Chapter 169 Discovery of the Lair

The girl who is running desperately didn't expect my speed so fast, I actually chased her behind her in a short time , After looking back at me, she immediately began to speed up and flee, trying to avoid my pursuit, but her judgment is incomparable with me, I can jump at intervals of three or five magic arrays, but she can barely guarantee that one is next to each other. Jumping down one by one, this speed is naturally not as fast as I am, so even if she is in a hurry, she can't pull the distance.

"haha, you don’t have to work hard, you can’t run away with me." I chased while observing the opponent’s reaction. From the obvious acceleration of the opponent’s movement and one of the mistakes, you can see that this woman Very nervous, she could make mistakes at any time. So, I started to stimulate her with words. As long as she makes a little misjudgment, she may not be able to fall on the magic array, and when the time comes I have a chance.

Sure enough, when I heard my call, the woman slipped her feet, and when she took off again, she was obviously not high enough. When she reached the next magic array, she did not accurately land on the magic array. She just clasped her hands with both hands. The edge of the magic array stayed there just like when I first tried the characteristics of the magic array.

Just when the woman was struggling to climb up, suddenly the magic array uploaded with a bang. The woman looked up and looked towards the top of the magic array, only to see me slowly turning around to her Looked over. After seeing me appear, this woman realized that she couldn't get rid of my pursuit, but she still didn't plan to give up.

"You are not allowed to come." The woman suddenly untied the rope tied to her waist, then stretched out the box with one hand, and just hung herself on it with one hand. Devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence threatens me at the edge of the magic array: "If you get close to me, I will throw this thing down, at worst, none of us want it."

, I am not actually worried. That's right, she can really throw things down, and if it's a normal player, she really can't get things up again. There is a forbidden air field in this place, even if it can fly, it is useless, and the bottom is not bottomless, and there is no way to go down. In such a place, once something falls, it is really never trying to get it back. However, this is all for other players. For me, this woman's threat does not constitute any deterrent at all, and the reason lies in my dragon's tendons and eternity.

Longjin cable itself has a characteristic, that is, its length is unlimited. As long as I need it, the dragon's tendons can be stretched to any length, even if they are pulled down from the moon, they are long enough. If it is launched upwards, the rope throwing device of the dragon tendon can launch the cable head vertically up to a height of 500 meters. Of course, the effective height is usually only 200 meters, because the cable head has no power after it actually flies to 500 meters. , Even if it hits something, it is impossible to insert the cable head to fix itself, so 200 meters is the effective range. However, now this woman is obviously impossible to throw things up. When she lets go, things will fall down. If the dragon's tendons don’t launch upwards, they can fall down theoretically. After all, gravity will drag. The cable head helps me increase my range.

Because of this characteristic of the dragon's tendons, no matter how the woman throws it, I can make the head catch up with the box. As for the eternal purpose, it is mainly used as a grappling hook. Eternity can be deformed, and the speed is very fast. I can make Eternity attached to the cable head. When I reach the box, Eternity can stretch out to change the shape and grasp the box. At this time, I only need to pull the box and come back. NS. So, the woman would be fine even if she threw the box down.

Because I have no fear, so I don’t care about the threat of the woman at all. I just step forward, and then deliberately said evilly: "It doesn’t matter, if you have the ability, you just throw it away."

The woman obviously didn't expect me to say that. After a little bit of a daze, my brows suddenly loosened. As soon as I saw this expression, I knew she was going to throw it away, so I was ready to rush out and grab the box with the dragon's tendons. However, just when I felt I was determined to win, the woman did something unexpected and reasonable. She did throw away the box as I expected, but what surprised me was that not only did she throw the box out, she also threw it out with herself. In fact, the box was still in her hand, but her hand hanging on the edge of the magic array was loosened.

"Fuck me, don't you need to be so determined?" Seeing the woman's reaction, I rushed to the edge of the magic array, and then my right hand stretched out the magic array and shot the dragon's tendons at the woman. .

Hang the eternal dragon's tendons long ago and shoot out, and then accurately shot one of the woman's arms, and followed the eternal transformation directly around her arm, so that she fell off Can't go on anymore.

