"Defense...that thing is about to attack!"

"Divine Shield...defense!" Jingjing, who had been preparing for a long time, was almost immediately in front of me He squatted down and raised the Holy Shield in my hand to point to the direction of the big tree over there. After Jingjing was ready, I quickly squatted behind her and hugged her from behind, blocking my dragon shield. In front of her. In this way, there are two top-level Divine Item level shield protections, and even the full strength attack of the main Divine Grade should be easily blocked. But... the energy index of that thing... can it really be blocked?

Although everyone is as insecure as I am, hesitate at this time is useless. Just as our preparations were just completed, the cross star at the top of the big tree over there suddenly flashed, and a beam of light appeared in front of us in the blink of an eye and centered on the cause in front of the Holy Shield. An energy shield formed by the skills of the Holy Shield.

Only heard a loud explosion sound, the land in front of us was directly exploded into a big hole, but Jingjing and I did not feel any vibration, which means that the Holy Shield completely took over This attack.

"en?" I frowned in confusion, and then quickly asked Jingjing: "How do you feel over there?"

Jingjing also shook his head in confusion:" There is no formidable power at all, at most it is equivalent to the powerful attack of ordinary players."

The attack power of ordinary players basically has no harm to personnel of my level, even if it is a powerful attack, That is not enough, maybe only their full strength attack can pose some threats to me. However, this attack was only equivalent to a powerful blow from an ordinary player, not even the limit of an ordinary player. This feels a bit loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain. There was obviously such a strong energy gathering reaction before, but this formidable power... always feels wrong.

Although the formidable power of the attack is very low, this attack is not useless for us. At least we know two important pieces of information. The first is that we know that the attack method of this thing is beam attack, and it seems that the beam has a blasting effect. The second is that we know that this thing launches a real beam attack rather than a pure energy stream attack.

In "Zero", many players, monsters and NPCs can use the glowing straight line attack. These attacks, no matter what their skills are called, or their formidable power, at least they all look the same, they are all like lasers. But in fact, these attack methods can be classified into two categories in terms of characteristics. One of them is an energy beam attack, and the other is a real beam attack.

The category of energy beam attacks occupies the majority of all attack methods that look like lasers. It can be said that as long as they look like laser attacks, ninety-nine percent of them are energy beams. attack. Although this kind of attack looks like a beam of light, it is not actually emitting light waves, and although the speed of these beams is fast, they are far from reaching the speed of light, otherwise you think those are jumping around on the battlefield. How did the high-sensitivity warrior that went to avoid those beams? Even if the agility of those people is high, it is impossible to avoid the laser? The flying speed of the laser is 300,000 kilometers per second. Even if the opponent shoots 300 kilometers away, the reaction time left for you is only one thousandth of a second. What is enough time for? Even for Dragon Clan, it is impossible for us to make correct judgments and dodge in such a short period of time. Therefore, although these energy beams look fast, they are not really the speed of light. The faster ones are only several times the speed of sound, and the slow ones are even subsonic. Even the supersonic assaults of birds are faster than them. . Of course, even at subsonic speeds, it is not everyone who dodges. After all, the battle between players in the game usually will not exceed 500 meters. At such a distance, even at subsonic speeds, it is more than one second. Not to mention that you need to see the beam before you can start to judge its path and plan to dodge. Even if you tell you in advance when the opponent will attack and the attack route, in addition to those with more developed motor nerves, there are still more than 50% of people who are flashing. Not open.

In addition to the energy beam attacks that account for most of the above, there are real beam attacks in those attacks that look like laser beams in the game. The characteristic of this attack is that what is emitted is an energy beam with a forward speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. Judging from the fact that the combat distance in the game generally does not exceed 500 meters, the evasion probability of this attack is zero. There is no way to dodge it at all.

