The meaning of Anubis and Kohopura is obvious, they just want to get more Power of Faith from me. After all, this thing is too important for Divine Race. So even a relatively stable Egyptian Divine Race is a bit unstoppable. However, although this is their strategy, I think this pit is pretty good, and it's nothing at worst to jump in.

This Power of Faith is actually similar to the real money. You say it is important, right? It is indeed very important. However, although it is better to have more money, once it reaches a certain standard, more money is actually meaningless. The Power of Faith is the same. Some is better than nothing, more is better than less, but more than a certain amount is meaningless. The Power of Faith in our guild is already in a state of meaninglessness. So, since this extra part of Power of Faith is meaningless to us, wouldn't it be right to exchange something meaningful? So, I don’t even care about Anubis and Kohopura’s bundling sales. If they are willing, I will be happier if I bundle more things up.

"If I buy the Kingdom of the Dead and Wrath of the Scarab together, how much Power of Faith do I need?"

"Do you really plan to ask for it together?" Kohopura some Looking at me excitedly and asked.

I nodded and said: "Since you want to buy, buy the best. You only need to ensure that the equipment attributes are improved. I don't care about spending more Power of Faith."

"Okay, you We sell as long as you want, but whether it’s Scarab’s Fury or the Kingdom of the Dead are top guild suits, the price is not cheap."

"Have you told me about Scarab’s Fury before? Is it costing 100 million units of Power of Faith? Since the Kingdom of the Dead and Wrath of the Scarab are of the same level, the price should be about the same? I'm prepared for this."

Anubis said very excitedly : "In this case, you buy two together, plus the soul weapon you have already given, and the three together will count you 300 million units of Power of Faith. In addition, we will help you integrate the Kingdom of the Dead and the Wrath of the Scarab As a whole, to ensure the maximum use of the formidable power of these two sets of things. We will not charge additional processing fees, which can be regarded as a discount for you. Is this okay?"

"No problem, I believe Your credibility. But when will things be finished? I'm in a hurry."

"If you are in a hurry, we can work harder to complete it as quickly as possible, but it will take a day. After all. High-level equipment, it’s more difficult to integrate. Fortunately, it’s something we made ourselves, so we understand it thoroughly. Otherwise, even if we give them one year for someone else, we won’t be able to figure it out."

"Okay, you guys as soon as possible, I’ll go back and transport you Power of Faith first."

"Then it’s decided."

After the matter is settled, we will start our own actions, and we will leave the matter of combining equipment I went to Kohopra and Anubis, and I quickly ran back to Isengard to get the Power of Faith storage tank.

The storage tank given to Anubis was a storage tank of 1 million units of Power of Faith, and this tank is not the largest. There are only three sizes of storage tanks produced by our bank. One million units are medium-sized, and large and small tanks are exactly ten times different from this medium-sized tank. In other words, the largest storage tank we have here is the one with 10 million units per tank. But even so, I still have to go back and forth many times, because the volume of transportation is too large, and our storage tanks are simply not enough.

The Power of Faith collectors in our guild are all equipped with a certain storage capacity, which can temporarily store about 100 million units of Power of Faith when the transportation cannot keep up. So these 300 million reserves are basically There is no need to wait. The only problem is that the transportation tanks are not enough. Although the largest transportation tank is 10 million units, 100 million units is only 10 tanks, but the problem is that our guild itself only has about 100 transportation tanks, and most of them are small and medium-sized, large-scale transportation tanks. There are four in total. Let’s talk about chaos and order. Divine Race’s divine force core needs Power of Faith to be filled at all times, so our storage tank must first ensure chaos and order. Divine Race’s divine force core consumes Power of Faith’s transportation work, and can actually save up. There are only six tanks that came out to transfer Power of Faith to me, and these six tanks are all medium-sized, that is, one million units per tank, which also counts the ones that I gave to Anubis before. The jar you looked at.

Six tanks can only transport 6 million units of Power of Faith at a time, and 300 million units of Power of Faith can only be transported after 50 runs. I don't care if you want me to transport fifty gas tanks from downstairs to upstairs, but this is to be transported from China to Egypt. Even with Transmission Formation, running back and forth fifty times a day is not a joke. You should know that the current Transmission Formation is not 100% transmission, and sometimes there will be errors. And the more frequently a person continuously transmits, the greater the error probability. The official explanation of this setting in the game is: after the transmission, the person will have a certain amount of residual space energy, which will affect the positioning of the next transmission, so a person should not use Transmission Formation too frequently, otherwise the energy on the body If you accumulate more and more, there will be problems in the end.

