"Don’t stand there stupidly. Get out of the way." Just when I was about to see who was making trouble, I suddenly heard a female voice shouting at me. As he approached quickly, the other party's tone sounded quite anxious.

Because I didn't know what was going on at all, I was completely taken aback for a while. But the opponent is very fast. He ran in front of us in the blink of an eye, and then pushed me away and blocked me, raised the gun and aimed at the monster without the slightest hesitation that was getting up from the ground. He fired three shots in a row. .

"Why are you still not leaving? Hurry back, go for refuge, and leave it to me." The woman moved towards the mutant after firing three shots in a row, but she turned her head and found that I was still in a daze, immediately He scolded me in anger and let me go.

Just before I knew what was going on, the woman had turned to the mutant again, and the mutant at this time had already risen from the ground. The mutant that received three more shots did not show any signs of injury at all. After getting up from the ground, it shook its head first, and then grasped the long spear that was still on its chest and pulled it out with a chirp. The long spear that penetrated its body was directly pulled out, and then thrown aside casually.

Although I don’t care about this damage at all, wearing a long spear in my body affects physical mobility after all. Without the long spear variant, it instantly restored the peak state and turned to us again. come over.

The woman who stood in front of me was just astonished by the monster's own action of drawing her gun, and now she reacted and pulled the trigger continuously. However, her small pistol is obviously a conventional equipment, and it seems to be a female-only type. The formidable power is very normal, and the quantity of ammunition is also normal. After six consecutive beeps again, there was a metal bang followed by a ding. It was obvious that the gun was out of bullets. As for the mutant over there, except for the six holes on the body, it didn't seem to have changed at all, and it was still sprinting with all its strength.

Seeing that the pistol couldn't stop the monster, the woman simply threw the gun in her hand towards the monster, then turned around and took my hand and started running, but she underestimated me too much With her strength and self-respect, instead of pulling me away this time, she pulled herself back. If it weren't for me to hold her back, she would definitely fall into a big blow.

The woman who was dragged back by me was obviously a little flustered, because the monster had already arrived in front of her. However, just as she was about to do something, the monster over there suddenly stopped in front of us. Lilith came from behind and waved to the mutant like a fly. The mutant immediately twisted and crawled to one side and squatted down, but although it didn't move, its eyes kept staring at the woman without blinking. Haven't left for even a second. Obviously, that thing is still trying to attack this woman. As long as Lilith is not on the spot or gives up restraining it, it will definitely rush to kill him immediately.

Looking at the mutant that suddenly became like a puppy, the woman was completely dumbfounded now.

"Hey, wake up." After shaking a few times to restore the woman's attention, I first helped her to stand on her own, and then asked: "who you are? Base database There is no personal information about you, how did you get here?"


She just said two words, and I suddenly remembered I was told before that two instructors would come over today. After looking at the woman up and down again, I asked with uncertainty: "Couldn't you come here with our instructor? Hey, what's the origin of our instructor? You still bring a secretary? "

Don't blame me for thinking like this. The woman in front of us is only 1.623 meters tall. She is petite and exquisite. Even though our height is not high, her height still looks small among us. The small size determines the weak first impression, and her face is also a small and cute type. With a policewoman uniform and narrow one-step skirt, it feels like the kind of police officer in the police station. A policewoman with a household registration or a secretarial type.

Hearing my question, the other party immediately reacted and explained: "I am not a secretary, I am a high level detective."

"Yes, what are you? I don’t care about the job, I just want to know how you got off? This place is not a department store. You can’t go through a door without identity permission. The shortest route from outside the base to here will have to pass more than ten gates. What's the matter with you? Are you here?"

"I don't know!" The other party also said with a look of confusion: "Originally, I came down with a researcher on your side, and then she said to find Order something and let me wait for her for a while. As a result, I saw someone in the next glass laboratory assembling a very advanced robot. I was attracted at the time and walked over to the glass wall without paying attention. After I remembered it, I couldn’t go back. I didn’t know where I was going, and I couldn’t find someone to ask for directions. Moreover, the laboratories on your side were all soundproofed. I had to walk indiscriminately. But many doors in the passage I walked through couldn't be opened. I walked and walked all the way along the route that could be opened to this side."

Listen to this person’s experience I'm a sweat, I guess the foreign spies who invaded the base would crawl out of the grave angrily if they heard this? They paid for Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, air support, diplomatic interference, and black gold bribery. In the end, a bunch of talents died and they barely advanced to the upper floors and were blocked. She was a woman who just wandered around. You can go here, is our automatic anti-counterfeiting system is still in overhaul today?

