After a brief exchange with Masaga Matsumoto, we quickly approached the attack range with Nobunaga, who was rushing in the opposite direction.

According to the plan, I would deliberately have a brief contact with Nobunaga Onitou, and then pretend to be affected by him and be forced to stop. Then Masaka Matsumoto caught up, and the three of us started fighting. However, although the plan is simple, it can't stand the ghost of Nobunaga, who is too idiot. You said that you flew head-on with me, and I didn't hide, and there were no obstacles in the air that would affect my eyesight. This could all fly off the wrong track. What is it going to do?

It was planned that I should have collided with Nobunaga Onitou, but at the moment of the last contact, Nobunaga Onitou actually wiped past me. Even if I want to act, I have to pretend to be a little more realistic, right? Can't you just hit him up by yourself? If you don't take the initiative to dodge, it's already very fake. If you hit yourself up again, it's not clear that you're doing a show? So in the end I had no choice but to watch Guishou Nobunaga fly over like this. But the problem is, he flew over, but what should I do?

If I continue to fly forward now, the problem I will face afterwards is that I am faster than them, so they can’t catch up with me, and then I will catch up with August and the others, but August Xun and the others are going to transfer those weapons of mass destruction. If I chase after Nobunaga with Guishou, wouldn't I just wear them all? But what if I take the initiative to slow down? This doesn't seem right, right?

Matsumoto Masaka, who was following me, was also stunned at this time. I should have been stopped by Nobunaga Oni Te, and then he caught up with me and fight with me. As a result, we two He just passed by like two passers-by. On the contrary, it was Nobunaga Guisou who almost collided with him, and Masaka Matsumoto was stunned for a long time before he reacted and cursed at Guisou Nobun, "You guys." Asshole, tell me honestly, are you with Purple Moon?"

Of course, Matsumoto's words were not meant to frame Nobunaga Oni Shounaga. There is no one else except the three of us. Who will come out to listen to? The reason for saying this is to suppress Nobunaga Guishou in an imposing manner. Nobunaga Onitou and I passed by just now, and then almost bumped into Masaka Matsumoto, which already made him a little ashamed. Now that Masaka Matsumoto points out, he is of course even more ashamed, but Masaka Matsumoto is not here either. What did I say more about the matter, I didn't say much when I clicked it, and I speeded up and chased forward.

Actually, Masaga Matsumoto was so anxious to catch up because the plan was messed up, so he had to speed up to follow up to see if he could cope with the current situation, but he just speeded up and was ready to chase. But it has already thought of a way.

I was really taken aback when I just staggered with Nobunaga Guishou, but I was considered quick witted in an emergency, and suddenly remembered a solution, quickly patted the long spear under him. "Hey, hurry up, pretend you can't hold on and you want to fall down."

Long spear didn't answer, and just started acting. Although I have never attended an acting training school, with the long spear flying ability, wanting to play aerial stunts or something is not a pediatric thing? So this long spear started to adjust the injection port regularly, and released the exhaust port as soon as it was retracted. As a result, the ghosts behind Nobunaga and they saw the black drawn out from behind the long spear under me. The smoke suddenly broke, and then began to smoke again, and then stopped and then tossed back and forth several times. The left and back unexpectedly spewed fire from the front of the jet, and the entire long spear also began to twist in the air, and the height would be higher for a while. It will be low, obviously you are going to lose control.

"haha, Purple Moon’s mount is about to die, and we still have hope." Guishou Nobunaga, who was guilty of his mistake, suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with the mount under me, naturally immediately I got excited, but even if the long spear flies at this speed, it will take some time for Nobunaga oni to catch up. However, although he was slow, Masaga Matsumoto was not slow at all. He knew what I meant as soon as he saw my situation. He immediately accelerated to chase me behind and started to launch magic beams to attack.

Of course I knew about the following attack, but I deliberately pretended not to see it and did not dodge, and then Masaga Matsumoto hit the long spear under me very accurately. The long spear, who had been pretending before, was hit by this one. It can only be said that he suffered a bit of injury, much more than losing the ability to fly, but now we just need an excuse. Seeing the light beam hit the long spear, I simply detonated a burst Fireball directly behind us to block the line of sight, then put away the long spear and hovered in the air by myself.

