"In fact, this thing defensive power of scavengers is not strong. If it is in their growth environment, it is really difficult to deal with, but this kind of place is much easier to handle." I said to the elite king Knight around me: "You can just follow my requirements in a while."

Actually, my method is very simple, it's just to use fire. Carrion worm is a kind of undead creature, itself is a negative energy creature, and after all, it is an insect, it is certain to be afraid of fire. These guys' bodies can only be supported in the flame for a few seconds before they are finished, so in such a place with an isolation door, it can be said that simply is not a problem.

"You all step back and go far away." I said to the undead creatures around me.

"You are not going to use the light magic scroll? Those scavengers are not very afraid of that thing." The elite king Knight thought I wanted to use the light magic scroll, so he kindly reminded him.

I shook my head directly and said: "No, I want to use fire. You are all undead creatures, step back to avoid accidental injury."

"We are not afraid of fire either. Ah." said Knight, the elite king.

"Of course I know that you are not afraid of ordinary fires, but I did not intend to use ordinary flames." As I said, I said to the undead creatures that haven't moved much around: "I want summon Phoenix, you If I don’t leave, I’m going to be burnt."

Shuangxue also said: "Should I hide first?"

Although it is my demon, There will be no conflict or accidental injury between Frost and Snow’s abilities, but Frost is a Frost system after all, while Xiaofeng’s is a Dark and Flame system. The Flame System and the Frost System are two deadly rivals, so Shuangxue and Xiaofeng still feel a little uncomfortable together.

"Okay, you can go back first. I'll change people to work afterwards." Let Shuangxue go back first, and then let the undead creatures retreat a little bit, and then I start summon Xiaofeng.

As soon as Xiaofeng appeared, the surrounding temperature rose by more than ten degrees. After all, it was a closed fantasy. If the open environment is nothing, even if Xiaofeng controls it in such an unventilated place It is also difficult for one's own strength to not affect the surrounding environment at all. However, Xiaofeng has an advantage, that is, she is a black Phoenix with dual attributes, rather than a simple Fire Phoenix. This determines that she can transform her energy form. Just after the surrounding temperature rose a little, it started to drop again, and then it even became a bit colder.

Hell Flames is not used for heating, in fact, the temperature is lower as it burns.

"Master, what can I do if you tell me to come out?"

I pointed to the door: "There are many scavengers behind, can you help me clean it up?"< /p>

"Oh... to clean the insect? Isn't it okay to be so disgusting to change the individual?" Although the attributes completely restrain these carrion insects, Xiaofeng is also a female after all.

"This is really more suitable for you, so..."

"It's all right, I will deal with it." Xiaofeng also knows that my request cannot be refused , So I didn't explain it, let us start directly.

To let Xiaofeng go to clean the insect, you need to open a slit under the door. Although Xiaofeng itself has the ability to deform, but at least there must be a half-foot-high gap before she can go, so we still Use a crowbar, but this time you can’t use ice to support the gate. In order to ensure that the door can be held up, I had to divide eternity into two parts. One part continues to be used as a crowbar, and the other part becomes an I-shaped support frame. As long as we lift up a little for eternity, we can automatically deform and support a little. Our strength has been stretched upwards to prevent the gate from falling down or it can be done easily. After all, the eternity after solidification is almost indestructible.

Everything is ready, we start to pry the door, because the elite king Knight can’t come over, so Ling and I will be responsible for prying the door. Fortunately, using the principle of leverage, the door can be lifted a little bit without much effort. .

Xiaofeng needs a half-foot-high gap to get through, but the scavengers don't need such a big gap to come over. In order to prevent the scavengers from taking the opportunity to drill here, I let Xiaofeng stand at the door, and no longer suppressed his own energy. The billowing flames surging in the passage, scared the undead creatures behind them and quickly retreated.

Sure enough, we just lifted the door up here, and the carnivorous insects over there immediately rushed over from fierce and unafraid of death, but they didn’t expect to stand here. A Phoenix, the insect that just rushed over immediately screamed and struggled on the spot, and then it burned to black ashes in less than two seconds. The subsequent insects felt that the flames here did not dare to rush forward. , Can only scream back.

After finally raising the door high enough, Xiaofeng immediately became smaller and drilled over. As soon as she passed by, there was a loud explosion sound, and a large amount of flames rolled out from under the crack of the door. Obviously Xiaofeng had completely expanded his flame domain, and we could hear the opposite from here. Come, the insects were burned in the flames to the crackle of an explosion.

"OK, let Xiaofeng burn first, let's continue to pry the door."

When Xiaofeng walked away, and there was no fire here, we started to make the door crack wider. , After the opening was almost high, I called the elite king Knight to come and help push the door completely. After the gate was automatically closed, we saw a scorched passage. There are gray dead insects all over the ground. Although these insects still maintain their pre-death form, they are actually burnt to ashes. As I walked over, along with the air current I brought up, the insects made of ashes were directly powdered in the wind and scattered all over the place.

Seeing that the passage that Xiaofeng cleared out was not bad, we continued to walk forward.

The passage controlled by the scavengers here is much longer than imagined. At a fork in the road, we actually saw an insect entity as big as a bull. Although it is the size of a bull, this is actually a half-insect. The remaining half is already ash, and the latter half is also highly carbonized, which is obviously almost burnt.

Our side is preparing to find the right path forward, but didn't expect Xiaofeng has already returned, and he still carries a black skull in his hand.

"What is this?"

"Skull." Xiaofeng put the skull in front of us and said.

"Of course I know this is a skeleton. I was asking why you brought a skeleton back?"

Xiaofeng said: "Because this guy was not originally a skeleton. I burned it into a skeleton."

