"The king."

"I got it."

With my reminder, the king disappeared from the spot, one second It appeared directly next to a stalagmite on the side, and immediately saw the long sword in his hand flashing, with a thud, the stalagmite directly turned into two pieces and fell down. As the stalagmite fell, a silhouette flashed from the back of the stalagmite and flashed behind the other stalagmite. However, before the shadow flashed behind the stalagmite over there, the king stood next to the stalagmite first, and the long sword in his hand was directly handed out, which happened to be placed on the white shadow's neck.

"You can choose to resist, but I guarantee that the next sword will never show mercy. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Hanas Banshee was originally a kind of Everyone has a headache when everyone sees them. Although their strength is not particularly strong, but their abilities are too partial, most people can only passively be beaten when they encounter these guys, and they can't fight back at all. However, as a heroic spirit, the king itself is a semi-spirit physical state, which means that the king and Hanas Banshee are actually a type of creature, at least in terms of body composition. Therefore, Hanas Banshee's most troublesome damage immunity ability is completely invalid in front of the king. In addition, Hanas Banshee's strongest attack methods are Illusion Technique and Spirit Attack, and the additional attributes of the heroes are "firmness" and "soul eye". The effect of firmness is simple, it is to resist all Spirit Attacks, such as charm and hypnosis, which are all useless to him. In addition, the eye of the soul is actually equivalent to a constant version of the real horizon. The difference is that the real horizon requires magical support, which is a short-lived magic, while the eye of the soul is a constant attribute. As long as the king does not die, this Ability will not disappear.

Because the king has these abilities, Hanas Banshee, who is a headache for others, is completely abused for the king. Hanas Banshee's special ability is useless to the king, and Hanas Banshee's own attack power is the lowest even among creatures of the same level. Generally, for a race with super special ability like Hanas Banshee, its basic attack and other attributes are generally very good. This can be considered a balance made by the system. Although Hanas Banshee is a high-level unit after all, even if its attack power is within the same level, its actual damage output is not really low, but the problem is that the king is a melee unit, and the damage is even a blood bull type. The warrior can't fight him, not to mention Hanas Banshee is a special department, and it is still a law department. The blood of all special creatures will not be too thick, and the legal system is notoriously thin, so Hanas Banshee is completely eaten in front of the king, and there is no way to fight back.

The threatened Hanas Banshee did not move, but the other party did not speak either, obviously still not convinced. This kind of monster living in a closed environment is more difficult to tame even if he has intelligence. After all, he has no contact with the outside world, has no awe of powerful strength, and always feels that he is the most powerful, so he will not easily be subdued. Of course, we don't mind establishing a correct world view for her, but now I would rather be able to deal with her simply, after all, I am not here to run a literacy class.

"How many Hanas Banshee are there?" As I walked to the restrained Hanas Banshee over there, I asked the elite king Knight beside me.

The elite king Knight shook his head when he heard my question: "I don't know about this. Hanas Banshee is a creature that likes to hide. We have nothing to do with them, just I have been in peace and nothing. Regarding their situation, I only know that the number is not very large, and the others are not clear!"

"That's it!" I thought about it or walked to Hanas Banshee. Then he took a look at the Hanas Banshee in front of him.

Although Hanas Banshee is called Banshee, don't think that monsters must be ugly. In fact, there are still many monsters that look more beautiful than humans, and Hanas Banshee is considered an outstanding type even among these beautiful monsters. In fact, even people who have never seen Hanas Banshee can guess that Hanas Banshee will never grow ugly with a little reasoning, because they are not combat creatures, but rely on auxiliary abilities for spiritual charm. Creatures with a hideous appearance generally either live in an environment that does not require eyesight, and beauty and ugliness are meaningless to them, or they are offensive creatures themselves. The hideous and hideous appearance helps to deter the enemy and play a deterrent effect. In contrast, if you are an auxiliary creature, you will generally try to make yourself look more beautiful, at least not so obtrusively. An excellent appearance can help reduce the probability of being the first target. Therefore, creatures of auxiliary class or long-range Attack Type are usually softer and more beautiful than melee creatures, while creatures with charm skills are more likely to be better than normal creatures. Beautiful, because you want to charm the enemy, you must at least know what kind of things the opponent is easily attracted to. Therefore, charm skills require the owner to have a normal aesthetics first, and if your own aesthetics is more normal, usually the creature itself It will not be too abstract. After all, if a creature has a more popular aesthetic, then it will definitely choose the one that is too ugly in terms of mate selection. After a period of natural screening, naturally there will be no grotesquely shaped individuals. . This is a very natural law.

Hanas Banshee not only has charm skills, but is also a standard support creature, so these guys are very beautiful. However, I think the reason why Hanas Banshee is so beautiful is actually related to their ethnic origin.

In fact, Hanas Banshee is not a natural creature, they are not directly produced. Before each Hanas Banshee becomes a Hanas Banshee, she must first become a Lich, and Lich itself is an undead creature transformed from living creatures, so Hanas Banshee is not produced through natural reproduction. It's a creature created by Lich's transfer. However, Hanas Banshee has no affiliation with Big Lich. When a creature becomes Lich after death, there will be two branches of evolution. One is to strengthen to become Big Lich along the line of Lich, and the other is to mutate to become Hana. Banshee.

The Hanas Banshee in front of me was obviously a natural elf when she was alive, because her ears are very pointed, and there are a pair of butterfly-like wings behind her, but the color is not gorgeous, this is A common feature of the Lich-like creatures that the elves have evolved. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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