At present, although our guild has no major events, it can also be said that major events are constant, because we are currently in a state of indirect connection with Russian players on the one hand, and on the other hand there are still The threat from the Japanese side. Although neither of these two issues require us to send troops directly, they are all hidden dangers. We need to ensure that we have sufficient standing troops to deal with emergencies, but now we need to build cities so that our troops will be vacant to a certain extent. If the location of the city is not dangerous, it's better to say, but the city that needs to be built this time is located in the tropical rain forest of South America. Even in reality, the Amazon jungle is a very dangerous place, even more how is it in this game where the bigger the forest, the more bullish the monster?

Although the current military strength is a bit stretched, this matter cannot be waited forever. The invasion of the eight-headed snake and the issue on the Russian side are both unresolved issues, and we are not sure that it will happen, and we don’t know when this might happen, so if we just wait like this, it will be completely unresolved. Give up the initiative, because we don't know whether the threats from Japan and Russia will actually happen.

After struggling for a long time, I finally decided to discuss it with the people in the guild. After all, this is also a major event. I can’t make a decision on my own, but I have to think about it.

Because I thought that the eight-headed serpent would invade Isengard, the senior leaders in the guild have recently gathered back, and most of the guild’s main guilds are also on standby. Therefore, I said that the meeting, everyone came. quick.

After everyone in the Conference Hall is seated, of course, they can’t just discuss urban construction issues. If this is the case, I’ll ask directly on the communication channel. The reason why everyone is called here is to discuss Russia. And the cause of the problem in Japan.

After everyone sat down, I first asked Rose to report on the recent guild operations. I concluded that the guild’s strength is steadily improving, and recently it has just entered a stage of violence. The fourth-generation mobile angels have been fully replaced, and some new guild equipment has been put in place one after another. The most important one is that our guild’s flying fleet has now officially started production.

Since the successful completion of the solar furnace technology, the guild can be regarded as the first real solution to the spaceship technical problem so far. Before, our guild had a total of two flying technologies, one of which was a gravity resistance device bought from the Iron Crusade. The advantages of this thing are high lift, low energy consumption, and stable work. But the shortcoming of this thing is also obvious, that is, it cannot move in the horizontal direction after it is started. Although this defect was partially avoided by allowing multiple anti-gravity devices to work alternately through a crawler-type transmission device, this technology is still only suitable for large air units such as Isengard Mobile Fortress, and is not suitable for the need for maneuverability. Flying unit.

The main reason why Isengard Mobile Fortress dared to use anti-gravity devices is that Isengard Mobile Fortress is a fortress, and its own defense construction method is based on the frontal acceptance of enemy attacks. In other words, from the initial construction stage, Isengard Mobile Fortress did not expect to dodge enemy attacks, and its huge size and cost-effective special construction materials also determine its ability to carry any attack from the enemy. It won't be taken from the sky in a few shots. However, Isinger Mobile Fortress is a special case. Most flying units impossible are as impervious to sword and spear as a tortoise shell repaired like Isengard Mobile Fortress. Normal flying units should still focus on speed and flexibility.

Because normal flying units need speed, gravity resistance devices are only suitable for large flying units that do not require maneuverability. Our guild does indeed have another way of flying power. The method is also very suitable for the requirements of high mobility. However, this well-known flying technology has a huge problem-energy consumption.

Our second flight technology is actually the simplest jet engine. Of course, what we guild made is not the actual jet engine that uses fuel to achieve the effect of injection, but another jet engine. It can be said that our jet engine is more similar to the turbofan engine with internal channel structure used in civil aviation equipment. The power output of this engine is not as violent as the jet engine, but the advantage is that the output is stable and the production difficulty is relatively small.

The engine technology currently used by our guild is mainly used for small flying units such as maneuver angels, and we also have some fixed-wing aircraft equipped with such engines. But so far, it is mainly mobile angels that use this kind of technology, and we have hardly developed much of this aspect of airplanes.

Although the real jet fighters are very powerful, if you understand the air combat in the game world, you will find that even if we can copy the real jet fighters into the game completely. After that kind of thing came in, only the abuse was left.