If Transmission Formation is not commonly used, flying back and forth fifty times by flying is obviously impossible. Even at the speed of Asuka, it takes more than a day to fly fifty times back and forth, and Asuka is impossible to insist on flying continuously for that long.

After much deliberation, I still feel that this method is not reliable. In the end, I directly carried a Power of Faith collector from Isengard and ran to Egypt, and then directly in Anubi. A machine was placed in front of the temple of the underworld, and then production began on-site.

Because the energy density in Egypt is also very large, the Power of Faith collector is very efficient, and the buckets I brought are all medium-sized tanks of one million units, so It only takes a few minutes to change a can. The filled cans will be transported to the divine force core of Divine Race, Egypt, and the emptied cans will be transported back to wait for refilling. Although this method takes nearly ten days to get all the agreed Power of Faith together, it is also not good, at least I will not use it to run back. Just say hello to Divine Race on the Egyptian side, and ask Hades to send a few little gods who can operate collectors over to watch the machine.

Originally, this thing about the Power of Faith collector shouldn't be seen by the Egyptian Divine Race, and the other party is likely to snatch our collector, but I am not worried about it at all. On the one hand, it is because the Egyptian Divine Race until now are very reputable. The most important thing is that they are different from other Divine Races. They are guided by the High God of Water God, so they are much calmer and calmer than ordinary Divine Races.

In fact, other Divine Races, including Celestial Court, have never heard of direct guidance from High God. Although we have produced two High Gods in China, neither Nuwa nor Pangu have instructed Celestial Court. This is almost the same in all Divine Races except for the Egyptian Divine Race. Because everyone has not received formal guidance, the Egyptian Divine Race has become the most stable and non-aggressive Divine Race of all Divine Races. Of course, it doesn’t mean that people are good at bullying. After all, the Divine Race that High God directly intervenes is not a joke. It would rather offend the entire Divine Race system, which is much better than offending a High God, so With effort, the Egyptian Divine Race is a super Divine Race that you absolutely must not touch.

Because of the existence of the "parent" of Nu, the Egyptian Divine Race is far more educated than the ordinary Divine Race, so I dared to transport something as important as the Power of Faith collector to Egypt. , Otherwise, if it was another Divine Race, I would kill it and would not get the Power of Faith collector over. Otherwise, if the opponent snatches the collector and the strength increases, don't we even have no chance of revenge in the future?

In fact, in addition to believing in the credibility of the Egyptian Divine Race, there is another reason I did this. The Power of Faith collector has a self-destructing device installed in it. We are in ten Yama Palaces. The installed Power of Faith receivers are all of the same design, in order to disassemble and study the power of Faith collector in case the collector is discovered so that the other party will not discover the secret of the Power of Faith collector. As long as there is who dares to attack our collectors, we can turn these collectors into a big bomb with just one command. I don’t know if the person who snatches the collector can be killed. Anyway, the collector itself must be completely finished, so there is no need to worry about being researched. As for the fragments formed after the explosion, we don't care much about it. Regardless of whether the other party can collect all the debris after the explosion, even if they are all collected, they may not be able to see anything from these severely deformed things. The Power of Faith collector is not a primordial device such as a hand-cranked generator. The structure of this thing is so complicated that even I will be dizzy by the densely packed circuit. Most people want to find something by relying on a few pieces of debris. dream.

"This is the source of your Power of Faith?"

Although it is more "educated", Divine Race is Divine Race after all, and there is no interest in Power of Faith at all. It's not Divine Race. As soon as my Power of Faith collector was shipped to Egypt and assembled, Anubis and Kohopura ran over together. Of course, they were not the only ones who came. A large group of Egyptian Divine Races like Osiris, Tetu, Maat and Horus, which I have never seen before, all ran up. A large group of gods encircled the Power of Faith collector in three layers and three layers, all of them rushing to watch like rare animals.

The one who just asked the question is Osiris, who is also the true god of Egypt. Many people think that Anubis is the god of underworld, but it's wrong. The true identity of Anubis is the god of mummies and not the god of the gods. Although he is in charge of the underworld, he is strictly speaking in charge. The real god of the gods is his father Osiris, and although Osiris is the god of the gods, Almost never went to the underworld, so it can be said that he is an extremely innocent god.