"Have you met a player?"

"A dead player." Xiaofeng explained: "I originally planned to bring the body I came back, but unfortunately there was an Insect Queen over there. I accidentally burned the body when I was fighting with it, and only this thing was left."

"What was he like before?" I showed her a screenshot of the player in the demon camp and asked: "Is that the person inside?"

After looking at the picture for a while, Xiaofeng pointed to a person and said: "It's this Guy."

"It seems that this guy is a player in the demon camp. It seems that we are not far away from them."

The elite king Knight squeezed in and said:" The front is not far from Hanas Banshee’s residence, and at most three gates can be reached. Shall we make some preparations in advance?"

"Hanas Banshee is still your own way , I won't touch it anymore." Xiaofeng also didn't like contact with Hanas Banshee, so he went straight back to the training space.

I also know that Hanas Banshee is a more troublesome creature, so I put away all the familiars except Ling, and didn’t even leave the white waves, but then I took Ye Ying summon came out.

The night shadow came out not because I needed a mount, but because the night shadow was not afraid of Hanas Banshee like the king.

The real attack method of Hanas Banshee is actually the mixed attack method of Illusion Technique and soul attack. Their direct damage to the player is actually not high, mainly because the Illusion Technique of these guys is too powerful. , Many people have given their own results in Illusion Technique. Yekage is a nightmare and has the ability to manipulate dreams, so Hanas Banshee's ability is also one of the professions for Yekage. It can be said that they are not afraid of each other. Of course, if you want to directly harm Hanas Banshee, you still want the existence of the king, and the ability of Night Shadow is mainly to limit the ability of Hanas Banshee to play a shield and containment.

"Okay, we are ready here." After the night shadow was released, summon played the king, and after thinking about it, he also wanted to release Princess. Even this time is completely safe. I have almost all the soul experts around me, so even Hanas Banshee can't do anything to us.

The elite king Knight saw that I was ready and started to take us forward. In addition to the scavengers here just now, the passages behind became ordinary undead, these all are able to communicate Undead, so the problem is not big. After passing the three gates, the 4th gate appeared in front of us. The elite king, Knight, stood in front of the door and said to us: "This is where you are going. When you enter it, it is no longer the area of ​​the cemetery, but another natural cave. This cave is connected to the cemetery. , But it was not artificially constructed. There is the Hanas Banshee site. My men can only send you here, but I can move on with you."

"It’s okay, just here. Okay, you can go back if it is not convenient."

"No." Elite King Knight insisted: "I'd better send you in. Hanas Banshee is dangerous, but also not. To communicate, at least she will not attack us for no reason."

I agree with the elite king Knight on this. Hanas Banshee are just relatively powerful undead creatures. They are not mental disorders. If the creatures are close, of course they attacked as it should be by rights, but for us, they should actually be considered safe. biology.

After confirming that everything is ready on our side, we finally opened the last gate.

Behind this door is also a section of tomb passage, but this passage has advanced less than five meters, and a large hole appeared in the right wall of the passage. The outside of this big hole is pitch black, and you can't see anything at all. The elite king Knight said before that this is a natural cave, but it was accidentally dug through when the cemetery was built, so there is no torch like a torch inside the cemetery. Although the brightness of the torch is not very high, it is at least not black. Fortunately, we are not afraid of darkness, so this darkness has no effect on us. As for the mixed-race MM who follows us... She is actually already not in behind us. She was terrified at the carrion bug before, so she didn't dare to follow us anymore.

Because we are either undead or have night vision capabilities, we don’t need lighting at all. The team walked directly into the darkness in this way.

Although it is not a cemetery, the road here has obviously been repaired. At least the ground is flat, but the surrounding walls become a typical cave terrain. The rocks on the walls are grotesquely shaped. There are no two It is heavy, and some stalagmites can be seen on the ground from time to time, and there are many stalactites above the head. These are things that can often be seen in normal crypts.

"hehehehe......" We had just walked in this dark environment for less than two minutes, and suddenly we heard a very harsh laughter. This is actually one of Banshee's logos, just like the company's logo.

If it were a normal person, suddenly hearing such an echoing shrill laughter in this pitch-black cave with no fingertips might be scared of the soul, but we were not afraid at all. The one who led us was an undead creature, walking by my side were Nightmare, High Rank Demon, and the real ghost of the King. What do you think I am afraid of? I almost have all the scary things I can think of in the dark.

"Hello, I am the King Knight in the nearby cemetery. I have something to ask you. Can I come out and meet you?" The elite King Knight shouted directly. Anyway, we didn't come here to fight, of course we called out people first.

"hehe hehe..." A closer and clearer laughter appeared, but it was not as bad as before. Of course, this sound can still scare normal people to their hair.

"little fellow, no one told you, is it very impolite to use soul snooping on a High Rank Demon?" Ling's voice was angrily uttered, as was the laughter on the other side Stopped abruptly.

It was a little quiet for ten seconds. Just when I thought the other party had run away, we suddenly heard a few footsteps on the top left rock wall, and then we saw a gray Silhouette flashed behind a stalagmite on the right, but the silhouette disappeared again in the next second.

"What's the matter with this guy?" Princess pulled me and asked, "Sister Ling should have a 100% suppression effect on dark creatures?"

"You said That is the dark creature under the Dark God Palace, which is obviously wild!" King Bangling explained.

To put it bluntly, this Hanas Banshee here is a country monster. He doesn't know what High Rank Demon is. As a result, because I don't know, I am not afraid. After Ling reported his identity, he still didn't come out. Of course, even if she does not come out, we still have a way to get her out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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