The woman felt that she was being held in a daze, and then immediately reacted and threw the box in the other hand down. As soon as I saw her move, I immediately shook my heart, and quickly stretched out the left hand holding the edge of the demon array. Fortunately, there are two dragon tendons, and fortunately, just a part of the eternity was attached to the cable head, and now there are spares.

pu' sound light sound, the dragon tendons on the left arm flew out immediately, and then instantly passed the woman's side moved towards the box below and flew over, hanging outside the cable head The eternity began to deform in the air, gradually turning into the shape of a claw ready to grab the box.

The woman saw the cable flying by her side, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes. Then she twisted her body abruptly to let herself swing over, and then kicked another cable with force. The purpose is obviously to destroy my plan to snatch the treasure chest.

Although this woman is very dedicated, it is a pity that there is a big difference in strength. Seeing her movement, I immediately let the cable take-up of the right hand take up and lift her up, so that a horizontal pulling force was generated, which made her almost miss the cable and follow The dragon tendon on my left hand hit the center of the box with a sound. Eternity, which had been deformed a long time ago, closed like a trap, and locked the box tightly at once.

The woman sighed immediately when she saw the box being caught. She didn't expect that she did it all by herself, but she still couldn't grab the thing. As for me, I was shocked in a cold sweat at this time. I had planned well, but didn't expect this woman to jump off the cliff with the box in her arms, which made me super passive and almost failed to catch the box.

After a little exhaled, I started to control the left hand reel to pull the cable back, and the box was also hung up. However, just when I thought the mission was completed, a strange air current suddenly came from the pitch-black valley below, followed by the dumbfoundedness of me and the woman flying out from below. Head.

This head is very huge, at least more than 30 meters long with a single head. The shape of the head is a bit like a python, but the skin is not smooth, but it seems to be made up of a pile of rocks. Seeing this thing, I was also taken aback for a while, but this thing did even more amazing things. I saw that thing jumped up directly from the darkness, then opened the mouth of the incomparable gigantic and bit the whole box in. Then this guy's body began to sink, feeling that it was not climbing up, but jumping. Coming up. It should have reached the limit of its jumping height now, so it started to fall.

It doesn't matter if the monster falls down, the key is that the box is in its mouth. To make matters worse, the dragon tendons are still hanging on the box.

Just when I reacted and prepared to let the dragon's tendons and Eternal loosen, the cable was already stretched, and in the next second, my whole person was suddenly pulled out of the magic by a force majeure. The array fell down, and the woman was not much better. When I fell, she immediately fell down with me.

The big guy didn’t know how he jumped so high, he actually led us all the way down, feeling the sound of hu hu in my ears. Although I wanted to resist, this place is forbidden. , I couldn't fly at all, so I was dragged down by the monster helplessly. However, even so, I did not intend to give up.

Seeing that the monster below hasn't landed yet, I quickly drove the cable to shrink, and then pulled me closer to the monster. The monster is now biting the cable and the box, and will not let go, and if it let go, it will be more beneficial to me.

Because of the traction of the cable, I quickly fell in front of the monster, and the monster did not bite the box as I thought. I probably felt that this thing was just a hard lump and was not delicious, so the guy gave up and continued to bite the box, but opened his mouth and tried to bite me.

Looking at the monster's huge opening like a highway tunnel, I quickly pulled the box out of it. Almost the moment the box started, I remembered the system hint of task completion.

Ashford asked us to complete the task. Kristina and Nightborne are all official task personnel, so as long as any one of us gets this box, it is considered a task. finished. I just dragged the box back to my hand, basically even if I completed the task, so the system hint task was completed.

Although there will be many rewards for the completion of the task, what I care about now is not these, but that the task limit is also cancelled as the task is completed.

This place does not restrict summon pets or anything. The reason why we cannot summon is because of mission restrictions, not restrictions on this place. As soon as I got the box, even if the task was completed, the restriction was automatically cancelled.

Without the mission limit, my strength is equivalent to returning to full state, except for the four monster familiars that have been released: Tank, Victoria, Mira and Yeyue, they need to use recall skills to pull them back to my side. In addition, other familiars can be dispatched at any time, and the most important thing is that the door of the earth can now be opened. With this ultimate refuge, I don’t have to be afraid of any high level creatures. At worst, I hide in the gate of the earth. No one dared to rush in anyway, and those who dared to rush in proved how high God is with their lives. not to be trifled with.

