The researchers I asked did not immediately answer my question, but discussed it for a while, and finally someone opened the mouth and said: "If possible, I I feel that since it is impossible to analyze the internal structure of this complex component, we might as well first confirm what the high-energy substance inside the device with a relatively simple structure is. If it is not a high-risk substance, I think we can drain the high-energy substance first. , So the remaining part is equivalent to a time bomb without explosives. Even if the timer is started, there is no direct effect part, it will not be dangerous."

Another researcher nodded and said: "Said It makes sense. But I think it is necessary to scan the shell first, and it is best to take a sample, because we are not sure about the characteristics of the substance inside the shell, and since the tank is of this shape, it may be an addition. Pressure vessel’s probability, so I think we’d better use pressurized extraction equipment, otherwise, if there is a high-pressure substance inside, it is easy to leak."

"This suggestion is good." A researcher asked through the communicator: "President, will you use a pressurized solution extractor?" I nodded and said: "Don't think I will only kill you. You wait a minute and I will do it. First is the tomography, is it?"

"Yes, please adjust the power to the lowest level to prevent accidental activation of the high-energy solution."

"Understand." I said and started to be careful Controlled the nearby instrument to scan the larger of the two undisassembled objects in detail. Before, we only looked at the internal structure of this thing, knowing that there is a lot of space inside, but the specific data is not very detailed, so now we need to do more detailed measurements.

I don’t know if our guild’s equipment is better, or the high-energy solution is actually not as unstable as imagined. Anyway, there is no change in the detection process, and finally we get a clear, Internal structure measurement blueprint with size standard.

With this detailed data, the remaining work is to collect the cylinder material data. This work is not complicated, as long as you get some crumbs down on the shell. Of course, the reason why we are not worried about the use of special materials inside is because the structural inspection just now did not find that the cylinder body is composed of two materials, so it can be determined that the cylinder body itself is a one-piece casting.

The work of using special tools to collect debris is not complicated. I completed the collection and inspection in only a few minutes. The final data shows that this cylinder is a pretty good one. Steel has excellent hardness and toughness, but it is still just ordinary steel, not a magic material, not even a special alloy.

After confirming that the shell material has no anti-corrosion properties, we can be sure that the contents are not corrosive, so I started the last step, which is the extraction of the internal solution.

Because I am afraid that this thing is under high pressure inside, the extraction equipment is also dedicated. There is something like a clip on the outside of this special device. Use this thing to completely fix the whole device on the outside of the cylinder over there, and then push a bit like a drill on the surface of the cylinder. The outside of this thing is indeed a drill, the difference is that there are two holes in the center that can penetrate the inside of the object. When the drill bit successfully penetrates the shell into the interior, one of the two holes can extract the internal solution from the inside of the cylinder. Of course, this extraction is not a simple extraction, because there may be high pressure inside the cylinder, the extraction pipeline is also pressurized, and the pressure can be adjusted to prevent the internal solution from being caused by excessive pressure when the internal solution is extracted. The whole squirted out. As for another pipe, this is of course also useful. Its function is to fill the tank with inert gas in order to balance the pressure of some equipment with its own pressure sensing. We must know that we have seen many kinds of bomb boxes with baroreceptors before. It looks like an ordinary box, but as soon as it is opened slightly, the internal pressure disappears and it will explode immediately. This design can be said to be relatively simple, so the application is also very wide, our guild can receive three or four such bombs almost every month.

After fixing the entire pressurized extractor, I started to operate the equipment to complete the drilling. This process is not slow. Although the drill bit is not advancing fast, the cylinder body is not a wall after all. Even if the drill bit penetrates very slowly, it only took more than ten seconds to penetrate the outer cylinder and penetrate deep into the cylinder.