Although they don’t take care of things, the status and status are there after all, so I can’t avoid it, and just replied: "Yes, this is the Power of Faith collector. I promised to trade with you. The Power of Faith is collected using this Power of Faith collector. However, because our guild’s storage tanks are not enough, there is no way to transport it back and forth, so we have to move the Power of Faith collector directly. Although this is slow A little bit, but it’s better than letting me run fifty times back and forth, right?"

Osiris immediately asked with interest after listening, "Well... I heard that you talked to Anubis. Bibusiness, I don’t know if this Power of Faith collector can be sold to us?"

"What do you think?" I didn't answer directly, but asked back.

Osi Lisbon came to answer truthfully. Didn't expect was robbed by Tetu and said: "We know you are embarrassed, but you really want such a thing. Purple Moon, you don't count. Outsiders, you may know Divine Race better than some Divine Races yourself. Our desire for Power of Faith is very strong. You, the Power of Faith collector, can be said to be our yearn for something even in dreams. Things, if you could sell one of us, then I would be grateful."

This guy Tetu is indeed a god of wisdom, he is smarter than Osiris. In fact, Osiris just wanted to say that he also thought I would not sell it. This is actually an answer that everyone knows, and everyone knows that it cannot be sold. However, although this is a fact, and most people know it, if Osiris really said it straight, then their way to purchase the Power of Faith collector would be completely blocked. However, it's not the same as Tetu said. Although he also admitted the fact that he couldn't sell it, Tetu put down his body and pleaded as soon as he came up, but I was not so good at rejecting it. Even if I really refused, it would be as if I owed them. So, Tetu is so cunning!

"It's not that I don't want to sell, but I don't dare to sell!" Although Tetu is very slippery, I am not a fool! After he finished speaking, I immediately followed and explained: "You are all Divine Race. You must have a better understanding of the rules than the creatures in the Nether. The Power of Faith collector does not matter in the Nether, but in the hands of Divine Race, that It’s definitely something that breaks the law of balance, so we don’t use this thing ourselves. If you get it, it’s tantamount to breaking the law of the world, and then not only you, but even me, the person who sold you the Power of Faith collector. It will become the opposite of the law. Being hostile to the law of the entire world, have you ever thought about the consequences?”

I’m not scaring people. The reason why "Zero" does not have a GM is because it can self-regulate, which is commonly known as the self-discipline system. This so-called self-discipline system is not a completely non-existent concept of nihilism in the game, but an actual existence, and this sustenance is the law, or the great road, or even more precisely, it is the commandment of the city of commandments. The will of the Ring and the Ten High Gods will do.

If someone drills loopholes in the game, or does something that affects the stability of the game, this self-discipline system will adjust the personal luck attribute, monster refresh, various random probabilities and other means to affect these The impact of events in the normal operation of the game system should be offset as much as possible, and vulnerabilities should be automatically repaired. If someone continues to take advantage of the loopholes, or is deliberately making trouble, then the system will even start the Heavenly Dao system. I would like to reward you with a tribulation thunder. It will directly cut you from a high-level player to a low-level player. Unluckily, you will be targeted by High God, and you will be sent back to Xinshou Village for labor reform. So, if you offend anyone, don't have trouble with the system, it's purely uncomfortable. In the game, everything is the incarnation of the system. If you regard the system as an enemy, then the stones and soil under your feet, the air you breathe, and the water you drink will all become your enemies. The things of life can attack you anytime and anywhere, and you will never escape this kind of serial attack that is more terrifying than the movie "Death God Is Coming".

" there really no other way?" Although knowing that it is unlikely, Osiris still looked at me eagerly and asked.

I shook my head firmly and said: "If you have any good things to exchange with us in the future, I can provide you with some Power of Faith as much as possible, but the Power of Faith collector is definitely not for you. Yes, I don’t want to become a public enemy of the world. One day I was accidentally killed by a meteorite from outside the sky. Where can I make sense?"

"Father, don’t embarrass Purple Moon. The law is indeed nothing. For things that can be surpassed, if you want Power of Faith, you should trade things obediently and honestly!" Anubis was able to control his desires, Osiris said aloud.