Let’s not talk about whether the agility of high-sensitivity players can support the body to make movement actions in such a short time, even if you are given a body that can do those actions and can be in a few hundred millionths. The motor nerves that react within seconds, you still can’t turn away, because the opponent’s attack moves at the speed of light, that is, when you see the beam, you have actually been hit. After all, your eyes receive The light that arrives is also emitted by the opponent, and the opponent's attack and the light are at the same speed, so if you see the light, it means that you have been hit.

The formidable power of that tree’s attack just now is indeed not great, but this guy’s attack method is exactly this kind of extremely rare beam attack, which is completely unavoidable and can only be carried hard. After all, no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than the speed of light!

"Hey, Purple Moon, what's the situation?" Seeing that we successfully blocked a blow, the peacock standing outside the attack range couldn't help but shout.

I just wanted to turn back to answer when I heard the voice, the cross star on the top of the big tree over there suddenly shined again, followed by a loud bang, we obviously felt a slight vibration here, holy The protective energy barrier on the shield can no longer withstand all the formidable power of this attack. Of course, even so, the defensive energy field of Divine Shield was not penetrated, only a slight vibration occurred.

"What's the situation?" I asked Jingjing in front of me again. After all, she controls the Divine Shield, and she knows the formidable power of the other party best.

"The strength of the hit just now has increased from the last time, about twice the formidable power equivalent to the full strength attack of a normal player."

"Is it up so much?"< /p>


When I heard this, I frowned and thought, while muttering in a low voice: "Could it be that that thing is testing our defensive power?"

< p>Even though we knew that the tree had offensive power, we never thought that the thing would have intelligence at all. In our imagination, the thing should be mechanical defense, and there should not be any intellectual behavior. However, although it cannot be said that the thing has human-like wisdom in the current situation, at least it can be judged that this thing has reached the wild. The basic intelligence of beast Level 1, at least it can analyze the enemy's strength and make tactical adjustments.

The time interval between the previous 1st Strike and the second strike was about seven seconds, but after the second attack, the interval was less than three seconds, and the doji on the opposite tree tip suddenly flashed again. , I heard Jingjing groaned in a low voice, and the Divine Shield of Light in front of me shuddered violently, and there were even cracks in some places. It was obvious that the energy barrier was in jeopardy.

After this attack ended, without me asking Jingjing, she already reported by herself: "The formidable power of the attack has risen again. This attack has reached the level of a full strength attack of first-line players, and it may be slightly more than that! "

"Damn, this thing is really testing our defense!"

I tone barely fell on my side, and the doji flashed again immediately, accompanied by Jingjing screamed, and the Holy Shield in front of her shook violently. At the same time, a large number of dense cracks appeared on the rays of light-shaped achievement of Saint Shield, and the cracks were still increasing sharply. It only took more than a second. He heard a crisp cracking sound, and the huge Divine Shield of Light was completely shattered and disintegrated, and then the beam of light directly passed through the Divine Shield barrier and hit the body of the Divine Shield held by Jingjing.

Usually when the Aegis is unfolded, a shield of light composed of light is deployed in front of it. Its body does not directly withstand the attack, but the body of the Aegis is actually ten times that of the Aegis of Light. With the above defensive ability, it seems that the Divine Shield of Light was completely defeated, but the Divine Shield still carried the attack. However, there is one difference between the Aegis of Light and the entity of Aegis, that is, the Aegis of Light has a capability called time and space inlay, which means that it can embed itself on a space barrier. When it is attacked, the space will bear all the forces such as vibrations, impacts, etc., and only the parts that cannot be completely resisted will be transmitted to the body of the shield and Jingjing behind. However, the Divine Shield body does not have this ability, so although we resisted the attack this time, we were forcibly pushed back by the beam for seven or eight meters away.

"Damn it, isn't this thing's attack going to rise far?"

"I don't know, but the blow just now has reached the level of your master's powerful attack."< /p>

I thought for a while and said: "Let’s go in and try again to see if that thing can increase the attack formidable power infinitely."

"It’s not possible in theory, but it needs I have tried to be sure."