Oni Shou Nobunaga saw a Fireball flashing past and I was left alone in the air. He immediately became excited, but before he started to accelerate, Matsumoto Masaga caught up with him.

"Purple Moon, let's see how you run today?" Masaka Matsumoto started clamoring far away. Of course, this was not for me, but for Nobunaga Guishou.

When I heard this call, I turned around and shouted: "hmph, don't be proud of you, I can catch up without a mount."

"Thinking Go chasing them, pass my level before talking." As Matsumoto said, he began to accelerate the impact, and I was aiming in a good direction and suddenly threw away a sword glow. The opposite Matsumoto was prepared for a while, and he was immediately a flash. After avoiding it, I heard a scream from behind, and when I turned around, I saw the blood dripping from the arm that Guishou Nobunaga was holding. In fact, just now, I said I had settled the position and threw it at Oni Te Nobunaga. Masaka Matsumoto is just a cover for me. We just want to use his cover to hinder, but not to hinder my attack. It was preventing Nobunaga Onishu from seeing my attack so that he could not hide. But it’s a pity. After all, Nobunaga Guishou’s battle awareness is pretty good. Even if he noticed that the sword glow was coming towards him, he didn’t completely mess up his position. He still dodged sideways in an emergency. Because of his side, the sword glow only made a cut in his arm. If he didn't hide, not only would that arm not be able to keep it, but a deep wound would appear on the side of his chest.

Although I hurt my arm, Guite Nobunaga can only endure the pain and continue to rush up. He had already made a mistake before, and now if he does it again, let alone Masaka Matsumoto, he himself will think he and I have passed. Therefore, even if he was injured, Nobunaga Onihand did not intend to stop. On the contrary, he rushed forward even more bravely.

If it’s normal, I just need to summon my own pet to play group fights, or activate Divine Domain’s combination skills, and then zoom in and invite a one strike certain kill, then there will be nothing wrong with it. NS. But now I’m going to act with Masaga Matsumoto, so Masaka Matsumoto will cooperate with Nobunaga Onishou to attack me. In this case, I cannot start Divine Domain integration, because the process takes time to deal with Nobunaga Onishou. I was able to buy this time, but it was not good for Matsumoto Masaka, and if Matsumoto Masaka put water on this matter, it would not be justified. Besides, our task is not to kill Nobunaga Onishu. We also need him as our witness to prove that Matsumoto Masaka had gone through arduous battles to safely deliver the weapons of mass destruction to the experimental base here.

Because of this plan, Nobunaga can't die, so I don't dare to make heavy moves, and even the demon is not released. It's not that I don't want to let go, but because Nobunaga is too disheveled. Since this kid ascended to the throne of the Japanese player leader, he has never defeated me. It can be said that Nobunaga Onihand and I have always had a huge difference in strength, and I have never regarded me as a tactical opponent at all. Before, because he was the leader of Japanese players, he could also rely on his position to obtain various benefits for himself, relying on these things to barely support his strength to the point where he could survive two tricks with me. However, the current Onitou Nobunaga is no longer the leader of Japanese players. There is simply no other person to support him except the small group of people in his own guild. In this case, he has no external resources to support. And because he himself was busy fighting around Matsumoto Masaka, he couldn't concentrate on leveling like ordinary players, and the result was that the gap between me and mine was getting bigger and bigger. From what used to be able to barely block me for a while, it has now become a point where he will die immediately as long as I break out a little bit, so now I feel like I am performing a free fight with a paper man. On the one hand, we have to act realistically to make others think that we are really fighting, on the other hand, we don't dare to exert ourselves for fear that the paper man will accidentally be punctured.

At the same time we started fighting on our side, the three of August Xun and the others were still flying forward.

Sakura Yushenyo asked while looking around: "elder sister elder sister, where is the spaceship that the president said? Why can't I see anything?"

August Xun also frowned and said: "It is said that this time I sent a spaceship that was newly completed in the guild. It seems that the latest version of the mirage system has been installed. I don't know what the situation is."

"The mirage system?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked: "Isn't that stuff that can be disguised as the color of the surrounding environment to achieve a partial invisible effect? ​​How can we see them when they open the system like this? "

"It's okay, Rose said that we can't see them and it won't affect them. Anyway, they can see us." August Xun said.