At this time, Kohopra couldn't help but say: "Yes, Osiris, we should stop pestering Purple Moon for the Power of Faith collector. It may not be necessary to get that kind of thing in our hands. It's a good thing."

Osiris probably figured it out too, and couldn't help sighing: "Oh... forget it. If it's not ours, it's not ours, and it's useless to force it!"

Although they gave up on the idea of ​​the Power of Faith collector, the Egyptian Divine Races are still very interested in this powerful Power of Faith collector. Many Divine Races gathered around there to watch and do it. The two Hades who were brought in to guard the machine were not sitting or standing. After all, they are both little gods. Surrounded by so many great powers, it is inevitable that they are a little scared, especially for a powerful guy like Osiris, who is at the same level as Hades, how can they not be afraid?

A large group of Divine Races here are watching the Power of Faith collector, but I put Anubis and Kohoplar aside. "They are just watching, you two can't be idle! I'm still waiting for you to change your suits and use them back. Why are you watching and not working here?"

" We didn’t waste your time.” Kohepra quickly explained: “The preliminary work of the equipment transformation is to restore the equipment to the open mode. As long as you know the detailed design principles, you can find a Divine Race to do it, without us. Go into battle. What we really need to do is the connection of the magic circuit and the elimination of line conflicts, but that can only be done after the two sets of equipment are turned on."

"Understood. Then you can arrange your own time, I I have something to leave first, and I’ll be back tomorrow to get the equipment. This Power of Faith collector will be put here for the time being, and I will pick it up when the output reaches the amount we agreed upon."

See that I think Go, Anubis suddenly stopped me and asked: "You just said that if we want Power of Faith, we can exchange that thing with you?"

"Why? What equipment do you want to sell? Give it to me?"

"Not selling equipment to you, but we have a quest scroll here. If you are interested, you can sell it to you."

"Quest scroll?" I asked in confusion: "What kind of mission? Can I see it first?"

As soon as Anubis heard that I was interested, he took out a scroll without saying anything. Tucked it into my hand, and I'm not welcome, just opened it and looked at it.

This task scroll is a single task, that is, there is no sequence of links. If you directly complete the task recorded on the scroll, even if you complete the entire scroll task, you don’t need to find an NPC to explore step by step. Generally speaking, this kind of task scroll is relatively simple task, the task is not difficult, the reward is not much, after all, the task is relatively simple. However, the task I was holding was a little bit special.

The task recorded on this scroll turned out to be marked as a difficult task, and at the beginning of the task, it was clearly stated that at least three players with a level of two thousand or more were required to complete this task, and a warning was later. The punishment in the task is very serious, so people who are not sure should not try rashly.

Things like these warnings are really weird to be honest. The general task scrolls can give you a rough introduction to the difficulty of the task. It’s not bad. Some tasks even directly mark the difficulty unknown. Be warned, players can only guess the difficulty of the character based on the location, character and approximate requirements on the task scroll. It depends on your luck and experience. If you guess it right, you can complete the task smoothly. If you guess it wrong, then In trouble. For those who are well prepared, they may be able to handle the unexpected situation. If they are not prepared, then just give up. It is better to give up the task if you are exhausted by the task. Of course, most of the time when the difficulty of the task is found to be wrong, it is actually impossible to give up.

Because of the difficulty of the system task scroll, it is usually cheating, so suddenly there is such a warm warning scroll like a full-time nanny, but it makes me a little uncomfortable.

"Then what... Anubis. What does the warning above mean? Isn't it a cheating thing again?"

"What is it again? Me? Have you pitted you before?" Anubis asked me angrily.

I awkwardly scratched my head and looked at the scrolls, and then said embarrassedly: "Although you haven't pitted me, I have encountered a few of these scrolls before, and I participated in them. One task, the result was so miserable, although it was completed in the end, the effort in the middle was very large, so..."

Anubis reached out and stopped what I meant. Click directly below the scroll and say: "Don't be too busy to refuse. Look at the rewards for the last quest. I believe you will be interested."

"Rewards?" My puzzled scroll reopened, and then Pulling to the end, rewarding everything is the last thing, so I just flipped to the back of the top. Not to mention, the rewards are really good, and they are more than the same. "Hey, this reward...I dare not accept it!"

"Why?" Kohepra asked in surprise: "Why don't you dare to accept the reward so good?"