Almost as soon as the drill bit on my side penetrated the cylinder on the other side, the instruments behind me suddenly made sharp beeps, giving up operating the manipulator, and I ran quickly Observed in front of those instruments. Sure enough, the alarm was the baroreceptor connected to the booster bit. The reading shows that the pressure inside the cylinder is as high as 15,000 atmospheres. Under such pressure, if you use ordinary equipment to make holes in the cylinder, then this thing will inevitably push out the drill that goes deep inside, which is only in front of you. This kind of equipment can guarantee the safety and no leakage into the inside of the bottle.

After the drilling is completed, the rest is short. Start operating the extractor directly according to the reading displayed on the pressure gauge over there, adjust the pressure valve on the extractor to the same standard as the display reading, and then open the control valve, a high-pressure tempered glass connected to the tail pipe of the extractor A kind of blue, viscous liquid with a little shimmer, appeared in the bottle immediately, which looked very clear and very beautiful.

"This does it look like liquefied magic crystal steam?"

"What is it like, is this simply liquefied magic crystal steam, okay?"

< p>"It seems that it is really liquefied magic crystal steam!"


While I successfully pumped out the blue liquid, the surrounding ones were watching me through the communicator. The researchers who were on the move immediately started talking about everyone talking at once, but I didn't have much reaction to their discussions. speaking of which, this thing in front of you really looks a lot like liquefied magic crystal steam, as for the specifics, this is also simple, just test it directly soon?

"It's all quiet, I want to test whether this thing is liquefied magic crystal steam, maybe it just looks like it."

"Yes, it should be tested."< /p>

Since the researchers agreed, I naturally stopped hesitating and started testing directly.

Because our guild also produces liquefied magic crystal steam, it is too simple to test whether this thing is liquefied magic crystal steam. Besides, there are still a lot of jars over there, and I don’t care about wasting a little bit, so I directly used the most violent method. I took a bottle and walked outside the experimental area, then looked around and aimed at the distance. A pile of construction waste was thrown away.

Pop, boom. The glass bottle was amazingly fast under my throw. It burst open immediately after hitting the pile of construction waste, and then before the glass fell to the ground, the liquid in it exploded violently, and a tumbling Fireball blasted into the sky with a shock wave. Even the pile of construction waste was blown away.

Seeing this result, I didn’t need to do other tests. I ran back to the experimental area and said to the communicator: "It should be the liquefied magic crystal steam."

"In that case, does it mean that this thing is powered by liquefied magic crystal steam?" a researcher asked.

I nodded: "Weapons of mass destruction themselves are high-energy weapons, and the energy they release is quite huge, which is not what ordinary substances can provide, so the use of liquefied magic crystal steam is also as it should be by rights Besides, this thing originated from Russia, and the liquefied magic crystal steam technology was developed by the Russians first, so speaking of which, it is not surprising that this kind of mass destruction weapon uses liquefied magic crystal steam."

The researchers over there agreed with my point of view after thinking for a while, but we are not here to hate the design history of this thing this time. What we want to know is how this thing works. What kind of method was used to achieve its huge killing effect. We must know that although the energy density of liquefied magic crystal steam is very high, it is the most energy-wasting method to directly detonate it. If you want to make full use of the huge energy contained in the liquefied magic crystal steam, the best way is to convert it into Other killing sexual energy, instead of letting it burst out directly in the form of magical energy, would be very uneconomical.

Because the direct use of liquefied magic crystal steam as a bomb is quite a wasteful act, so although our guild has come up with a lot of ways to use liquefied magic crystal steam, it rarely manufactures liquefied magic crystals. Crystal vapor bombs, even if they exist, are used as emergency response at critical moments, and have not been used on a large scale. In contrast, the lethality shown by this weapon of mass destruction is obviously much higher. At least judging from the volume of the tank in front of you, the effect of the vapor explosion of the liquefied magic crystal inside may be even more powerful. After this weapon of mass destruction takes effect, less than one-tenth of the killing effect will be achieved. Such efficient energy utilization is one of the important purposes of our research on this weapon of mass destruction. Otherwise, if it is purely to manufacture weapons of mass destruction, we only need to put a lot of liquefied magic crystal steam together to make a super liquefaction. The magic crystal steam storage tank can be thrown as a bomb, so why bother to study this stuff?