After successfully obtaining the Summon qualification, I have noticed the crack in the end. You can already see the ground below from me, and the bottom of this place is not dark, but there is light. Although I am very curious why this place is like this, but I am not the time to think about it now. Quickly summon out of Ye Ying, and then one turned over and climbed on his back, and then a cloud of black smoke appeared in front of us, Ye Ying stepped into it, and in the next second, it rushed out of a sudden smoke on the ground. come out.

Nightshadow’s dream teleportation has the ability to change the direction of movement. Even if it was falling downwards before, the direction of movement can become horizontal when we appear here now, that is to say, what is the inertia? In Ye Ying’s body, there is actually not a very intuitive manifestation, as long as after a dream jump, he can change our inertial direction to any direction we need. More importantly, this change will hardly make Yeying and I feel any uncomfortable, or even feel any change, as if I have been running in a straight line without any change.

Because of using the Dream Shuttle, Ye Ying and I landed one step earlier than the monster, and the monster hit the ground with a bang after we appeared, shaking the surrounding area. A burst of rubble flew around on the ground. Two seconds after the monster landed, there was another boom. This time the woman landed, but she has neither my strength nor the monster's physique, so she is the most normal response after landing among the three of us, directly It fell into a pool of mud pie, and the internal organs and blood splashed out of the boss, looking quite disgusting.

"ao..." The monster roared first after landing, and then got up from the ground. Although he fell from such a high place, this guy seems to have a way to offset part of the impact, so the fall is not heavy. The previous falling speed, in terms of his size, if it hadn't used some means to counteract the impact, it shouldn't have fallen to the ground now, but would fall through a big hole.

When I saw that monster landed, I didn't mean to let it go. The shape of this thing looks like a plesiosaur with eight long legs. The shape is very strange, but apart from its big head, I don't feel any threat, so I didn't plan to keep this thing.

"Lucky, plague, kill that thing."

Although the two giant dragons are not small, they seem to be elephants and crocodile in front of this thing. The giant dragon's body is several times smaller than this guy, but it's not bad. Although the two dragons are not as big as this guy, they are much stronger than this guy. It seems that this thing is just a little bigger, and its strength may be around 1,500. It doesn't have any specialties other than high blood and defense, and it moves very slowly, which is faster than giant dragons. All the creatures in the fight are left to be bitten.

After putting down this big guy in twos and threes, he shook his head and said: "Looking at the big guy, didn't expect it to be so useless!"

"It's alright. Come down first and help me check the surrounding situation."

Fortunately, when I heard what I said, I immediately jumped off the huge monster corpse, and then flew in one direction along the passage, and the plague Needless to say, he flew in the other direction.

This place is the bottom of a canyon with cliffs on both sides. Although the distance is large, it can basically be regarded as a roadway. That’s why I let Lucky and Plague explore both sides. Fortunately, he came back soon, and then told me that he was going to the end not far ahead. The top was a vertical mountain wall, and he flew up to more than 100 meters and entered the forbidden air field. You can climb up along the wall, but it takes a little effort.

Since the lucky side has hit a wall, there is only the plague side. Didn't expect the plague side will come back soon, but it is different from the lucky side. The plague is not a dead end. , But encountered a diversion.

After thinking about it for a moment, I still tried to connect to Kristina with the communicator. Fortunately, the blocking was over after the mission, and the communication was established immediately.

Just as Christina asked if I had anything to do, I heard Ashford’s voice intervene and asked: "Purple Moon, have you got that thing?"

"I got things in hand, otherwise how do you think the task was completed?"

"Oh, that's good, that's good!"

"How big you are!" I cursed angrily: "You're all right, I'm in trouble here."

"Ah? What trouble can you have?"

"I fell It's in the ditch!"

"In the ditch?" Ashford obviously didn't know what I meant.

Kristina asked: "Boss, did you fall under the cliff?"

"Correct, and I seem to be unable to find a way back!"


"Then do you need our support?" Kristina asked.

I thought about it and shook my head and said: "No, you go back first, don’t forget the two new members I have received, and take them along. Mira and I will summon them directly. You don't have to worry about it."

"Why is my mission reward half?" Ashford interjected again.

