Obviously, the fit skill will not interfere with the judgment of that tree. It still accurately recognized that I was the one who broke into the defensive circle before, so this time it directly activated the comparison. The second stronger attack method.

"Damn!" "Come back!" "Be careful!"...

The Divine Races watching from the rear screamed almost at the same time, and the reason was because of the tree opposite. The energy response on the power has actually increased to a very terrifying level, and its strength has reached an astonishing level.

Although I heard the reminder from the rear, what would you like me to do in this case? The thing on the opposite side used a beam attack. I simply couldn't dodge it. I can at least resist it with eternity if I stay still. Once I turn around, I will definitely die.

Amid the shouts of everyone, the tree-top doji on the opposite side finally shined again, a very thin beam of light flashed by, and at the same time, there was a burst of eternity in my hand. Great impact. It is said that the light beam should not produce impact, although in theory light also has quality, so there should be impact when the light hits the surface of the object. However, this impact should be extremely small, even impossible to measure. But now I not only feel the huge impact force, even the eternal in my hand is about to be released and fly out. Fortunately, eternity can be deformed. Eternal directly extends the hilt of the sword and fixes it in my hand before it is completely released. , This is just barely flying out.

Although I haven't let go forever this time, I still feel uncomfortable. Let alone the huge power in my hands, my body started to smoke, and at the same time I felt a terrifying heat spread to my body, and even my hands started to feel hot. Fortunately, for a while Can bear it.

This attack is obviously different from the previous ones. Previously, the beams were flashes and fleeting, basically short shots, each lasting less than 0.5 seconds, but this time the beam actually irradiated me continuously for up to five or six seconds. My hand felt high temperature in the first second, and it became very hot in the second second. By the third second, there was only severe pain in my hand, and at the same time, my body started to feel hot. a feeling of. When the beam entered the fourth second, my hand no longer hurts. It was not that the opponent's formidable power dropped, but my hand was completely insensible. At the same time, I felt severe pain throughout my body.

When the time enters the fifth second, the pain in my body has begun to decline. This is a manifestation of the overall loss of control of the body's functions. This feeling means that the body is close to the edge of collapse. However, in the end the ray extinguished before I died, and as the beam's emission ended, I was forcibly pushed from the tree's defense range to the outside of the defense range by the beam.

Those Divine Race waiting next to me saw the end of the beam on my side and immediately rushed up. Vina, who was running at the front, screamed as soon as I supported me. Divine Race heard a croaking sound as if pieces of meat fell into the pan. But Wiener didn’t care much about her hands, she just added a layer of divine force to her hands and she supported me again, and at this time, I had lost all my strength and collapsed, if it weren’t for Wiener Supported me in time, it is estimated that I will have been lying on the ground quite corpse.

"Quickly, this is the edge of the tree's attack range. We retreat quickly. There is no guarantee that the thing will not suddenly expand the attack range." Hades calmly suggested.

After hearing a word, Vina picked me up and ran back. Everyone ran out for more than a mile before daring to stop. At this time, the gods surrounded me again.

Porsephone came over and pressed a hand on my head, which had been restored to normal mode. After a second, he said, “Fortunately, it’s just a severe burn. I dropped one third, it’s not too serious.” After speaking, she directly performed a Rejuvenation Technique on me. Although the Rejuvenation Technique has nothing to do with the divine force of Goddess of Spring, as a Divine Race, there are some general healing techniques.

To be honest, Polsephone’s Rejuvenation Technique really helped me a lot. The attack just now treated me as a barbecue. Now my whole body is in severe pain, and as soon as Polsephone’s Rejuvenation Technique fell, I immediately felt a cool sensation from head to toe. It felt as if after running the whole marathon on the main road in a summer afternoon, suddenly entered a room with an air-conditioner turned on, and the person who felt really cool was about to groan.

"Purple Moon, how do you feel?" Vina laid me on the ground and asked aloud.

I sighed a little weakly: "I feel almost cooked. The attack of that thing is to use energy to roast people. Eternal helped me offset about 60% of the damage at the time, but the rest I still didn’t block 40% of this!"

Radamantis said, "It’s not bad if you can survive. I thought it was done when the thing started. That energy has completely surpassed the main god. The full strength attack of level existence is already. It’s already very powerful that you can hold it for five seconds!"

Hearing what Radamantis said, I sat up with a support and looked at it. Bian's tree said depressed: "But before Nuwa told me that I had to get close and smear my blood on the trunk to gain command of that thing, but now how are we going to get there?"

Hearing what I said, the surrounding Divine Race frowned and thought, because the attack of the formidable power of that thing is indeed too scary. More importantly, the previous blow of this thing is many times larger than the formidable power of the previous blow, and now we can’t be sure that this is the limit. In case it can continue to improve the formidable power, what should we do?

"Otherwise, we will join together and use divine force transmission to build a common defense. The opponent is just a fixed turret and will not turn. We can completely turn the protective barrier into a small oval. , As long as we block people like us. In this way, the defensive power is highly concentrated, even if the thing raises the formidable power, we should be able to at least take the next blow."

I thought about it for a while and looked at it again. Looking at the surrounding Vena and others, in the end it was nodded and said: "The method is feasible, but it needs to be modified a bit."


"en. You still form a defense Circle, but I want to stand in the forefront.” I took out the Black Tortoise Armor film as I said, and said, “If you can block the next blow, it’s best. The Tortoise Armor film releases the Black Tortoise guardian, and at least it should be able to carry the remaining power after the defense is penetrated. When the time comes, you just need to take me to run out of the attack range before that thing is fired again."

"Okay, just do it." Vina stood up and shouted: "Everyone come and line up in a straight line, let's build the strongest divine force shield. I can't that thing can penetrate us so much A shield built by Divine Race.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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