In reality, the aircraft needs to attack the enemy’s aircraft, and relative to the speed of the aircraft, it is almost stationary on the ground or water surface targets. But the real thing in the game is not airplanes, but flying creatures. Those devil beasts may not be as fast as jet planes, but they do surpass jet planes for more than a dozen blocks in terms of flexibility. The turning radius of jet fighters often reaches several kilometers, and it takes half a day to turn around. Those flying devil beasts can turn in place, fly sideways, fly backwards, and even fly somersault in the sky. Whirlpools and cyclones are dead spots for jet fighters, but not for those devil beasts at all. Therefore, in the game, even if there is a fighter jet, it is not the opponent of devil beast than flying ability.

In fact, even if jet planes are more capable of flying than devil beasts, they are not opponents of devil beasts in the game. To sum up the reasons, the first is cost. Flying devil beasts are bred, and the creatures in the game are automatically compensated by the system based on the inventory, which means that wild devil beasts will not become extinct, but you need money to build a plane, and people don’t need money to catch a devil beast. Devil beast is definitely not enough to get off the plane. Moreover. There are missiles that can be used in reality. Although there is guided arrow technology in the game to copy missiles, the guided arrow itself has a speed limit, which is absolutely sufficient to deal with ground and sea targets, but don't count on air combat. Unless you put dozens of hundreds of missiles into a launching nest, and then shoot him out like the legendary torrential rain pear flower needle, you will not hit the flying unit at all. Therefore, the air combat in the game is basically air combat, supplemented by magical attacks.

The fighter is incomparable with the devil beast in terms of flexibility. If you let it go up and fight, what's the difference between this dish? So even with this technology, our guild has only encountered some experimental transport jet aircraft so far, and basically do not expect battle-type. It turns out that it was pure money-burning play.

Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the above two technologies, our guild currently has the most powerful air combat fortress-Isengard mobile fortress and the most powerful small air combat unit-mobile angels. But we have not had an intermediate flying unit so far. And until the latest technology of the Iron Empire and the foreign technology I recently brought back, in the end, the power unit needed by the intermediate flying unit of our guild was finally completely developed. This new type of power structure is a new type of energy device called the solar furnace. In addition to acting as the energy core, this energy device can also have the effect of anti-gravity at the same time, and it does not have the disadvantage of not being able to move after starting, so this kind of solar furnace is almost the most ideal power equipment for small and medium-sized aircraft. Of course, due to technical reasons, there is currently no way to shrink this thing enough to fit into the body of the mobile angel, so the only thing that can be made is spaceship.

The experimental giant spaceship that we brought back to Steel City to complete the final assembly is our first experimental product, and then the two ships that went out to perform missions on the return voyage to the mobile fortress of Isengard It is a small test ship. Now that the relevant technology has been confirmed to be feasible, all the shipyards in this guild are all working hard. After all, this kind of mid-model aerial battleship is a blank battlefield. We currently need a lot of this thing, so we need short-term violence.

"Rose, which models of the spaceship series are currently under construction?"

Rose turned over the information and said: "There are only five models currently under construction. The first model is The super large one you saw last time, but for the time being, we have not yet determined how to classify it in the future. In addition, there are four models that are smaller than one. They will serve as the main force of the fleet. They are divided into three types: large, medium and small. Same level for different tasks. In addition, there is a super-small assault ship designed to carry less than 100 people and no more than 30 meters in length. This assault ship may be used as a battlefield delivery device for important battle strength in the future. Or it can be converted into a battlefield support type or used as a mobile angel rescue ship."

"That is, the five levels are determined according to the size?"

"Currently, it is only a temporary division. For each group, the specific changes in the future depend on the reaction of the battlefield. Anyway, we only have a total of more than 20 ships under construction. The number is definitely not enough. When this batch is completed, wait a few days for the experimental report to be almost the same. It’s coming out. When the time comes, it can be completely finalized after some modification."

I nodded turned to the eagle and asked: "What's the situation in Russia now?"