Since it has been determined that the contents are all liquefied magic crystal steam, I don’t have to be too careful with it, and I will just pump out all the liquefied magic crystal steam inside. I didn't remove the extractor until I confirmed that the tank was empty. As for the weapons of mass destruction next to it... it can no longer be called a weapon of mass destruction.

A nuclear bomb, if the nuclear material in it is taken away, can it still be called a nuclear bomb? Therefore, the weapon of mass destruction in front of us can no longer be called a weapon of mass destruction, because its internal reactants are gone. Now even if we accidentally touched the detonator, when the thing finally ignited, it would at most cause a small explosion, which is basically impossible.

"OK, I have completed the most dangerous part, I will leave the rest to you."

After all, I am not a professional and I am not a researcher. As a last resort, after all, I was the fastest responder in the guild, and in case this weapon of mass destruction really exploded, I could still use an absolute barrier to block it, and the average researcher, apart from waiting for death, probably even happened. You can't react to anything, right?

Simply talked to the staff on the communicator and asked them to receive this thing, and then I left the research institute here, but I did not stay in the country, but directly from Ai Singh diverted to Japan.

After coming out of Fulcrum City, I directly directed the Asuka moved towards one direction to fly, and then soon we reached a deep mountain. After taking the take-off bird, I directly wrapped my wings around my body, and then I moved towards the ground like a bomb and chased down, but just before hitting the ground, I suddenly spread my wings. The person's falling speed was immediately stopped, and then he suddenly changed from falling to sliding forward. The whole person swept past the treetops, and a little bit further down, he would hit the tree crown.

In this ultra-low-altitude flying posture, follow the mountain forward. As the surrounding jungles get denser and denser, a canyon gradually appears in front of them. The entrance of this canyon is a section of Heaven's Line that is ten meters long. The so-called Heaven's Line is a valley sandwiched between two cliffs. In this valley, when you look up, you can only see the sky in a straight line, so it is called Heaven's Line.

The widest part of the Heaven's Line in front of us is only about two meters, and the narrowest part is even less than 1.5 meters. In such a narrow place, flying is definitely not possible, so I have to Landed on the ground and walked in.

From the outside, this place is a small canyon in the primitive forest. If you look down from the sky, you will only see an endless forest, and you can't see anything at all. However, in fact, there is a place of charm and beauty in that valley.

After entering the interior from the valley entrance like Heaven's Line, you can immediately see a huge dreamy world like the Human World Immortal Realm. The mountain within the valley is first of all a valley close to a circle, in which there are various small mountains and bell plants, as well as a large number of small lakes and several streams. It looks magnificent like Human World Immortal Realm. However, these are not the main points. The main point is that in the distance facing the entrance of the Heaven's Line, there is an antique castle tower on the edge of the mountain.

The castle tower is actually an architectural form in ancient China. It was introduced in the Three Kingdoms period and it was everywhere in Japan during the Warring States Period. However, this design was abandoned in the Chinese mainland. .

The reason why the Tianshou Pavilion was abandoned in China was not because of its architectural structure or other problems, but because of the changes in the war situation in ancient China, and this thing is no longer suitable for needs.

The castle tower is actually not an ordinary building. It should be strictly speaking a military building, a defensive building similar to a castle, on which a large number of troops can be deployed for defense.

However, although the function of this castle tower is very good, it is a pity that ancient Chinese war technology has become more and more developed. Iron weapons, metal armors, strong crossbows and various war machines have been invented. As the war situation in ancient China became more and more difficult, the building that could only cope with low-intensity warfare was gradually eliminated from the ranks of buildings.