Sakura rain god young nodded and said: "Yes, yes. We are not invisible, and they will come by themselves when they see us."

"But what about them? Don’t show up yet?"

Just after Chi Fire Dragon Ji finished speaking, she suddenly felt a different air current press down from the top of her head, as did the nearby Akatsuki and Sakura Rain If you look up while feeling a bit, you can see that a large white cloud floating above your head suddenly rolls and separates to the two sides, and then you see a group of twisted air coming out of the clouds towards the top of their heads. Pressed down.

"Fuck me!" August Xun, who was looking for spaceship, saw this situation where they didn’t know what it was, so they flew to both sides and saw the huge transparency. The object completely emerged from the clouds. Although this thing looks like a large piece of crystal clear and near-transparent crystal, after all, the refractive index of it is not the same as that of the surrounding air, so the outline can be clearly distinguished. Of course, this is mainly because they are closer, if it is a little farther, then it will definitely not be so simple to find the distortion of the empty space. After all, although this thing can cause the distortion of the air, it is very weak, and you can't find it if you don't get close and pay attention.

As the three of them separated, the thing that was pressed down completely appeared in the center of them, and after that, the thing seemed to be colored by an invisible big hand. Generally, the original appearance was gradually revealed from the front end to the back, and until this time the three people discovered that this thing in front of them was the spaceship they were looking for.

"It's so big!" The three people couldn't help sighing because of the spaceship that appeared in front of them, but before they could react, they heard someone on the boat yell to them: "Don't be stunned. Now, come up! We are easy to be spotted like this!"

"Ah? Oh!" The three people who reacted quickly only had their own mount and the one left by Matsumoto Masaga. Together moved towards spaceship and flew over.

The shape of this spaceship is not very weird. Its shell is entirely blue, which can be seen as a camouflage color. The shape of the hull looks similar to that of a two-person motorboat used for recreation on the beach. The bottom is a long and narrow arc, similar to the bottom of the boat. The upper front end is taller. The location is actually a bridge, and the rear seat of a motorboat is a large flight deck, which should be used to take off and land smaller aircraft. Of course, most flying devil beasts can land at fixed points, and the conditions for take-off and landing are not as high as artificial aircraft requirements. Such a large platform is naturally very simple to rely on.

As soon as the three people landed on the spaceship, they immediately began to change color, and in the blink of an eye, they became completely transparent again. However, the three people standing on the deck were not hidden together, just the ship underneath. The body became transparent, and it felt like standing in the air.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, so you can see the ground." Ying Yu Shen Hina is young and curious about everything. As soon as she saw this magical scene, she immediately cried out in excitement. stand up.

Over there, August Xun and the others hadn't had time to respond to the cry of the Yingyu Divine Young, but a few players ran over on the spaceship deck first. These players are not wearing combat armor, but there is no helmet on their heads. Instead, a single-eyed ring-shaped magic array is fixed with a headband in the eye area. This magic array is like a flat bracelet. The surrounding circle is a metal ring with many complicated magic texts carved on it. The center is a hole, but there is no glass or the like, so it doesn't look like glasses. However, although it doesn't look like it, this thing is actually a pair of glasses, but it is not used to solve the problem of myopia, but to deal with this spaceship's own mirage system.

In order to conceal this spaceship, the mirage system is usually open in the air. However, once the mirage system is activated, you will find that the entire ship has become a huge transparent crystal when you look at the outside of the hull. This effect is only useful on the outside of the hull, and the personnel inside will not be affected by this. But because this spaceship has a take-off deck, it will inevitably be released or receive small aircraft in stealth.

For this launching and receiving small aircraft, there will naturally be someone on the deck to guide or something, but in order to take off and land the aircraft, it is not possible to install railings around it, and the ground crews responsible for the flight deck are on the deck. I can’t see the deck on board. If I accidentally ran to the edge of the hull, I still don’t know if I stepped on the air and fell off. It would be very difficult to calculate whether I would fly or fall to death. After all, the speed of this ship is very fast, and it is difficult to catch up with it by personal strength alone. As for letting spaceship wait for you, this kind of thing is impossible to think about. For a person who stumbled and fell out of the ship, let the entire spaceship slow down at the risk of being shot down by the enemy. Isn't this a fool's behavior? Therefore, the ground crew on the deck needs a device that can identify the hull, not to mention the camouflage effect of the mirage, at least they must be able to see where the edge of the spaceship is.