Eagle shook the head said: "The current situation is quite strange. The Russians suddenly rioted for a while, and then the unfathomable mystery withdrew. For this reason, I also made a few trips to the Northern Alliance and some other guilds to inquire about the situation. At first I thought it was someone who caused a serious injury to the Russian players, but after the investigation, it seems that no such incident occurred, so I don’t know what the situation is now."

Hear this. I turned to the military god and asked: "Are there any surpluses of our current spies in Russia?"

"Almost none." The military god said: "There have been two large-scale conflicts, we and Russia has entered a state of full-scale war. At present, it is very difficult to obtain intelligence from Russia. Our people are often sniped in Russia, and there is no way to go deep. There is nothing to investigate. Except for the basis of encounters. The frequency of attacks roughly judges that there is almost no gain other than the strength of the army in a region."

"It seems that the situation is really bad enough." I thought about it and turned to Asura purple clothed and said:" Asura purple clothed, what’s the current situation in the U.S.?"

"It’s still the same. There are no big battles, but small battles continue."

After a little frowning and thinking about it, I went again. Said: "That's it. In the United States, you change hands and let others be held accountable, and then you take people to Russia to investigate the situation. It is extremely important to find out why Russia withdraws suddenly, and investigate if possible. Will they use troops again on us in the short term? If we want to fight, we will accompany them to fight. It would be a great loss for us to spend a lot of our troops on the border! "

Asura purple clothed nodded and said: "In this case, can I pick anyone? "

I thought about it for a while and said, "I can give you a certain tilt, but you can't ask for it for everyone." "

"I don't want to focus on battle strength. Anyway, to investigate, I want some people who are good at infiltration. correct. "She suddenly turned to Yingquan and said, "Yingquan elder sister will come with me?" Is your penetration technique pretty good in the guild? "

Shadow Spring was just nodded and did not speak, and the real red next to it said: "Then what are we doing?" Now Isinger has concentrated more than 90% of his guild’s battle strength, is it too inappropriate for so many of us to nest here? "

"Your work is naturally there. I plan to start building a city in South America recently, which needs high-end martial power support, so..."

"What should we do if Isinger is gone? "Gold coin interrupted and asked: "The Baqi Orochi guy has only temporarily stabilized. Who knows when the guy's head is hot and he suddenly rushes over." We should always reserve some reserve force, right? "

Hong Yue shook his head and said: "no no no, I think the guild staff should do what they are doing. The high-end martial power of Baqi Dashe is enough to have the guild Divine Race." Even if the strength of ours stays 80%, it is the majority of the chaos. "

"But Baqi Orochi will not come alone. If he wants to attack, the Japanese players will definitely follow suit. We still need regular martial power. "It's rare for Da Guofan to say such insightful words once wisely.

"About this matter, in fact, the results of our last discussion can still be used. "After speaking out loud, I only looked at the people present, and then said again: "This is an enlarged meeting, so some people may not know something. Now I can only tell you that the situation in Japan is not as simple as you think. What I can say now is that Japanese players are actually under our control to a certain extent, but they can't directly control it. So, last time we had planned a way to deal with the invasion of ordinary Japanese players. As for the high-end martial power like Baqi Dashe, I can deal with this. What we need to discuss now is whether we should build cities in South America right now, and what size city we probably need. "

After I finished speaking, I asked the military god to show the city plan that I had discussed with the responsible players in South America before, and the people present all read it and discussed it in groups. In the end, everyone quickly gathered their opinions. Everyone agreed on the construction of the city, and they all supported the construction now, but the specific scale is rather messy. Most people support the construction of a super city. A few people think that a framework will be built first, and then slowly For development, some people think that building a city with the same transit station is almost the same.

The support rate of the three opinions is not too different, but generally speaking, there are more opinions on building a super city. So in the end I decided to build a large city. After all, we are a tourist city that is built, and the scale has a great impact on future income. After all, the players mainly like places with high-grade scales. If you build a city, you are stingy. Well, many people don’t want to go to your place to play. In the end, it might really become a pure transportation hub.

What we want is not a transportation hub, but a diversified one. City, and it is a city that requires a lot of income and funds, so scale is very important to us.

