"Are you really here to teach us how to fight?"

When I asked, the little policewoman raised her neck, The deputy said in a very bullish manner: "I will not only teach you fighting, but also criminal psychology, urban warfare, tracking, suspicious person identification, and some simple non-harmful interrogation methods."

Listen After the little policewoman's words, I looked back towards another instructor over there in surprise and asked: "Are you in charge of tactical guidance?"

"No, I also teach fighting, and there is also jungle combat. , Tracking, suspicious target identification, intelligence collection, and destructive torture law. Oh, and the operation and use of weapons, including vehicles and heavy weapons,” said the officer instructor.

"Looks like there are some repetitions?" I frowned and said.

The officer instructor explained: "No, we teach different things. Although we all teach fighting, there are many types of fighting. What I mainly teach you is the skill of killing. I believe She is mainly responsible for the non-injury fighting method of capture. In addition, the combat we teach is also differentiated, I teach field combat, and she is mainly responsible for urban combat, and the part I teach you only has a small amount of infiltration content. Most of the things are assault and destruction. What she teaches should be to reduce joint damage and sneak in secretly. In short, I manage the field, she manages the city, and what I teach here is the extensive type. Yes, high damage and high damage. She teaches meticulous types, precise damage or no damage ability."

I nodded and said: "I understand all of these, but we don’t usually train here all the time. , We are in the game most of the time."

"We have heard about this." The little policewoman said: "Before I came, my superior told me that you are actually playing games. For special tasks, training needs to accommodate your schedule, so we can teach when you are free, and we will join you in the game when you are usually fine. Some things don’t have to be in real middle school, and the same is true in games. Yes."

"Is this okay?"

"Teaching students according to their aptitude, the ancients knew it thousands of years ago. Isn't this an exaggeration for us?"

"By the way, I haven't introduced it for a long time." I suddenly remembered without asking the names of the two people. "What is your name? We have the information on our names. I haven't seen your information!"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot it before." The officer reacted first and gave I saluteed and stood up loudly and said loudly: "Re-introduction. My National Special Tactics Research Institute, Special Experimental Unit, Colonel Xu Feng."

The little policewoman is not as formal as Xu Feng, directly Said: "My name is Yin Jiu."

After Yin Jiu finished speaking, Xu Feng over there said: "By the way, Shenlin, this time the superior instructed, although your rank is higher than mine, but training During the training, you still have to listen to me. Do you know this?"

I nodded and said: "Of course, how else do you listen to me? Don’t worry, I don’t know how to train. Be lazy, and you will soon find out that we will be the most worry-free group of students."

The speed of logical operations is more than 300 times that of humans, and the speed of neural response is about that of humans. A thousand times, memory is completely unforgettable, there are only things we don't want to remember, nothing can't remember. There is no need to compare the physical strength. If we are superhuman, human beings will still have to be weakened a lot to meet this gap ratio. Therefore, unless we don't want to learn at first, as long as we plan to learn seriously, we must be teachers' favorite good students. There is no other reason, just worry.

Xu Feng didn’t doubt what I said. Instead, he immediately said, “I can confirm this now. You have chips in your heads. You will never forget everything after reading it. This ability is too great. It’s against the sky. I think that when I first joined the special forces, the instructor of the Investigation Division was very troublesome in order to train our memory, and we were too troubled. But for you, none of this is a problem. One. With super memory, you can save more than half of your time in studying. As for comprehension, I think you all seem to be the most intelligent people. You should have much better comprehension than us big soldiers."< /p>

"Don't boast too early." Yin Jiu obviously saw us displeased, and said with a very disdainful expression: "At the police academy, I saw a lot of geniuses who were extremely clever and memorable. In the end, isn’t my hardest one taking the first place in the school? Your innate talent is indeed very good, but no matter how hard it is, the best innate talent is useless."

"Hello, are you? Have you been bullied by those clever children at school?" I looked at Yin Jiu and said, "Why do you look like you are so bitter when you hear that our innate talent is good?"

"I You don’t need to worry about the past. Do you have time now? If we have time, let’s start training now."

"No time today." I quickly said, "There will be three new members in a while. To accept."

"Okay, then go and see your new members first." Yin Jiu said.