Because we were pushed out by the attack beam just now, we have actually left the attack range, so we had to go back again. This time, unlike last time, the tree reacted super fast. As soon as we entered the attack range, the thing immediately began to attack.

Jingjing and I, who re-supported the Divine Shield skills, once again assumed the last defensive posture. Thanks to the tree, it needs to gather energy before each attack. This process takes about a few tenths of a second, although Because of the nature of light, we can't dodge, but this time is enough for us to make defensive actions.

The beam accurately hit the barrier in front of the Divine Shield again, but it was clear that the tree had memory capabilities. Even if we have left its attack range, it still remembers our defensive power, so this time it directly used a higher attack power. The Aegis of Light in front of the Aegis was completely defeated without even holding for 0.1 second. The beam followed by hitting the Aegis in Jingjing's hand, and then the two of us were immediately forcibly smashed out by the attack.

Although the two of us were knocked into the air, there was a group of great gods standing behind, of course we were impossible and fell to the ground. In fact, we were supported by a gentle force just as soon as we were smashed into the air. When we were put on the ground, Hades immediately asked: "Just now there was a high level Divine Race attack for formidable power, are you two okay?"

I nodded and looked towards Jingjing. Jingjing immediately replied: "Nothing, but I feel that if the thing raises the formidable power, I can't stop it!"

"Or I will try it?" Hades once again suggested.

I flatly refused his request. "You don't need to take risks here. I'll go. Just now it wasn't all my strength." As I said, I directly drew out the eternal lift and shouted to the sky: "Divine Domain-fit."

My familiars appeared next to me instantly, and their phantoms quickly merged into my body. Finally, when the fusion was completed, not only the entire energy fluctuations throughout my body, but also the shape of the armor changed.

I have seen all of the people present in my combination mode. They know that in this mode, I can stand alone against the main god. With such strength, of course, it is enough to test the formidable power of that tree, even if the other people on the scene are only this in the past.

I didn't go over immediately after the integration was completed. Instead, I first merged Jingjing's holy shield with my eternal, but did not turn into a shield, but appeared in the form of a knife. Of course, what eternally maintains now is not the general knife shape, but the shape of the ship sword, but the size is much smaller.

The ship-cutting knife is a knife used to deal with battleships. In addition to its large size, this type of knife also has the characteristic of its thick back. The reason for this design is of course because the ship-cutting knife needs to resist the battleship armor, so it needs high strength, and the thick back means more weight, so it has greater inertia when swinging. This inertia allows the ship-cutting knife to have the same slashing ability as an axe. This is one of the reasons why the ship-cutting knife can break through the armor of the battleship.

The eternal use now is the shape of the ship sword used by the mobile angels of our guild. The blade is long and straight, without any curvature, and a long sheath is buckled on the back of the blade. The cross-section of the sheath is "concave", and it is directly stuck on the back of the blade to increase the strength and weight of the blade. Of course, if you are dealing with highly mobile targets, this part can also be removed. If the sheath is removed, the shape of the sword is actually like a Japanese sword with no curvature. Of course, the ratio of the blade is slightly larger, and the blade is wider and thicker, which should be closer to the shape of a Tang sword.

The reason why I use a knife instead of a shield is because eternity has the cutting law, so I can cut the opponent's beam attack, so that I don't have to take a direct attack, but just withstand the collateral damage. This is why I chose a knife instead of a shield. Of course, this was not enough. In order to increase defense, besides using Jingjing's skills and Holy Shield, I also realized the outer shell of the tank. In the combined state, I can use all the body shapes of the familiars, their equipment, skills and everything, and I don't need to keep their prototypes, I can realize them in my body shape.

Now that I am wearing a shell and the eternity in my hand, I should at least be able to resist a few more times, right? After all, that thing has an energy limit, so I think it is impossible to increase the attack power infinitely. As long as I take the strongest blow of it, I can know how much the formidable power of this thing can be. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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