"Can I still eat your reward?" I said badly: "I will give you things when I go back. Now I can't get out. You have to come down and accompany me in a hurry. ."

"Eh, forget this!"

"What a shameless fellow." I cut off the communication anger and summoned Mira and all of them back first. Sent into the training space, as for luck and plague, it was temporarily put away. It is better not to bring too many people around in non-combat state.

Following the direction of the plague said not too far, I really saw a fork in the road. In fact, this place cannot be completely regarded as a fork, because a main road is still extending forward, but there is a considerable crack in the rock wall on my right. The height of the crack is at least more than a hundred meters, and the widest place below is more than ten meters wide. Such a big crack, deep and dark inside, is completely different from the outside environment.

There is a glowing blue mineral on the ground in this place, but it is all dust, and it will be blown up a little by the airflow as I walk around. The dust illuminates the ground nearby like a street lamp, but the problem is that there is no such thing in the crack, so the environment inside is completely invisible. Of course, this has no effect on me.

Looking at the situation on both sides a little bit, I finally decided to summon Bailang to be responsible. It is better to leave professional matters to professionals.

Bailang deserves to be a professional maze guard, he is very adaptable to the environment of this place. He stood up on the crack and smelled it, and then moved to the main passage to smell it, and then Bailang said without the slightest hesitation: "Let’s go to the crack."

I didn’t even ask. The reason is directly in the cracks.

In such an unfamiliar place, of course I would not let the Pathfinder duo pass. Bailang and Darts rushed forward to explore the way for me. In such an environment, they can play far more than me. Strong investigative ability.

"I don't think this is a good place." Bailang said aloud after walking not far.

I turned my head curiously and looked at him and asked: "Why do you say that?"

"Because there is an unpleasant smell in the air." It was not the white waves that answered me. The darts are Fox Race after all, and the nose of the darts is also good.

"What kind of smell do you mean by the unpleasant smell?"

"Smell." Bailang replied very simply: "The air is full of a very unpleasant smell. The smell of corpses, like the stench of rotting corpses, is mixed with other smells, in short, it is not a bad smell."

"The smell of rotting corpses?" I heard this reminder as if thinking of something Something is just impossible to be sure for a while.

"Since it is smelly, why choose this place?" Ye Ying suddenly asked.

Bailang explained: "There is a smell of sulfur in the question on the other side, indicating that there is lava in front. When this kind of place encounters lava, it can only show that the passage is deepening, but we are going to go out. The passage is obviously wrong. Although this crack is smelly, it is mixed with the smell of soil and grass. It is something that can only be found on the ground, so you can go out here."

Yingying Did not answer the call, but nodded to move on.

Because the cracks are wide, the road is not difficult to follow. In fact, it's okay even if it's hard to go. The flexibility of the white waves and darts allows them to walk vigorously even if the floor is full of glass marbles, while the night shadow simply floats, completely ignoring the ground conditions.

When the white waves were sure that there was no danger nearby, we had to move a little faster, and then we as it should be by rights quickly passed through the crack area, and then entered a larger area underground world.

Although this place is the underground world, it is not dark, and a lot of white light spots can be seen above the head. Although I don't know what is emitting light, it is certain that the white light spot should not be a dead object, because they are constantly moving.

Under the shining of these things, there is a large piece of Underground World below. However, there are no plants in this area, at least no traditional plants. I only saw something that looked like a sarcoma squirming on the ground. Even though this thing looks very problematic, I didn’t intend to provoke these things. After all, this thing doesn’t look like a harmless thing. Besides, this thing is covered with slime and disgusting when I look at it. I really don’t want to touch it. These gadgets.

Shipping between these disgusting sarcomas, we soon reached the other end of the underground world. Here we see a new channel. Compared with the previous cracks, this passage is obviously wider, and the inside is flatter, and it feels as if it has been artificially processed.

From this passage, we quickly passed through, and then entered a cave that was not very large. There is still that kind of white light lighting in this cave, but this time I finally saw the source of the white light. This is a kind of worm. It's about five meters in length, and it's big, but it's not disgusting. After all, everything is glowing, and it looks like a moving fluorescent tube at best.

Thanks to these worms, the light here is still a command, but on the ground, I saw a lot of things like stones.