Xu Feng got the information earlier, and he looked at it in more detail than Yin Jiu. When we heard that we were about to pick up new members, we soon thought of other things. "Um...are you picking up a man or a woman this time? Is it convenient for us to go together?"

"What kind of man or woman?" Yin Jiu just turned me over. Information, and I only saw the beginning and didn’t read it down. I really only know a general idea about our affairs, or maybe not even the whole story. It should be said that only partial information is known.

Over there, Xu Feng also knew that Yin Jiu Bacheng didn’t know about this, so he explained to her: "You should already know that they are all artificial people, and the thing that produces them should be similar to artificial people. Womb. Do you think about what a person was like when he was first born?"

Xu Feng has said this, but Yin Jiu couldn’t understand what he meant, and his face immediately blushed. When I get up, I obviously have no experience in this area.

I waved my hand and said: "Don't worry, the human companions have come out before you came, and the remaining three are quite different from humans, so there are no problems."

"Oh, if that's the case, let's go take a look."

Xu Feng and Yin Jiu wanted to meet the new members with us after I finished speaking. After all, this matter is rather mysterious, and they are also very curious. In the past, there were confidentiality regulations. If you shouldn't watch it, don't watch it or listen to it. Now that the level is enough, curiosity will naturally prevail. After all, this is instinct, and it is impossible to be curious at all.

The two people who followed the grandiose group of us left the training area, and then followed the coordinate instructions I just downloaded from Nuwa to find the location of the third partner who needs to be greeted today.

It’s a bit surprising that the area where the third partner is located today is actually a biological weapons area. Although Dragon Clan can be regarded as a biological weapon, we are actually defined by the standard of weapon users. Here, what are really called biological weapons should be the things that were shown in the last official showdown with political opponents that opposed us. Those huge creatures that are specially used for combat and have only basic intelligence on their own are biological weapons. Like Lucky and Silver, they can be regarded as half biological weapons, and if they don't have their own electronic brain system, they should even be regarded as complete biological weapons.

This time, the location of the production of new companions is also in a laboratory next to the lucky place, but it is said that the next door is actually a section of soil that is separated by several hundred meters. The two places should It's not a zone, it's just connected by a channel.

Because I haven't been to this area before, I don't know any of the people in it. Fortunately, they know me, so they ran over and started to say hello to me.

"I haven't been able to find out before, who is it that came this time?" After greeting the supervisor here, I asked, because their arrival room is different from the previous one. The one used is different. The isolated area in the center of the room is surrounded by a huge metal fixture, and there is an electromagnetic shielding layer inside. I can't scan it with electromagnetic detection.

The supervisor looked at the reinforcement device outside the quarantine area, and then said: "I don't know what you call him, but I have a photo here." He turned his tablet over as he spoke. Come over and show me. Ling and Weina hurriedly got together, but we were all stunned to see the photo.

"It's just... Thunder?"

"So you call him Thunder." The supervisor turned the computer back and said, "The name is quite appropriate. This experiment The organism uses a newly improved synthetic gene. There is a special reactor in the body that can carry out nuclear fusion reaction to provide energy for the body, so..."

"What did you say?" The supervisor said Yin Jiu interrupted before finishing talking. "You brag there must be a limit, right? Nuclear fusion? That can be carried out in reproducible objects? Even if I am not engaged in biology, there is always a minimum of biological common sense. The temperature of nuclear fusion is the biological body can withstand. Yes?"

"This lady, we are talking about rigorous science, how can we brag about the data, if you don’t understand, please don’t talk nonsense."

Yin Jiugang wants to refute I held her down and explained to her: "Atomic energy technology has been proposed during World War II. Controllable nuclear fusion technology has appeared during the Third World War. It is now in 2063. With the current technology The speed of progress, in 50 years, do you think bionuclear fusion technology is still impossible?"

"hmph, impossible is impossible. Biological bodies can't withstand the high temperature of nuclear fusion at all, you think I am stupid "Yin Jiu was still having an unfathomable mystery temper there. He was obviously outraged and refused to admit it, but we didn't plan to let her admit that this technology was feasible, mainly because we couldn't explain it to her. We all know the technology, but the problem is that she doesn't understand it! Which of the knowledge is not high-precision? People in the whole world who can fully understand these can count them with one slap. She is obviously not one of them. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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