Chapter 168 Pursuit

The place where the woman got in was a small hole like a dog hole. Fortunately, I could also go in. Behind the cave is not another room, but a passage that is almost vertical downwards. As soon as I entered this passage, I felt my body sink down, and then I started to fall. After falling for a short distance, I quickly felt my feet jump to the ground, but the passage did not end at this time, but the inclination became smaller, but I still couldn't control my body to stand up.

Sliding all the way down the passage, and soon I saw a bright light appeared in front of me, and immediately after I got out of the passage, I flew out directly from an exit in the middle of a cliff. When the person is still in midair, I spread my wings and searched at the same time, and it only took 0.1 second to lock the target.

The other party is running away, but she moves in a strange way. Except for the cliff behind me, this place is surrounded by an empty darkness, with no edge at all, but in this darkness there is a row of blue magical arrays just suspended in the void. These magic arrays are basically round, but there are jagged protrusions on the edges, and the internal structure is quite complicated. The diameter of the magic array is about one meter, which is not very large, and the thickness is almost invisible, because this thing is composed of light, not a substance.

These magic arrays are all suspended in the air in a horizontal direction. Although there are some height differences, in general they should be arranged in a straight line, but the distance between the arrows of the two magic arrays is If it's a little big and can't fly, normal people will definitely not be able to jump over it. However, what surprised me was that the woman in front was jumping down one by one with ease on the magical arrays, as if playing jumping grids. Some of the arrays were clearly separated by more than 100 meters, but she It was a relaxed leap, and it felt as if her body had no weight.

Because the woman's condition was abnormal, so I took a closer look, and soon I discovered the secret. It turns out that every time the woman falls on a magic array, the magic array will be shiny. It feels like she didn't rely on her own strength to jump over, but the magic array bounced her over. These magic arrays floating in the air are like catapults. As long as you step on it, it will bounce you up, and the angle and strength are set. As long as you don’t move, you can fall accurately. On the next magic array.

Because these magic arrays are closely connected one after another, the woman is like a rabbit who has always been clever and bounces away on the magic array quickly.

Although I have figured out the principle of the woman's jumping, I don't want to follow it. Why do we bother to jump the grid if we have wings? I speeded up and flew forward, but when I thought I could easily catch up with the woman, my body suddenly sank. Although I flapped my wings desperately, I didn’t mean to fly. . There is a forbidden area in this damn place!

"Fuck me!" Feeling the body falling rapidly, I hurriedly twisted to aim at the cliff behind and drive my fingers, pu' sound, the dragon's tendons flew out, and then nailed into the rock wall with a dub sound Among. The high-speed rotation of the wire retractor quickly pulled me towards the cliff. My legs spread out and stepped on the cliff accurately. Then, while continuing to take up the wire, I ran all the way up the vertical cliff.

It took ten seconds to run back to the original height, and see that the woman in the distance has only a small spot left. I quickly searched for the location of the nearest catapult platform, and then the whole person squatted like a big frog. Above the cliff. Aiming at the platform, my legs suddenly exerted force on the rock wall, and at the same time, the barb of the dragon's tendons automatically retracted and no longer fixed me on the rock wall, and my whole body moved towards that The side platform flew over.

Twisting my body in the air, my hands stretched forward and snapped the edge of the magic array accurately. With force from the waist, the body hanging under the magic array swayed forward, and then kicked the bottom of the magic array with a violent kick, followed by rebounding with the body, and fell from the edge of the magic array to the top of the magic array.

Fortunately, the magic array will eject anything when it touches anything unexpectedly. Obviously, this thing also needs to be activated. Since the magic array itself is translucent, the lines above are very clear. As long as I can interpret these lines, I can know the principle of the magic array, but the problem is that I don’t have time to do this now. Reverse interpretation of the magic array is very time-consuming. Yes, so I can only figure out how to do it myself. I tried to stand on the edge of the magic array, and then my body leaped forward forcefully. Originally, I thought the magic array would activate and eject me out. Who knew this thing didn't respond. I only jumped out for five or six meter away and then started to fall down. I was so frightened that I quickly turned around and shot the dragon's tendons again and wound it around the magic array. Thanks to the jagged protrusions on the edge of the magic array, otherwise this thing is really round and can't hang.

Back to the magic array, this time I started to change the test method. First, I injected magic power into the magic array under my feet. Of course, it couldn’t be more. This time I only injected a little magic power. Then I only felt that when the magic power was input, my whole person was suddenly bounced. I bounced up to a height of two meters in place. With my physical fitness, of course, I fell down steadily.

With this successful test, I have a rough idea of ​​how this thing works. This time I adjusted my posture and aimed at the next platform and took off suddenly. At the same time, I injected more than a dozen units of magic power into my feet. I immediately jumped up and jumped tens of meters like a rocket. The distance flew to the sky above the next magic array. However, when my body started to fall, I suddenly started to worry again, because my flying distance was obviously too large. The body directly passed the second magic array, and moved towards the blank area between the second and third magic arrays fell.

"His grandfather, this thing does not automatically calculate the ejection distance!"

After figuring out the reason, I hurriedly shot the dragon's tendons again and directly entangled the third demon. array, and then dragged myself over as soon as I took up the line. Re-climbing the magic array, this time I won't worry about it. Knowing the specific working method of this magic array, the operation is simple after thinking about it. According to the distance between the two magic arrays, the magic power is used for conversion. One point of magic power is equal to two meters, just divide the distance by two. Because I have an electronic brain, accurate calculations are not a problem, even if there is a deviation. As long as it is no more than 20 meters, I can drag myself over with the dragon's tendons.

With this guarantee, I started jumping towards the fourth magic array, and this time I calculated my strength. The result is very good, it falls exactly in the center of the magic array.

With this experience, I immediately started chasing forward, and I didn’t jump one at a time. I relied on strong magic power and accurate calculations. I often jumped at a time with three or five magic arrays. Much faster than that woman, and soon followed her not far behind. "Haha, let's see where you go this time." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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