If I usually see something like this somewhere alone, I would definitely think it is a big rock with a strange shape, and then ignore it, but here, I suddenly realize These things are not what they seem to be.

First of all, these things are very similar to the appearance of the sarcomas I have seen before. It feels like a meat ball wrapped with a lot of huge blood vessels, but all of them are petrified.

Secondly, in addition to the shape, I also found that these things are all the same size. If you see a single piece of this kind of thing elsewhere, it must be regarded as a stone, but it is not normal to see hundreds of these things all at the same size at a time.

"This thing is alive." Before I had time to check it out, Ye Ying said something first.

I was surprised at first, and then I reacted, Night Shadow is a nightmare, he can invade other people's thinking, so if it is a creature, he should be able to sense it.

"Are the previous sarcomas alive?" I asked aloud.

Yeying shook his head and said: "No, those that looked like alive before are actually dead. Those things have no souls, and their life force is declining rapidly. Although these things look like stones , But there is a healthy soul in it, and the life force is also very powerful."

"I feel that this is not a good thing." Bailang said. I looked towards Bailang again, and Bailang explained: "I said before that there is a smell here. The smell of this thing is exactly the same as that, but the smell is very weak."

"The smell you talked about before is caused by this thing?"

"No. These things have the same smell, but the one I smelled before is definitely not this thing, because there are even heavier ones before Taste. Besides, I seem to hear a very noisy sound in front of me."

I am not too worried about the words of Bailang, because I have roughly guessed something, and all I need to do now is to verify it.

Jumping off from the back of Ye Ying, I walked to one of the spheres and reached out to cover it. Each of these circular objects is close to the shape of a sphere, and the diameter is generally more than two meters, usually between two meters two to two meters three, and the error is very small.

When I pressed my hand on one of the things, the star pupil immediately read out the attribute of this thing.

"Damn, it really is this thing."

After seeing the attribute, I finally understand what this thing is. The attribute just now clearly shows the name of this thing-Noisy Nest (Hibernation).

Noisy Nest is actually the producer of Noisy Banshee. Noisy Banshee is a branch of the hawk Banshee, and the hawk Banshee is rarely reproduced by sex. Most of the hawk Banshee are born from a mother, and this mother is not an oversized hawk. Banshee, but a tree-like creature.

This kind of thing that looks like a big tree is actually a living thing, not a plant. After it takes root in a certain place, it will continue to produce the eagle Banshee, and then the eagle Banshee will expand out to occupy the territory. After a while, the creature will produce new copies of itself, and the eagle Banshee will take the initiative to copy Take the body to other places to let it fall to the ground and breed. If necessary, the hawk Banshee will also clean up nearby creatures that may threaten the growth of this thing. Therefore, this kind of plant and animal-like thing is the mother of the eagle Banshee, and the eagle Banshee itself does not reproduce.

Some people who know Western monsters may think that this characteristic of the eagle-body Banshee resembles a foul crow. That’s right. In fact, Banshee and Smelly Crow are close relatives. The relationship between the two is about the relationship between humans and monkeys. The two have a common initial ancestor. The difference is that their ancestors left a long time ago. Take a different route into Dao Transformation.

The foul crow has evolved into a creature that wins purely by numbers. It reproduces super fast, but the individual consciousness is weak. The eagle-body Banshee has developed into multiple variant factions, many of which have High wisdom, and the battle strength is also reasonable.

The stone-like things I saw in front of me are actually the brood that produces the local hawk-body Banshee, which is the noisy Banshee. As long as this thing grows up, it will continue to produce the eagle Banshee. The born eagle Banshee will be responsible for protecting this thing from being attacked by other creatures, and will prey and come back for absorption by this thing. At the same time, the eagle Banshee will also help this thing to spread its copy, thereby generating more The Eagle Banshee.

Of course, the same stones that I see now are not the normal condition of these nests. Under normal circumstances, these things should be a bunch of fresh flesh, just like the ones seen before. The difference is that the ones seen before should be energy-exhausted individuals, and they will be consumed by the energy stored after they are produced. I didn’t find a place to grow when I was exhausted, so I entered a state of extinction. The stones here are in a dormant state, just like animal hibernation. When food is scarce, dormancy is used to reduce consumption and prolong life. .