These people have this thing in their eyes. The ring is actually an array of light magic, which can change the characteristics of the light passing through the ring, which is equivalent to installing a lens in the hole. The function of this magic lens is to allow the wearer to see the distortion of light, and to strengthen this distortion. Although it is still impossible to see the hull exactly, the outline of the spaceship can be easily seen so that at least it will not run off the deck and fall outside.

These people immediately stood in two rows after they ran to August Xun and they, and then one of them stood up and said: "Hello, we are the staff on this ship, and we are ordered to accept The weapons of mass destruction that you handed over."

"Okay. Come and help unload it." As Kazutuki said, he commanded Sakura Rain and Fire Dragon to command their respective The mount was lying on the ground, and then August Xun himself let his mount down, and then the players began to help unload a weapon of mass destruction from each of their mounts, so the three large-scale plans in the plan Even if the lethal weapon is successfully handed over. As for why it was not unloaded from Matsumoto Masaga's mount, this is also for a reason. Masaga Matsumoto will be acting with me for Nobunaga Onitou. His mount was only ordered to temporarily follow Augustsuki and the others, and this mount is not that kind of creature with particularly high intelligence. Therefore, if all the load on it is dropped, it will definitely not be able to perform that kind of load-bearing appearance. On the contrary, August Xun and the others because they are here, they can direct their mounts to make fake moves at any time, pretending to be carrying a heavy load, so that others will not see that three weapons of mass destruction are missing.

In fact, in this case, making three fake weapons of mass destruction as counterweights and reinstalling them is the correct choice, but because of the rush of time, we have no time to measure the dimensions and make fakes, so It can only be fooled like this.

Originally, August Xun and the others had never seen the spaceship in front of them, but they were all very curious, but unfortunately they are in a hurry and can't visit it anymore. As soon as the weapons of mass destruction were unloaded, August Kaoru immediately took three sets of launchers and dozens of protective devices from the box on the back of Masaka Matsumoto’s mount and gave them to the player in front of him. After the other party simply bid farewell, they took Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji to take off again and returned to the channel.

They flew together here, and the spaceship over there immediately turned at a large angle, and then flew towards the diagonal direction. After seeing the fuzzy outline of the spaceship disappear, August Xun immediately connected to the communicator and reported: "The goods have been shipped, and the courier is on the way."

"Received." Gang and Gui Sou Nobunaga I quietly replied to the one who made a move, and Masaga Matsumoto on the other side responded in the same way.

After responding to August Kaoru’s notice, Masaka Matsumoto flew to Nobunaga Oni’s side and whispered: “You’ll use your big move to attack Purple Moon soon. Try to use a bigger one. The sound and light effect skills cover Purple Moon’s sight. I’m going to post it and make a break with him."

"But we also have to cover August Xun and them, in case we are killed, those large-scale What about destructive weapons?" Nobunaga Onishu asked.

Frowned Matsumoto Masaga: "Don’t you see it? Purple Moon is obviously better than we can handle, because to hold Purple Moon, we sometimes have to fight Purple Moon in close quarters. You Dou, with Purple Moon’s lethality, this is obviously our disadvantage. If we fight him like this, we will definitely be finished first, and it won’t take long. So I want to take this opportunity to give Purple Moon a serious injury. Even if I am. Therefore, if he is killed, Purple Moon will lose part of its battle strength. Even if he catches up, August Xun and the others will not be trifled with. The dissatisfied Purple Moon can't deal with them at all."

Ghost Nobunaga thought for a while and nodded agreed with this suggestion, and then rushed towards me with an accelerated moved towards me.

This plan is of course a departure plan that we have made long ago, so when I saw Nobunaga rushing up, I did not run, but pretended not to know their plan. I planned to kill Nobunaga Onitou at this point, and Nobunaga Onitou obediently released a skill with a strong flash, and then directly kicked my arm out of contact with me and made me punch afterwards. Empty.

As soon as I parted from Guite Nobunaga, Guite Nobunaga immediately felt a gust of wind blowing over his head, and then I saw Masaga Matsumoto flying over his head and passing through. The unextinguished flash slammed into my arms, then held two daggers in both hands at the same time against my ribs and plunged in.