"Huh? Why did you get down by yourself?" I was in that cold sweat. The elevator door suddenly opened on the wall not far away, and then I saw a group of people coming out. When a female researcher ran over quickly, and then slowed down a bit after seeing this woman, she kept saying: "Where did you go? It made me look for it!" < /p>

"Is the base overhauled today? How can she wander down on her own?" I ignored the female researcher who had just arrived, but turned to an older researcher behind and asked. The other party is one of the main personnel of the base, and he should have some understanding of this kind of thing.

When I asked this, the other party was obviously confused, but the people who still knew the reason soon arrived.

The light and shadow around us stabilized after a few flashes, Nuwa’s laser projection appeared directly beside me, and then explained: “Don’t be nervous, there’s no problem with the base, it’s me who guided her I came down. Before I saw that she seemed to be lost, I checked the visitor list and saw that she was your instructor, so I opened the door lock on the road for her."

Nuwa explained. I completely understand. The electronic doors inside the base are all inductive. There is an electronic chip in Dragon Clan’s brain, which can directly provide the identity key, so for us, the door in the base is just like the induction door of a shopping mall. opened. But ordinary persons do not have electronic brains, so they also need identification cards and fingerprint recognition, and some special areas also need iris or even more complex recognition methods.

This woman has nothing to identify, so all doors should not be open to her. However, Nuwa specially unlocked all the people leading to us, so all she can open along the way is the door leading to us. The doors in other directions are still working normally, so she can't open it at all. In this case, she naturally can only come to us.

After the explanation, Nuwa greeted us and disappeared. She was also very busy, so she didn't chat with us. But we don’t have much time to spare now.

"Are you our instructor?" I looked at the petite policewoman in surprise and asked: "What can you teach us? Isn't it makeup?"

"hmph, don't judge people by appearance." The policewoman said proudly: "I am the women's fighting champion of the police system for two consecutive years."

"Save your body?"

"Why? Not convinced? Don't look at your appearance, you may not be my opponent if you really start your hands." When she said this, the little policewoman looked proud, and she felt like a Proud little peacock.

"If you can beat him, I think I should be able to kill Superman with one move." A rough voice suddenly came from behind the little policewoman.

When I heard this voice, the eyes of the little policewoman and I immediately turned away. Coming from there was a man in his thirties, not tall, at most 1.73 meters, but the muscles all over his body looked very strong, even if he was wearing a coat, he could see the tightness on his clothes. Muscle curve, it is estimated that if you are shirtless, you will definitely be able to see the lumps in the body.

The visitor wore a military uniform with the rank of colonel on his shoulders. When he walked in front of me, it was a standard military salute before extending the hand to shake hands with me. I immediately held him after the salute. At the same time, he asked: "You should be our instructor?"

The other party nodded said with a smile: "Yes, I am the tactic and combat instructor arranged for you."

"Do you know who we are?" What the other party said just now clearly means that we are not normal people, otherwise it is impossible to talk like that.

The other party admitted frankly: "Before I came here, the old leader greeted me in particular, and in order to better teach you, I have obtained some explanatory materials about your abilities."

< p>I nodded smiling and replied: "Since this is the case, then I will trouble you. To be honest, we don't have complete control of our own power. I hope you can help us."

The other party is very sincere. Said: "Relax, your problem is just unfamiliar abilities, plus conventional combat skills are not very suitable for you, so the actual combat performance is not as good as the data. But you can rest assured, in terms of tactics, I am Expert. This is not what I am talking about. There are so many special instructors in the country, but I was selected. You should know that I am not talking about bragging. As long as your strength is practiced more, coupled with some suitable tactics for your ability characteristics, it can definitely be greatly improved. Your combat capability."

"What the hell are you talking about?" The little policewoman next to her interrupted us with an unhappy expression.

"You didn't see their ability profile?" The officer next to him asked in surprise.

Before the little policewoman had time to answer, the previous female researcher and a group of people came over. One of the leading researchers said: "She is not the same as what you taught, and She came here by herself, and the confidentiality on the road was not easy to arrange, so she didn't give the information in advance, and she would let her see it later." After speaking, he turned to me and said, "Shenlin, these are the two instructors arranged by the board of directors. Later, they will guide you some things. I don’t know what the specifics are, but they should be notified specifically. It is up to you to learn what they teach."

I nodded and said: "Don't worry, We know this."

The researchers obviously didn’t come here to lead the instructor specifically, otherwise there would be no need for so many people. After explaining these, the guys turned around and went to the Qilin warrior. It is estimated that there will be experiments. To do. As for the two instructors here, naturally they just threw them to me.