I saw so many noisy Banshee attacking us when we passed the cliff. I guessed that there must be a large number of such nests nearby, otherwise it is impossible to make so many hawk Banshee. . After all, the hawk Banshee is different from the foul crow. The smelly crow is a kind of creature that can be infinitely violent. As long as a smelly brood can produce an unlimited amount of smelly crows, as long as the food is available, these guys can make a Legion in just a few days. The evolutionary direction of the eagle-body Banshee alone has increased the strength and wisdom of the single body battle, while limiting the number of bodies. Noisy Banshee are quite prolific in the hawk Banshee family, but even so, they still need the support of the nest. A noisy nest can only support more than a thousand noisy Banshees. There will be a certain difference in the number of support between the nest and the nest, but the error is generally only a few to a dozen. The most noisy nest is just to support a thousand noisy Banshees. It is more impossible. Of course, if the noisy Banshee dies, the lair can continue to produce noisy Banshee to fill this gap.

The number of noisy Banshee I saw on that cliff before was at least 100,000 or more. I don’t know how many there are in the further darkness, and Kristina shot down tens of thousands. The number of opponents has not seen any decline. From this, it can be estimated that the number of noisy Banshees here is at least several hundred thousand, or even millions. Calculated according to the number of supports of the Noisy Nest, the number of Noisy Nests here is at least hundreds, or even nearly a thousand.

Because every noisy nest can produce a split body at regular intervals, so if there are hundreds of noisy nests here, there will be a lot of split bodies. In fact, the generation of this split body does not have much controllability. The Noisy Nest can deliberately suppress the number of splits, but it cannot completely prohibit it, so even if it is unwilling, it will still produce splits every once in a while. The split bodies that we have just seen waiting to die should be split bodies that cannot be arranged to grow after they are produced. In the end, they can only be left there to wait for death. After all, the split bodies can only last for a while after they appear. It will wither and die if it finds a place to grow. Those dormant splinters should be the reserves of these noisy nests, so that they can be occupied immediately after finding a suitable growth environment. However, even if they are dormant, those guys don't mean that they can stay alive, but they can hold on for a little longer.

I am not interested in this dormant noisy nest, because I can't control it. If you want to make Banshee noisy, you need the kind of fission that is in its exuberant period, neither the dying nor the dormant. I can't save the dying, and the dormant needs other adult noisy nests to wake up. I don't have that ability.

Since we know that all the splits here are dormant, then we can be sure that there must be a large number of broods in front, and there must be vigorous splits around the broods, as long as I find them and Take it back and it will be developed.

Noisy Banshee is just a very useless hawk Banshee, but these guys can evolve into Netherworld River Banshee, that's a good thing. If this is to bring back a lair, then I can completely equip our guild with Netherworld River Banshee. I feel very excited to think about it. Not to mention the battle strength, even if you look at it, it's very eye-catching. Although Netherworld River Banshee is a monster, few normal men dislike it. After all, these Banshee's figures are too beautiful, and they don't like to wear clothes much. More importantly, even women like these Banshee because their feathers and the only covering on their bodies are very beautiful. Moreover, Netherworld River Banshee has a camouflage skill that can change the image of a designated target. Although it does not last for a long time, it is very suitable for girls to try on clothes. Although this skill is a decoration for male players, it is enough for girls to have such a skill.

Although considering the appearance and support ability of Netherworld River Banshee may be very popular, but I want these Netherworld River Banshee more main purpose is to take a fancy to the power of these creatures. After all, Netherworld River Banshee is also very good at fighting. Although there are a bunch of untuned skills, their main battle skills are actually very good, and these guys can fly after all, which is very cheap in battle.

Although I have already thought about adding battle strength to the guild, I have limited troubles now. The main reason is that Christina is not by my side.

Before in the canyon, don’t look at us, and passed away easily. It was all because the humanoid fort of Christina blocked the attack of tens of thousands of noisy Banshee. But the problem is that now Kristina has been sent back to the guild by me, and now it is a trouble to call her back.

Because Kristina is not here, I am very anxious now. Without Kristina's air defense vitality, we alone don't know if we can handle so much noisy Banshee here. We have to know that we have seen nearly a million noisy Banshee at the edge of the hanging rock before, but this is the old nest. Noisy Banshee, even if it strikes against us, should n

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