"Ah!" Accompanied by a scream of mine, Sora weight also heard a thumping sound. Following Oni Te Nobunaga, I saw Masaga Matsumoto flying out of me, and I tremblingly stretched out my hand and pulled out two blood-stained daggers from my ribs. It is said that knife piercing both sides, I can be considered as a thorough understanding today, this is really not ordinary pain. I knew I should have lowered the bloody mode by one level!

Because of the two ribs injured, the wings can't be slapped. After all, the wings on the back rely on the muscles on both sides of the ribs to transmit the power generated by the chest muscles, so now they can't fly at all.

Looking at me in a rays of light and four dragons out of summon in one breath, Masaka Matsumoto decisively pulled the ghost Nobunaga who was still in a daze and ran away, and at the same time, he confronted Nobunaga nobunaga in a daze. Explained: "Don't be in a daze. Purple Moon is injured and can't be chased. What are you waiting for if you don't run? Do you want to be killed by him?" He rode on the mount and asked: "But Purple Moon and giant dragon, what should he do if he catches up?"

"You fool," Masaga Matsumoto scolded: "We blocked this. After a long time, August Xun and the others must have been almost there. Purple Moon is not much faster than us after the Asuka is gone. It is impossible to catch up with August Xun and the others before they reach the base. We have to complete the mission, no need I won’t spell it out with Purple Moon."

Onitou Nobunaga was right, so he speeded up and flew forward with Matsumoto Masaka, and of course I won’t stop there, and I will direct several dragons directly. Followed behind and caught up.

Although it is incomparable with long spear, the flying speed of giant dragon is also quite amazing. Onitsu Nobunaga looked at me and the dragons who were quickly approaching behind and became nervous again, but Masaka Matsumoto pulled him and started climbing, and I pretended to be angry at them above my head. After swinging his fist, he flew under them and accelerated forward to chase them.

"Is it really okay to let him go like this?" Seeing me running to the front, Nobunaga Guishou was still a little worried.

Matsumoto Masaga comforted him and said, "Don’t worry, August Kaun and the others may have landed."

In fact, it’s the same as Matsumoto Masaka said, August. Xun and the others had deliberately suppressed their speed before, but now they naturally let go of flying, and the distance was not far away, so they got there soon.

The research base here is a secret research and development base that the new Black Dragon will fund and build. In fact, it is the money that our Frost Rose Alliance paid, but it was transferred through Matsumoto Masaga. Because we invested a lot of money in it, it is of course impossible to treat this research institute as a mere decoration with Rose’s character, only to create an illusion that Matsumoto Masaga is very forward-looking. In fact, this research institute is not a good one. It really has strong research and development capabilities. Except for some high-level spies sent by our guild to act as managers, most of them are real Japanese players doing research in it. Personnel, and they will indeed have a lot of research results appearing.

Although this research institute was built by us, the money spent after it was established was collected from Japan. After all, Matsumoto Masaka is the leader of Japanese players, and this institute is not Masaka Matsumoto. Thank you for being alone, of course everyone has to pay to maintain its operation, and although Japanese players are also using the research results, our guild has also obtained all the research results. In this way, we are tantamount to opening a research institute overseas, using the human and financial resources of the Japanese to conduct research, and the results can be enjoyed free of charge, but we can’t say it publicly.

Of course, because our spies want to occupy a leading position in this research institute, they are set to be high-level researchers. Of course, they don’t have this ability themselves, so our guild will also Occasionally bring out some technology to let them announce that it is their own research results. Because the technology we gave is very high-end, so other Japanese researchers do not understand the complete truth. They all think that these supervisors are really capable. They don’t know that Gang Lord’s espionage activities are all experts, and the research is actually even theirs. The assistants are not as good.

Because the spy supervisors we arranged need to have status, reputation and reputation, they have the right to speak in the research base. Their position is assigned by Masaka Matsumoto, and their status is better than others. High, coupled with the high-end technology that is brought out from time to time, also convinces the Japanese players at the level, so they are all incomparable to the strength control of the institute.