The opposite of our country is Japan's lack of resources, and it has been in a state of very slow development until the modern industrial revolution. Because of this state, most of the Japanese military does not have complicated war machines, and their weapons and armors are also very backward. In this case, it is suitable to use the castle tower, so the castle tower has declined in China. But it has gained a firm foothold in Japan.

The castle tower in front of you can be built in such a place. Of course, it is not just a simple antique building. In fact, it is a place similar to a guild city built by the people of Matsumoto Masaka. . Even though the castle tower has only one building, it is actually an entrance, and the back of it is connected to the mountain, and the inside of the mountain is hollowed out to form a huge complex of buildings. Most of the secret forces that we prepared for Masaga Matsumoto in Japan are concentrated here.

After crossing Heaven's Line and seeing the castle tower in front of me, I spread my wings again and moved towards the castle tower over there and flew over. Along the way, I can see the magnificent environment below, especially in the castle tower. Not far from the side, there is a waterfall rushing down from the top of the mountain. With the castle tower over there, it looks really beautiful.

Because this is the manpower I arranged for Masaka Matsumoto, I don't need to hide anything, just flew directly into the castle tower in such a big way. In fact, although Masaga Matsumoto asked Japanese players to build this place, it has been advertised as a place where the three of August Kazuo settled and leveled.

Because the three of them are women, and they have been very mysterious since they first appeared in the eyes of Japanese players, so this place is also as it should be by rights. It was completely blocked because Masaka Matsumoto could use August Kazuo and the others as an open excuse that they did not want to be explored for their secrets to block the place, so that other Japanese players would naturally not be able to enter.

I came here mainly to talk to Matsumoto Masaka, so I notified them before I came, so when I landed on the platform at the bottom of the castle tower, Matsumoto was already carrying August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Chou are waiting for me here.

"Chairman." Seeing me landing, August Kaoru and Matsumoto Masaga greeted me immediately.

I nodded as an answer, and then said: "Take me to find a quiet room, and I have something to tell you."

Hearing my order, August Xun immediately reached out and gestured. I followed her forward, and Masaga Matsumoto followed me and asked: "Is there anything you can't use the communicator to tell you to run by yourself?"

I followed August Xun went through the lobby on the first floor and boarded the room on the second floor. He said, "There are many things, and I can't explain it clearly in the communicator for a while."

"Let’s talk about what it is about first. Is it?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked.

"Well, it's mainly about the kind of weapons of mass destruction that I just acquired. In addition, there are some things to talk about about Nobunaga oni."

After hearing my answer, Matsumoto Masaka and the others were puzzled, but did not ask any more, but quickly led me to the top of the castle tower. This castle tower is a building that integrates military and life functions. Because of the geographical environment, there is basically no need for military use. It is mainly for daily use. And the top floor is now where the three of August Xun and the others live. The place. Because they are used by the three of them, the decorations are all feminine styles, and the interior decoration and the exterior appearance of the building and the styles of the lower floors can be said to be out of place, because almost all modern decoration styles are used on this floor. You can't find any Japanese style.

I looked at the style of the room curiously, it feels like a Princess room, super cute, but because I am not here to visit today, I don’t care much about it, it’s simple After a glance, he walked to the sofa in front of the coffee table and sat down. It’s the truth. Thanks to the Princess room style used here, I can’t stand the Japanese style. After all, in my armor, if you let me sit on my knees, it would be better to stand comfortably.

After I sat down, August Kaoru and Masaka Matsumoto also quickly took their seats, and then before they could ask questions, I took the initiative to say: "First of all, I will tell you about it. The recovered weapons of mass destruction are actually a kind of liquefied magic crystal steam-powered weapons. We have disassembled most of the parts in the laboratory and confirmed that the disassembled weapons of mass destruction will not explode again. Now."