"Because the reward is very good, I dare not accept it. The task scrolls I encountered before clearly stated that the difficulty of the task was average, and when the result was completed, it was almost disabled. I also said how many good things will be rewarded after completion. There are so many things that I don’t even dare to ask for. Can you say that this kind of task can be easily completed? Nine deaths and still alive merely this, right?"

"That's it!" Anubis said with regret: "Then you are interested in seeing this task?" Anubis directly took another scroll to me.

I took the second scroll and returned the previous one. Then I opened it and looked at it. It turned out that this task was acceptable, but the difficulty was very low. It would not be a good deal for me to complete it. However, this task has a high rate of return, that is, low risk and good rewards. It is a high-quality task. Although it is a bit wasteful for me to complete it, the players in the guild should need it. After thinking about it for a while, I directly said: "This scroll is good. How about giving me 100 units of Power of Faith?"

"Deal." The task scroll this thing is not a direct benefit, but You have to complete it before you can get things, so even if the task reward is Divine Item, you can't sell the scrolls directly at the price of Divine Item. Because of this, the value of the scroll becomes relatively low. Of course, not all tasks are worthless, and some special tasks, especially those with highly targeted job transfers, attribute brushing, and special treasures, are still very precious. It’s just that the one in front of you doesn’t touch, so it’s a bit cheaper.

After confirming that the scroll was given to me, Anubis did not let me go. Instead, he pulled out another scroll from a cloth bag next to him, and looked at the volume and scroll of the bag. The length of it is obviously hyperspace inside, otherwise you won’t even be able to put a scroll in it. "I still have a scroll here, do you see if it's worth the money?" Anubis passed the third scroll directly after I confirmed it.

"Damn, how many scrolls did you two prepare?" Seeing this scroll, and thinking about the spatial pouch that Anubis had never seen before, I thought of that. Isn't there all mission scrolls in the bag?

I guess Anubis was also a bit sorry and said: "You also said that we can’t buy Power of Faith collectors, but we don’t have many other Divine Items, so we can’t. Selling, so I thought of task scrolls. The output of this thing is very large, and it can be made infinitely, as long as you are willing to ask us to provide it. Although there are not many Power of Faith for a single scroll, the quantity increases. You should be able to get a lot of Power of Faith. A little more is a little bit more."

"You can do business, but how much do you bring? I really have something to do, so I can’t just keep it here. Flip it over!"

"What should I do?" Anubis asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I have a way." I waved my hand as I said, and then a large swarm of summon creatures appeared next to me.

Anubis was stunned when he saw these summon creatures, because he knew these creatures, and it was the Death God guard he gave me. Although the clothes on his body had changed a little, the jackal's head was an obvious sign. Besides, he is Death God himself. If he can't even recognize his guards, he is not an idiot?

"What are you...?" Both Kohopra and Anubis were a little bit confused and wondered what I was going to do.

"Throw out all the scrolls you brought. We are crowded, so it's quick to turn over one by one."

Death God guards are summon creatures, but they are also wise. . It’s a bit cumbersome to let them pick the best and worst tasks, but they can still do it if they just filter out the task scrolls that contain a certain standard. Of course, if you only filter according to this simple standard, then the final screening results will definitely be a lot, but at least most of the meaningless scrolls can be filtered out, and the rest can be selected by my familiars. Like Ling and Xiaochun, their intelligence has surpassed that of human beings, so finding a good task is not a problem.

As soon as I explained Kohopra and Anubis, I understood it, so Anubis didn’t delay anymore, and directly opened the bag on his waist with the mouth of the bag facing downwards. Backward while falling. As Anubis moved, a pile of scrolls fell out of the bag immediately with rustling sound, and quickly piled up one person high, and after Anubis moved, the pile of scrolls became a small scroll. Although the height of the wall is not high, it can only be considered as the end when it stretches out to one or two hundred meters long. This number is absolutely amazing.

"So many?" I looked at Anubis in surprise and asked: "If I didn't ask just now, wouldn't you plan to show me all of them one by one, right?"


Anubis just smirked and did not answer my question, but I already knew the answer. He must have thought so at the beginning. Fortunately, I react quickly, otherwise I won't have to leave today.

Although Anubis poured out quite a lot of scrolls, but fortunately, there are quite a few people under me, and they were all sorted out soon after they were allocated. Because each guard only needs to look at a few photos, the speed is also very fast. Throw a bunch of useless ones and let Anubis put them back, and pile them on the other side if they think they can be considered.