As soon as August Xun and the others landed here, the espionage research supervisors over there immediately ordered the personnel to clear the scene, then removed the weapons of mass destruction and selected some people who were loyal to them to help. It was transported to the secret research room of their supervisors. This research room is the research site of their supervisors, and it is completely isolated from the research sites of ordinary players. This is mainly because the spies we send to control this research institute do not conduct research at all, and we only know the rough skin of everything. Normally, it’s okay for ordinary researchers to rely on those high-level technologies. Once they do experiments in front of them, they will surely get rid of them immediately, so their research room is independent, which just facilitates our transfer of mass destruction this time. arms.

After sending in all the weapons of mass destruction and spare parts, several researchers in charge immediately asked their confidants to guard the door outside, and then waited until the door was closed. Anxiously asked August Xun and the others: "How is it? The things were delivered?"

August Xun did not answer them, but directly opened the three boxes in front of them. Looking at the three empty boxes, they naturally knew that the things had been handed over.

One of the Chief-In-Charge here said: "Since the transfer has been completed, will the rest be sent for research as originally planned?"

8 Yuexun nodded said: "Send four of them to the little researchers to study. You put a pretend here, and the other empty boxes are also placed here, which proves that all eight are on your side."

A few people nodded, and then started fiddling. They first moved three empty boxes without weapons to a corner of the room and piled them aside, and then placed the fourth box on top of the three boxes, so that the three boxes below could not be opened easily. After finishing these, they opened the door and called the confidants outside.

These so-called confidants are actually real Japanese players. They just mix well with our spies. In fact, they don’t know that these people are spies of our guild. They just think they are High level researchers think they are the little brothers who are highly regarded by others, but they don't know that they have been used as a tool all the time.

After these confidants were called in, the spies over there deliberately did not close the door, and then one of the spies stood up and said to those people: "Go to the general research room and call a few people over here. Move the box over, tell them not to move first, we will go over and arrange the task in a while."

"Yes." A confidant ran over and called for someone. Because the research rooms on both sides were not far apart, a dozen people came over there soon.

The research director over there said to the Japanese players: "Send these four boxes to Research Room No. 6, don't leave people, we are not allowed to open them until we arrive."

< p> "Yes." Several people immediately began to move the boxes.

Without waiting for them to leave, another supervisor over there began to direct those henchmen to open the boxes that were above the other three empty boxes, and then move the weapons of mass destruction from the inside. Came out. Although the ordinary person who carried the boxes over there were all moving things, their eyes had flown over a long time ago, but only by looking at the appearance, you can't get any exact information. They only know that this is something that resembles a missile.

The reason why I opened the box now is actually for them to see. The human brain will automatically supplement some things we haven't seen or experienced to perfect memory. For example, the cartoons we see are actually not coherent. There is an impossible smooth transition between each animation and the previous one. There will be some gaps in it, but as long as the gap is not very large, our brains It will automatically compensate for the missing links, making us feel that the animation is coherent. In addition to this kind of visual compensation, many other things can also be compensated, and now we have spies using this ability of the human brain to forge evidence.

The players who were called to move all saw four identical boxes stacked in the corner, and then saw someone opened one of the boxes and took out a missile-like thing, so, Their brains will start to compensate at this time and let them automatically determine that the remaining three boxes also contain the same things. Although they haven’t seen them, if you ask them how many missile-like things are there now , They will tell you that there are four instead of one, this is the automatic compensation of the human brain, and if the time is a little longer, they will not even remember that they only saw one at the time, and they will be very sure that this is There are four. This is the result of the dual effects of memory fuzzy processing and brain compensation.

The weapon of mass destruction that was carried out of the box was quickly moved to the test bed by several people, and several supervisors brought in several special racks to support this mass destruction. Weapons, and then a few people began to direct those henchmen to help prepare dismantling tools. Although the laboratory here is camouflaged, it has complete functions, and there are a lot of things that should be there, but the researchers here are all spies and don't do experiments. Of course, this doesn't mean that the research has not yielded any results. It does not mean that they don't know anything about it. Otherwise, they would have been exposed every day in such a place full of experts.

After preparing everything, the supervisors here began to try to disassemble the outer shell of the weapon of mass destruction. This task is relatively low, and because it has been tested with external instruments. Internal structure, so there is no danger at all.

After tentatively dismantling some of the outer shells of the non-mingling parts, the fixing screws of some parts were arbitrarily opened, so that the interior of the entire weapon of mass destruction was unfolded, giving a sense of harmony. It feels

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