"Well, now that we have decided to build a large city. Then everyone starts to act. Military god, you first make a budget report and give it to Rose. Eagles, Asura purple clothed and Awei, Bailing, you guys are responsible for helping me keep an eye on the Russian side. During this time, don’t let the other side make any more moths. True red, gold coin, and Kristina, all of your three main battle strengths will lead me to South America. Let’s first find out the surrounding conditions of the city construction site. If we should rule out large monster gathering places, we should get rid of it as soon as possible. Unplug it for him, so as not to cause trouble for himself when the monster attacks the city. Well, other people who don't have a mission will go to South America with us. Urban construction requires guards and management personnel, and you all have a share. Ask the army god for the specific division of labor. Do you understand everything? "

"Understood. "

Originally, this kind of large-scale plan, if it is a government department, it is impossible to start the plan for three to five months. And even if it is three to five months, it can only show the efficiency of the government. Very high. After all, in many countries, it is not uncommon for a plan to be proposed a few years ago, and then plan to start construction in seven or eight years. However, that kind of speed is completely intolerable to us. With the existence of the battlefield management computer of the army god, our plan formulation speed can be described as lightning fast, usually a plan can produce results within an hour, and the content of the plan will be accurate to the individual, and the capital consumption is accurate to each copper plate. If this kind of efficiency depends on people, it can’t be done anyway.

We will adjourn the meeting after all the plans have been distributed, and then everyone will start to work on their own. Rose and they will raise funds to raise funds for the building, This matter is a bit more troublesome and requires a lot of manpower. In contrast, my work here is not so troublesome.

Because our guild already has a city in South America, so we directly use transnational The Transmission Formation was sent over. When we got here, the Chief-In-Charge of the Bank in South America had already been waiting for the sender.

"President! "Seeing me and Kristina coming out of the Transmission Formation, the player immediately ran over excitedly.

The Chief-In-Charge of our guild in South America is a very thin person. A young player, saying that he is young is not imaginary. He is really young. I suspect that he is just an adult. This guy is said to have only graduated from junior high school. This kind of education is really amazing in this era. Not too High, but too low. After all, domestic bartering has been popularized for twelve years in 2050, and college compulsory education is now directly popularized. As a result, this guy actually graduated from junior high school. This kind of person is absolutely rare now.

Although the educational background is very low, this Chief-In-Charge is a great person. Don’t think that people with low educational background must be fools. In fact, academic qualifications and IQ are not directly related at all, and our This Chief-In-Charge is also a rather different existence. This guy is said to drop out not because of poor academic performance, nor is it because of financial reasons, but because-I feel that going to school is a waste of time.

This guy He is a genius just like Su Mi. Although not as scary as Su Mi, he is also a genius far beyond ordinary people. He has already completed many things that Academician students did not figure out by himself before graduating from junior high school, except because he didn’t go to college to get in touch with those things. High level laboratory, so the hands-on ability is slightly worse, this guy is basically the same as a regular graduated Academician, and he is not only an Academician, but a three-material Academician. Of course, this kind of person is a strange flower. , His experience cannot be promoted, nor is it suitable for promotion.

After graduating from junior high school, this kid felt that it was not interesting to continue to go to school year after year. Finally, he discussed with his family, because his family He is more open-minded, and he himself is also a rich three-generation boy. Both his parents are those who are not interested in learning. Therefore, his parents are not as strict as ordinary parents in supervising their studies. After all, they are not as strict as their own sons. So it’s obviously not enough to educate his son. Because of this situation, our Chief-In-Charge dropped out of school early, and then he started trying to get in touch with all kinds of things, and he soon discovered that "Zero" is a very good simulation Social system, so he devoted himself to the game, and quickly rose up with his superhuman mind.

Actually, this kid is a special member. He didn’t come to the Frost Rose League to sign up for the membership. We took the initiative to solicit. He used to be the president of a medium-sized guild, and this guild is a rather different guild. They don’t have many armed men in the guild, but there are a bunch of merchants who catch people who buy and sell. Things, they do whatever they want to make money anyway, so Their guild can be described as a very difficult to deal with rapid development in the early stage, and soon to become rich, and the scale of expansion is very difficult to deal with.