Ling and Xiaochun, these more intelligent monsters, were released by me and followed the Death God guard. After passing the scrolls of their primary selection, they were picked up by Ling and Xiaochun for review. Of course, this review is not only about deciding whether or not, but also about setting a price for the scroll. During the period, if they find any special scrolls, they will give it to me directly, so I only need to look at those special scrolls.

Using this method, the pile of scrolls can be screened in less than half an hour. According to the screening results, I bought several thousand ordinary scrolls in one go. Although the price varies, the total price plus one piece of Power of Faith is more than one million units. Although this value is incomparable with those sets of equipment, for Divine Race, the scroll is not a big deal at all, and it's pretty good if it can be exchanged for more than one million units. Moreover, the Power of Faith of more than one million units is just a few ordinary scrolls, and the real good tasks are in my hands.

"Didn't expect that you still have so many good things in your hands. It's really unexpected!" I looked at the more than 30 scrolls in my hand and said with a little surprise.

These thirty-odd scrolls are all mission scrolls that finally jump out to reward particularly good ones, which belong to the kind of special missions that are difficult for ordinary people to get. Of course, this special grade refers to the degree of excellence, not the difficulty of the task. A task of super difficulty may not necessarily be a super task.

"Purple Moon. There are thirty-seven missions here. What price do you plan to pay?"

"Wait a minute, I have to read it myself to determine the price. "

"It doesn't matter, we are not in a hurry, you take your time." After Anubis said, he stood with Kohopra and waited for me to turn over the task scroll.

These thirty-seven scrolls were selected by Ling and the others. I haven’t had time to look at them, and they considered them to be better special scrolls. It must be a unique task, so Need to take care of Shimonoseki.

I turned it over briefly, and I quickly divided the thirty-seven scrolls into two piles. One of them was thirty-five scrolls, and the remaining two were piled up. Then I pointed The pile of thirty-five scrolls said: "These thirty-five scrolls are quite good tasks. The difficulty of the missions is moderate and the rewards are very generous, but there is no particularly exaggerated effect, so I give out 10,000 units of Power of each. Faith, is this okay?"

Anubis and Kohopura nodded accepted my proposal.

Seeing that they agree, I continued: "Then there are only two left. I right hand this one is very difficult, but the reward is very good, very suitable for one of our guild For high-level members, I’ll give out 200,000 units of Power of Faith. Are you okay?"

"Of course." One reel sold 200,000 units of Power of Faith. , Anubis and Kohopura were okay immediately. The scrolls are really worthless to them, so they can change one point. One scroll can be exchanged for 200,000 units. This is definitely a big profit.

Seeing that they confirmed my price again, I raised the scroll in my left hand again, then frowned and said, "Compared with the previous ones, this scroll is a bit more troublesome. The task difficulty is marked. Unknown, the reward is also described as fuzzy, but I judged based on my own experience in doing the task, this should be a super task with super difficulty and high return. Although this kind of task is very rewarding, it is too difficult, so the price is Appropriate pressure. I also give out 200,000 units of Power of Faith, can you accept it?"

"Accept, accept." Anubis rushed to replied: "Just do what you say , This is all yours."

I nodded and said: "Anyway, the Power of Faith collector has been moved, and we have to use that Power of Faith collector to generate all the transaction volume, but You have to wait a little longer."

"It doesn't matter, the speed is already amazing now. If you really transport it all at once, we won't have time to absorb so much!" Kehepu Ra said.

"That's good. I'll take the scroll. You guys can help me get the two sets of equipment in order."

In Anubis and Kohop After pulling off, I finally left Egypt. After returning to Isengard, I did not show the Transmission Formation, but directly started the communicator to connect to the military god. "Help me find out where the gold coin and real red are."

"Gold coin is in Wancheng, and real red is in Fulcrum City."

"Notify them to come to me, yes It’s up to them. Urgent."


Because I said it’s an urgent matter, Zhenhong and gold coin came very quickly, and they appeared in Transmission one after another. Formation, and when I came out, I started looking around for my silhouette. I waved at them, and the two of them immediately spotted me and ran over.

"Why did the boss call us back in such a hurry? I'm fighting, and I'm almost killing that guy!" Gold coin complained as

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