunately, they are hidden in the shade of the trees, so there is no need to worry about direct sunlight.

At this time, one of the secret whistle is chatting with a companion next to him. Originally, the secret whistle should be based on a single person as a unit, and even if multiple people form a secret whistle, they should not talk and chat during the mission. However, this situation is very common in the game at this time.

Players come to play in the game, not to suffer. You ask the member players to go to a place and stand stupidly, and you can't do anything for a few hours after waiting. How many people do you think can stand it? Therefore, the guilds used dual posts for this sentinel task, that is, a group of two, so that at least they can chat in a low voice to relieve boredom. As for why not use NPC guards. Do you still need to ask about this? The NPC guard died but it really died. It doesn't matter if they die on their own, most of th

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