"So soon?" After the three weapons of mass destruction were handed over to the personnel on the spaceship, it has only been more than ten hours, although this time is not It is very short, but for dismantling a formidable power weapon of mass destruction with a powerful and complex structure, being able to complete its complete dismantling within this period of time is already quite an achievement in itself. As the receivers who handed over the weapons of mass destruction to our guild, the three of them, Akatsuki and Sakurayu, were obviously surprised by this matter. After all, they cooperated with Masaga Matsumoto after giving the things to us. Acting for Nobunaga Onitou, they have been busy with Masaga Matsumoto since then. Counting the time wasted on the way back here, they actually just got out of time, and we were in this period of time. The dismantling study of this weapon of mass destruction has been completed, and the speed cannot be overstated.

I didn’t say anything about the surprise of Ying Yu Shen Hina and the others, but directly said: “Although the disassembly is complete, the research and copying should still take a long time. After all, the disassembly work only It is enough to be bold and careful, and thorough research requires profound knowledge and technical level, which cannot be done simply. However, because we have discovered that the explosive energy source used inside this weapon of mass destruction is actually a liquefied magic crystal. Steam, so we guessed whether the liquefied magic crystal steam suppressor will have the ability to restrain this weapon of mass destruction."

Matsumoto Masaga asked in surprise after listening to the game: "Could it be said? Those things that look like small flying saucers are the liquefied magic crystal vapor reaction suppressor?"

The reaction suppressor for weapons of mass destruction is also called the magic crystal energy suppressor. This thing was not invented in a day or two. Yes, although the manufacturing cost is high, the technology is complicated, and the maintenance is difficult, you have to admit that this thing is really useful, because as long as this thing appears, the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon cannot explode there. . With the inhibitory effect of this thing, the originally extremely unstable liquefied magic crystal steam will become the same as mineral water. Don't expect it to explode no matter how you toss it. So this magic crystal energy suppressor is simply the nemesis of the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon. However, if this kind of mass destruction weapon can be simply suppressed by the magic crystal energy suppressor without detonating, then this kind of mass destruction weapon is a bit too sloppy, right? We must know that although the magic crystal energy suppressor is not very popular, we have a lot of guilds. Russian players know very well that we have a lot of magic crystal energy suppressors, but they still give this weapon of mass destruction to Nobunaga Guishou. What kind of situation is this?

First of all, it is definitely not a scam, because Nobunaga Guishou didn't spend money to buy them at all. These weapons of mass destruction were supported by the Russians to Nobunaga Guishou. However, if it is not for cheating money, then the only answer that can be thought of is to deliberately cheat Nobunaga.

The Russians have always had a good relationship with Nobunaga Onishou. It is totally unreasonable to kill Nobunaga Onishou. Besides, even if it is to kill Nobunaga Onishou, they have no reason to give Nobunaga a long vacation. Will weapons of mass destruction help us? From the interests of the Russians, it is normal to cheat us, and it is absolutely abnormal to help us.

Because that doesn’t make sense, we feel that the weapon of mass destruction It shouldn’t be is simply restricted by the magic crystal energy suppressor. Therefore, for Matsumoto’s rhetorical question, I I can only shrug helplessly: "We have not yet begun to study that kind of protective device, but we are sure that it will not be a pure suppressor. Otherwise, its function should be to completely disable weapons of mass destruction. , Instead of just protecting the wearer."

"Then you also said that you guessed that you can use the magic crystal energy suppressor to limit the weapons of mass destruction?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji couldn't help it. Asked.

I thought about replied: "I mean we can use interception weapons to shoot down this thing in the air, and at the same time prepare the magic crystal energy suppressor on the battlefield, as long as the magic crystal energy suppressor is in , Even if these weapons of mass destruction are intercepted and leaked by us, the most is to spill a large amount of liquefied magic crystal vapor and let it volatilize naturally. There should not be a big explosion, so as long as the magic crystal energy suppressor is equipped, we You can rely on air superiority to intercept it boldly, without worrying about it exploding."

"But what if you didn’t stop it?" Chi Fire Dragon asked: "If the thing is not destroyed, install it in Will the internal liquefied magic crystal steam be suppressed by the magic crystal energy suppressor?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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