However, as I said before. He knows a lot of theoretical knowledge, but has no practice, so various problems arise after the guild grows larger. The first is that there is a military problem. In reality, there are national laws and commercial regulations. Although there are transaction protections in the game, robbery and other things can still be achieved, and it is more direct and violent than in reality. After all, "Zero" is still a game with many combat elements, so various violent incidents here can be said to be endless. However, our Chief-In-Charge does not seem to be very good at these. He is only suitable for some commercial activities. He is completely ignorant of this kind of battle. As a result, the guild that finally expands is first caught by others. After attacking and plundering several times, a traitor came out and went out independently, and also took away a lot of guild resources and talents. In the end, their guild was shaken by wind and rain, and at this time we also found him, and then pulled him into our guild.

After joining the conference, this kid reflected on the previous events. After the event was over, he could see the essence of the matter clearly from the perspective of an outsider. In the end he came to the conclusion that he was not good at fighting, and only had some ability to do business and overall command, so he was sure that it was a wise choice to join the Frost Rose League, because he only needs to be responsible for what he is good at, as for safety. For the problem, other people in the guild are responsible.

"Come, let me introduce you." I let the thin Chief-In-Charge in front of me, and then introduced to Kristina who came with me: "This It is the Chief-In-Charge Jinshan Yinhai of our Frost Rose League in South America."

"Jinshan Yinhai? Your name..." When I heard the name gold coin, I couldn't help but want to vomit. Worse, after all, she is said to be a money fan every day, but she actually meets someone who loves money more than her. Think about this name, Jinshan Yinhai!

Jinshan Yinhai was said to be a bit sorry by gold coin, and then explained: "Before the name was just random, so don't laugh at me. I'm really excited to be here this time. I want to build a large city here, but the guild has not been able to make a move. I have applied for a long time!"

"Before it was either the Russian invasion or the changes in the Japanese structure, the guild was a period of time. The last few are big moves. Where can I take the time to care about the situation in South America." Zhen Hong said.

Jinshan Yinhai does not lie in it, but just said: "Although you think that South America seems to be calm and tranquil, there is no danger, in fact, you have to know that this is a golden nest. There are capable businesses all over the world. The club will set up a reception point here, and then there will be players from all over the world come here to travel. The benefits of this are great, because it is not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, so many people can’t notice it. Besides tourism, South America is also very rich in natural resources. At least there are a lot of minerals."

"I will talk about the issue of minerals. Since we are here, we are going to build cities." I He said that He would let out the two mysterious persons who were wearing robes behind my back, and then said to Jinshan Yinhai: "You must have never seen these two, but you may have heard of their names. "

When Jinshan Yinhai heard what I said, he looked curiously at the two black robed man I let out. After a little identification, he shook his head and said: "I really don't recognize it!"

"Let me introduce it to you." I said with a smile: "This one is Radamantis, and the other is Polsephone. Now you know who they are. Huh?"

"Ladamantes and Polsephone?" Jinshan Yinhai was stunned as soon as he heard the name. After a long time, he suddenly exclaimed: "Hell One of the Big Three, Ladamantes and Porsephone?"

I nodded and said: "Because you said you want to build the elven city, the construction teams in our guild are basically I don’t need it anymore. But these two are just right for this. Polsephone is the Goddess of Spring, and she is best at caring for plants. As for Ladamantis, although it doesn’t seem to be Yes, but he is actually a hidden gardening hobbyist, so these two are definitely the most suitable candidates to build a wizard city."

After hearing this, Jinshan Yinhai said excitedly: "There are two With the help of Divine Race, our construction plan is much simpler. But...Divine Race is not allowed to run around?"

"You said that is the place Divine Race, we are now Frost Rose Divine Race, the guild of the league, so we can move freely within the guild’s sphere of influence, and the world law restricts our guild’s Divine Race, which is not very strong. As long as there are appropriate procedures, we can also be out of the guild’s sphere of influence. Action, only the place and time of action will be restricted to a certain extent, but in general, compared with place D ivine Race is still much better. "

"so that's how it is, then there is no problem. After Jinshan Yinhai finished speaking, he turned to me and asked, "That...President, although I said that I want to build a wizard city, how do you plan to solve the problem of the wizard seeds?" "

The so-called wizard seeds are actually the seeds of various functional plants in the wizard city. Although the name and the specific shape are different, I think this thing is actually the same as the urban buildings used in the construction of ordinary cities. The blueprint is the same thing.

