"This...this is for me?" Looking at the scroll in his hand, gold coin was already a little bit incoherent with excitement.

"Of course, this thing is most suitable for you." I said to gold coin: "The rewards in this mission are simply tailor-made for you. I specifically came from Anubis. I helped you out."

"President, you are so great." Gold coin exclaimed excitedly: "I will do the task now." After speaking, gold coin turned and left, obviously The intention is to complete the task immediately.

"Hey!" Seeing the gold coin energetic and bustling were about to leave, I quickly grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back. "Did you make a mistake? Just look at the task rewards and go out? Did you read the task introduction?"

"Introduction?" Gold coin remembered to go back to the front to read the introduction after hearing my words. This task introduction clearly states that the content of this task requires at least two people to complete, and the difficulty of the task is also high level difficulty. Even if her attribute is very good, such a high level task is impossible and can be done by yourself. . The reason why I often do tasks alone is because I am an animal trainer, and my familiar can play a similar role as a multiplayer squad, so I can do tasks alone without having to find someone to team up, but gold coin can't. Although her battle strength is very good, she needs the number of people instead of strength when encountering certain situations. Therefore, although her battle strength is only slightly worse than mine, she can't complete multiplayer missions by herself.

"Did you finish it?"

"en. "After reading the introduction, gold coin put the scroll into my hand, because she already knew that she was useless holding the scroll After all, she can't accomplish this task alone, so she can only ask for my help, so instead of putting the scroll in her place, it's better for me to save trouble. However, although she has given up one person’s plan to do the task, gold coin did not give up the plan to complete the task as soon as possible, so after handing the scroll to my hand, she immediately began to ask: "When are you going to help me? Do this task?"

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Of course." Gold coin said as it should be by rights: "I spend every time I fight Money is just like running water. You don’t need money, of course, you don’t know my pain!"

Seeing gold coin is really anxious, and I didn’t continue to tease her. "Okay, I know you are in a hurry. I called you all to help you complete the task."

"Now?" Gold coin asked in surprise. She thought I would wait for a while to help her.

I explained: "The invasion of the Yaqi Orochi is imminent. Masaka Matsumoto will not be able to delay it for long. I want to raise your strength to the strongest state before the battle occurs, so this task It must be done as soon as possible."

"Can you make it in time?" Zhen Hong asked worriedly beside her.

"It must be too late. Although the difficulty of the task is very high, it is a combat task. There is no need to waste time. If the strength is strong enough, it can be pushed all the way."

"Then we are now Go ahead? Go early and finish early." Zhen Hong urged. She is not in a hurry to help gold coin with equipment, nor is she really worried about the attack by the eight-headed snake, we have no time to complete the task. She is eager to find an opportunity to test the newly acquired equipment. Although you can see that the performance of the soul weapon is very good by looking at the attribute, there is no way to fully understand the characteristics of the use of this equipment without testing it in person. Besides, new things are available, who doesn't want to try them as soon as possible?

Since I have decided to do the task, of course I will not deliberately delay the time. We have not left here at the teleportation hall, and turned around and went directly into the Transmission Formation. In seconds, we have all walked out of the Transmission Formation on the other side.

"Where is this?" As soon as Transmission Formation came out, Real Red and gold coin were both stunned. Zhenhong didn't see the scroll at all, so she didn't know the content of the mission. Although Gold Coin had seen the scroll, she didn't look at anything other than the mission introduction and the prizes. It wasn't that she was sloppy, but because she cared too much about the equipment that saved her from spending a lot of money on equipment, so she didn't have time to look at the other things on the scroll.

"I said you can calm down a little bit?" Turning around and holding down the gold coin that was jumping on the spot, I put the scroll back into her hand again. "Gold coin, you are in a very bad state, do you know? I know you want this equipment very much, but aren't we preparing to get it? Your current mood is so impetuous, if something goes wrong in the fight, you Just say goodbye to this equipment. Do you really want to keep using those Flying Swords now and do it once in a battle in the future?"

"I...I...I also know to calm down , But I just can’t calm down!"

"It seems that your mental quality still needs more exercise." Zhen Hong said as she took the scroll and opened it, she looked at it.

gold coin retorted unconvincedly: "You have got the benefits, of course you are calm in your heart. I haven't got anything yet!"

"It's just because I didn't get the things. It should be more calm, after all, you haven't got that thing yet, why are you so excited?" Zhen Hong said while looking at the scroll. As a person participating in the mission, of course, she needs to know the content of the mission, so she also needs to read the scroll.

"Really red is right." I held down the gold coin and said: "Calm down, keep your usual state. If you play abnormally, this equipment may leave you, so you must be calm Come down."

"I will try my best!"

"Not as much as possible, it must be done." I said, pointing to the lower scroll and said: "The first thing you do now Just read it all calmly and carefully analyze the problems that may be encountered during the mission. Don't think about what equipment is not equipped, it will distract you."

"Oh, I see. "

The gold coin that I scolded was finally quiet. While she and Zhenhong were studying the mission scroll together, I left the Transmission Formation first and ran outside. Checked the situation.

The place we just appeared is not in the city, but a wild teleportation point, and this is a one-way receiving array, which means that we can only receive people who are teleported from other places. There is no way to send people out.

Transmission Formation has a small area, and the main body is a circle with a diameter of more than three meters. The Teleportation Formation Platform carved with stone slabs is surrounded by a circle of walls built with strips of stones, but the walls and the surface of the Transmission Formation are completely covered by green vines. People step on it as if standing on a carpet, feeling under their feet. It's soft, but it's different from the carpet at home. The naturally formed carpet is not very smooth. There are many criss-crossed ridges and depressions formed by the roots of plants.

After exiting the teleportation point that looked like a devil's turret, I first looked back at the full picture of the teleportation point, but this look made me stunned. I originally thought that the teleportation point we were at was just a small isolated house in the wild forest. Who knew that this small building was not independent. Just behind us, behind this teleportation point, there is actually a towering castle where the perseverance is. However, this castle has obviously not been inhabited for many years. From the outside, you can only see the outline of the castle and the few rocks that are occasionally exposed. Most of the places are completely covered by plants. The most exaggerated is that a big tree grew out of the window of the Castle Lord building in the city. The roofs of one third have been lifted off.

"Damn, what's the situation? The Wizard of Oz?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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