Sure enough, people who do science don’t understand anything except professional things. Even though people are brought here, do you arrange for them to live first? It's just too perfunctory to throw people directly at me. But now that people have come to me, I have to take over these messy things. Fortunately, this is not a troublesome thing. Connect to the wireless network in the base and apply for a residential place from Nuwa. Then Nuwa takes care of the rest, such as food arrangements for two more people in the restaurant and dormitory. We don’t care about arrangements, training, and event arrangements. As for the personal identity of the two of them, this is even simpler. In less than two minutes, a small Nuwa flying saucer-type terminal flew over, with two watches hanging on it. After taking this thing down and giving them to the two of them, it's finished. Afterwards, they can use this to ask for help if they can't find a dormitory or restaurant. Nuwa has a sub-system that specializes in handling such things in the base. After all, most of our bases are researchers who have some problems with their heads. The proportion of those guys who are crazy about the road is as high as 80%. The remaining 20% ​​have the habit of walking while thinking about problems, and they basically don’t think about problems. Pay too much attention to your surroundings. It often happens that a guy is stuck against the wall and can’t walk, he just faces the wall like Dharma Ancestor Master for an hour or two without moving the place. After thinking about the problem, he suddenly reacted and found himself against a wall. .

The bases are full of this kind of top quality, you said that our place does not deserve a nanny system, how can we mix it?

After finishing the trivial matters of life, I checked the confidentiality level of the two people by the way, and the result confirmed that there was basically nothing to hide from them. Our identity is originally a high-level secret, so if we can be our instructors, there is basically nothing to keep secret here.

"The watch just given to you is not only a guide system, but also a personal data terminal, which can be used as a computer." I explained to two people: "If you have any information you need, you can directly query it. Yes. Press this key when you need to use it, and then voice control, the display is laser projection, three-dimensional effect, much easier to use than the display."

Two people nodded, and then the little policewoman asked:" What about your information? Can you find it with this? I want to see where you are strong. Look at each of them just like fashion magazine models. Are you really fighters?"

"Damn, is it wrong for us to look beautiful?" Helped the little policewoman to turn on the watch switch, and then said: "Show our personal physical data."

The little policewoman's watch A data table appeared in an instant, with a video animation next to it for a synchronized demonstration. Before she could watch the data, the little policewoman was attracted by the video, because a picture was being broadcast on it. I was standing there, an automatic machine gun on the opposite side was shooting wildly at me, but all the bullets gradually slowed down in front of me, and finally formed a bullet wall half a meter away from me, but none of the bullets crossed this. distance.

After watching this scene, the little policewoman turned her head and glanced at me in surprise, then looked at the scene again, and then couldn’t help asking: "Is this a real shot, not a movie stunt?"


I nodded, and then stretched back with one hand, and the steel gun that had been worn in the mutant before spun back into my hand, and was then held by me. Seeing my trick to fetch things from the air, the little policewoman finally believed a little bit. Although there is still a big gap between fetching objects from air and stopping bullets, at least it has proven that we have abilities beyond common sense, and as long as we believe that we have superpowers, stopping bullets is just a matter of degree. So, seeing my performance, the little policewoman has already believed more than half of it.

"Our ability comes from electromagnetic control. This ability is accomplished by a special organ in our body, which humans cannot achieve. Don’t think of this ability as a superpower. It’s amazing, just because I don’t understand the principle.” Ling Xiangxiao explained, “You must have been on a magnetic levitation train before, and the airport’s magnetic runway. The plane is completely stationary at the beginning of the magnetic runway. , But it can hover more than one meter above the ground without falling. Our ability is similar to that principle, but more complicated. Can you understand what I say?"

Nodded in a trance, then looked at the data and asked: "If this is the case, you can no longer count as humans?"

"Have I said that we are humans?" I smiled and asked. Instead, she froze for a while. But she obviously understood it wrong, and quickly explained: "I'm not scolding you!"

I reached out and stopped her explanation, and then said, "Don't be nervous, we don't care at all. Although in common human terms, not being human is a derogatory meaning, but it is because human beings are arrogant and think that they are above all living beings, so just saying that someone is not a person is tantamount to lowering the other person’s rank and demeaning The other party. However, I have to say that this concept is very narrow. From a genetic point of view, we are indeed not humans. We like to call ourselves Dragon Clan. We have all the physical data far beyond humans, and may not be rich in humans except for emotions. In addition, we have completely surpassed human beings. Therefore, according to human logic, it should be regarded as an insult to say that we are human."

The little policewoman was also taken aback after hearing what I said. But in the end, he shook his head and threw the weird feeling out and said resolutely: "Anyway, I will teach you my professional knowledge."

"By the way, now, What are you teaching us?" I curiously asked: "You didn't really come to teach us fighting, do you?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian.com) Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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