The general city pays a deposit after applying for a building, and then the system will give you a blueprint corresponding to the city you applied for. This is the urban framework blueprint, which contains only the most basic buildings. , If you want to build a beautiful and powerful city, you need blueprints of other special buildings. Our guild thought that we had attacked the Light God Palace in the system city and also robbed the library, so we got a lot of blueprint, after a series of cooperation between us and Dark God Palace, we made a lot of blueprints, and finally built the prototype of Isinger. Of course, Isinger has another special place is Isinger It was originally a ruined magic city. We are restoring the city on the city ruins, so many blueprints have been omitted. This is the real reason for Isengard’s grand scale.

This elven city is just like ordinary Cities are different. They don’t need stone buildings. All functional buildings are plant-by-plant spirit plants. These plants don’t need you to provide building materials such as stones and wood, and they don’t need workers to construct, and they don’t need blueprints. What you need is the seeds of the spirit plant, referred to as the spirit seed, and there is enough special materials.

Don’t think that you can save the construction cost without wood and stone in the spirit city. If that's the case, then now the game is not all elven cities? Is it cheaper to be a fool? Elf city simply does not save money, on the contrary, this thing burns more money than ordinary cities. Although elven city All the plants here are grown. It looks like they don’t need building materials or artificial, but in fact, these plants need to absorb a lot of Life Power during their growth. The source of this Life Power is the Water of Life produced by Tree of Life. .

Water of Life is actually the spring water of the recover one's youthful vigor spring, and the element spring produced by the moon well is called the sacred relic, the two specialties of Elf Race. Because of the extremely high yield of life spring water It’s low and it’s bothersome to transport and store, so it’s hard to get this stuff. However, it’s a must to build a wizard city. It’s okay.

Of course, the system has such obstacles. It is not for the purpose of blocking the player to prevent the construction of the wizard city, so there must be a solution. This method is actually very simple. In the final analysis, it is burning money.

First you have to find an elf tribe, and then make sure that it is just an elf tribe with its own city. After that, you must have a good relationship with these elves, and then when the favorability is enough, you can propose to buy Spring of Life's spring water. Because of the special settings of Elf Race, requests to them will usually not be rejected. Of course, the premise is that the degree of goodwill must meet the standard. However, although the elves are sincere to their friends, they are not Saints who gave away the thing for nothing, and the output of Spring of Life is indeed not high, so they will definitely explain to you that this is something that can’t be done, and the output is simply up to. Not your request. However, the elves will not cut off your hope, they will tell you the solution. This method is to use magic spring water to water the Tree of Life, and then the Tree of Life will produce a large amount of Life Spring water.

Of course, the magic spring is as rare as Spring of Life, so the output of the magic spring is not enough. But unlike raw Life Spring water, Moon Well has a BUG-rank ability, that is, it can transform magic crystal into Moon Well water, which is magic spring water. So, you have such a solution, that is to throw magic crystal into the moonwell, and then use the magic spring water produced to water the Tree of Life and then get Spring of Life.

as everyone knows, magic crystal is basically a strategic material, more expensive than the actual oil. You said that using this thing to replace Life Spring water, what is the difference between it and burning money. And, the most important thing is the scary low conversion ratio. This is why there are very few elven cities in the game, and almost all of them are system cities. The main reason is that the cost is too scary and no one can afford it, so everyone would rather trouble to build a more normal city. As for the wizard city, they have been selectively forgotten by everyone.

We have a certain reserve of Spring of Life, and we have a lot of money, we can use magic crystal piles, this is not a problem. However, planting trees always has seeds. This seed is also a problem. The seeds of the spirit plant are not ordinary seeds. The Elf Race thing is almost not sold to the outside world, and it is not bought with money. Therefore,

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